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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #13681
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    Did tri's yesterday it was a good session and they are right sore today so happy cappy. Was doing bi's today but just going to leave them to tomorrow as it is scorching here in scotland to hot lol.
    We don't get much sun it's 25°c not hot for use guys over the pond but thats very hot here. whats it like down your way big guy ?.

  2. #13682
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Did tri's yesterday it was a good session and they are right sore today so happy cappy. Was doing bi's today but just going to leave them to tomorrow as it is scorching here in scotland to hot lol.
    We don't get much sun it's 25°c not hot for use guys over the pond but thats very hot here. whats it like down your way big guy ?.
    Stuck inside but looks nice outside at the moment but wouldn't say its that hot

  3. #13683
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    One thing you might want to try is stacking up cement block on each side of your bench @ a height that would be just slightly higher than your chest when lying on bench. Use the blocks as a form of spotter arms/safety pins. I did this for years when I was younger... just make sure you stack your blocks so they are in a stable position and maybe put some C clamps, bar clamps, or even closet rods through the cores to keep the bar from rolling off when you rest the bar on the blocks.
    This is a good idea. I work for a construction company and was considering welding up a safety rack. Would be free for me, just got to find time to do it

  4. #13684
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Did tri's yesterday it was a good session and they are right sore today so happy cappy. Was doing bi's today but just going to leave them to tomorrow as it is scorching here in scotland to hot lol.
    We don't get much sun it's 25°c not hot for use guys over the pond but thats very hot here. whats it like down your way big guy ?.
    LOL. I would love to live in a climate like that. Here in central California it was 110 degrees or 43 celsius last week. I work out in my garage. It's brutal. I'd love to visit your area someday.

  5. #13685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    LOL. I would love to live in a climate like that. Here in central California it was 110 degrees or 43 celsius last week. I work out in my garage. It's brutal. I'd love to visit your area someday.
    43°c holy fvck Rusty thays hot mate. It was on the news this morning if it hits 27°c it will be the hottest day of the year so far lol.

  6. #13686
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    Today was chest day and not much changed. Extra rep here a little heavier there. What was different for me today was my food intake. It was the usual amount, but the difference today was I didn't have to force anything down. Kind of feeling like an empty pit right now.

    Meal 1: whey shake, 1 cup oats
    Meal 2: 3 whole eggs, 3 whites, 20g whey 1 cup oats
    Meal 3: 6oz chicken breast, 20g whey, 1 cup oats
    Meal 4: 7oz tilapia, 7 oz baked potato
    Meal 5: 20g whey, 1cup oats
    Meal 6: pre workout same as meal 5
    Meal 7: post workout 8oz sirloin, 10oz baked potato

    Had my steak and potato in the parking lot at the gym. Couldn't wait to get home for it. Now I'm home less than a half hour later and already looking forward to the fajita chicken and rice I'm gonna make for dinner.

  7. #13687
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    Attacked back today and just kept myself with straight sets going to failure concentrating on form and contraction. Nothing serious but really worked the back and got a great pump from top to bottom. Didn't really stretch my levels of strength due to still taking is easy and on my pullback period. Lower back held up and no need for pain killers.

    Very busy at the moment and still doing one body part per week/ten days and this is working for me at the moment. I will be looking at starting increasing the intensity of my workouts in the next two weeks.

    Diet is going well, had a few days were I was over feeding and smashed on 5 lbs lol but things are on track. I am kind of settled down at this weight and things are feeling better for me but could do with losing some more lbs.

  8. #13688
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    Shoulders tonight, my fav cannot wait tjinking about it already

  9. #13689
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    Got one day in the gym this week. 0 last two weeks before. This is starting to annoy the hell out of me.

    Kill it Dpyle

  10. #13690
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Posted this in the Steroid section, but like always, I don't get any traffic on my posts. So, I'll whore here.

    Planning next cycle (and possible competition down the road).

    I'm wanting to use Masteron (and test of course). I'm thinking of this:

    8 weeks
    Test Prop - @ 90mg a day
    Mast Prop - @ 70mg a day

    Not sure if doses are where they should be, too high or too low. The highest I've gone with any compound was Test @ 700mg a week.

    I have tbol on my "to do" list and was toying with the idea of running that at 50mg a day. However, I've read conflicting statements on tbol and water retention. Which, if there is any water retention, it would kind of nullify the cycle.

    Also, for joint comfort, I like to run NPP at 200mg a week. However, I've never ran a "competition" type cycle and, same concerns as above, not sure if this will nullify the hardening effects of Mast.

    EDIT: Some numbers if they will help.

    Last edited by Black; 06-19-2014 at 11:29 AM.

  11. #13691
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black View Post
    Posted this in the Steroid section, but like always, I don't get any traffic on my posts. So, I'll whore here.

    Planning next cycle (and possible competition down the road).

    I'm wanting to use Masteron (and test of course). I'm thinking of this:

    8 weeks
    Test Prop - @ 90mg a day
    Mast Prop - @ 70mg a day

    Not sure if doses are where they should be, too high or too low. The highest I've gone with any compound was Test @ 700mg a week.

    I have tbol on my "to do" list and was toying with the idea of running that at 50mg a day. However, I've read conflicting statements on tbol and water retention. Which, if there is any water retention, it would kind of nullify the cycle.

    Also, for joint comfort, I like to run NPP at 200mg a week. However, I've never ran a "competition" type cycle and, same concerns as above, not sure if this will nullify the hardening effects of Mast.

    EDIT: Some numbers if they will help.

    Npp will be of great benefit especially at that low dose for your joints,
    personally I would increase the prop to 100mgs daily,
    masteron is fine at 70 daily
    ive never liked t-bol it messed with my stomach to much which affected my appetite so now I don't use it at all infact the only oral I will probably use is var other than that test and give me everything I require. So I would if your going to add anything go with var

  12. #13692
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    Rant - fuking these young know it all cvnts are really pissing me off, I'd love to slap them around if they stood next to me. Keyboard gangsters who have to 1-2 cycles and think they know it all what a load of fuking pricks. You know who you are stupid arse skinny fukers go read a book

  13. #13693
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    Haz how is your tatt coming along

  14. #13694
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Haz how is your tatt coming along
    Good man..... The 2nd session is done. I have 2 or 3 more to go. He covered as much of the old tatt as he could.

    To cover the tribal we used the lion from the belgian crest and used a wing to symbolize freedom and security.

    There's still more that needs to be covered but its a start. I had the wing highlight the tricep by extending all the way to my delt.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #13695
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    The color mellowed out a lot so it doesn't look as dark. Those were taken right after it was done....

    The main components are going on first. We'll fill everything in and make it all transition as the final step

  16. #13696
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Rant - fuking these young know it all cvnts are really pissing me off, I'd love to slap them around if they stood next to me. Keyboard gangsters who have to 1-2 cycles and think they know it all what a load of fuking pricks. You know who you are stupid arse skinny fukers go read a book
    Couldn't agree more. I've seen some stupid post this week. Wow.

  17. #13697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Good man..... The 2nd session is done. I have 2 or 3 more to go. He covered as much of the old tatt as he could.

    To cover the tribal we used the lion from the belgian crest and used a wing to symbolize freedom and security.

    There's still more that needs to be covered but its a start. I had the wing highlight the tricep by extending all the way to my delt.....
    That's not closing your arm size up at all really good. thanks for sharing

  18. #13698
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    Whoever is walking out the door to train watch this then go.

  19. #13699
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Rant - fuking these young know it all cvnts are really pissing me off, I'd love to slap them around if they stood next to me. Keyboard gangsters who have to 1-2 cycles and think they know it all what a load of fuking pricks. You know who you are stupid arse skinny fukers go read a book
    X3. And most are doing cycles that national level competitors do. Way the fvck beyond their level.
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  20. #13700
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Npp will be of great benefit especially at that low dose for your joints,
    personally I would increase the prop to 100mgs daily,
    masteron is fine at 70 daily
    ive never liked t-bol it messed with my stomach to much which affected my appetite so now I don't use it at all infact the only oral I will probably use is var other than that test and give me everything I require. So I would if your going to add anything go with var
    I don't think I'll ever run a cycle again without at least low dose NPP. It makes a world of difference.

    I'm not big on orals either. I've tried a couple in my time, but I've never tried var. Mainly due to it vastly being faked. However, with what I've read about var, it would compliment this cycle very well. As always, thanks for your input Marcus. Time to do some digging.

  21. #13701
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black View Post
    However, with what I've read about var, it would compliment this cycle very well. .
    Yes it would.
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  22. #13702
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    X3. And most are doing cycles that national level competitors do. Way the fvck beyond their level.
    This has been on my mind a lot lately. I sometimes question whether the doses I've used/using are in excess to what I really need. And then I jump on the internet and do some research and see TONS of guys, smaller than me, taking ridiculous doses that I haven't even remotely considered yet. I've come across some people on here who have taken a GRAM of tren a week. Blows my mind.

  23. #13703
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    Holy shit tonight was truly epic lotta sweat due to the crazy humidity.

    Started with the old reliable db shoulder pressing felt strong fired through the warm ups easy like marcus would describe felt light the feeler sets did then into a heavy set. Pushed into 10 reps last two were forced reps felt epic. Shoulders exploded felt like i was on air. Did a dropset but was wrecked only managed 3 decent reps and 3 neg reps

    The arnie pressing this was hard into a heavy set very tough set again felt epic tbh.

    Then db shrugs supersetted with rope pulls.

    Then ez bar straight pulls muscles were screaming.

    Then cardio

  24. #13704
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    I have to say I was one of those until I came to this site. Never preached like I knew anything, but took stuff that I probably would have never gotten the full potential from. Hopefully they discover this board one day and learn how valuable education is. I'm still learning thanks to everyone who posts the truth here. And marcus your training ideologies are insane. Just did Arms yesterday and I had a hard time picking up pans this morning for cooking. Feels fantastic.

  25. #13705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Whoever is walking out the door to train watch this then go.
    I am so pumped to go smash some weights right now!!!!
    but it's rest day! fvck me! lol

  26. #13706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Whoever is walking out the door to train watch this then go.

    Video Link:
    Just finished back and it's in pieces, but I watched it anyway. Now I wanna go back! I could pull off another back session if I got the foam water weights from the pool!

  27. #13707
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    Oh my god.

    Those were some big fckin dudes.

    I'm going to go cry now

  28. #13708
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    And by cry, I mean squat.

  29. #13709
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    Great video. Loved the calves on the guy doing the walking lunges. They looked like two softballs tucked back there. Awesome. And the amounts of food these guys are eating is epic. Lol at the four huge pans cooking hamburger meat. Must cost several hundred $$$ each week to eat like this.

  30. #13710
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    Motivation worked. I had my heaviest squats to date since I've changed to full depth (I was doing box squats in fear of hurting my back)

    Strength just seemed unreal today. And all day I've been kind of down in the dumps, borderline depressed. Almost didn't lift today until I saw the video. Decided I'm never going to look like that if I give in to the easy road.

    I love this board

  31. #13711
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think this day is coming or something is going to break
    After tearing my bi off, having surgery, my tendon snapping like a twig in my forearm then a nice year of trying to get back Ive come to terms that I had to change how I lift. I save the heavy/intense times for when Im on now. Shit now I do ***** cycles so I dont even get crazy.....fuk I've been training at planet fitness......what happened to me !!!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  32. #13712
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Motivation worked. I had my heaviest squats to date since I've changed to full depth (I was doing box squats in fear of hurting my back)

    Strength just seemed unreal today. And all day I've been kind of down in the dumps, borderline depressed. Almost didn't lift today until I saw the video. Decided I'm never going to look like that if I give in to the easy road.

    I love this board
    Outstanding! Keep it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    ..fuk I've been training at planet fitness.
    Like to see that....
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  33. #13713
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    He'd sound off the lunk alarm just walking in the door

  34. #13714
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    Good man..... The 2nd session is done. I have 2 or 3 more to go. He covered as much of the old tatt as he could.

    To cover the tribal we used the lion from the belgian crest and used a wing to symbolize freedom and security.

    There's still more that needs to be covered but its a start. I had the wing highlight the tricep by extending all the way to my delt.....
    Diggin the ink brother. Nice and fresh. Looking good.

  35. #13715
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black

    Diggin the ink brother. Nice and fresh. Looking good.
    Thx man - still another 8-12hrs under the needle To go I'm sure. I've healed up extremely well. I hardly Even scabbed. He's been great with me..... The pain is manageable. Not painless but he won't take a break unless I ask for one. I neer do..... Better to just push through IMO.

  36. #13716
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    Thx man - still another 8-12hrs under the needle To go I'm sure. I've healed up extremely well. I hardly Even scabbed. He's been great with me..... The pain is manageable. Not painless but he won't take a break unless I ask for one. I neer do..... Better to just push through IMO.
    Props on not having the skin overworked. There are lots of tattooists that are artists out there, but not all artists can tattoo. Gotta be able to properly use your tools.

    I can't remember, were you going for a full sleeve eventually or stopping at half?

  37. #13717
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    Got back in this evening...finally.
    Crunches-2 sets
    WG pulldown-2 w/u, Work-3-.5-.5-drop-3.5-.5
    CG pulldown-1 w/u, Work-4-2-1.5-drop-2.5
    Tbar rows- 1 w/u, Work-3-1-drop-3.5-1
    Low pulley Vbar rows- 1w/u, Work-5-3-1.5-.5
    Deads-2w/u, Work-Only 5 good reps, but a new weight.

    Really good back lift. Been over 4 hrs. and still have a nice burn going, especially upper and mid back. Hands look like 2 pieces of well hammered sh!t......Excellent!
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-19-2014 at 10:24 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  38. #13718
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    I'm feeling angry at people

  39. #13719
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I'm feeling angry at people
    Call Euro and meet up, I'm sure that you will find ways to deal with that anger

  40. #13720
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    Call Euro and meet up, I'm sure that you will find ways to deal with that anger

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