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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #12481
    Join Date
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    How's everybody doing? Life has been keeping me busy but I've been lurking from time to time. I've only been able to train 1 day per week since early Feb and had a wrist injury. Lost a little size and strength but nothing to whine about. Still 220lbs. Still too much blubber around the belly... little change in body composition considering I've only been in the gym maybe 6 times total since the beginning of Feb. Wrist injury kept me from doing any upper body for a month. Injury happened outside the gym. Arm wrestled a guy who's 6'5'' and the leverage he had from his arm length vs mine aggravated an old injury. Lol. Old fvck I am it's official.

    I've been catching up on reading back posts here. Everyone is still going strong and making progress. You guys kept me motivated during this period. Thanks.

  2. #12482
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    Good to hear you're doing well, Java ....has your wrist started to heal somewhat?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #12483
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    hey java, why is an old fk like you doing kiddy games like arm wrestling?

    joking brother!

    welcome back!

  4. #12484
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Good to hear you're doing well, Java ....has your wrist started to heal somewhat?
    Thanks. Healed as well as it ever will be. I trained arms tonight using the usual weight and routine. No problems at all. It was an aggravation of a problem I've had since I was about 24. I fractured it once and it has never been the same since. Usually doesn't bother me but occasionally I tweak it out of whack again.

    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    hey java, why is an old fk like you doing kiddy games like arm wrestling?

    joking brother!

    welcome back!
    Lol. Thank you. Daughter got married. I was partying with a bunch of 25 year olds.

  5. #12485
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Marcus, or anyone that can offer some advice in regards to pulling back the intensity every so often. How would you modify the lift below for a "pull back" period? I'm still feeling great thus far, but would like to get a rough idea of what I should do when I get to that point.
    If your body is telling you to pull back or you feel the need to just take yourself to failure but don't use any of the beyond failure protocols, you can also include longer rest days and train less often but always train hard because what built the muscle will keep the muscle, just don't go into that beyond territory or train all the time, pull back on both.

  6. #12486
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    Thanks, Marcus. Much appreciated! I still feel like I'm holding up strong....just wanted to have a general idea of how to handle it when the time comes...
    Working legs today...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  7. #12487
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Thanks, Marcus. Much appreciated! I still feel like I'm holding up strong....just wanted to have a general idea of how to handle it when the time comes...
    Working legs today...
    I last around 6-8 weeks before I need a pullback, it normally last for around 2 weeks then I am on it again

  8. #12488
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Bb Incline
    Smith Incline
    Low cable crossovers
    Decline Machine

    Cable tri bar Pushdowns

  9. #12489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    How's everybody doing? Life has been keeping me busy but I've been lurking from time to time. I've only been able to train 1 day per week since early Feb and had a wrist injury. Lost a little size and strength but nothing to whine about. Still 220lbs. Still too much blubber around the belly... little change in body composition considering I've only been in the gym maybe 6 times total since the beginning of Feb. Wrist injury kept me from doing any upper body for a month. Injury happened outside the gym. Arm wrestled a guy who's 6'5'' and the leverage he had from his arm length vs mine aggravated an old injury. Lol. Old fvck I am it's official.

    I've been catching up on reading back posts here. Everyone is still going strong and making progress. You guys kept me motivated during this period. Thanks.

    Been wondering where you've been. Wrist injuries suck. I had a minor one and it hurt like hell. Wrist wraps didn't do squat. Took a couple months to feel somewhat better.

  10. #12490
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Good to see you Java!
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  11. #12491
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    My schedule sucked last week and I missed doing delt and triceps on friday. Now I'm almost glad I took the extra rest day. Killed chest and biceps today.

    Decline (1 feel, 1 working. failed at 9. 1 forced.
    DB Incline (1 feel, 1 working. Failed at 6, dropped and failed after 4)
    flys (1 feel, one working X 12. New exercise, totally trashed me)
    Pec Deck (1 working X 8 immediately following flys)
    Straight bar preacher (1 feel, 1 working X6 with 2 drops to failure)
    DB Incline Curl (1 working. Fail at 10)
    Hammer Curl (1 working. Fail at 10)

    I had the energy and motivation to really push for the whole 35 minutes. Shoulders felt better than they have in weeks. Gonna have great DOMS!

  12. #12492
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    Didn't get to lift until this evening. Was pushed for time but got done in just under 50 min.stripping plates and headed to the house for a shake, hit the shower, and off to work.

    Leg press-2w/u, Work1-10-4-2, small drop in weight, Work2-7-4-1. Think I need to stay at this weight and go with 2 work sets for another session or two before bumping the weight. Don't know why, just have that feeling???

    Power thrust-2 w/u, Work 10-7-4. Will bump this one up next time.

    Hack squats-2 w/u, Work-7-3-2. Knees feel a little shaky on these. Maybe add a second work set on here for a couple of sessions before bumping the weight??

    Calves-2 w/u, Work1-10-6-2 -drop weight- Work2- failure

    Legs are completely geeked....longest walk ever across the parking lot @ work tonight.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-14-2014 at 11:03 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #12493
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Been wondering where you've been. Wrist injuries suck. I had a minor one and it hurt like hell. Wrist wraps didn't do squat. Took a couple months to feel somewhat better.
    Looking shredded in that av rusty! Wrist injuries suck. Arms are useless without the hands.

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Good to see you Java!
    Thanks kel. Good to be back!

  14. #12494
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Well, gotta go cut the grass for the first time this year. It almost constitutes cardio. But I do get a good leg pump for some reason.
    Grass? Mine just got covered in snow.....AGAIN!

  15. #12495
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    Defiling Myself
    Bent over rows reverse grip
    Seated wide grip cable rows
    Machine lat pull downs

    Seated db curls

  16. #12496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Attachment 149894

    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.
    Nice work on the delts. Rounded, thick. Are you giving them extra attention or do they just respond well?

  17. #12497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Attachment 149894

    Snapped a pic in the mirror tonight while remodeling my other bathroom. Slight pump from all the work. Guys I know my chest lags like hell and working my ass off to bring it up to the rest of my body just taking me longer than expected. Slipped on diet today too still cruising at 500 test. Feel ok so far. No bloods done yet.
    Delts and bis are looking thick as hell, Cuz! Nice work. I'm jealous.

    My chest is lagging, too. It was always one of my better parts; but I neglected it to concentrate on other areas and the idea backfired on me. Good idea hammering inclines for the upper. Adding flys seems to have helped my middle chest. Good luck catching it up to those delts!

  18. #12498
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Bent over rows reverse grip
    Seated wide grip cable rows
    Machine lat pull downs

    Seated db curls
    Cape do you asways do either 1 bi or 1 tri exercise in every work out on non arm days ?.

  19. #12499
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Cape do you asways do either 1 bi or 1 tri exercise in every work out on non arm days ?.
    Just on chest and back. They are smaller secondary muscles that are being used that day, so I just like to tweek them a little. Then it's usually 2days before I'll do bi/tri.

  20. #12500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Just on chest and back. They are smaller secondary muscles that are being used that day, so I just like to tweek them a little. Then it's usually 2days before I'll do bi/tri.
    That's a lot of arm stimulation in the week Cape, are they growing?

  21. #12501
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    Shoulders tonight extremely pissed off will use this to fuel the movement of some heavy weight deep into failure

  22. #12502
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    That's a lot of arm stimulation in the week Cape, are they growing?
    Well it's only one set at the end of the work out. But yes I think they are. Like everything. Now these are cold measures

    Right bicep 17 in. +1 from last yr
    Fore arm. 14.5 in
    Shoulders. 53.75 in. +2 from last yr
    Chest 45 in. +2.25 from last yr
    Waist 33.5 in
    Quad 26 in +1 from last year

    Interesting coincidence. I've been doing your HIT training for a year. Weird huh?

  23. #12503
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    Chest today

    Strecthed for about 5 mins

    Free weight Decline bb 2 warms 1 feel, then 290# for 6 with number 7 got half way then minor help with spotter. Next week going for 300!!!

    Then did smith machine for rest.

    Flat 280# working with 2 different RP

    Incline 230# working with 2 drops

    Finished with straight set of high and even cable flys.

    Hand still sore but doesnt really bother me with weight just a littlw gripping issues.

  24. #12504
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    Good to hear the hand isn't causing you trouble, Sfla. Nice lift!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  25. #12505
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    Lifting arms tomorrow. Slept like a dead man today; must have needed the rest. My legs were wiped out @ work last night from the leg session before work, but feel perfectly fine today....weird.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #12506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Well it's only one set at the end of the work out. But yes I think they are. Like everything. Now these are cold measures

    Right bicep 17 in. +1 from last yr
    Fore arm. 14.5 in
    Shoulders. 53.75 in. +2 from last yr
    Chest 45 in. +2.25 from last yr
    Waist 33.5 in
    Quad 26 in +1 from last year

    Interesting coincidence. I've been doing your HIT training for a year. Weird huh?
    That's excellent your improving so its hard to comment on something what's giving results but I think training your triceps and biceps 3 x per week is to much and they could of grown more if you cut the work load down. Yes when you work the chest and back the triceps and biceps are worked or I should say warmed up but unless your going to train them properly after back or chest I really don't see any benefit in adding the odd set after your major bodypart just trained. Personally I'd train them properly after chest and back or separately.

    Well done on your progress Cape i'll send you the bill

  27. #12507
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    Had a busy few days and haven't been on. Today was the first day I decided to throw in a solo arm day after another epic volume leg workout forced me to take two rest days. Having a workout partner I did a lot of forced reps on

    Close grip BB bench
    EZ bar preacher curls

    Finished up with supersets of

    Rope press downs supersetted with rope curls
    Dips superset with DB hammer curls

    At the end did reverse grip EZ bar curls for good measure and a little forearm burn

    My diet has been super strict lately I haven't had a cheat meal in 12 days. I plan on making it a full two weeks then having an epic cheat meal

  28. #12508
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    That's excellent your improving so its hard to comment on something what's giving results but I think training your triceps and biceps 3 x per week is to much and they could of grown more if you cut the work load down. Yes when you work the chest and back the triceps and biceps are worked or I should say warmed up but unless your going to train them properly after back or chest I really don't see any benefit in adding the odd set after your major bodypart just trained. Personally I'd train them properly after chest and back or separately.

    Well done on your progress Cape i'll send you the bill
    It's 2x a week. Last week I did do 3 x but I've never ever done that before. For example on chest day I'll do 2 sets of push downs( yesterday 1set) then 3-4 days later I'll do 2 sets Pushdowns 2 sets nose breakers and 2 sets kickbacks. So, it's not really a lot. But I do agree with you.

    Do you accept Paypal Marcus?
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 04-16-2014 at 03:10 AM.

  29. #12509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Just on chest and back. They are smaller secondary muscles that are being used that day, so I just like to tweek them a little. Then it's usually 2days before I'll do bi/tri.
    Ah ok

  30. #12510
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    Chest was Monday and due to my work schedule this week I had to switch to evening gym sessions. Left Mondays session feeling disappointed, I was down a few reps on all movements and had to compensate with more drops during the working sets. In the end it just felt like a crap workout, but yesterday and so far this morning every time I reach across my body it burns deep from my sternum out so I guess I still nailed it.

    Incline DB press: 3 w/u, 1 working 1 drop
    Decline cable press: 1 feel, 1 working 3 drops
    Decline cable fly: 1 feel, 1 working 2 drops
    Hammer strength press 1 working to 5 reps RP 2, RP 1, RP 1
    Pec dec: 1 working 2 drops

  31. #12511
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    Standing Military Press super set w/ DB Lateral Raises drop drop
    Cable behind the back side raises
    DB side raises run the rack burn outs
    Reverse peck dec

    I literally can't raise my arms 4 inches. The burning is so painful words can't describe it.

  32. #12512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Chest was Monday and due to my work schedule this week I had to switch to evening gym sessions. Left Mondays session feeling disappointed, I was down a few reps on all movements and had to compensate with more drops during the working sets. In the end it just felt like a crap workout, but yesterday and so far this morning every time I reach across my body it burns deep from my sternum out so I guess I still nailed it.

    Incline DB press: 3 w/u, 1 working 1 drop
    Decline cable press: 1 feel, 1 working 3 drops
    Decline cable fly: 1 feel, 1 working 2 drops
    Hammer strength press 1 working to 5 reps RP 2, RP 1, RP 1
    Pec dec: 1 working 2 drops

    Don't worry about it. You're into your comp prep. Some workouts are better than others. They all won't be winners. You were there. You worked the muscle. Move on. Keep going forward. You can't change it. Focus on tomorrow. Head up. Sounds like the next ones were winners.

  33. #12513
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Chest was Monday and due to my work schedule this week I had to switch to evening gym sessions. Left Mondays session feeling disappointed, I was down a few reps on all movements and had to compensate with more drops during the working sets. In the end it just felt like a crap workout, but yesterday and so far this morning every time I reach across my body it burns deep from my sternum out so I guess I still nailed it.

    Incline DB press: 3 w/u, 1 working 1 drop
    Decline cable press: 1 feel, 1 working 3 drops
    Decline cable fly: 1 feel, 1 working 2 drops
    Hammer strength press 1 working to 5 reps RP 2, RP 1, RP 1
    Pec dec: 1 working 2 drops
    So you're lifting after work instead of prior to work...and you're cutting. Sounds like you did pretty d@mn good to me!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #12514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    Don't worry about it. You're into your comp prep. Some workouts are better than others. They all won't be winners. You were there. You worked the muscle. Move on. Keep going forward. You can't change it. Focus on tomorrow. Head up. Sounds like the next ones were winners.
    It's just the evening sessions, too many people just chatting and occupying space.the petite brunette doing snatches in the corner was a huge distraction, especially since her tight little ass kept trying to eat her spandex shorts. I prefer the early am when it's just me in there.

    Back session happens in a couple hours. Got some in-laws in town and the nephew has been asking some questions so I'm taking him along today for back and Friday for legs. He already trains for football, and wrestling, but he's a bit misguided in his thought process on his training. Hopefully I can point him in the right direction, or at least a better direction.

  35. #12515
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    Last night was a serious session

    Did heavy lifts for all movements,

    Db presses for 10 hard reps. Woth two drpps of 4 very sore slow forced reps

    Arnie presses same as above

    Db shrugs same as above

    Side and front raises same as above

    Very sore today and its rest day so looking forward to it

  36. #12516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    the petite brunette doing snatches in the corner was a huge distraction, especially since her tight little ass kept trying to eat her spandex shorts.
    I forgot everything else you said.
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  37. #12517
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    I forgot everything else you said.
    That was my problem as well Kel

  38. #12518
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    Curious if Marcus, Kel or any of you guys know of any science on fat distribution? More specifically on symmetry. For example, my right arm looks like it's about 6 or 7% leaner than my left arm. My right arm is also 3/4 inch smaller because of this, but it is substantially more vascular. Same thing goes for my right chest vs left chest, right chest is much leaner.

    Anybody else have issues with this?

  39. #12519
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    Curious if Marcus, Kel or any of you guys know of any science on fat distribution? More specifically on symmetry. For example, my right arm looks like it's about 6 or 7% leaner than my left arm. My right arm is also 3/4 inch smaller because of this, but it is substantially more vascular. Same thing goes for my right chest vs left chest, right chest is much leaner.

    Anybody else have issues with this?
    6 or 7% bloody hell that sounds strange. You sure it's not muscle tissue?

    Post a picture of a double bicep

    There's always one side bigger and it's something you have to adjust to as you train to force symmetry over the years but that's muscle not fat distitrubution

  40. #12520
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    Leg day today. I'm actually planning on spending 30 minutes or so stretching and warming up today. My squat form hasn't been where i want it and I'm pretty sure its my hamstrings and lower back being to tight. Normally with enough weight on the bar my form pretty much corrects itself but lately I've noticed my weight shifting towards the balls of my feet when I get below parallel. Anyway time to man up. Going to try to do 3 working sets with 315 today

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