Gotta start taking the wife's car to the gym on leg day.
Seated extensions: 3 warmups, 1 working w 2 drops.
Vertical leg press: 2 feel sets, 2 working w RP
Hack squats: 1 feel, 2 working w RP
Lying leg curls: 1 feel, 2 working w 1 then 2 drops
Standing leg curls: 1 feel, 2 working w 1 drop
Been about 4 hours and they still feel like jelly, hardest part was climbing the flight of stairs to get out.
Arms are now measuring a tad over 18 at 18% bf. That measurement was my March goal but I am 6% higher in BF than I wanted to be. I'm satisfied considering all the shit that's been thrown at me this year so far though
When I started back to the gym in Dec 2012 my arms were a fat 15.5" and I was probably over 35%bf. Thanks to many on this forum and this thread in particular, I have my old body back and then some. I was in better shape 12 years ago but not nearly holding this much mass. I don't have time for this forum much these days and probably won't for some time to come due to family/business obligations but I will drop by from time to time as time permits. Will keep this up for the rest of my life. Never again will I take a long break like I did in the past. I was going through a big time life funk at the time and just never got back into it until 2012.
Time to cut!
GL to all and to achieving your goals in the future! I wanted to just drop this in case anybody new reads it or anybody is feeling negative and sees it... this stuff works. I'm not even on any gear and haven't been since early October. Proof that nutrition and dedication are the most important tools IMO.
Good morning, all!! Think today's lift will focus on the back.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Hit that this morning myself.Originally Posted by almostgone
Wide overhand pull downs: 3 warmups 1 working w 3 drops
V handle pull downs: 1 feel, 1 working w 2 drops
Wide grip seated rows: 1 feel, 1 working 2 drops
Bent over bb rows: 2 feel sets (felt stronger here today), 1 working w RP
DB rows: 1 working w RP
High cable rows: 1 working w 2 drops
No hypers today, lower back felt off for some reason.
Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
I've mentioned it in a few previous posts, I seem to respond better when combining the intensity of a HIT style program and a little higher volume.Originally Posted by kelkel
All I can figure is years of constant manual labor have conditioned my body for it. It's a fine line I have to walk between overtraining, and not enough because until the DOMS set in I feel I could hit it again just a few hours later. Kind of like my metabolism when we did the original bulk competition. At 3,500 cals a day I couldn't break 170. I believe I found my groove finally, weighed in at 182 last night.
Anyone home? Hello I'm selling Girl Scout cookies.
Crunches-2 sets
Close grip pulldown
2 w/u
Stretch off of chin bar
Wide grip pulldown
2 w/u
Toe touch stretch
Tbar rows
2 w/u
1 work set
Stretch off of rack uprights one a time.
Ran short.on time. Will add d'bell rows in next time.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
EZ bar curls superset w/ alt db
Preacher curls
Cable press down superset w/ single arm kickbacks
Rope press downs
My arms are freaking sticks at this point. Ahh
Ok guys, always here, just don't post as much anymore. But have basically two questions would like to ask.
Been hitting it hard for quite awhile now, and feel my body needs a "rest" or "deload". Im on cycle now. but feel a 2 week deload could do me good actually. So to accomplish this, would I just pull back intensity, maybe less drops or RP throughout my workouts? Just a little confused how to go about this.
Also, love doing legs with my HAW, but her schedule has changed and would like to switch my Monday leg day to Wednesday. Having two issues here, Mondays can not be chest day lol, as we all can understand. And my days off the gym are pretty much set. Heres my current split, so how would the best way to switch legs to wed and still go Mondays.
Thanks for any help![]()
I must be missing something, but why not just switch Monday and Wednesday?
Killed legs this morning. One warm up set, one working set:
standing calf raise
smith machine calves (no dedicated calf machine at gym)
Squats (super-deep, failed at 12 on final / room went dark for a second)
Leg Press (failed at 9, did a couple half reps)
Leg curl (failed at 10 plus 2 negatives)
Leg extension (jumped up 10lbs since last week and still failed at 12)
I basically crawled out of the gym. Still a little wobbly seven hours later. Good stuff.
Last edited by DontTaseMeBro; 03-11-2014 at 02:43 PM. Reason: spelling
My calves suck so I want to make sure I have the energy to blast them. Its a good warm up, too.
Legs are my weak point. I have long arms and legs; so both, especially the legs, have always appeared "skinny". The calves are the worst part of all. To make matters worse, the muscle in one calf is noticeably longer than in the other due to an old injury.
That having been said, I dig working legs and never miss them. Nothing else really kicks your ass like a heavy leg workout. Now that my diet is right (or "right-er"), I'm really seeing some results with HIT (I'm sure the gear doesn't hurt, either.). I've got about 2 weeks left and gonna have to buy new pants.
Oh Marcus. You ok? Just busy I hope.
Well glad to see it. I always preach weak points first and most tend to have weaker calves. And yes, calves serve as a great warm-up for the work to come. They don't tire you out and then when you're done legs your out the door. Instead of being exhausted from legs and then trying to do calves to "get them over with" like so many do. Then they wonder why they are inherently weaker not considering the years of less than stellar effort put forth.
Rant over dammit.
Chest this morning, and it's coming up well I think. Last weeks working weight for incline DB press became just another feel set this morning.
Incline DB press: 1 working w 1 drop
Hammer strength press: 1 working w RP
Decline cable press superset w flys: 2 working sets
Low to high cable flys: 1 working 2 drops
Looking a lot bigger than this time last year. Nice work
Roll your shoulders back a little more. Push in and up under your sternum with your hand. Turn at the waist toward the camera just a little more. Your next pic your chest will really pop. It's there now show it off buddy.
Thanks Cape! Yeah I'm up almost 20lbs from this time last year. Gonna actually start some cardio in the next couple weeks, then start cleaning up the diet about mid April in preparation for August. I will make my first show this year!Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
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