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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #13241
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I've experimented a lot with different cycles, compounds and dosages and like many know I'm a big believer in short burst cycles and in my younger days when I was bulking I would use some large dosages. The most I've used was around 5g (5000mgs) per wk of AAS plus 15 ius of Hgh. Newbie’s shouldn't think these types of dosages are needed because they aren't and it was just a experimental phase I was going through. There is a sweet spot for everyone and this is what I was trying to do with experimenting with high short burst cycles. The rewards vs the risks!!!

    Nowadays I only use small amounts of AAS and normally works out to be once or twice per year. Even though remarkable things can happen when you start getting into the high dose cycles I can speak from experience that its the training and diet what makes the biggest difference. More isn't always better but many do think that the answer is in some secret cycle or drug what makes guys super human but in reality its not. Don't get me wrong remarkable amazing things can happen when you start going into certain dosages but you have to be very careful and know the risks involved.

    Its not some secret cycle or dosage what separates the monsters walking this earth to the rest, its how they train and how they eat what makes them special. Learn those skills and you have the tools to create something different what shines above the rest of the crowd.
    I do agree mate, but what if you eat and train correctly aswell as taking high dose anabolics. Even better results right?
    Do you think my results are going to be that much greater adding in 1200mg of tren?

  2. #13242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    I do agree mate, but what if you eat and train correctly aswell as taking high dose anabolics. Even better results right?
    Do you think my results are going to be that much greater adding in 1200mg of tren?
    No that's not 100% correct. If higher dosages means bigger and better results I would be 500lbs at 6% bf.

    If you want me to comment on your current cycle I personally don't like it at all. 1000mgs of deca, 250mgs of test and 750 mgs eq isn't what I call a good planned cycle especially if you now want to add 1200mgs of tren e. I find is amazing you don't get any sides with tren even at 800mgs, I would question your supplier and if you have it from various labs I would stop using them all because I think its weak or fake IMHO.

    The sides from high dosages are crazy and you can obtain the same or even better results from a moderation dose if you know what your doing. There is a point were sides tip the scales over into to much risk for the reward. I also wouldn't recommend high dose for long cycles due to the sides and complication you may occur. You want more gains look further into your training and diet and try and plan a solid cycle using quality gear what is dosed at what its suppose to be and use compounds what will really build some serious tissue.

    Post a picture lets see what you got?
    what are your previous cycles?
    how long have you been training?

  3. #13243
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Ok did bi's had a good warm up and did a bit stretching aswell i need to do more i know it is important so need to get the finger out here.

    Cable preacher curls 4 sets to fail + 1drop to fail

    seated bb curls ez bar 3 sets to fail

    Did some hammer curls not much though as i was fvcked lol will start with these next time again don't know if form was ok so i'll have to check DY out and see.

    Bi's are fried what a burn they are sore the now and i did them about 2hour
    ago and i did 25 min on x trainer.
    Try to condense the working sets down from 3 or 4 sets to failure to one or the most 2. If you can do 4 sets to failure I can guarantee your not going to true failure on all 4 sets so imho condense them down into one huge working set and take them to the absolute limit and do not stop until you have reached total positive failure. Thinking to yourself that you have another sets to go after your first working set will make you mentally hold back because of what's in front of you so if you condense those working sets down into one or two at the most you can give a true 100% set and take your body to a new level.

  4. #13244
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Try to condense the working sets down from 3 or 4 sets to failure to one or the most 2. If you can do 4 sets to failure I can guarantee your not going to true failure on all 4 sets so imho condense them down into one huge working set and take them to the absolute limit and do not stop until you have reached total positive failure. Thinking to yourself that you have another sets to go after your first working set will make you mentally hold back because of what's in front of you so if you condense those working sets down into one or two at the most you can give a true 100% set and take your body to a new level.
    Will do big guy roughly what rep are you looking at to fail ?

  5. #13245
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    1200mg of tren sounds scary. 350mg a week is enough for me.

  6. #13246
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    Can't pm you said your inbox is full big guy lol.

  7. #13247
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its not some secret cycle or dosage what separates the monsters walking this earth to the rest, its how they train and how they eat what makes them special. Learn those skills and you have the tools to create something different what shines above the rest of the crowd.
    The above could not have been said better and EVERYONE should take heed. When it comes to cycles most guys do far more than they actually need (IMHO) to make progress. Now if you have a large contest coming or you're shooting for a pro card I understand. If it's not and you just want to be bigger and look better on the beach then scale it back to reality and be somewhat health conscious at the same time. Remember, your cycles should only supplement your training and nutrition. Not the other way around. In other words, have some perspective.

    Personally I've never run more than 750 Test and 500 Deca and various mixes in between. The "more is better" or "instant gratification" philosophy is not always the most prudent way to go. Focus on your training and nutrition and you will make progress and achieve your goals.
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  8. #13248
    Hey can you tell me if pp is real or fake? It's a hot pink pill with pp on both sides. Source told me it's dbol?

  9. #13249
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Will do big guy roughly what rep are you looking at to fail ?
    Rep range The ideal rep range for building size and stimulating hypertrophy is the 6 to 12 reps. Less than 6 reps will more or less increase strength and a degree of size, performing more than 12 reps will help build muscle endurance. Make sure that your reps fall within this range and your hitting true positive failure for the best chance of hypertrpohy. If your implementing one of the beyond failure methods such as forced & negs, rest pause or dropsetting you use a weight what is heavy enough to bring your positive failure at the low end of the rep range. An example for rest pause you use a weight what you will hit true positive failure at around the 4th rep then you would rest for around 10-15 seconds and do another couple of reps, then rest again for another 10-15 seconds and hit another 2 reps with the same weight. In total your doing 8 reps which is within range and your going to failure on each rest pause so you have a high chance of stimulating the right fibers to produce the best gains. As your rep range and strength increases towards a total of 12 reps you simple increase the weight being used so your constantly increasing intensity and overload, the two keys principles of any HIT programme. You use feeler sets to determine what weight you will be using on your working set, as you use different methods like dropsetting always makes sure you don't drop the weight to much so your not going over 12 reps in total. If you are you need to be using heavier weight on the drops so your rep range hits below the 12 reps in total. I always like to use around the 8 rep range in total and increase the reps upwards until I feel i can increase the weight so my rep range falls around the 8 rep range again. We are aiming for maximum muscle fiber recruitment hitting these rep ranges at failure will have the greatest potential for muscular growth. The above advice is for someone who is already advanced and is looking to build bigger thicker muscles, its not for someone who is building a base and foundation because these people can really benefit from using a lower rep range aswell as the above.

    You will grow with normal sets and reps with modest intensity but if you want serious growth than you have to take your working set to true positive failure, this means using a weight what is heavy enough to make that working set very difficult and then going past true positive failure. Remember the type 2a fast twitch do all do all the work until you get to true positive failure then the type 2b come into play and these are the ones what produce the biggest gains in muscle size. You have to progressively overload your body each time you train, this means add more weight (or reps until you can add more weight) to stimulate growth, you also need to make sure your activating the type 2b fast twitch fibers which only get involved when you go to true positive failure. Your rep range needs to be between 6-12 reps at the failure point, I prefer around 6-8 reps range at failure. This is why its wise to have a partner when trying to activate the type 2b fast twitch fibers because you may think your going to positive failure but you wont be you need that reassurance of a partner who can just take that small amount of weight of the bar at true positive failure so you can mentally get past this sticking point. There are many advance protocols what you can use to get yourself to true positive failure which I've discussed in my thread.

    HIT training will activate the tough type 2b muscle fibers and going to true positive will recruit all the muscle fibers which will give you the best chance of some serious tissue growth. Using advance training protocols like drop sets, rest pause, forced, negatives, supersets and even partials can be used to further your beyond failure training to help you activate the type 2b fast twitch fibers.

  10. #13250
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    I've never touched tren lol

  11. #13251
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    marcus, do you use this rep range with legs as well ?

  12. #13252
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    Ok did tri's today

    Tri pd 5,5,3 DD to fail

    Behind head tri ex cable with rope 5 just, 3,1 DD to fail

    Only two exercices as i was really pushed for time. And since the big guy said i was a pvssy for not doing true failure right lol i really went heavy and did HIT and it was fvcking great.

  13. #13253
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ View Post
    marcus, do you use this rep range with legs as well ?
    I tend to hit the higher end of my rep range but yes I normally stay within my markers unless I don't judge the weight right for the working set them I will go over. I do mess around with it but I am pretty consistent with my rep range because my body responds to it. I am thick set with full muscle bellies and I put that down to the way I train and what my body responds best to for that kind of look I desire. When I do a pullback for a couple of weeks I do high reps for legs and change things around but when I am building tissue I have my guidelines and stick to them.

  14. #13254
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    Awesome, thank you marcus.

    I have increased my intensity/weight, while lowering my volume and rest between sets considerably.
    Before I feel I had been just going through the motions, definitely feelin' it now.

  15. #13255
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    Got some chest in. Started with inclines. I pushed it a little more intense this time. Quick workout. Was weaker today. I don't know why. Will report back later

  16. #13256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Got some chest in. Started with inclines. I pushed it a little more intense this time. Quick workout. Was weaker today. I don't know why. Will report back later
    Fvck cuz that front delt looks like a bicep on it's own lol.

  17. #13257
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ View Post
    Awesome, thank you marcus.

    I have increased my intensity/weight, while lowering my volume and rest between sets considerably.
    Before I feel I had been just going through the motions, definitely feelin' it now.
    Just try and find what gives you the most growth then design your workout around that. Sometimes different muscle groups need attacking in different ways and getting to know your own body will help you understand this. Once you find what works you have the tools to grow bigger and stronger.

  18. #13258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Got some chest in. Started with inclines. I pushed it a little more intense this time. Quick workout. Was weaker today. I don't know why. Will report back later
    It happens sometimes, we cant be 100% all the time but as long as you feel it was productive and from the looks of you everything is sweet big guy

  19. #13259
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    Arms are sore today. Tri's are sore from yesterday and bi's are a bit tender from the day before.

  20. #13260
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    Delts - straight sets

    seat side laterals
    2 warm up sets
    2 working sets

    smith machine shoulder press
    2 feels sets
    2 working sets

    rear delts
    2 warm up sets
    2 working sets

    bb shrugs
    4 sets to failure,

    All sets done to failure, no beyond failure methods just straight sets taking a pullback this week

    down to 263lbs

  21. #13261
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Delts - straight sets

    seat side laterals
    2 warm up sets
    2 working sets

    smith machine shoulder press
    2 feels sets
    2 working sets

    rear delts
    2 warm up sets
    2 working sets

    bb shrugs
    4 sets to failure,

    All sets done to failure, no beyond failure methods just straight sets taking a pullback this week

    down to 263lbs
    DOWN to 263 lol you fvcking beast.

  22. #13262
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.

    DOWN to 263 lol you fvcking beast.
    Lmfao right! He's a monster..... Want that thickness

  23. #13263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Lmfao right! He's a monster..... Want that thickness

    X2. Tired of being skinny, weak and sickly looking.
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  24. #13264
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    X2. Tired of being skinny, weak and sickly looking.
    You shut up lol..... U have an 8 pack with 0 cardio

  25. #13265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard

    You shut up lol..... U have an 8 pack with 0 cardio
    We call that freak of nature

  26. #13266
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    Cuz please for heavens sake start doing some delt work. It's really ashamed to go through life with those connected to you. Lol beast master. Look great.

    If I find a working time machine I'm coming for you. You 8 me 30 I may have a fighting chance at you. Whatever your doing keep it up.

  27. #13267
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    4:30 am workouts are not working for me anymore. I can't drag my sorry ass out of bed for some reason. I went at 4:30 pm today. Damn what a circus. I got a decent workout but I had to search for unoccupied equipment. We will see how it goes the rest of the week. I just hope I don't kill some idiot in the mean time.

  28. #13268
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    Cape its a damn shame. I don't even train delts anymore. They are always injured one or the seems my genetics help me out on delts.

  29. #13269
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    Leg workout didn't happen this weekend. Got a good bit done outside @ home.....fell out of a tree...little dinged up. Hitting legs today though!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  30. #13270
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    First night tonight doing delpad week training no records will be set this week. Was away for twodays and have only recovered now

  31. #13271
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Leg workout didn't happen this weekend. Got a good bit done outside @ home.....fell out of a tree...little dinged up. Hitting legs today though!
    Damn AG...stop climbing trees for cardio its gonna hurt u.

  32. #13272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    4:30 am workouts are not working for me anymore. I can't drag my sorry ass out of bed for some reason.
    It's 4:30 am, that's the reason. Jeez.

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Leg workout didn't happen this weekend. Got a good bit done outside @ home.....fell out of a tree...little dinged up. Hitting legs today though!
    Stop climbing trees. You're not a kid anymore.
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  33. #13273
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    Getting ready for legs in a few minutes. Pounding down some coffee, neoprene on my knees already. I always get this bit of anxiety or trepidation prior to leg days:

    Fear of the weight to be pushed?
    Fear of the overall hard work to be done?
    Fear of failure?
    My subconscious asking why I do this to myself?
    Training alone in my basement elevating the fear of failure aspect?

    Don't know. But all the above thoughts swirl around my mind prior to leg day starting. Good part is that after a couple warm up sets, blood gets moving and all the negative thoughts are gone. Pure animal instinct takes over, driving me to continually push harder and strive for more weight and more progress. More of the feeling only those who live this lifestyle can understand.

    Random thoughts I guess...

    That said, it's time to go to the dungeon and lift like there's no tomorrow.
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  34. #13274
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    Did delts

    Seated db side raises

    Bent over db rear delts raises

    Shoulder press

    I also did some rear delt fly neg with cable one side at a time.

  35. #13275
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Getting ready for legs in a few minutes. Pounding down some coffee, neoprene on my knees already. I always get this bit of anxiety or trepidation prior to leg days:

    Fear of the weight to be pushed?
    Fear of the overall hard work to be done?
    Fear of failure?
    My subconscious asking why I do this to myself?
    Training alone in my basement elevating the fear of failure aspect?

    Don't know. But all the above thoughts swirl around my mind prior to leg day starting. Good part is that after a couple warm up sets, blood gets moving and all the negative thoughts are gone. Pure animal instinct takes over, driving me to continually push harder and strive for more weight and more progress. More of the feeling only those who live this lifestyle can understand.

    Random thoughts I guess...

    That said, it's time to go to the dungeon and lift like there's no tomorrow.
    Though I train in a gym I'm still alone. I get those butterflies in leg day as well. I feel it pushes me harder training alone. Something about knowing you don't have anyone to help if you're trapped under the weight. Mostly on leg press, my gym has an old machine with no safety stops, getting stuck about halfway through that last rep, and as the sled starts creeping back towards me I get that surge of adrenalin that only comes with intense fear, and fire off that last rep like I'm trying to kick the sled off into the floor. That's when the smile hits, and I pump out some hand on knees forced reps.

  36. #13276
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Getting ready for legs in a few minutes. Pounding down some coffee, neoprene on my knees already. I always get this bit of anxiety or trepidation prior to leg days:

    Fear of the weight to be pushed?
    Fear of the overall hard work to be done?
    Fear of failure?
    My subconscious asking why I do this to myself?
    Training alone in my basement elevating the fear of failure aspect?

    Don't know. But all the above thoughts swirl around my mind prior to leg day starting. Good part is that after a couple warm up sets, blood gets moving and all the negative thoughts are gone. Pure animal instinct takes over, driving me to continually push harder and strive for more weight and more progress. More of the feeling only those who live this lifestyle can understand.

    Random thoughts I guess...

    That said, it's time to go to the dungeon and lift like there's no tomorrow.
    I get similar anxieties/excitement as well. For me, I think its my desire to have massive quads. And I know by pushing myself past the limits of comfort is the only way I am going to achieve that.

    Usually, my legs have a bit of tenderness/weakness at the beginning of the workout. When I feel this, my confidence takes a hit, as I haven't even started to warmup yet. Based on that feeling, I think there's no way I'm going to be able to squat heavy today. Several warmup sets later and I'm on my way to walking like a flamingo for the next day.

    With all the anxieties, effort and mental barriers to break, I wouldn't pass up leg day for nothing.

  37. #13277
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    In other news, I hit chest today. First time in the gym in 2 weeks trying to let the wrist recover. It's feeling better, but due to the nature of my job keeps getting tweaked every few days. Picked up some wrist wraps over the weekend, and they helped a ton. No pain at all during this session. Thinking about giving tb500 a go to see if it'll help.

    Incline DB press: 3 warmups, 1 feel, 1 working 1 drop

    Incline DB fly: 1 feel, 1 working 1 drop

    Incline hammer strength press: 1 feel, 1 working w RP.

    Decline hammer strength press: 1 feel, 1 working w RP.

    Pec dec fly: 1 working 2 drops

    Machine dips: 1 feel, 1 working 2 drops

    Reverse grip straight bar push downs: 2 working w 2 drops.

    Chest and tris fried in 45 min. Now I'm sitting here waiting to get called back for my root canal re-do.

  38. #13278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Though I train in a gym I'm still alone. I get those butterflies in leg day as well. I feel it pushes me harder training alone. Something about knowing you don't have anyone to help if you're trapped under the weight. Mostly on leg press, my gym has an old machine with no safety stops, getting stuck about halfway through that last rep, and as the sled starts creeping back towards me I get that surge of adrenalin that only comes with intense fear, and fire off that last rep like I'm trying to kick the sled off into the floor. That's when the smile hits, and I pump out some hand on knees forced reps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black View Post
    I get similar anxieties/excitement as well. For me, I think its my desire to have massive quads. And I know by pushing myself past the limits of comfort is the only way I am going to achieve that.

    Usually, my legs have a bit of tenderness/weakness at the beginning of the workout. When I feel this, my confidence takes a hit, as I haven't even started to warmup yet. Based on that feeling, I think there's no way I'm going to be able to squat heavy today. Several warmup sets later and I'm on my way to walking like a flamingo for the next day.

    With all the anxieties, effort and mental barriers to break, I wouldn't pass up leg day for nothing.
    Exactly. I can never judge how I will do on a leg workout by how I feel ahead of time. It makes no sense to me. Feel great can sometimes equal a shitty workout. Feel crappy can be an amazing workout. Strange.

    I'm hoping to hear more from the guys on what thoughts they have running through their minds on leg day.....
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  39. #13279
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Exactly. I can never judge how I will do on a leg workout by how I feel ahead of time. It makes no sense to me. Feel great can sometimes equal a shitty workout. Feel crappy can be an amazing workout. Strange.

    I'm hoping to hear more from the guys on what thoughts they have running through their minds on leg day.....
    I used to be that guy that would be at the squat rack who would get warm then start putting on the plate. Listen for the slide and clank. Like the sound of putting a round in the chamber of a gun. Then I'd start pacing back and forth, looking at the bar. Increased breathing calling myself derogatory names to piss myself off. Letting the anger build till I was close to exploding. Then get under the bar saying to myself fvcking do this. Do this you fvcking pvssy. Then I'd drop into the hole and squat. At that point I'm not thinking anything. I'm not there. I'm watching myself. Get some. Get some. Ahhh. Rack it.

    Now it's not quiet the same. I don't use as much weight. I'm slower going down and up. In my mind I'm picturing my quads filling with blood. I'm thinking contract. Harder damn it. Don't lock out. Stand there. Feel the pain. See the cuts. Ok let it go. Drop in again. Slow slow. I'm seeing the muscle under the strain on the way up. Push it I say. Squeeze hold repeat. Not so violent. But controlled. Planned and executed for maximum effect and gain. There you have the transition of bodybuilder from young to mature.

  40. #13280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    I used to be that guy that would be at the squat rack who would get warm then start putting on the plate. Listen for the slide and clank. Like the sound of putting a round in the chamber of a gun. Then I'd start pacing back and forth, looking at the bar. Increased breathing calling myself derogatory names to piss myself off. Letting the anger build till I was close to exploding. Then get under the bar saying to myself fvcking do this. Do this you fvcking pvssy. Then I'd drop into the hole and squat. At that point I'm not thinking anything. I'm not there. I'm watching myself. Get some. Get some. Ahhh. Rack it.

    Now it's not quiet the same. I don't use as much weight. I'm slower going down and up. In my mind I'm picturing my quads filling with blood. I'm thinking contract. Harder damn it. Don't lock out. Stand there. Feel the pain. See the cuts. Ok let it go. Drop in again. Slow slow. I'm seeing the muscle under the strain on the way up. Push it I say. Squeeze hold repeat. Not so violent. But controlled. Planned and executed for maximum effect and gain. There you have the transition of bodybuilder from young to mature.
    I've never really been able to get pumped for a set that way. Tried for a long time with what seemed to be little benefit. I've come to find I do better by completely clearing my mind and focusing on what needs to be done. I'd say it's a borderline meditative state that I enter right before my first set, and travel a little deeper with each one.

    It's pain, agony, and the greatest high anyone may ever know. It's my life and I'm addicted!

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