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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #13361
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    Biggest problem I have there is I train at home and don't have enough equipment. My dumbells don't go heavy enough for chest.

    I guess it's time to invest

  2. #13362
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Same here. Since I've been doing abs prior to my back sessions to loosen things up and hitting deads last, my lower back has been holding up much better.
    A brilliant thing to do and something I've recommended often for those with back issues. Warms you up, tightens your core and prepares you for the work to come. Similar to calves first on leg day.....
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  3. #13363
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    We have mental health issues regarding our bodies lol.
    Oh, without question.
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  4. #13364
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Having problems with my chest. I just can't seem to get it to work, can't get any growth. Since I started hit my bis/ tris back and legs have shown pretty good results, but I can't seem to isolate my chest.
    I'm apparently very shoulder dominate in my bench. The part of the pec that connects to the shoulder is always sore after chest day, but never the lower part of my chest.
    I start with flat bb bench, then decline, then flies.

    Any suggestions?
    DB flys (vary bench position) and decline presses are my favorite heavy movements to really hit the chest. OK, I have pecs tomorrow and now I'm pumped thinking about grabbing some 85s and repping out some flys!

  5. #13365
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Yes Cape change hand position, the back is huge and made up of many muscles so hitting them all with a variety of movements will stimulate them all. Deads I would recommend done at the end of the workout like ive said before I was a huge DL'er and I mean I bent bars but my lower back exploded when I stopped them, sounds strange but now I have tree trunks down either side of my lower spine by hit my lower back with different movements. Its all about the contraction with the back always and I mean every time you squeeze and contract the back on a movement make sure your back is arched inwards so imagine your trying to crush a walnut between your shoulder blades or lower back this will mean you lower the weight until you have perfect form.
    So very true. Just wanted to add that I've trained bb rows up to 275 for 4-6 reps, but I get such a better contraction if I drop the weight to 225 or so. Better contraction = better development.

  6. #13366
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    A brilliant thing to do and something I've recommended often for those with back issues. Warms you up, tightens your core and prepares you for the work to come. Similar to calves first on leg day.....
    I would be one of the recommendees. Thanks again!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  7. #13367
    Dunno why, but lately ive been feeling so lerthagic and lost my appetite. Not sure why.

  8. #13368
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Biggest problem I have there is I train at home and don't have enough equipment. My dumbells don't go heavy enough for chest.

    I guess it's time to invest
    There are several of us here that lift @ home. Keep an eye on CL and your local second hand sports store if you have one. I bought most of my plates and d'bells that way. Also, if you can find some Platemate magnetic weights @ a reasonable price it cuts down on the investment somewhat. You buy the Platemates in pairs.....I have 2 prs. of a 2.5# set and 2 prs. of a 5# set. Now, I just keep an eye out for 10# increment d'bells and add the Platemates as needed to hit the poundages in between.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-01-2014 at 10:54 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  9. #13369
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Preacher curls, bb curls, incline db curls, cable curls i feel give me the best bi work out marcus. These are in the 10-15 rep range if i'm doing sets but can't get as much as that with incline db curls as i do them last when i use them.

    My bi's are very sore the now from the work out earlier.
    First thing experiencing DOMS isn't a 100% sign that you had a great workout you can still stimulate growth without having any soreness. I would go by growth in that area over a 3 month period rather than pain after the workout. Looking at your routine and the exercises you use I can only think your having trouble pushing your biceps beyond what they are capable of doing. I also think you may need to hit the higher rep range so I would hit 3 movements

    seated DB alternate curls - try and keep your palms facing forward the entire movement and concentrate on curling the bell up without any swing and once at the top squeeze the bicep and slowly back down, once you have warmed up do 2 working sets, on the working set make sure you start with a db what you fail at 6 reps at then immediately dropset into another DB and rep until you fail try and hit around 4-6 reps, then once you cant lift the bell anymore dropset again and rep till you fail. I want to you keep going until your down to half and quarters until your arm will not move at all. Don't just stick to my rep range if you can do more reps do them just make sure your hitting failure on each session of the drop set. Many think they are going to failure but aren't so make sure you rip and destroy the bicep, by the end of your first working set you should have some serious pump going on and you'll be thinking to yourself that its impossible to do another working set but adjust the weight down a bit and do another working set concentrating on squeezing each contraction and make sure you lower the db slowly so you hit the negative part of the lift, there are two growth stimulating movements to each rep that's the positive and negative, the negative will cause the most damage and ruptures to the muscles fibers so think about that while your doing each rep.

    Next exercise go for incline alternative curls and stretch that lower bicep and make it work, get hold of one set of bells and do a feel set and try and judge the weight for your working set, once you have its judged we are going to do 2 working sets again with 2 drops. Again keep your palms facing forward and slowly do each rep first set you want to be using a weight what your hitting around 4-6-7 reps at failure, you know what failure means not even a quarter rep is possible so once at failure dropset down and rep again with a lighter weight and remember concentrate on the contraction and lowering of the db, this will destroy the bicep, honest this will make you scream in pain inside, drop set at failure and complete your last dropset, squeeze and lower that dumbbell and you should start feeling your bicep setting like quick drying concrete and the pump and pain is so much its impossible to do another rep, at this stage I want you to get that bell up by any means possible, swing a bit on the last rep and get the fuker up, once at the top I want you to lower that DB slowly do not just let it drop fast I want you to hold that lowering of the bell slowly, this will destroy your muscle fibers and really break them down, once at the bottom go into half reps or quarters until you cant move that fuking bell, do 2 working sets you may have to adjust the 2nd working set weight of the DB's

    3rd exercise I want you to do is the bent over concentration curl - try and bend over and place your head on the top of an incline bench or the preacher bench, you want to be bending over around the 90 degree mark but try and rest your head on something it will help with focusing on the concentration curl instead of putting pressure on your lower back. Let your arm hang down and don't move your elbow backwards when doing the movement, if you look down your elbow should be inline with your shoulder so when you start reping you make sure your elbow doesn't go out of line, this is very important. This will if done correctly hits the bicep peak like nothing else and makes the bicep burn like some fuker as a blow torch on your bicep. Pick a weight were your hitting failure at 10-12 reps, by this stage I don't have to explain what failure means do I ? so we are curling up slowly and slowly lowering the db, the burn will start straight away and you will need great mental strength to go through this after you have just done on the previous movements but grit your teeth, no one can see the strange faces your pulling while your bent over so go for it lol I want you to do 2 working sets. Once at failure I want you to carry on and do another 2 reps but use your other hand to help you get the db up, so we are now doing 2 forced reps, don't take too much weight off make your bicep struggle and make sure your elbow stays straight inline with your delt don't let it drift backwards, let the bicep do the work and do 2 forced reps, on the second forced rep at the contraction part of the lift at the top I want you to do 2 negative reps now, so slowly lower the db under control, this will make you feel sick if you have took your bicep to positive failure and you have just done 2 forced reps. once you have done one negative get the db up again by using the other hand to help you curl it up and do the last negative, do not lower that db fast make sure you try and hold that db in mid air and lower it slowly.

    If you do forearms do hammer curls and wrist curls with db,

    If you come back and tell me you couldn't get a pump I will come up to Scotland and giving you a good slapping for being a pu$$y.

    Don't waste reps, its one of the common things everyone does. They think ive got to hit 10 reps for this set so they start reping and don't actually rep correctly they just concentrate on hitting the number of reps they have engraved in their heads, forget that each rep is precious the positive and negative parts so forget this mind set you may have and make sure you breakdown your bicep muscles and put them under so much stress that they don't know what's hit them. Make sure you use each rep and make sure failure means failure

  10. #13370
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Having problems with my chest. I just can't seem to get it to work, can't get any growth. Since I started hit my bis/ tris back and legs have shown pretty good results, but I can't seem to isolate my chest.
    I'm apparently very shoulder dominate in my bench. The part of the pec that connects to the shoulder is always sore after chest day, but never the lower part of my chest.
    I start with flat bb bench, then decline, then flies.

    Any suggestions?
    Look at pre exhausting your chest your triceps may be dominating your chest workout so hit pre exhaust in HIT style and this should destroy your chest. Use DB's on every movement and don't use bars, with DB's on each rep of pressing make sure you don't lock out and make sure you bring the bells slightly together at the top, this will take the tension of the triceps and onto the chest only, get this right and you will feel a serious burn in the chest. So hit pre exhaust first then go into your compound movements but only use bells, don't lock out and bring them towards each other at the top so the tension is away from the tricep and fully on the chest.

  11. #13371
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    Great post on working the biceps, Marcus. Copied it for reference and future use.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  12. #13372
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    Thanks marcus for the detailed expiation. I will follow it 100%.

    And there will be no need for you to come to Scotland I really really promise i will sort these bi's out

  13. #13373
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    Marcus two question on that bi routine. Seen u suggest this before...and I basically do this exact workout.

    First question is "palms facing forward". Meaning no twist with the movement and palms are always going in same direction as the movement? Hard to explain what I'm thinking here.

    Other is bent overs. I always do these. Either with hand on incline bench or just standing freely like Arnold does. But question is when bringing dB up at peak concentration point. Should dB be at opposite side pec or same as the working arm?

  14. #13374
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    Did chest today it was painfull as back into a 6 week assault on myself again. Was unreal can barely lift my arms. Now to feed and relax for the evening

  15. #13375
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Thanks marcus for the detailed expiation. I will follow it 100%.

    And there will be no need for you to come to Scotland I really really promise i will sort these bi's out
    Honest you should get some soreness and serious growth if you attack your biceps in that fashion. Not all reps are the same I see over 80% worth of reps in the gym a waste of time and all they doing is feeding their ego. A rep is a beautiful thing but your must control it, you must make the desired muscle group perform it, you must squeeze hard at the contraction and you must at all times make sure your perform the positive and negative sides of the rep

  16. #13376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Marcus two question on that bi routine. Seen u suggest this before...and I basically do this exact workout.

    First question is "palms facing forward". Meaning no twist with the movement and palms are always going in same direction as the movement? Hard to explain what I'm thinking here.

    Other is bent overs. I always do these. Either with hand on incline bench or just standing freely like Arnold does. But question is when bringing dB up at peak concentration point. Should dB be at opposite side pec or same as the working arm?
    The bicep routine was based upon Clarky situation and circumstances it can relate to others but the rep range will need to be adjusted and other adavnaced protocols may be needed depending on their own bodies, Clarky looks like he needs a higher rep range so its ideal to attack that with dropsetting to failure, that's true failure!!!!

    When doing alternative db curls you can either twist the bells at the bottom or keep them the same way, I told clarky palms facing forward because it will keep a bit more pressure on the whole of the bicep and it will still be trying to tense up holding it in that position during the other arm does the other rep, in other words its fuking hell and rips your biceps to bits

    In the bent over CC -if your bent over without any support to the working arm and its freely hanging down just make sure when your curl it up that the elbow doesn't move backwards, ive done both types and imho holding your elbow stationary in line with your delt your bicep gets a better workout and it seems to hit the peak better, at failure use the other arm to complete forced and negatives and if you do these right your arms will feel like someone else's

  17. #13377
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    Just going to do chest. I'm going to use the cables to pr exhaust this time I've never had bother with my chest like just doing it a bit different as i usually finish with the cable x over/fly

  18. #13378
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    I've fcking assed around all last week. Time to get serious.

  19. #13379
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    Did chest pr exhaust with cable flys

    Incline flys

    Decline flys

    Decline db press

    Incline db press

    Very slow neg on every rep and a very good stretch as well at the bottom.

  20. #13380
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    Good God...marcus has a way with words. Just finished up with shoulders. Reading that bicep post makes me want to head back out to the garage. Your descriptive writing puts me in a world where I start griting my teeth and feeling the pain as I read. This isn't some motivational bs. This is real. Keep it coming. Just write a book, will 'ya. Thanks for taking the time to write these EPIC posts.

  21. #13381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Good God...marcus has a way with words. Just finished up with shoulders. Reading that bicep post makes me want to head back out to the garage. Your descriptive writing puts me in a world where I start griting my teeth and feeling the pain as I read. This isn't some motivational bs. This is real. Keep it coming. Just write a book, will 'ya. Thanks for taking the time to write these EPIC posts.
    Thanks rusty. I try to explain the best way I can to hopefully open up everyone's inner aggression to take your body to its limit. There's only one thing you have to keep saying to yourself and that's you have to put your body under more stress than its use to so it has no alternative but to grow. It's not easy and the mental focus needed is something you have to learn but once mastered you'll look different than everyone else.

  22. #13382
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    R/C w/u and broomstick stretches

    D'bell press- 2w/u, Work-6.5-drop-3.5-2
    Seated side lateral-2 w/u, Work-3-drop-2.5-drop-3-.5-.5
    Rear lateral-2w/u, Work-5-.5-.5-drop-2.5-3.5
    B'bell shrugs-2 w/u, Work(front)-5-drop-7.5-drop-6, Work 2(rear)-5-3.5-drop-7-.5-.5

    48 minutes total. Delts and traps are on fire.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-02-2014 at 08:44 PM. Reason: edited shrug worksets...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  23. #13383
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    I used a warm up weight and really studied and focused on form today (chest day, bb bench)
    I noticed I was keeping my elbows tucked, and my grip was fairly narrow. I was also bringing the bar down rather high on my chest (above nipples).
    So I practiced a warm up set with my hands 3 fingers out further on the bar, allowing my elbows to come out further from my body, and bringing the bar to my clavicle. I could tell the difference just on the warm ups. Tried the same weight as last week, obviously want going to work, even with rest pause. Had to drop the weight some, hit rest pause and two drops.

    I can tell an obvious difference. Shoulders don't feel very worked at all. Lower chest is much more worked then normal.

    If you guys see anything the doesn't look right, lmk

  24. #13384
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    R/C w/u and broomstick stretches

    D'bell press- 2w/u, Work-6.5-drop-3.5-2
    Seated side lateral-2 w/u, Work-3-drop-2.5-drop-3-.5-.5
    Rear lateral-2w/u, Work-5-.5-.5-drop-2.5-3.5
    B'bell shrugs-2 w/u, Work(front)-5-drop-7.5-drop-6, Work 2-5-3.5-7-.5-.5

    48 minutes total. Delts and traps are on fire.
    Did exact same routine this afternoon...minus the "broomstick stretches". Wth...gotta google that one

  25. #13385
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Did exact same routine this afternoon...minus the "broomstick stretches". Wth...gotta google that one
    LOL....hold a broomstick behind legs @ arms length w/ palms facing to the rear and slowly raise to get a stretch. Some people don't like them, but they've been decent for me. Also, I hold a broomstick behind my legs with palms facing forward and apply pressure against the back of legs to pop up my traps to get them warmed up.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #13386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Dunno why, but lately ive been feeling so lerthagic and lost my appetite. Not sure why.
    Warmer weather? Change in your normal daily routine? Sometimes it doesn't take much.
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  27. #13387
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    If you come back and tell me you couldn't get a pump I will come up to Scotland and giving you a good slapping for being a pu$$y.
    Now that made me laugh.
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  28. #13388
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Warmer weather? Change in your normal daily routine? Sometimes it doesn't take much.
    Nah mate, start of winter here in AUS, so its raining where i am and cold and gross weather haha.

    Just not enjoying eating and the days i feel better and enjoy are the days where i barely touch any food. Not full on eat my meals to gain mass. Over it atm. Going to start a cut shortly soon anyway. Hate eating, feeling full, sleepy/lerthagic then having to eat another 4 meals that day lol. Just feels like such a chore.

  29. #13389
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Now that made me laugh.
    Ok for you kel when i read it i fvcking sh@t myself lol.

  30. #13390
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    Adding knee braces on leg day has been the best thing I've done in a while. It's been 2 days and legs are still fvcked. No pain in the knee joints at all, but everything else hurts to stand, sit, walk, etc... I'm forecasting some amazing leg development in my near future.

  31. #13391
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Adding knee braces on leg day has been the best thing I've done in a while. It's been 2 days and legs are still fvcked. No pain in the knee joints at all, but everything else hurts to stand, sit, walk, etc... I'm forecasting some amazing leg development in my near future.

    That's great, Dpyle. I've been threatening to buy some myself. Just recently purchased neoprene sleeves for my elbows and have been looking @ the knee braces Marcus and Kel mentioned.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-03-2014 at 03:16 AM. Reason: ...spelling...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  32. #13392
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    Tonight is back for me will be motivating myself by watching some Yates and Coleman back videos

  33. #13393
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone

    That's great, Dpyle. I've been threatening to buy some myself. Just recently purchased neoprene sleeves for my elbows and have been looking @ the knee braces Marcus and Kel mentioned.
    Mine are similar to what Kel and Marcus have posted, but I got mine for 5 bucks each on close out at the pharmacy and took the support springs out of the sides.

  34. #13394
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    Work and home have gotten crazy yet again. I'm working out 2 maybe 3 times a week. Hell I love it. I feel better. I think look better. I'm no longer worried about a 5/2 split. Who cares. Rest seems to be top priority besides food for me at this age. I'm going with it.

  35. #13395
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    Well for working out 2-3 x wk cape your are doing a good job mate.

    Tri's for me in about 10-15 min looking forward to it.

  36. #13396
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Work and home have gotten crazy yet again. I'm working out 2 maybe 3 times a week. Hell I love it. I feel better. I think look better. I'm no longer worried about a 5/2 split. Who cares. Rest seems to be top priority besides food for me at this age. I'm going with it.
    You'll be on my M-W-F routine in no time....
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  37. #13397
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You'll be on my M-W-F routine in no time....
    It's like a T-Th now. Lol

  38. #13398
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    Ok did tri's. Oh it was brutal

    Cable over head ex with straight bar 8,6,4,2 + 1drop

    Rope pd 6,4,2 +1drop

    Tri pd straight bar 7,4,4 +1drop

    Ok this was very very hard i could not do 1 single more rep on the working or the drops fvcking loving this the now.
    I was saying marcus is coming to get you lol on every move i was really really pushing it.
    I love posting my workouts here the encouragement and help is so so good and the gains i'm making are good i'm getting good comments from people quite alot.
    I can not wait to try the workout the big man wrote out for me.

  39. #13399
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    been missing you guys. Glad to see everyone doing well.

  40. #13400
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    Back tonight was epic.

    Did T bar rows very slow and heavy the last two reps were a real struggle but my bavk exploded it was immense.

    Then single rows same as above.

    Close grip Yates style lat pull down, for this exercise I always have Yates training partner Leroy in my mind screaming sqeeze like he does with Yates its a great way to concentrate the muscle.

    Then deads to finish by the time this came along I was ruined. Lifted heavy and slow back was going to explode.

    Then just bodyweight hypers to strech out the back etc

    Then 10mins cardio

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