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  1. #14921
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Decent season this evening. Laid everything out, hit it, and moved to the next victim. Lower/mid back stretches for a good 10 minutes before lifting.

    R/C exercises
    Broomstick stretches
    2 w/u sets/feelers on each lift.
    D'bell press-Work-5,drop,.5,drop,3-1.5 Almost had the eyeball shakes on the half rep after first drop....face was definitely quivering and a little nosebleed.
    Seated side lateral -Work-5,drop, 2.5, drop, 1.5-.5 reps (3 half reps)
    Rear lateral-Work-6,drop,1.5,drop, 3-1.5. Held last half rep for a long 8 count
    B'bell shrugs-Work1-6,drop,4,drop, 6.5. Work2-3,drop, 6.5-failure(6.5)

    Total time not including back stretches= 39 minutes. Excellent lifting temps.
    Ahhh man I'm filling up, well done.

    Ive never gone past the eye ball shake but its a fuking strange feeling for sure

  2. #14922
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Thank you AG

    ALMOST THE EYEBALL SHAKES you beast Am going to do shoulders today but there will be no eyeball shaking from me. Am not in yous big boys caliber yet but am trying and i will get there thanks to you guys and this thread. I have never trained so hard i love being part of this thread.
    Being consistent over and over again in your diet and training and no matter what happens in your life when you walk in that gym you give everything you can and make that workout count. To many guys waste workouts, waste growth and reply on steroids to pump themselves up when the key to being that freaky guy walking down the street is training better than anyone else, eating better than anyone else and being consistent. I get a huge feeling of well being after a during and after a workout, I know this pain is only going to last for around 40-50mins so in my head I can go to hell and back. You can see the guys who reply on steroids those are the guys who blow up and blow back down and end up at the same place as they were pre cycle. Train to an inch of your life and eat a fuking ton of quality food and you will see a miracle happen before your eyes if your consistent with your approach.

    I love this game, I adore lifting weights, I get so much out of seeing myself grow and I am one fuking big cvnt who trains that hard my body as only one avenue and that's to grow.

  3. #14923
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Thank you AG

    ALMOST THE EYEBALL SHAKES you beast Am going to do shoulders today but there will be no eyeball shaking from me. Am not in yous big boys caliber yet but am trying and i will get there thanks to you guys and this thread. I have never trained so hard i love being part of this thread.
    Same here, Clarky. Every time I read a post where someone is getting it done, it makes me want to drop what I'm doing and go grab a quick session. Marcus has created quite the motivational thread!! I've noticed also that so much of what is taught and practiced in here is the same thing that some of the really sharp sports psychologists put out there.

    ..and I'm not "big boy" caliber yet....just a big boy I'm getting there though....What's the old saying???? "Time is all we have until we run out".....or something along those lines.
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-24-2014 at 02:47 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #14924
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Ahhh man I'm filling up, well done.

    Ive never gone past the eye ball shake but its a fuking strange feeling for sure

    Thanks, Marcus!! I was trying for the eyeball shakes, but I hit failure and nosebleed territory @ almost the same time. I got some blood on the carpet where I lift....actually kind of proud of it.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  5. #14925
    Had an argument with the missus and said **** it im going to keep bulking and getting bigger, plus seeing a guy at the gym who was only in his 20s was a ****ing monster, but then when i think about it, i did promise to diet down so i better, but fuk id love to get bigger haha.

  6. #14926
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Had an argument with the missus and said **** it im going to keep bulking and getting bigger, plus seeing a guy at the gym who was only in his 20s was a ****ing monster, but then when i think about it, i did promise to diet down so i better, but fuk id love to get bigger haha.

    Maybe trim down really slow and get bigger in the process via carb cycling??? That way you keep your word and get to throw on more mass.
    It would be a slower process than "cutting" for your holiday, but should preserve your muscle and allow you to gradually add more.
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-24-2014 at 03:28 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  7. #14927
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Maybe trim down really slow and get bigger in the process via carb cycling??? That way you keep your word and get to throw on more mass.
    It would be a slower process than "cutting" for your holiday, but should preserve your muscle and allow you to gradually add more.
    Boom. This is exactly what I have been doing for the past year. It's a reallt slow process and tbh not many people will notice the changes but thenonly person who counts will and that's you.

    Loads if people dont think I've lost the amount of weight ir should I say fat because I have kept my muscle mass and just dropped an awful lot of bf tbh. Still have a way to go but when I look at pics from where I started it's crazy.

  8. #14928
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    X2 on that DCI i am trying to get ma bf down slow it is anoying some times but i have never been as big as i am as in muscle. I try to eat just under my tdee but some days wks i shit it and eat my tdee + because i'm scared of losing muscle that i have worked so fvcking hard to get. I'm just on trt the now and still getting that little bit bigger.

  9. #14929
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    I'm on nothing and have grown more in the last few months than ever before and Marcus says consistency is the key to success.

    This will enable you to see gains and keep yourself motivated, keep your metabolism high and not do anything adverse that will jeprodise all the gains and hard work you put in.

    I eat my tdee but make the deficit with cardio which is a great blood flow enabler before weights

  10. #14930
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    I haven't figured out the eyeball shake yet. .

    But I was seeing stars after my leg press session yesterday.

    Kel, would there be an advantage to squatting instead of pressing? I know it includes the core and I feel like it activates my glutes a bit more, any other reasons?

  11. #14931
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    IMHO, try to keep air either moving in or out of your lungs as much as possible, hawk. It can only benefit you. In fact, during my 20's and early 30's the bread and butter for legs/glutes was "breathing squats".
    I currently only press and squat on my angled leg press, but my goal is to get my lower back/upper glutes straightened out in order to free squat again (I've got a bit of muscle adhesion in that area).
    Great advice by Kel on squatting last when you can handle less weight. He recommended I shift my skullcrushers to the last exercise for triceps. Between Kel's advice and Marcus turning me on to the d'bell skullcrushers, my elbows are feeling much better. Any pain left over is handled by flossing @ the elbow area.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  12. #14932
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    X2 on that DCI i am trying to get ma bf down slow it is anoying some times but i have never been as big as i am as in muscle. I try to eat just under my tdee but some days wks i shit it and eat my tdee + because i'm scared of losing muscle that i have worked so fvcking hard to get. I'm just on trt the now and still getting that little bit bigger.
    If your wanting to cut bf I would us the prime/ carb cycling approach but remember I don't recommend these calories restricted diets what reduce your bf at the cost of your precious muscle tissue what you have gone through hell to build to just waste away, yet again these stupid beach bodybuilders who look like they have never lifted a weight in their life recommend these types od diets all over this forum and in all honesty they have no idea what they are talking about, you better not getting me on this one but when your big you got to eat big its that simple. You don't go straight into a calorie restricted diet and increase your cardio and step into a t3/eca stack or clen all at once for gods sake its muscle tissue suicide.

    What you do is minor changes little things over time and watch and learn how your body reacts. For me personally I don't even touch my cals all I do is increase my cardio slowly and watch my body change once it comes to a brIck wall with results I introduce or add something else like carb cycling but again slowly, a bit of glycogen depletion and some reloads, then adjust as the body gets use to it. The body adapts to things all the time that's why you don't do everything all at once you do it slowly and add things over time. This is a huge mistake what more or less 90% of guys do build some muscle and then do a cut and drop your bf right down which is great but at the cost of precious muscle tissue what's one of the hardest things to build and maintain. The secret is to drop bf while maintaining huge amounts of muscle, that's why you see these beach bodybuilders who look like shit sprouting their mouths off sounding like they know everything and look like shit, do you really think they want to look like they have never lifted a weight in their life's, hell no its because they cant build and save the muscle they are trapped in the dark ages and totally brain washed by these diet books. Every lb of tissue you build is precious so treat it like that and what built it in the first place will keep it all you got to do is change the approach slightly so you use bf as fuel but still fuel your muscle tissue.

  13. #14933
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    IMHO, try to keep air either moving in or out of your lungs as much as possible, hawk. It can only benefit you. In fact, during my 20's and early 30's the bread and butter for legs/glutes was "breathing squats".
    I currently only press and squat on my angled leg press, but my goal is to get my lower back/upper glutes straightened out in order to free squat again (I've got a bit of muscle adhesion in that area).
    Great advice by Kel on squatting last when you can handle less weight. He recommended I shift my skullcrushers to the last exercise for triceps. Between Kel's advice and Marcus turning me on to the d'bell skullcrushers, my elbows are feeling much better. Any pain left over is handled by flossing @ the elbow area.
    That is one of the best movements what really slap on lumps of tissue without giving your elbows any pain. Like I've mentioned before I really struggled with these when you do them with a EZ bar, I was extremely strong but it put me out from using that movement for weeks until my elbows would recover but the movement built a lot fo tissue for me in my younger days before I got this this kind of strength level I am today. Once I swapped over to DB's I can go really heavy which my arms love and respond well to and it gives me zero pain its all in the triceps because your arm bends in a more of a natural way without and strain in the elbow. Great movement and excellent builder really makes the long head hang down and bulge

  14. #14934
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    Here you are guys video of Heath doing the lying DB extension, remember flat or incline will hit different parts of the long head. Wonder movement IMHO

    Last edited by marcus300; 10-06-2014 at 01:36 AM.

  15. #14935
    I know what u r saying guys.

    I mean I'm concerned about muscle loss but St the same time I'm on 800mg of both mast and tren e lol so shouldn't be a worry tbh.

    I've got 7 weeks so need to get as much fat off as possible.

    I mean I love being big. I don't care much about abs and being skinny. Fuk that. I don't mind being watery and a higher body fat. Altho as soon as I'm lean I'll be like WE was I thinking haha haha. Always happens.

  16. #14936
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Here you are guys video of Heath doing the lying DB extension, remember flat or incline will hit different parts of the long head. Wonder movement IMHO

    Thanks, Marcus! I've been doing d'bell skullcrushers with my palms forward....going to add these extension to my alternate exercise list....maybe alternate between the extensions and the skullcrushers on arm sessions. Just from the video you can see that the lying extensions would hit harder than seated overhead extensions.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  17. #14937
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If your wanting to cut bf I would us the prime/ carb cycling approach but remember I don't recommend these calories restricted diets what reduce your bf at the cost of your precious muscle tissue what you have gone through hell to build to just waste away, yet again these stupid beach bodybuilders who look like they have never lifted a weight in their life recommend these types od diets all over this forum and in all honesty they have no idea what they are talking about, you better not getting me on this one but when your big you got to eat big its that simple. You don't go straight into a calorie restricted diet and increase your cardio and step into a t3/eca stack or clen all at once for gods sake its muscle tissue suicide.

    What you do is minor changes little things over time and watch and learn how your body reacts. For me personally I don't even touch my cals all I do is increase my cardio slowly and watch my body change once it comes to a brIck wall with results I introduce or add something else like carb cycling but again slowly, a bit of glycogen depletion and some reloads, then adjust as the body gets use to it. The body adapts to things all the time that's why you don't do everything all at once you do it slowly and add things over time. This is a huge mistake what more or less 90% of guys do build some muscle and then do a cut and drop your bf right down which is great but at the cost of precious muscle tissue what's one of the hardest things to build and maintain. The secret is to drop bf while maintaining huge amounts of muscle, that's why you see these beach bodybuilders who look like shit sprouting their mouths off sounding like they know everything and look like shit, do you really think they want to look like they have never lifted a weight in their life's, hell no its because they cant build and save the muscle they are trapped in the dark ages and totally brain washed by these diet books. Every lb of tissue you build is precious so treat it like that and what built it in the first place will keep it all you got to do is change the approach slightly so you use bf as fuel but still fuel your muscle tissue.
    I will go over to the nutrition section and read up on how to do card cycling big man thanks. I know you don't like these daft diets lol now that would make your eyeballs shake

  18. #14938
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    Ok just back from doing shoulders did RC ex and a warm up on cables and i did pre ex seated side db raises

    Standing side db raises 2 working 1D

    Seated shoulder press 2 working DD

    Rear delt cable 4 sets each side

    BB shrugs 1 working DD

    Side raises were done 1 arm at a time right down to half reps really burning. Again shoulder press was no lock out at the top and down to about chin level constant tention.
    Rear delts were done 1 arm at a time i find it quite hard to get a good burn on this. I know it's a small muscle any help.on this guys ?
    Shrugs were great weight was up on this so happy great session guys.
    Last edited by clarky.; 09-24-2014 at 07:28 AM.

  19. #14939
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Thanks, Marcus! I've been doing d'bell skullcrushers with my palms forward....going to add these extension to my alternate exercise list....maybe alternate between the extensions and the skullcrushers on arm sessions. Just from the video you can see that the lying extensions would hit harder than seated overhead extensions.
    The above are the ones I do that's the whole idea of taking the strain away from the elbow, sorry if I didn't explain it right.

    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    I will go over to the nutrition section and read up on how to do card cycling big man thanks. I know you don't like these daft diets lol now that would make your eyeballs shake
    My prime diet is worked off my maintenance diet, I use my prime to do many things I can adjust it to do a pre cycle prime or I can adjust it further to help cut bf while maintaining tissue. I love carb cycling and it also helps me to eat what every I like at certain times when I've depleted a little to much on purpose so I can binge. For a pre cycle prime its simple I will cut my carbs which are worked off my maintenance diet by 40% for 3 days and then do 1 day high carbs which would be 15% higher than my maintenance diet carbs, I will adjust thing over the next 7 days and extend the low carb days to 4 and to even 5 as time goes on depending on how many body is reacting. Pre cycle prime will last around 6 weeks - 8 weeks then spring board right into the building phase into the cycle, if your carb sensitive then reintroduce your carbs slowly over the first two weeks if your not hit them hard and grow.
    Last edited by marcus300; 09-24-2014 at 08:27 AM.

  20. #14940
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    I know what u r saying guys.

    I mean I'm concerned about muscle loss but St the same time I'm on 800mg of both mast and tren e lol so shouldn't be a worry tbh.

    I've got 7 weeks so need to get as much fat off as possible.

    I mean I love being big. I don't care much about abs and being skinny. Fuk that. I don't mind being watery and a higher body fat. Altho as soon as I'm lean I'll be like WE was I thinking haha haha. Always happens.
    Best of luck to you but I don't do anything fast no matter what I am taking, experience has shown me my body needs to attack bf slowly so I retain all my tissue. There is no way in hell I will knowingly burn tissue away when I know ive gone through pure hell to build it but you will find out for yourself how your body reacts, everyone is different.

  21. #14941
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Ok just back from doing shoulders did RC ex and a warm up on cables and i did pre ex seated side db raises

    Standing side db raises 2 working 1D

    Seated shoulder press 2 working DD

    Rear delt cable 4 sets each side

    BB shrugs 1 working DD

    Side raises were done 1 arm at a time right down to half reps really burning. Again shoulder press was no lock out at the top and down to about chin level constant tention.
    Rear delts were done 1 arm at a time i find it quite hard to get a good burn on this. I know it's a small muscle any help.on this guys ?
    Shrugs were great weight was up on this so happy great session guys.

    Try doing them on the high pulley with a rope, when you pull your arms back make sure your elbows are high and out to the side otherwise it goes into a row, but if you keep your elbows out to the side and keep the tension on you will get a good mind muscle connection going and once you feel that you will be able to activate this on other rear delt movements but the high rope pulley is really good at isolating the rear delt and targeting that area, they burn is good. Play around with the elbows while your pulling it back and feel the desired muscle group work

  22. #14942
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    Being strong doesn't mean you'll never get hurt. It means that even when you do get hurt, you'll never let it defeat you.

  23. #14943
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    Clarky my favorite rear delt movement is using about a 35 degree bench. Grab your dumbells and walk up the bench placing your chest supported on the top (peak) of it. So, your feet are on the ground and your chest is supported, arms hanging down. Now go to work. Love this movement. Nothing to focus on at this point other than rear delts. Control the movement as it's a small muscle. Don't swing through it.
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  24. #14944
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post

    Kel, would there be an advantage to squatting instead of pressing? I know it includes the core and I feel like it activates my glutes a bit more, any other reasons?
    hawk you really answered your own question. That said, some guys simply have mechanical issues with squats or other issues that prevent them from doing them well. There's also nothing wrong with taking a break from them every now and then if you feel the need mentally or physically.
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  25. #14945
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Here you are guys video of Heath doing the lying DB extension, remember flat or incline will hit different parts of the long head. Wonder movement IMHO
    Just did Triceps/Biceps this AM and my left elbow is acting up again using the EZ Bar. Cant believe I've never seen this. Thanks, will be giving it a try...

  26. #14946
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Just did Triceps/Biceps this AM and my left elbow is acting up again using the EZ Bar. Cant believe I've never seen this. Thanks, will be giving it a try...
    Let the elbow recover and give them a try and let me know how you get on,

  27. #14947
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Just did Triceps/Biceps this AM and my left elbow is acting up again using the EZ Bar. Cant believe I've never seen this. Thanks, will be giving it a try...
    Good to see you here API!
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  28. #14948
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Just did Triceps/Biceps this AM and my left elbow is acting up again using the EZ Bar. Cant believe I've never seen this. Thanks, will be giving it a try...
    what are your stats APIs? Looking big

  29. #14949
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    I love the feeling of testosterone flowing through my veins, the feeling of power, the feeling of well being, the feeling of being super human, powerful and horny as fuking hell, this drive for testosterone is huge and its a battle is strong.

  30. #14950
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Clarky my favorite rear delt movement is using about a 35 degree bench. Grab your dumbells and walk up the bench placing your chest supported on the top (peak) of it. So, your feet are on the ground and your chest is supported, arms hanging down. Now go to work. Love this movement. Nothing to focus on at this point other than rear delts. Control the movement as it's a small muscle. Don't swing through it.
    Just to clarify you're not standing over the bench while doing this movement correct ?

  31. #14951
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Try doing them on the high pulley with a rope, when you pull your arms back make sure your elbows are high and out to the side otherwise it goes into a row, but if you keep your elbows out to the side and keep the tension on you will get a good mind muscle connection going and once you feel that you will be able to activate this on other rear delt movements but the high rope pulley is really good at isolating the rear delt and targeting that area, they burn is good. Play around with the elbows while your pulling it back and feel the desired muscle group work
    How i've been doing them is i put the pulley down to chest/shoulder high i hold the rubber ball on the end of the cable and keep a slight bend on the elbow. starting point would be right of the pulley then i sweep round sort of thing keeping my body facing forward at all times so really just like a rev fly i will try what you said and get back to you thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Clarky my favorite rear delt movement is using about a 35 degree bench. Grab your dumbells and walk up the bench placing your chest supported on the top (peak) of it. So, your feet are on the ground and your chest is supported, arms hanging down. Now go to work. Love this movement. Nothing to focus on at this point other than rear delts. Control the movement as it's a small muscle. Don't swing through it.
    Thank you kel i will do this next shoulder day.

  32. #14952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter View Post
    Just to clarify you're not standing over the bench while doing this movement correct ?
    Your lying on it with your feet on the ground. Think of doing incline shoulder press but rev so your face is facing the bench.

  33. #14953
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    How i've been doing them is i put the pulley down to chest/shoulder high i hold the rubber ball on the end of the cable and keep a slight bend on the elbow. starting point would be right of the pulley then i sweep round sort of thing keeping my body facing forward at all times so really just like a rev fly i will try what you said and get back to you thank you.

    Thank you kel i will do this next shoulder day.
    pull the pulley to the front shoulder height and keep the elbows out to the sides and once contracted squeeze and feel the rear delt work.

  34. #14954
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    pull the pulley to the front shoulder height and keep the elbows out to the sides and once contracted squeeze and feel the rear delt work.
    Best exercise imo for em

  35. #14955
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    what are your stats APIs? Looking big
    Thanks Marcus, that's quite a complement coming from you lols. That pic was taken a year ago this month. Training has been very consistent since then, but I was probably more like 270+ lbs in this pic. Below are my current stats. Doc wants me down to a leaner 240 lbs for long term health. Don’t know how realistic 240 lbs is, but I'm working on it while keeping the weights heavy...

    Late 40's
    6 foot
    258 lbs
    Guessing 16% BF
    Training past 11 years straight.
    TRT with occasional blasts.

  36. #14956
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Thanks Marcus, that's quite a complement coming from you lols. That pic was taken a year ago this month. Training has been very consistent since then, but I was probably more like 270+ lbs in this pic. Below are my current stats. Doc wants me down to a leaner 240 lbs for long term health. Don’t know how realistic 240 lbs is, but I'm working on it while keeping the weights heavy...

    Late 40's
    6 foot
    258 lbs
    Guessing 16% BF
    Training past 11 years straight.
    TRT with occasional blasts.
    welcome to the big boy club

  37. #14957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter View Post
    Just to clarify you're not standing over the bench while doing this movement correct ?
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Your lying on it with your feet on the ground. Think of doing incline shoulder press but rev so your face is facing the bench.
    You basically walk up the incline, bend at the waist and plant your chest on top of it. A bit over the top actually. My whole upper body is not laying totally on the bench, but the bench is supporting my upper body in a somewhat horizontal position. Hope that explains it more. Use about a 35 degree incline bench.
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  38. #14958
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Thanks Marcus, that's quite a complement coming from you lols. That pic was taken a year ago this month. Training has been very consistent since then, but I was probably more like 270+ lbs in this pic. Below are my current stats. Doc wants me down to a leaner 240 lbs for long term health. Don’t know how realistic 240 lbs is, but I'm working on it while keeping the weights heavy...

    Late 40's
    6 foot
    258 lbs
    Guessing 16% BF
    Training past 11 years straight.
    TRT with occasional blasts.

    Damn nice!
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  39. #14959
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The above are the ones I do that's the whole idea of taking the strain away from the elbow, sorry if I didn't explain it right.
    I imagine you explained properly, I just didn't process it properly. I'll do them with the hammer grip next time.
    ...and I got some relief with doing them palms forward. I guess since the grip width isn't locked in like it is with the barbell, it lets the elbows track independent of each other?
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-24-2014 at 11:25 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  40. #14960
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Clarky my favorite rear delt movement is using about a 35 degree bench. Grab your dumbells and walk up the bench placing your chest supported on the top (peak) of it. So, your feet are on the ground and your chest is supported, arms hanging down. Now go to work. Love this movement. Nothing to focus on at this point other than rear delts. Control the movement as it's a small muscle. Don't swing through it.
    I've been doing rear delts somewhat the same for a while now. Been meaning to add in some cable work too. Have been positioning chest about mid pec against the high point of the back of the bench. Is that roughly how you get set, Kel.....or no?
    I've been leaning over from the back of the bench instead of leaning in from the padded side. I'll have to try leaning in from the padded side. Might be more comfortable.
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-24-2014 at 11:34 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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