Kel, how do you split the 3 day? Like what groups do you got on what days?
Kel, how do you split the 3 day? Like what groups do you got on what days?
Wow lol I forgot how hard coming off was...vascularity is gone. Blood vessels seem to have shrunk ...ahhhh until next time. Hope everyone is killin it out there. Reporting out.
Stay around cuz your posts are always interesting
Here to stay brother
I'm down to 258lbs and the priming is going well. I feel better lighter and not as uncomfortable. Strength is good but still have shoulder problems and lower back issues. My shoulders have been getting in the way of sleeping and it's been making my cuff problem worse. I sleep with my arms up and it's been really affecting my sleep.
Just taking my trt and just started back on creatine but tempted to go back on a small cycle because just required some Bayer testovirion but going to hold off until I feel it's right.
Training my body once per 7 to 10 days and really going intense but for very short periods of time. Chest size is suffering due to my cuff injury and also my shoulders look smaller but could just be my head playing games.
Concentrating on back thickness, calves, forearms and side delts. I think if I add a touch of size in these areas I will look bigger.
Monday = Chest, Bi's then tri's
Wednesday = Total legs
Friday = Back and shoulders
Some of the days may be too much in one sitting for a lot of guys to be able to give it 100% intensity. I've been doing this a long time and intensity is not an issue with me. All done in an hour or less.
That's what I figured.
I'm switching to it effective immediately. Got to spend more time with the kid, I've been feeling bad about it.
I did your Monday on Monday actually. Pushed a little past an hour, but kept good intensity. If only my chest would grow like my bis are. Geez
The tricep if trained right will really make a huge difference to your overall arm size. If you target the long head you can really get the bulge hanging down in the double bicep pose and this will give an illusion of huge arms because hitting the long head will make that lower tricep look like its a slab of beef. Hitting the outer head can really make your arms looks amazing when straight so overall development is needed if you want that freaky look.
Lets start off with straight bar push downs, warm them up with some high reps and try and get as much blood as you can in the area and warm up the elbows. There are many different ways guys do pushdowns and i am going to try and explain how i do them which i would like you to try, I'm not going to say my way is the best but I've found these work best for me and really made a huge difference in my tricep development. Many move the elbows and let the bar come up close to the body and then pushdown and lock out and others pushdown using everything they can just to get the weight down, both have benefits but i want you to try them like this. Put your elbows fixed to you sides of your body and don't move them, don't swing them out just keep them fixed in position. When you start the pushdown slightly push the bar away from your body so your arms go really straight at an angle, this really contracts the tricep. Tense hard at the bottom and slowly repeat with the weight under control at all times. Many think the pushdown is just a warm up and finisher exercise but its not if done correctly. Now do 2 feel sets and get a weight were you will be failing at 6ish reps, you know what failure means by now so the last rep wants to be so painful at the contraction part it feels like a hot poker in your tricep, now at this stage you can do either rest pause or dropset and in this example i will go with drops.
At failure on your working set which should be around the 6th rep mark you need to be dropping the weight down so you can perform another 3-4 reps. Remember keep those elbows fixed and push the bar slightly away from you at the full contraction and tense your triceps. Don't waste reps and don't waste sets its the biggest mistake we all do, so when your counting you think that this set as to cause some serious trauma to your muscle otherwise your just going to be another normal guy in the gym who trains. We don't want this we want to be a freak so being a freak means you do things harder, more intense and recruit every muscle fiber possible to stimulates serious growth. If you feel after the 2nd drop set you still have something left in you then you drop again and go again until failure, don't drop too much weight its amazing how much strength you have left if you think about building a freak rather then being a normal gym guy, focus and don't fail. One working set should be enough but if you feel you can do another one go ahead but IMHO if you have done these right especially with drops to failure you should be all done with one working set with a triple dropset to failure.
Next exercise is the lying tricep extension or skull crushers but we are doing these with DB's rather than the ez bar, we do this because it takes all the strain off the elbows and you can fully concentrate on tearing that long head to bits and using some serious weight without feeling that fuking pain we all feel in the elbows, this limits growth so we do these with DB's and let the natural movement of the arm go with the flow without it being put under strain with a ez bar. We will do these on a flat bench but you can do these on an incline and believe me on an incline its really does put some beef on those triceps. You can do alternative weeks one with flat one with incline. When you do them on an incline you target the higher upper end of the tricep that bit what hangs off just below the shoulder and fills those shirt sleeves and looks like you got something up your shirt. Either way same principle applies we don't waste reps or fuk around like normal guys we are here to do some serious damage and build a monster what turns heads.
Lay down on the bench and hold your arms straight up holding the DB's, now if you look at your arms they are in a straight line all the way down to your shoulders. What i want you to do is get ready for the set and this means moving your arms over your head instead of being in a straight line. This puts a lot of stress on the long head and really makes it work. Bend your arms so the db's come down to around the back of your head your elbows should be above your eyes and you keep your elbows fixed in this place even though you will have a feeling when pressing up to move those elbows back so they line up with your shoulders but don't, keep them completely still and just bend at the elbow and move the db down to around the back of the head and up and tense at the contraction. You will be amazed at how much weight you can do once you fully get the movement right and even after your first feel set you will feel the tricep filling with blood. On the working set get a weight were you will be hitting failure around the 6th rep and we all know what failure means don't we, no more leaving anything left in the tank for further reps you push to your limit so you cant do anymore. At failure the bells will probably drop on your chest at this stage we will do a rest pause, let them rest and do some deep breathing for 15 deep breaths slowly. After 15 deep breaths start repping again with the same weight you will probably hit around 4 ish reps at failure, then do another 15 deep breaths and press again for another 2 reps. If you got the weight right you should be hitting on the working set with all the rest pause around 10-12 reps. Getting the working set weight right is crucial for growth it doesn't want to be too light or too heavy. Failure each time and don't think all because you got to do a rest pause you leave something for those reps, you don't leave anything you take everything to its limit and don't worry the 15 deep breaths recovery will give you enough time for the tricep to slightly recover so you can do some additional reps.
This post is getting to long people wont read it so i am going to cut it short now and stop waffling on, your last exercise hit close grip bench press or seated overhead tricep extension, same principles as above. Your triceps should feel like that they don't belong to you and kind of numb. Remember its all above breaking down those tough muscle fibers to stimulate serious growth. For pity sake its only triceps such a small muscle group if you cant kill these there is no hope in hell of hitting a major muscle group with the intensity needed to make it grow thick and big so get yourself together and focus and train like I'm stood above you shouting at you to do one more rep. You want to be a freak train like one
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Great post Marcus...... I just did tri's yesterday too. They're still tired today haha
Today is rest day, I need it I'm drained
Back day for me this evening....gonna crack that walnut!!![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Lifting iron plays with my head the sensation of your muscles working and being under pressure kind of gives me a huge feeling of well being. The pain in the muscle from taking them to failure makes me feel alive. I am addicted I am a addict to the iron. I adore the pump I love filling my muscles up with blood till they feel like they going to explode. Watching my body change in size makes all the pain worth it. Just a turn of a head while your walking down the street or in a shop, the sense people are looking at you thinking look at the size of him makes training nearly 30's worth it.
I'm I slowly down!!!! I'm I fuk as like![]()
Don't waste reps guys, don't waste sets, don't think about what you got to do after your working set think about that set and taking your body to its limit, release the adrenalin and inner aggression onto the iron, show it who is king. You want to be a freak train like one.
Who's with me
Hell, yes!!! for a penny, in for a pound.![]()
Last edited by almostgone; 06-04-2014 at 08:25 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Had a rest today chest is still sore and tri's are fried and the bi's are just about healed so just eat the day.
Delts tomorrow.
Thought I should mention, chest is still hurting like hell from Monday.
Also, truly reached failure on my 3rd drop set. fortunately, it was a drop, AND I started lighter then previously because of my form changes. So I only had 155 on the bar and it was fairly easy to roll off.
Ah the joys of training alone
Great leg workout today. Took it lighter, no drops or rp's and skipped squats to give my knees a break:
Extensions: 2 working
Vertical's: 3 straight sets, 15 reps or so, non-lock. Fried me.
Smith lunges: 3 straight sets, 10-12 reps.
Seated curls: 2 sets
Stiff's: 2 sets
Calves: 2 vertical, 2 seated. Think they are actually growing for some reason.
Took a couple pic's today for ridicule:
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
....Originally Posted by kelkel
Legs today. Started shaking uncontrollably in my last set of extensions.
My quads are getting close to half the size of kels calves.
Last edited by hawk14dl; 06-04-2014 at 06:55 PM.
Crunches-2 sets
Rack stretches
WG pulldown-2 w/u, Work-3.5-drop-3-3
CG pulldown -2 w/u, Work-5-3-2-1.5
Toe touches
Tbar rows-1 w/u, Work-4-2-1-.5
Low pulley row-1 w/u, Work-4.5-2-1-.5
Rack stretches
Feeling a little weak today, didn't get my deads in. Maybe it's the heat/humidity, 83°F and 80% humidity. Guess I'll give it a few more lifts and see how I feel. Maybe I need to drop the beyond failure reps for a week or two..??..
Back feels really good right now. When I got into the truck it felt like my back hit the seat early.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Shoulders tonight. It's going to be an assault on my senses and muscles loving how my shoulders are shaping out
Back - still taking is easy its my pullback training week/10days
Close grip pulldowns
3 warm up sets - did a rep range of around 15-20 reps on the warm up sets, in-between sets I stretched the lats.
2 working sets - I normally only do one working set nut seeing that I wont be using any advance training protocols I will just go to failure and do 2 working sets. Very strict form and arched my back on the contraction and squeezed my shoulder blades and lats together. I hit them straight away and the pain was direct so I knew I had targeted the area. 2nd working set went heavier and really focused on the positive and negative of the movement while my lats were burning. For me close grip is far better than wide grip at targeting the width, the range of motion is far greater.
Seated low pulley
2 feel sets - hitting around 12 reps on the feel sets with excellent form and from the first feel set my back was on fire
2 working sets - I don't lean forward doing this movement my lower back stays stationary because it does put some pressure on my lower disc's which isn't good for me so my, my focus is pulling the bar back and arching my back for the full contraction and then I stretch the lats out slowly. Did these with a close grip.
One arm DB rows
2 feel sets - hit around the 8-10 rep mark
2 working sets - went really heavy and pull those fuking lats out and squeezed them at the top
Seated hammer strength rows - single arm
2 feel sets
2 working sets to failure , went heavy and concentrated on the negative because it felt like it was ripping my lat off so really got the mind muscle connection going.
3 working sets- holding a weight, held and tensed the contraction
My back feels wide and thick after that workout, really tired due to working some long hours due to some heavy work load ive got to finish but free for a week now so training all 7 days but one body part per day.
Food going well and my weight is stable at the moment I will most probably extend my primning low carb days now to try and get a few more lbs off, I want to get down to 245-250lbs. I am due my trt shot at weekend so cant wait to load that and stick that 4ML inside me![]()
Sounds like a good lift, Marcus!! Feeling better than I did earlier when hitting back, but guilty about not getting in my deads.
During a pullback/not going beyond failure, do you generally go with 2 work sets for all exercises?
Last edited by almostgone; 06-05-2014 at 03:43 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Marcus on the seated row you don't lean forward because of your back.
I never really lean forward on this movement as well i sit up straight with my back arched like chest out and pull the bar straight in as close as possible.
Then slow neg till my arms a straight then repeat should i be leaning forward ? I feel better doing it the way i am.
Because I am always pushing my training when I take a pullback couple of weeks I feel like I can do 2 working sets because I am not using any advanced protocols, it also depends how I feel and which bodypart I am training. I know my body well and know if I have done enough or I need to do more. But yes I will normally just go to failure point and do 2 working sets, when I am using my intense training methods I will only do one big set.
Some guys prefer leaning forward for the added stretch others don't, I use to slightly lean forward and stretch but it does play on my disc these days so I keep ridged now and ive been doing that for around 15 yrs. When guys lean forward they can use the momentum to pull the weight back and this takes stress of the lats so imho your doing great with that styleyour isolating your lats and stretching and squeezing the right muscles
Thanks, Marcus!! Really appreciate all of the time/effort you put into this, man. It is a tremendous help and an excellent motivator.![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Does the WG pull down/ row and the close grip pull down/row make a bid difference in the lats ? When i do back say i did a WG pull down then i would do a close grip row but i see you did both close grip.
Last edited by clarky.; 06-05-2014 at 04:54 AM.
Thanks its no problem what so ever
The way I look at my training and ive done this from a early age is when you feel like you want to stop your set because the pain is screaming through your body I tell myself this is where is starts, this is the difference between being big and freaky, you train into this zone you stimulate those fibers what grow the biggest and thickest. It isn't easy and many guys cant do it that's why you see most stop their set and recover and start another one. My body doesn't respond to that way of training I respond to serious stress and my body responds by growing bigger and thicker. Watch Dorian when he hits failure do you see him stop the set do you fuk as like, he carries on and that's what I do. Learn how your body grows and build a routine around that.
Last edited by marcus300; 06-05-2014 at 05:14 AM.
The back is made of many big and little muscle and they all need working to build an impressive back so a variety of exercises is needed to stimulate them all, with the mind muscle connection you can isolate the back muscles with certain movements. Close grip pulldowns works the width better than wide grip even though most don't realise this. They think holding the bar wider will hit the width more but its not true, the closer your hands makes the range of motion larger and the stretch of the lats is more intense. I tend to use wide one week and close the next but in all honest I prefer doing thickness movements for me if I build thickness the width just follows.
x2 what AG said marcus thank you.
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