Ok did shoulders today i did broomstick ex before i went and did RC ex there. I did a warm up on cables.
Pre ex side delts with cable they were burning and i also did negatives.
Standing side delt db 1 arm at a time 1 working DD
Shoulder press 1 working DD
Rear delts rev cable fly 1 arm at a time 2 working 1 D
Bb shrugs 3 heavy sets 1 drop
Side delts were on fire guys i went right down to half and partial reps.
Another thing i used lighter weights again today and it really hits the muscle great. When i used heavy weight i never got a burn close to what i get now so my form must be much better. I've never tried to be a smart ass in the gym and lift what i could not handle.
Shoulder press was fvcking hard i never shifted as much i usually do i wonder if it's because i fried the side delts i don't know
but again tbe burn was thrre and the lift was hard.
Bb shrugs i usually do them on the smith but it was getting used so i used a rack and it was much better than using the smith maybe because you've got more movement ?. i've noticed this before but never mentioned it before anybody the same ?.