Did that back workout you posted Marcus.
No doubt my lats are fvcked at the moment.
Loving it!
Did that back workout you posted Marcus.
No doubt my lats are fvcked at the moment.
Loving it!
Normally I don't do more than 3 sets for lats and do a lot for my lower back so this routine isn't what Im used to.
Also, after reading through this diary about intensity and HIT, I decided to strictly give myself no more than 1min break in between sets. Haven't broke a sweat doing back in a long time, hell that goes for everything but legs!
I'm actually excited for the DOMS I hope I get
Glad to hear it
When ever you do back make sure you keep stretching those lats and concentrate on your back contracting so your using your back muscles and not your arms, mind muscle connection is a must with back. Once you get this on track your back will explode with HIT or at least I hope so!
Email sentGoing to try my best to arrange this and get it filmed.
Last edited by marcus300; 11-06-2014 at 08:09 PM.
Another good lift. Tried out the rear laterals like the ones posted in the Heath video. I like these. I tried them standing and off of the high pulley, but think I'll try them seated next back session?? Kept elbows wide w/ a slow pull back, decent squeeze, and reasonable negative. It feels as if you can pull against the weight, yet also "put on the brakes" @ the same time.
Lower body stretches, R/C exercises, and broomstick stretches
D'bell shoulder press-2 w/u, Work-5.5, drop, .5 rep(fail), drop, .5 rep(fail), drop,.3.5-3
Seated side lateral- 2 w/u, Work-5,drop,2.5,drop, 2-3 and then half and quarter reps to fail.
Standing rear laterals off of the high pulley- 2 w/u, Work-5,drop,4,drop,7. Still finding my weight on these, but I like way the weight hits me and they are super easy to hit the squeeze @ full contraction.
B'bell shrugs- 2 w/u, Work 1 (front)-7,drop, 7.5 ,Work 2 (rear)- 7-4.5. Having to use straps or lifting hooks to onto the bar these days. Really need to throw in some auxiliary grip training.
Time was going well so I finished off with d'bell shrugs. 11 reps with a 3 count positive and a 5 count negative.
Time not including the stretching = 41 min.
Last edited by almostgone; 11-06-2014 at 09:51 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
If that happens you HAVE to post it brother!! That would be so fvckin intense!Originally Posted by marcus300
^^^x2.....would be outf*cking standing!!!![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
I'd love that to happen. I'm going away for a few days at start of December but after that I am sure I can sort something out. I would have to find some software to fuzz my face out on the video but it would be a dream come true for me seeing that I have a man crush on Dorian lol![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Imagine how it will feel standing next to him and being bigger than him nowadays. Would love to see the training vid brotha.Originally Posted by marcus300
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Did delts today stretching and RC ex.
Side raises 1 working DD
Rear delt cable 1 working 1drop
seated shoulder press 1 working DD
standing side raises were done one arm at a time right down to half reps good burn on this and hit a **new weight** doing great the now with upping the weight but it will come to a end at some point.
Got a real good burn on the high cable rear delt fly and slow neg again down to half rep.
Seated shoulder press **new weight**.
Oh big man that would be fvcking class. You help/teach us how to train now we could see you train that would just be great for us well for me anyway. You look up to him i look up to you and i'm sure other people here do as well i have learned so much from you i have never been as big as i am and kept it Good luck big man.
Last edited by clarky.; 11-07-2014 at 12:31 PM.
Okay okay.
Woke up this morning feeling very very stiff. It aches a bit to raise my arm to grab something from my shelf.
Been stretching and foam rolling all day and it's been helping slightly.
I know it's going to be much worse tomorrow
Yeah, shocked my parents though. Came home today from uni and I ate all the chicken and rice they made for me in literally 3-4 minutes. They still haven't got over the fact that I count my calories/macros and can eat seemingly endless amounts of food (ok not endless but for someone weighing 170lbs and eating upto 5k calories on a refeed after 12 weeks strict cutting that's a bit mind blowing).
Kel if shipping is no probs with you then have a look this. I get my whey from here there own stuff is good and does not clump when you mix it ever
Bodybuilding Supplements | Sports Supplements | Bodybuilding Warehouse
oh and ask bib he know a good few places from here.
OK guys Im in, need some motivation. So I just changed to eod training, well kinda.
Monday- Chest
The friday/saturday is OK because I get to sleep in, during the week I have to be up at 5:20am, so I dont recover well getting home from the gym at 8-8:15.
I had surgery about a year and half ago, after having my bi re-attached I started training about 12 weeks later. About three weeks in another tendon snapped in my forearm, this took about 4 months to feel better. My forearm I just let heal, I had no insurance and could not go another 10g+ in debt. After that its been a struggle mentally, I went from show shape to barely training, it was tough. I went through the "this is it, its over" to a come back, to more little injuries. But now Im ready, with some words of wisdom from Marcus and a month off its go time!
Had a good week, arms feel ok, looking forward to getting back on top of things.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Well said, Clarky!!! Hell it would just be good karma to see you train with DY, Marcus....man crush or not.
Seriously, I hope it works out for you, Marcus. You deserve it and much, much more for all of your hard work, patience, and going out of your way to help everyone.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Managed to get off of work tonight since I'll be working max hours for the next few weeks until a few larger machining jobs get completed. Slept like a log earlier today, believe I needed it after lifting 2 days in a row.....Didn't realize how pathetic that sounds until I read it
Going to have a bit of a cheat meal here in a few ( teriyaki chicken wings) and then sleep a tad more. Will be hitting back later Sat. morning. Time to start concentrating on hitting the areas adjacent to the spine. Need to work on getting some of those "cables" of muscle running down the middle of my back.
Arms and shoulders are both totalized and I'm frigging happy about it. The last arm session a couple of days ago really turned a page.for me.Excited to see how biceps look after 4-6 weeks of the new routine.
...and yesterday was shot day.![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Well all the slots for that week have gone but he can fit me in a few days prior to the 15th if I really want to train with him. Not sure if I can make the day because its one day at a certain time otherwise he's all booked up but I will try my best.
It would be a dream come true, Dorian is the main guy in my eyes I think he is a great trainer and everything he preaches works for me and I feel I am exactly the same in views and opinion on many things. His intensity is out of control and so is mine so it would be a great battlejust thinking about it makes me wanna train lol..
Will keep you guys update.
Welcome back BG you have been missed, your spirit and dedication is showing through my friend and that's what drives up to be that different than the normal gym fukers out there
Workout routine looks, glad that your injuries are behind you and things are moving forward I cant imagine how you felt not being able to train. Training as been the one thing what keep me sane and without doubt keeps the demons away. I've used training as a source of freedom, therapy and direction infact the only way I can describe it to you is its my church, its where I go and release and get comfort
The drive is what separates us from the normal guys in the gym if we lose that we lose who we really are. The fire is still inside you all you need to do is light it again and don't let anything stop you. Strength comes from within its something what you have all we got to do is learn how to release it and put it into practise. Lets do it we are all with you but one thing stay off the tren![]()
Natural atm, only supplements I'm taking are creatine monohydrate @ 5mg daily and a multivitamin
Calories at the moment are 2,500 - looking to maintain weight while dropping body fat slowly. Don't want to go into a full fledged cut until January.
Goals are to drop down to 10-12% Body fat by June. Can be done if I start my cut in January and do it slowly.
Progression has been good. Been lifting only 2 years properly and am still seeing gains weekly (albeit slow gains). Used to be around 16-18% body fat back in May and weighing 175lbs so having trimmed that down to 170lbs and being at my current body fat I think it's good progress.
Was more focused on strength, rather than aesthetics this year and it shows as my squat and my deadlift for the most part have improved significantly. My bench press... well I'm gonna say I'm not gifted in that department. But have been working on it and doing it twice a week to help improve the lift.
Got plenty room for improvement, just need help doing the right things to get there.
I can tell you have read my threadDiet slowly is the key while maintaining muscle tissue many don't do this and go straight into a hard cut and lose tissue and go around in circle for years growing bigger and losing their gains. I've been through hell building every lb of tissue on my body and there is no way I will lose tissue again, if you keep that mind set you will progress every 3-6 months and slowly but surely turn yourself into a walking freak. Word of warning the bigger and more muscle you start to carry the fuking harder it gets in every way lol but only the strong minded and willed become monsters so keep focused and well done on your progress already.
We need to get some mass on your frame so stick around and implement whats works for you, time will tell but I have great faith in my routines and opinions on building a freak of nature bodyYour 22 yrs old and from the sounds of it your going down the right path if you have seen gains and results things are going well. Keep motivated and building a solid base because trust me if you do you will have a big advantage when you do start anabolic assistance. The progression comes on fast and you will be sick of buying new clothes you will be growing that big and fast.
Cannot thank you enough for the information, opinions, tips and more you've got on this thread. If I had one link that I could send to any newbie or experienced lifter it would be this a link to this thread.
More knowledge than any e-book by soandso could ever come up with.
I've been looking up something that doesn't look like a half-bad idea. It's to do a re-comp while I wait until January to start my cut. So i'll be eating 200 calories about maintenance on workouts days (Mon-Fri) with offdays eating 200 calories below. The re-comp promises increase in muscle mass while decreasing body fat. But to my understanding that's near impossible to do without anabolic assistance because you cannot build and lose at the same time (would imply you are in a surplus and a deficit at the same time).
Shedding some light would be great on this Marcus![]()
I wouldn't stick to any diet what you read out of a book because our bodies adapt to things and you have to adjust as thing start to happen, we all don't have the same engine or fuel consumption!! From what you have told me I think you would be a great candidate for some of the diet stuff ive written in this thread and that would be a plain and simple carb cycling approach this would help shred the bf while maintaining tissue without altering your metabolism, it would also not effect your workout if done correctly. Its an organic thing because its not something what you set it changes as the days progress and to how your body responds. Learning to read your body is a must so you can quickly respond and change things around to stop any kind of muscle lose while fooling your body into using fat as fuel. Remember one of the quickest things you can do to lose bf is to build muscle tissue![]()
I can repost some stuff for you if you want to read about it or you can try what ever your got in mind but remember the main priority is to not sacrifice load of tissue, the priority is to maintain while losing bf and once you get down to a level your happy with build on that base and force your body to add slabs of tissue on yur frame from hard intense training and serious eating!! don't be afraid of food when this time comes![]()
Delts nice and sore today i'll not be back to the gym till monday now for more pain lol.
Words of wisdom. I feel good, this needed to happen, I was humbled and had to step back and see who I really was........and I didn't like it. The fire is going again, after 20+ years of training it doesn't get extinguished, just smoulders out a bit.
Ive always think to myself if all the time Ive put into this site was worth it, but now I realize that Im getting paid back now. Yourself, Kel and AG have taught me that I just cant go jump under heavy weight and get it on. I have to think now, feel my body out and train for the day but respect the future. Thats why I ultimately stuck around when I was going to leave last year, it wasnt for the forum it was because I was so fortunate be around some real good guys and that would lead back on the road to getting back in shape.
As far as tren, it calls my name all the time, but I know thats how the enemy is trying to get me back in his grips.....damn DEVILS JUICE !![]()
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Just ignite the fire mate, I know you have it inside you its all about setting it alight. Listen to your body and lets get building some serious muscle again. Stay away form the devils piss for the skake of your marriage and members lol
You ever need help with motivation just call, need help with praying at my iron church just let me know and use this time to plan an attack to bring back that tissue you had ore surgery,
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