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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #15041
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    Did bi's today stretching and a few sets of cable curls for a warm up.

    Seated db curls 2 working drop 2 working 1D

    Incline db curls 2 working drop 2 working 1D

    Cable curls 3 sets each 1 to fail

    Hammer curls 2 working drop 2 working 1D

    Good session today i felt really strong today lol. I know i do seated and incline db curl every bi session but they really work for me they are makeing me grow thanks to the big man. I change my 3rd-4th ex every wk.

  2. #15042
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Would you guys mind if I lay out my first blast here? Or prefer I start my own thread?
    And why would we mind?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    guessss whos gotton right into the zone today and yesterday!

    Yep me!. Everything has gone on track and feeling good! 5.5 weeks to get freaky lean. Then decided im going to bulk for a good couple of years and put on some freaky mass, like ifbb size haha!!
    Motivations a good thing! Glad to hear it.
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  3. #15043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    hey guys, hows it all going.

    Time to admit, ive been going shit lately, i was supposed to start my cut 3 weeks ago, im still sitting here and done nothing about it. Now im down to 6 or so weeks till my holiday.

    i promised myself id start today but what do you know, woke up and start nah nah tomorrow, and i told my GF if i dont start tomorrow im calling it quits and going to keep gaining size, my motivation comes and goes to do it, i know ill look a lot bettter when i cut, but for some reason i want to keep getting bigger, getting up to 115kg then 118kg then 125kg, for some reason my mentality is like, well the bigger i get the more i feel i can protect the people arounund me, even at shopping centres now, depending on what i wear i feel big , yes higher bodyfat but i feel confident i can protect my missus if anyone tries to **** with her or me lol.

    But i know deep down i have to do this cut, i wont be losing muscle only fat, who wants fat, its a pain in the arse and not exactly good for the body at the end of the day.

    Im going to give myself tomorrow to start this, otherwise i dont know then. TBH im pretty high bodyfat atm, my face isnt lean and i dont have abs, still big tho.

    Anyway, rant over, only person to blame at the end of the day is myself isnt it. /sigh.
    Don't put yourself under to much pressure otherwise things will go wrong. Just do what you can and don't worry about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Would you guys mind if I lay out my first blast here? Or prefer I start my own thread?
    Of course post away

  4. #15044
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    After further consideration I think I'll wait on my proposed cycle until at least #2. I'll still throw it out there to see what you guys think

    So first blast will be simple, 500mg test c, .25 adex eod. 12 or 14 weeks. Probably more of a recomp cycle with a very slight bulk (gain 5-10 lbs but drop from 15% to hopefully 12).

    The cycle I was thinking of for my second blast is something I dreamed up.
    Wk1-4 500mg test c .25 adex eod
    Week 5-8 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod. Bump adex up to .5 eod
    Week 9-12 back to 500mg test c with .25 adex eod.
    Week 13-16 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod, adex at .5eod.

    Then return to my normal trt.

    This is based on the short burst cycle plan. Could probably run that cycle twice a year, after trt blood work.

    Good cycle plan? Changes?
    Last edited by hawk14dl; 10-02-2014 at 09:31 AM.

  5. #15045
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Let the elbow recover and give them a try and let me know how you get on,
    Tried skull crushers today with DBs instead of the EZ Bar. Absolutely no pain in the affected elbow, great alternative. Need to get accustomed to the movement though to get maximum returns. Thanks again...

  6. #15046
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    After further consideration I think I'll wait on my proposed cycle until at least #2. I'll still throw it out there to see what you guys think

    So first blast will be simple, 500mg test c, .25 adex eod. 12 or 14 weeks. Probably more of a recomp cycle with a very slight bulk (gain 5-10 lbs but drop from 15% to hopefully 12).

    The cycle I was thinking of for my second blast is something I dreamed up.
    Wk1-4 500mg test c .25 adex eod
    Week 5-8 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod. Bump adex up to .5 eod
    Week 9-12 back to 500mg test c with .25 adex eod.
    Week 13-16 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod, adex at .5eod.

    Then return to my normal trt.

    This is based on the short burst cycle plan. Could probably run that cycle twice a year, after trt blood work.

    Good cycle plan? Changes?
    Theres no need to go up and down with the doses hawk just pick a dose and go with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Tried skull crushers today with DBs instead of the EZ Bar. Absolutely no pain in the affected elbow, great alternative. Need to get accustomed to the movement though to get maximum returns. Thanks again...
    Good stuff API. I just started this myself it's a good ex.

  7. #15047
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Tried skull crushers today with DBs instead of the EZ Bar. Absolutely no pain in the affected elbow, great alternative. Need to get accustomed to the movement though to get maximum returns. Thanks again...
    On a low incline I assume API?
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  8. #15048
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    Clarky, are you suggesting there's no reason to change doses of the test? Or adex?

    Reasoning for the adex is because of the 4 on/4 off of prop. Reason for the 4/4 of prop is based on the short burst cycle theory.

  9. #15049
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl
    Clarky, are you suggesting there's no reason to change doses of the test? Or adex? Reasoning for the adex is because of the 4 on/4 off of prop. Reason for the 4/4 of prop is based on the short burst cycle theory.
    the test.

  10. #15050
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    After further consideration I think I'll wait on my proposed cycle until at least #2. I'll still throw it out there to see what you guys think

    So first blast will be simple, 500mg test c, .25 adex eod. 12 or 14 weeks. Probably more of a recomp cycle with a very slight bulk (gain 5-10 lbs but drop from 15% to hopefully 12).

    The cycle I was thinking of for my second blast is something I dreamed up.
    Wk1-4 500mg test c .25 adex eod
    Week 5-8 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod. Bump adex up to .5 eod
    Week 9-12 back to 500mg test c with .25 adex eod.
    Week 13-16 500mg test c & 125mg prop eod, adex at .5eod.

    Then return to my normal trt.

    This is based on the short burst cycle plan. Could probably run that cycle twice a year, after trt blood work.

    Good cycle plan? Changes?
    Truth cycle is awful, your all over the place with it. Needs designing properly IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Tried skull crushers today with DBs instead of the EZ Bar. Absolutely no pain in the affected elbow, great alternative. Need to get accustomed to the movement though to get maximum returns. Thanks again...
    That's great and good to hear, its a great movement and a lot easier on the elbows due to the natural flow of your arms. Use flat and incline on alternate weeks so you hoit different sections of the long head. Once you get into doing them HIT style you will feel some serious DOMS

  11. #15051
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Clarky, are you suggesting there's no reason to change doses of the test? Or adex?

    Reasoning for the adex is because of the 4 on/4 off of prop. Reason for the 4/4 of prop is based on the short burst cycle theory.
    That's not a short burst cycle, you need to read my thread on SBC's if that's what you intend doing. Honestly the cycle is a mess with all the different dosages going on.

  12. #15052
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    Work has been absolutely maddening this week. Supposed to be off 1 night this weekend. Really hoping to get out of here on time this morning, go home watch some Blood and Guts or IFSA heats and hit legs today.
    I did catch an old outtake with Mikhail Koklyaev briefly commenting on powerlifting, strongman, and just lifting in general. He spoke about how much lifting is a part of his life and then at the end he says " I like the strongman sport and lifting....I like a little blood on the equipment" Got a huge amount of respect for those guys!
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-03-2014 at 03:18 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #15053
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    Thanks for the honesty guys, like I said it's something I dreamed up based on the sbc idea. Guess I should just stock to what is known and quit thinking so much

  14. #15054
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    On a low incline I assume API?
    Used a flat bench. I dont think using an incline would be good for my affected elbow right now.

  15. #15055
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    That's great and good to hear, its a great movement and a lot easier on the elbows due to the natural flow of your arms. Use flat and incline on alternate weeks so you hoit different sections of the long head. Once you get into doing them HIT style you will feel some serious DOMS
    Thanks - How necessary is using an incline for this movement when I''m able to do them without pain?

  16. #15056
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Thanks - How necessary is using an incline for this movement when I''m able to do them without pain?
    I stayed with flat for a long time then changed things around, all it does is changes the stress further down the long head. Just keep with flat and work the weight up and them once your 100% your elbows are fine try a few with a slight incline, see how it feels but most of all either way watch your triceps grow

  17. #15057
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Thanks for the honesty guys, like I said it's something I dreamed up based on the sbc idea. Guess I should just stock to what is known and quit thinking so much
    I don't think you fully understand what a SBC is, check my thread out and it should come clear.

  18. #15058
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    Just back from doing chest cable fly for warm up and stretching.

    Incline smith 2 working DD

    Incline db press 2 working DD

    Cable fly 2 working DD

    I never did db fly this wk as i got a wee pain last wk so i left it. It was a good session and a small inrease in weight on the incline smith all done 36min.

  19. #15059
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I don't think you fully understand what a SBC is, check my thread out and it should come clear.
    No, I do. I was just trying to change something that doesn't need to be changed. It's a problem I have, happens all the time. Always ends with "sounded like a good idea at the time"

  20. #15060
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    Didn't get as early a start as I should have.....really trying to make sure I get my back, hips/glutes, and hams well stretched. Hope to get a good ROM back although it has improved since I started lifting with y'all.

    Spent about 20 min stretching, then hit the lifts.

    Leg extensions- 2 w/u, Work-9,drop,3.5. New weight. Still working with the weight on these, but going with a smooth negative.
    Toe touches
    Calves-2 w/u, Work1-13-5-3,drop weight, Work2-9-5. Held the last negative for a long 12 count.
    Hacks- 1w/u, Work-3-drop-4-3. New weight here.
    Leg press-2w/u, Work-3-drop-5-3.
    Leg curl- 1 w/u set.

    Ran out of.time and didn't get the power thrusts in or my work set.of leg curls. Will get them next time. 51 minutes not including the stretching done prior to my lift. I woke up early today and was really hungry...ended up eating my evening meal sooner than usual and then napped again, so I downed a quick whey shake before lifting. Not ideal but better than nothing, I guess.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-04-2014 at 02:16 AM. Reason: El typo......
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  21. #15061
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    Good stuff on the new weight AG.
    My upper chest really hurts today.

  22. #15062
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Good stuff on the new weight AG.
    My upper chest really hurts today.
    Thanks, Clarky!! Looking forward to arms.....the last arm session w/ the cable concentration curls seemed to stir things up a little. I may get big yet.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  23. #15063
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    No, I do. I was just trying to change something that doesn't need to be changed. It's a problem I have, happens all the time. Always ends with "sounded like a good idea at the time"
    Well my friend a short cycle is a short cycle, once you change is to a long 16 week cycle its nothing like a short burst cycle especially with the test dose all over the place. Like ive written in this thread and my other thread prime and hit a short cycle for the best gains your life.

  24. #15064
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    So my whole routine is changing. I normally workout in the afternoon..... After work. Committing to the morning is difficult because I sometimes work late and I need some sorta sleep to be functional the next day.

    The bad part about the afternoon/night time is that my gym closes at 11pm. Sometimes I get done working at 10:15 and by the time I make it to the gym I have no time to lift. This has been my issue this year......

    So...... My gf just got a new job and starts at 8:30am every day. Her job is located near mine and also my gym. Now I HAVE to be up and outa the house early..... Ill be at the gym 8am every day. No more missing days due to work..... Now I just hafta REALLY try to get done working before 10.

  25. #15065
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    Killed back and shoulders yesterday. All straight sets:

    Barbell rows: Relatively heavy, 8-10 reps
    Smith machine one-arm rows (think dumbell row with the smith bar): Two heavy, 8-10 reps. Surprisingly effective home gym adaptation.
    Supported spider rows (smith again): Two heavy, 6-10 reps
    Front pull downs: Two sets, 8-12 reps
    Shrugs: Two sets, heavy, 8-12 reps

    Shoulders were all dumbell's today. Still working through a shoulder issue:

    Laterals: two sets, 10-12
    One arm upright's: two sets, 10 reps...
    Bent over laterals: two sets, 12-15
    Dumbell arnold presses: two sets, lighter weight, very slow and controlled.

    Great pump. Good workout.
    Last edited by kelkel; 10-04-2014 at 01:27 PM.
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  26. #15066
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    Good thinking on the smith one arm row kel making the most of what you've got.
    Whats wrong with your shoulder kel ?.

  27. #15067
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    The rows take a bit of getting used to but they're definitely better than expected. Don't have heavy dumbells so improvising, but they work well.
    Shoulder has just been irritating me lately. No clue exactly what's wrong but I don't want to keep aggravating it. I may keep up the dumbell only routine and avoid heavy barbell's a little while and see if it helps. If not, may visit a doc...
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  28. #15068
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    ROM in my chest due to my shoulder injury is getting worse, the poundage is getting less and I'm losing size. Fuk and double fuk

  29. #15069
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ROM in my chest due to my shoulder injury is getting worse, the poundage is getting less and I'm losing size. Fuk and double fuk
    Hope the shoulder gets right for you, Marcus. Are you still supersetting shoulders to keep the weight, down?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  30. #15070
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    The rows take a bit of getting used to but they're definitely better than expected. Don't have heavy dumbells so improvising, but they work well.
    Shoulder has just been irritating me lately. No clue exactly what's wrong but I don't want to keep aggravating it. I may keep up the dumbell only routine and avoid heavy barbell's a little while and see if it helps. If not, may visit a doc...

    Hope the problem abates, Kel. Good to hear the d'bell routine is less troublesome.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #15071
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Hope the shoulder gets right for you, Marcus. Are you still supersetting shoulders to keep the weight, down?
    I'm pre exhausting chest and shoulder, its mostly the chest whats suffering but its what I should expect when I wont let it heal.

  32. #15072
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    Ah....gotcha. My bad. I had it in my mind you were supersetting.....I'll blame it on my age.
    Hope it will get right for you, ASAP!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  33. #15073
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Ah....gotcha. My bad. I had it in my mind you were supersetting.....I'll blame it on my age.
    Hope it will get right for you, ASAP!
    I still think I can train like I was in my 20's and 30's which obviously I can I have to adjust exchange year to help with injuries.

  34. #15074
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    The rows take a bit of getting used to but they're definitely better than expected. Don't have heavy dumbells so improvising, but they work well.
    Shoulder has just been irritating me lately. No clue exactly what's wrong but I don't want to keep aggravating it. I may keep up the dumbell only routine and avoid heavy barbell's a little while and see if it helps. If not, may visit a doc...
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ROM in my chest due to my shoulder injury is getting worse, the poundage is getting less and I'm losing size. Fuk and double fuk
    Hope yous get this fixed guys asap it must be very frustrating for yous two as big as you are losing muscle tissue because you can't lift the weight you need to.

  35. #15075
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    I understand that, LOL. I hit 50 last weekend. The theme of the day seems to be adapt, overcome, and ....where did I put my Nsaids and relaxers?

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I still think I can train like I was in my 20's and 30's which obviously I can I have to adjust exchange year to help with injuries.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-05-2014 at 03:41 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  36. #15076
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    Shoulders for me today.

  37. #15077
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    Ok just back from doing shoulders i did RC ex and cable side raises for warm up.

    Standing db side raises one arm at a time
    2 working drop 2 working 1D

    Rear delt rev fly 2 working 1 drop

    Shoulder press 2 working 1D

    ok kel i did rear delt like you suggested using the bench it was good i like it and alot harder i think so thank you.

    I also did a few light sets cable rev fly one arm at a time after db rev to try what the big man said to me. He suggested using the pulley higher as i was using it at chest level anyway i did and i got the burn like using db as i never got this before using the cable so thank you aswell.

    This is the thing about this thread there is always help and advice when we need it thank you guys.
    Last edited by clarky.; 10-05-2014 at 07:13 AM.

  38. #15078
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Hope yous get this fixed guys asap it must be very frustrating for yous two as big as you are losing muscle tissue because you can't lift the weight you need to.
    Easy now. Not losing a damn thing. Just working around it.
    But the kind words are appreciated!
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  39. #15079
    Hey kelkel and everyone else, i think im making a very big decision here and ive tried a few times before and failed because i figured going back to TRT and cruising is much easier and i lose no muscle but now ive really thought it through and let me break it down.

    i started on TRT and my first cycle and stuff in feb 2012, ever since then i blasted and cruised getting regular bloods done etc etc, about december 2012 i started feeling different, i changed, my personality changed , even people commented on how i was different, i stopped going out to nighclubs as i couldnt handle them anymore, i was paranoid about guys getting in with my missus etc etc, all of which didnt bother me before i started feeling different, now days i get agitated, things annoy me, i feel very different and even people can see that, its almost as if ive changed into a completely different person.

    now i had lots of bloods done to check everything, nothing that was out of range which i fixed made me go back to who i iused to be before december 2012, E2 was high and with your help bringing that back into range a few months ago still didnt fix who i used to be. Anyway long story short im now contemplating coming off and trying to restore natural test if i still have any, i was put on TRT by a doctor but im now thinking ill try coming off and go back to being natrual and see if that brings my old self back.

    What are your though, or everyone in heres thoughts?

  40. #15080
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Tried skull crushers today with DBs instead of the EZ Bar. Absolutely no pain in the affected elbow, great alternative. Need to get accustomed to the movement though to get maximum returns. Thanks again...

    Switching to DBs saved my elbows, as well. Just wondering if you guys have your palms facing straight ahead or facing each other when doing skull crushers...or does it even matter? Wondering if one incorporates the tris more. Thanks.

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