Its not lack of thickness mate because you have it, its just an area what at your stage will create an illusion of super size because of your delts and arms you add super crazy back thickness you will look probably around 20-30 heavier. Hit the back at different angles concentrate on the contraction and using the back and not the arms, your width is great and really flows. Its just one of those area were you can really over develop and look like something out of a comic
Last edited by marcus300; 01-10-2014 at 04:04 AM.
Pre exhaust chest
Incline flyes
3 warm up sets
1 working set to true failure plus 2 forced and 2 negs
Smith machine incline press
2 feel sets
1 working set + 2 forced + 2 negs
flat flyes
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure + 2 forced + 2 negs
flat db press
2 feel sets
1 working set to failure + 2 forced + 2 negs
Training twice in one day
Decided not to do this due to the commitment and also the time away from home and my lady. Its not fair on her to spend our time me training like a mad man again and probably end up doing something stupid or getting obsessed again and not having a balance in my life. It worked when I was younger because I didn't give a fuk and could do this and concentrate on BB'ing but thinking about it more I don't think I want to spend the time away from my girl for the sake of a few lbs.
I know what will happen all I need to see is improvements and I will jump on one of my SBC's and start cycling heavy again and probably end up with health issues again which I've just about overcome. I do have serious self control but the devil and angel wont stop talking and in my heart I know I don't want to test the boundaries of my health at my age.
Going to increase my test dose and stick with some deca along side my Nebido and see if I can maintain and stop myself dropping size and hopefully with the intense training I do increase a few lbs and concentrate on areas what will make myself look bigger. I struggle with injuries and pains now so what the hell I would be like training twice a day at my intensity would probably cause me more issues and set backs but most of all I don't want to be away from my girl.
Sometimes they're is more important things inlife it's grewt to see you have the self awareness to notice this yourself man and make the right decision in your life.
hurt my self in the gym today
was on my last rep of my 2nd warm up set doing squats, and felt some kind of twitch on the right side around the middle of my back... i can feel it now when i try to twist...
didn't stop me from finishing my workout tho.. apart from that it was a good workout..
heat or ice pack?? hope it goes away by Monday...
Maybe look at warming your legs up on extension first and also doing some stretches for the spine and back muscles before squatting in future, helps me a lot with my injury but mines been there for yrs due to heavy dead lifting and squatting years ago.
Ice is ideal for an injury what you recently done, could be swelling or inflammation what's occurred and its recent stick some ice on it. Heat is used to relax the muscles and loosen tissue up, helps stimulate blood flow. I like to use ice first then heat but depends on how it feels and what kind of pain it is or injury.
Also do some stretching on the floor cat hunch is good, crawl up on your hands to help loosen up both ways and also bring the knee over on the side twist while lying down, also walk up and down on your hand to help stretch the hams out and lower back.
Watch his mind set pre movement
I know beef has more cals in it than chicken and is best overall for bulking imo. just gotta watch the salt and fats. i dont eat that much chicken, just an example. I couldn't eat that every day. thats 1500+ cals of chicken and 1800+ cals of rice. if you can eat three cups uncooked weight rice and three lbs chicken then hats off to you lol. I normally only eat 24oz of lean meat, chicken or both. and use oats, fruit, and rice for carbs mostly oats.
beef is expensive and im poor, so I buy my macros according to my budget. if I cant hit macros then I throw in shakes to finish it off
On cycle, I go through about a dozen eggs and 2 lbs of lean ground beef a day. Carbs vary. Its a lot of food and mentally after cycle, I need a break from feeding. I usually use this as a good time to prime my body for my next cycle.
What's the advantage of training twice a day?
Like splitting up say shoulders and biceps into 2 workouts instead of one??
Its a very advanced way to train normally its only the pro's who could just train eat sleep and train more on the day. Training HIT is extremely hard some people just cant do it, some guys will never have the mind set and some guys bodies wont let them train so close to the edge, that doesn't mean they wont ever get big for some its just not the way to train, so if your training HIT it will take you a long time to even learn how to train to failure and a lot longer to train beyond. Train once and do it right in the first place would be my answer to you and then get on with your life I would think it would be hard to be in an anabolic state all year round and only train and not work during the day and also eat and sleep more than you are now.
I only work 2 days a week lol..
I guess your right, going beyond failure is not something you pick up over night..its gonna take some time to learn how to do this..
Most people's idea of failure is when they do there 3 sets of 10 and struggle on the last rep.. lol little do they know that their far from it..
Its weird, while im doing my set and im getting that last rep out I feel like thats all I got like its impossible to get another rep out. But then after my workout like later that day or the next day I kinda feel like I coulda done more.. you know 1 more rep or another exercise.. or whatever. .. guess im still getting my head around it..
Sorry to bring up another diet related question but ....How much reduce carbs on the low carb days. Is 25-30% a decent starting point? If so, I'll shift some of the carb calories for those days to protein calories.......or am I way way off?
Last edited by almostgone; 01-11-2014 at 05:14 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Exactly, many think they are going to true failure and many will never understand what it truly is it all depends if they are suited to HIT or not. Once you cant do anymore and your at your last rep that's when the set really starts and those tough fibers come into recruitment. Training the mind and having a very active mind set help so much get into the zone is the key, fight or flight zone
I would start at 40% less than your maintenance carbs and on low carb days you can increase pro slightly, this needs to be monitored and adjusted as you go along. If your priming for a cycle or cutting the same principles remain because its all about slowly tricking the body into burning fat as fuel but the most important thing is muscle preservation! so on your reefed day not meal increase the carbs by 15% over your maintenance so if you calculate this up over the week or ten days you will notice there isn't that much of a difference but it will slowly lower your glycogen stores and trick your body into burning fat as fuel while maintaining your tissue.
This is were many go wrong building tissue and then losing tissue through a cut, I've done it that many times I don't and will not let it happen again the main priority is muscle preservation. Always train the same don't adjust the training what built the muscle will keep the muscle
Thanks, Marcus. Sure do appreciate all the time you spend replying to.the questions. This thread has gotten HUGE. So much information.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Diet is a tricky one because everyone is different, I know exactly how my body reacts and how I build and cut bf while maintaining my tissue but what works for me may not work for the next but the main priority is what muscle you have you got to do your best at maintaining it that's why I state do it slowly and monitor the body how it changes and adjust accordingly. Slow little steps towards burning fat while maintaining your tissue and if you remember its all about calories in and calories out, if you think about that you can make the adjustments needed.
Thanks mate![]()
Destroyed back this morning, concentrated on thickness more than width because I am not right in the head
Short heavy and intense
strength is though the roof at the moment
Havnt been around for a while, heads not in the right place. Still sufferingfrom injuryies and cant train. Im getting a ligament reconstruction on the 21st and wont be able to train for at least thre months but total recovery is around a year. Also got fluid on my shoulder which needs surgery so im getting that done while im recovering from ligament surgery. Threads going great though im justcatching up on the last few pages.
Thoughts are with you Sawyer, good luck on your surgery and hang out with us regardless of whether or not you're able to train.
Much easier said than done I know but don't let it get the best of you bro.
Originally Posted by marcus300
I have back today as well, I plan to travel through hell, kick Satan's ass while I'm there, and then come back and finish my session.
Going to tackle biceps first as well.
Thanks ig, im going to be hanging around, lots of spare time coming up.
Would of liked that bib, im stil doing legs and abs then daily cardio. Thats my plan anyway started this week. Just had a month or so totally off so strength on legs is gone but im going to be putting everthing into then while its all i can do. You coming up to see the family?
Really hate to hear that, Sawyer. I know it can be frustrating dealing with injuries, but you've got a great mindset....working around your injuries yet continuing to train. It's a winners mindset!
I have a feeling that you will be 100% recovered much quicker than the drs think.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Thankyou almost. Im glad ive came back to the forum inparticular this thread. Its amazing how few comments can help the mind.
Last edited by sawyer86; 01-11-2014 at 08:45 AM.
Yea bib.. That will be good.
Last edited by sawyer86; 01-11-2014 at 08:46 AM.
So since your lowering carbs by 40% and only increasing protein slightly what do you do to stay at your Maintenance macros? Sorry for the dumb question still trying to wrap my head around carb cycling ect. I'm about one week in now. On my low carb days my body craves carbs/fats for Some reason.Originally Posted by marcus300
my God fellows, I literally cant walk today after leg day Thursday. stairs are impossible and I can only take steps with my knee locked, and baby steps down a grade. its ruff
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Fllifter - you wont hit your macros on low carb days whilst priming. But every so often depending on the person you have a high carb day where carbs will be 15% above maintenance. Everyone responds diffrent and how you respond determins what ratio of low/high carb days you do. On low carb days you can increase protein intake slightly .
253.. Looking mean Thor.
Hit 217 today.. New heaviest. 3 more lbs to go to 220. Going on a cardio strike this weekend.
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