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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #12441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    New position at work is killin me. Adding about 20hrs more per week.

    Trained twice this week and plan on it tommorow. Back last night..sore as hell. Heavy tbars got me. Feel amazing and on fire from all these compliments I have gotten this week lol.

    That sounds like you had a great workout. You gotta love it. My back is still sore from Tuesday. Rows will do it if done right. Ya did em right.

  2. #12442
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    Have anyone experience front loading in peak week?

    My question is before I do front load, should I go low carbs for couple of days?

  3. #12443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Breaking all the rules. I ran the above again today.
    Wow. Broke some tissue down today.
    I figure 6 days till next arm day will be fine.
    Grow baby grow.

    Attachment 149876
    Looks good Cape. Very rounded delts. Like that look.
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  4. #12444
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    Started cardio due to getting a bit to heavy, cals are roughly the same but due to not working out as often ive been putting on some size which I don't feel comfortable with. You know when you feel unhealthy and you need to start doing cardio well I am at that stage so cardio its been for the last week after my workouts because that's the only time ive got spare.

    I should have more time to myself soon once I wrap a few things up but very busy at the moment.

    Workouts are extremely intense and pure HIT only, shoulder feels better but still not 100% and I know everytime I do chest I am making it worse but I struggle with not training the way I do.

    Not o cycle just HRT but I am thinking of doing a nice cutter but I know once it comes down to it it will end up being a bulker because I am I mass monster lol or stupid cvnt but my bf as increased its still not bad and my muscle bellies are sure bulging and stretching shirts to the max. I love it when I am speaking to someone and I raise my arm into a bicep curl wearing a shirt and their eyes are glued to my arm stretching the shirt, I think to myself go on rip you bastard rip the shirt off your arm lol.

    Had a sick back workout the other day and my leg routine is a killer at the moment
    Last edited by marcus300; 04-12-2014 at 10:55 AM.

  5. #12445
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    Glad to hear your shoulder isn't acting up like it was, Marcus! Sounds like your intensity is still through the roof....that's great...and admirable. Do you find that you're getting sufficient rest with your schedule?
    I'm slowly getting cardio into my schedule here in SC. Lifts are going well and I've either been increasing reps or weight each session. Managed to get last night off of work. Absolutely amazing what 1 afternoon/evening of rest can do! Feel really good this morning. Taking the "kids" for an early morning walk, maybe have an egg white protein and oat shake, and then hitting the shop for a back session a tad later.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-12-2014 at 02:45 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  6. #12446
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Glad to hear your shoulder isn't acting up like it was, Marcus! Sounds like your intensity is still through the roof....that's great...and admirable. Do you find that you're getting sufficient rest with your schedule?
    I'm slowly getting cardio into my schedule here in SC. Lifts are going well and I've either been increasing reps or weight each session. Managed to get last night off of work. Absolutely amazing what 1 afternoon/evening of rest can do! Feel really good this morning. Taking the "kids" for an early morning walk, maybe have an egg white protein and oat shake, and then hitting the shop for a back session a tad later.
    I'm getting loads of rest. I'm training the whole body about once every ten days. So I'm having a lot of rest and training extremely intense and hard.

  7. #12447
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    I love it when I am speaking to someone and I raise my arm into a bicep curl wearing a shirt and their eyes are glued to my arm stretching the short, I think to myself go on rip you bastard rip the short off your arm lol.
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  8. #12448
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    Great Back and Shoulders yesterday.

    T-Bars: Real Heavy (no knee pain.) One set with drop.
    Bent overs: One set with drop then RP
    Supported incline rows: One set with RP
    Pulldowns: Two sets, last with drop.
    Shrugs: Two straight sets with almost no rest in between.

    Laterals: Two sets. Staying a bit lighter as the feel is so good. Maxing out at 12 reps
    Presses: Two sets, last with drop and RP
    Supported bent over laterals: Two sets.

    Great workout. Back was exceptionally strong today. Think my knee not irritating me is playing into this strength increase. Liking it. This old fvck's getting bigger.
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  9. #12449
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    Crunches-2 sets
    Toe touches and straightjacket stretches
    Close grip pulldown-2w/u, work1-9-1.5-drop-2.5, work2-drop back to w/u weight-9-1.5. Bump this weight up next time and drop the second work set., maybe. Suggestions???
    Rack stretch
    Wide grip pulldown-1 w/u, work-7-4-1.5 (really slow neg on the last rep)
    Toe touches
    Tbar row-2 w/u, work-7-4-failure. Maybe bump this one slightly.
    D'bell row-1 w/u, work-6-drop-4-drop-2.5
    Rack stretch
    Deads-1 w/u, Work-11. ..Pretty much spent @ that point.
    Crunches- 1 more set.

    57 minutes and 3.5 liters of water..including stripping plates and storing bells. Been about 2.5 hrs. since I got done. Still burning in my lats and hams. Working tonight but shooting to get in another cardio session. No elbow pain at all, didn't wear any kind of elbow support. Still going to continue the script nsaids for at least 4-5 days I think and see how it acts next arm session.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-12-2014 at 09:27 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #12450
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Great Back and Shoulders yesterday.

    T-Bars: Real Heavy (no knee pain.) One set with drop.
    Bent overs: One set with drop then RP
    Supported incline rows: One set with RP
    Pulldowns: Two sets, last with drop.
    Shrugs: Two straight sets with almost no rest in between.

    Laterals: Two sets. Staying a bit lighter as the feel is so good. Maxing out at 12 reps
    Presses: Two sets, last with drop and RP
    Supported bent over laterals: Two sets.

    Great workout. Back was exceptionally strong today. Think my knee not irritating me is playing into this strength increase. Liking it. This old fvck's getting bigger.'re already a beast. Glad to hear the knee is doing well.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  11. #12451
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post're already a beast. Glad to hear the knee is doing well.
    Thanks. Knee is getting to where I'm not thinking about it. That's a good thing.
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  12. #12452
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I'm getting loads of rest. I'm training the whole body about once every ten days. So I'm having a lot of rest and training extremely intense and hard.
    That's excellent! Especially considering your workload...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #12453
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    Killed it this week. Gonna wait and hit legs tomorrow. Somehow even though I've cut cals to head into prep for August I was up about 3lbs when I stepped on the scale yesterday. So that officially puts me into prep at 5'5, 183lbs, body fat is a bit high but the top 4 abs have started making an appearance the last couple weeks so bf has been headed down as weight was coming up. I love this life!

  14. #12454
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Killed it this week. Gonna wait and hit legs tomorrow. Somehow even though I've cut cals to head into prep for August I was up about 3lbs when I stepped on the scale yesterday. So that officially puts me into prep at 5'5, 183lbs, body fat is a bit high but the top 4 abs have started making an appearance the last couple weeks so bf has been headed down as weight was coming up. I love this life!

    Wow. That's great to hear.

    This life? What else is there?

  15. #12455
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Killed it this week. Gonna wait and hit legs tomorrow. Somehow even though I've cut cals to head into prep for August I was up about 3lbs when I stepped on the scale yesterday. So that officially puts me into prep at 5'5, 183lbs, body fat is a bit high but the top 4 abs have started making an appearance the last couple weeks so bf has been headed down as weight was coming up. I love this life!
    Nice to hear keep feeding the beast Dpyle

  16. #12456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    Wow. That's great to hear.

    This life? What else is there?
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Nice to hear keep feeding the beast Dpyle
    Indeed fellas! It's one of the few constants I have in my life.

    To quote Henry Rollins:

    The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.

  17. #12457
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.

  18. #12458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
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ID:	149894

    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.

    How much incline are you doing?

  19. #12459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    How much incline are you doing?
    Usually first in workout but recently doin flat. Going back to inclines pretty much basing my routine with them. Always had inner and upper chest problems.

  20. #12460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.
    wow, you're in the big league now!

  21. #12461
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    wow, you're in the big league now!
    Lol not hardly brother

  22. #12462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Usually first in workout but recently doin flat. Going back to inclines pretty much basing my routine with them. Always had inner and upper chest problems.
    Pic looks good, Cuz...Delts and arms are really popping!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  23. #12463
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
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    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.
    Very impressed indeed looking extremely big and cut my friend well done

  24. #12464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Usually first in workout but recently doin flat. Going back to inclines pretty much basing my routine with them. Always had inner and upper chest problems.
    Try pre exhaust for a change and if you have a partner go with forced and negatives. Hit incline first and try and get the feeling like your driving through the chest on the upward movement while tensing, if you get the mind muscle connection you should feel deep muscular pain once at the top for the full contraction. HIT all the way and I mean PURE HIT for chest

  25. #12465
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ..... get the feeling like your driving through the chest on the upward movement while tensing, if you get the mind muscle connection you should feel deep muscular pain once at the top for the full contraction. HIT all the way and I mean PURE HIT for chest
    Perfect timing. Today is chest day. One of the many reasons this thread is such a great reference.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #12466
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Perfect timing. Today is chest day. One of the many reasons this thread is such a great reference.

    On a side note what a lot of people do with many body parts not only chest is just rep, what I mean is there are reps and there are reps what do damage and breakdown the tissue and stimulate your body to grow bigger, we can all just rep ten reps out and say that was a good working set but if you concentrate and get the mind muscle connection you can feel every inch of that rep working that muscle. On chest you think of it like a spring ready to explode control the negative and feel the rep and muscle work and then explode and power and drive through with the chest muscles and not the triceps or shoulders. Get a weight what you are maxing out on around 4-5-6th rep and dropset and repeat or apply forced and negs. If done correctly the results are amazing, ive worked with guys who have a complete flat chest and once they understand how to rep properly and create this mind muscle connection you can start going to positive failure and really breaking down the chest muscle instead of using delts and triceps.

    Sorry for the waffle i'll stop lol

    just been to the gym and full of myself,

    trained arms and they are looking huge and feel like they don't belong to me
    Last edited by marcus300; 04-13-2014 at 06:53 AM.

  27. #12467
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Try pre exhaust for a change and if you have a partner go with forced and negatives. Hit incline first and try and get the feeling like your driving through the chest on the upward movement while tensing, if you get the mind muscle connection you should feel deep muscular pain once at the top for the full contraction. HIT all the way and I mean PURE HIT for chest

    Appreciate that Marcus. Would using the smith machine be ok or do I need to go back to dumbells? I'm gonna use this tommorow for my chest workout see if I can trigger growth. With a lot of carbs and a good pump my chest looks decent but without tends to flatten out. Yesterday my carbs were way off however I did look leaner.

  28. #12468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Appreciate that Marcus. Would using the smith machine be ok or do I need to go back to dumbells? I'm gonna use this tommorow for my chest workout see if I can trigger growth. With a lot of carbs and a good pump my chest looks decent but without tends to flatten out. Yesterday my carbs were way off however I did look leaner.
    Yes smith machine is fine, just swap and change them around each workout and see which your prefer and which gets the best feeling

  29. #12469
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    On a side note what a lot of people do with many body parts not only chest is just rep, what I mean is there are reps and there are reps what do damage and breakdown the tissue and stimulate your body to grow bigger, we can all just rep ten reps out and say that was a good working set but if you concentrate and get the mind muscle connection you can feel every inch of that rep working that muscle. On chest you think of it like a spring ready to explode control the negative and feel the rep and muscle work and then explode and power and drive through with the chest muscles and not the triceps or shoulders. Get a weight what you are maxing out on around 4-5-6th rep and dropset and repeat or apply forced and negs. If done correctly the results are amazing, ive worked with guys who have a complete flat chest and once they understand how to rep properly and create this mind muscle connection you can start going to positive failure and really breaking down the chest muscle instead of using delts and triceps.

    Sorry for the waffle i'll stop lol

    just been to the gym and full of myself,

    trained arms and they are looking huge and feel like they don't belong to me
    Just awesome! The mind-muscle connection for chest is so difficult for me.

  30. #12470
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    Well, your post lit a fire under my @ss. Absolutely great lift..enjoyed the h*ll out of it!

    Incline d'bell press-2 w/u, Work-10-2-drop-2.5. Bumping this one up next time and maybe drop weight into a second work set.???
    Incline fly-2 w/u, Work-7-4-2.5. This was already a bump up from last lift. Will bump it next time too.
    Flat barbell press (Smith/Smythe)-2 w/u, Work1-7-4-2...this was already a new weight. Guess I'll nudge it up next time. Work2-4-2.5-2
    Flat fly-2 w/u, Work1-4-2-1. Work2-3-1.5-.5

    Every lift should be like this. I barely can pick up my shake.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #12471
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    On a side note what a lot of people do with many body parts not only chest is just rep, what I mean is there are reps and there are reps what do damage and breakdown the tissue and stimulate your body to grow bigger, we can all just rep ten reps out and say that was a good working set but if you concentrate and get the mind muscle connection you can feel every inch of that rep working that muscle. On chest you think of it like a spring ready to explode control the negative and feel the rep and muscle work and then explode and power and drive through with the chest muscles and not the triceps or shoulders. Get a weight what you are maxing out on around 4-5-6th rep and dropset and repeat or apply forced and negs. If done correctly the results are amazing, ive worked with guys who have a complete flat chest and once they understand how to rep properly and create this mind muscle connection you can start going to positive failure and really breaking down the chest muscle instead of using delts and triceps.

    Sorry for the waffle i'll stop lol

    just been to the gym and full of myself,

    trained arms and they are looking huge and feel like they don't belong to me
    Waffle on....please. I usually print a copy of what strikes a note with me and put in my notebook or hang it in my shop. I've got a good bit of info from this thread that I look through pre-lift. Info posted by you, Kel, Cape's post about the mind-muscle connection....probably got "bits" from most of the people in this thread.
    Hope your shirt sleeves survive the growth from your lift.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  32. #12472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
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    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.
    Look at you all smiling and shiat! Nice.
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  33. #12473
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    On a side note what a lot of people do with many body parts not only chest is just rep, what I mean is there are reps and there are reps what do damage and breakdown the tissue and stimulate your body to grow bigger, we can all just rep ten reps out and say that was a good working set but if you concentrate and get the mind muscle connection you can feel every inch of that rep working that muscle. On chest you think of it like a spring ready to explode control the negative and feel the rep and muscle work and then explode and power and drive through with the chest muscles and not the triceps or shoulders. Get a weight what you are maxing out on around 4-5-6th rep and dropset and repeat or apply forced and negs. If done correctly the results are amazing, ive worked with guys who have a complete flat chest and once they understand how to rep properly and create this mind muscle connection you can start going to positive failure and really breaking down the chest muscle instead of using delts and triceps.

    Sorry for the waffle i'll stop lol

    just been to the gym and full of myself,

    trained arms and they are looking huge and feel like they don't belong to me

    Love that feeling. There are days when I'll get done a balls to the wall heavy set that was just perfect and I'll drop the weight (whatever) and simply let out a loud animal like yell. I just get so pumped and mentally stimulated I guess. I could not do that in a gym but at home it's just fine. Except it usually scares the shit out of the cat....
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  34. #12474
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    Well, gotta go cut the grass for the first time this year. It almost constitutes cardio. But I do get a good leg pump for some reason.
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  35. #12475
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    The gym should have designated leg day parking mingled in with the handicapped spaces!

    Pre exhaust/ warmup was seated extensions 3 sets of 15 adding weight each set, 1 big working set w 2 drops

    Hack squats: 1 feel set, 1 set to positive failure, 1 set to 6 and 4 forced reps, 1 set of 6 very slow negatives all requiring forced reps for the positive

    Leg press 1 set to positive failure and one with RP for an extra 4 reps

    Seated leg curls: 1 feel 1 working with 2 drops

    Standing leg curls 2 working RP on the last for an extra 3 reps.

  36. #12476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    The gym should have designated leg day parking mingled in with the handicapped spaces!

    Pre exhaust/ warmup was seated extensions 3 sets of 15 adding weight each set, 1 big working set w 2 drops

    Hack squats: 1 feel set, 1 set to positive failure, 1 set to 6 and 4 forced reps, 1 set of 6 very slow negatives all requiring forced reps for the positive

    Leg press 1 set to positive failure and one with RP for an extra 4 reps

    Seated leg curls: 1 feel 1 working with 2 drops

    Standing leg curls 2 working RP on the last for an extra 3 reps.
    Nice work!

    I gotta get a standing leg curl machine for home. Miss them.
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  37. #12477
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    On chest, I'll try to explain the best I can and hope it makes sense. When I'm using a barbell on the up I imaging I'm using dumbbells and try to follow the same path. So at the top I'm forcing my hands to come together. They don't move but the pressure doing that really isolates the chest for me. I'll hold it 2-3 seconds flexing then slow down. At the bottom I let the bar touch my shirt stop and hold 3-5 seconds keeping tension on the muscle. Then explode up trying to force my hands together again. Hold and repeat. It works for me. Next to my beard I think it's my best body part. . Lol

  38. #12478
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    Biceps and triceps today,

    On my triceps I started with lying db extension ( elbows were warmed due to serious biceps work)
    did 2 feels sets making sure my elbows didn't move
    1 working set to complete failure + 1 dropset until I couldn't move the bells

    2 feels sets
    1 working set to failure plus 2 rest pause to failure -set like concrete

    rope pushdowns
    2 feels sets
    1 working set with triple drop set

    Biceps = way to brutal to mention

  39. #12479
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    On chest, I'll try to explain the best I can and hope it makes sense. When I'm using a barbell on the up I imaging I'm using dumbbells and try to follow the same path. So at the top I'm forcing my hands to come together. They don't move but the pressure doing that really isolates the chest for me. I'll hold it 2-3 seconds flexing then slow down. At the bottom I let the bar touch my shirt stop and hold 3-5 seconds keeping tension on the muscle. Then explode up trying to force my hands together again. Hold and repeat. It works for me. Next to my beard I think it's my best body part. . Lol
    Yes, it makes great sense. I'm heading into my garage now and will try to follow this with inclines and declines.


  40. #12480
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Marcus, or anyone that can offer some advice in regards to pulling back the intensity every so often. How would you modify the lift below for a "pull back" period? I'm still feeling great thus far, but would like to get a rough idea of what I should do when I get to that point.

    Crunches-2 sets
    Close grip pulldown-2w/u, work1-9-1.5-drop-2.5
    Work2-drop back to w/u weight-9-1.5
    Wide grip pulldown-1 w/u, work-7-4-1.5 (really slow neg on the last rep)
    Tbar row-2 w/u, work-7-4-failure.
    D'bell row-1 w/u, work-6-drop-4-drop-2.5
    Deads-1 w/u, Work-11.
    Crunches- 1 more set.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-14-2014 at 01:37 AM. Reason: ...smartphone made a typo......wasn't me...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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