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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #17841
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Hello fella's....

    Crazy work week, froze my balls off.

    Wednesday wife and I
    close grip seated rows
    close grip pull downs
    med width parallel grip pull down
    rear delt machine
    med width parallel grip standing pull

    preacher normal grip, seat low
    Single arm preacher machine v grip
    21's bent bar
    standing single cable from the floor

    1 mile of cardio

    So first week of cycle, Im excited. Been a while, trying to keep a head of estrogen side effects, taking low dose letro and aromisan. I just have to get through the raise if hormones then Im good, just those first 2 weeks I have issues. Looking forward to getting big, but Im up in the air with going to a better gym. Ill play it by ear, if my wife feels better then maybe, but if I get her into a real gym right now she will end doing more damage, she cant help showing lol. Today she was supposed to squat lightly, I look over another girl is squatting next to her and my wife is going balls to the wall....oh well
    Bg high dosed cycle or r u E sensitive? Wondering why u run letro and arom.

    And did your wife stay off the var? R u guys going to try it again?

    Just talked to my wife about it for her.

  2. #17842
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Opps forgot...


    front extensions
    leg press fixed weight for upper quads
    leg press legs a little high for some hams
    reverse curls

    rope pull downs with over head super set
    single cable extention
    extension machine, dip super set

    10 min new gazelle machine (lol dont know what its called but "YOU CAN DO IT !!)
    5 min step machine

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #17843
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    500mgs will do fine for your second run, try and get some a-dex and run 0.25mgs EOD and see how things go.
    Coworker has extra Aromasin, what's a good dose for that? 50 pills for $45 he said. That should be enough for a cycle eod. They're 25 mg each.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  4. #17844
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Bg high dosed cycle or r u E sensitive? Wondering why u run letro and arom.

    And did your wife stay off the var? R u guys going to try it again?

    Just talked to my wife about it for her.
    No var for her unless I can get pharma which in 10 years Ive never seen. Its just not worth it when it comes to females, they are affected so much more then us. She will start GH abgain. As far as your wife, I would make sure its real, as much as you can, maybe one of those test kits every is talking about.
    I stay low dose, its all in the prime, if you are peaked out before going on ( and I mean for 4 months or more, not just a month) you dont need all the gear.
    Prop 100 eod
    test-e 250mgs ew
    deca 250mgs ew
    GH 6iu's
    d-bol 30mg week 7-11

    Aromisan never takes care of all my estro issues. You end up taking so much its costing you 200$ a month. I can take low dose .3 ml of letro and .3ml of aromisan ed and be fine.
    Last edited by BG; 02-07-2015 at 01:18 PM.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #17845
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Decent night off of work last night, but back to work tonight. Watched a couple of movies with the wife and the beasts and took it easy. I'm not a huge horror movie fan, but the wife is so what h*ll, it made her happy.
    Digestion is still off, so in addition to my usual style omelette and a bowl of oats, I just downed a large glass of psyllium husk. Digestive enzymes/ probiotics are supposed to be here early in the week so hopefully that will get me back on schedule/ get rid of this bloated feeling.

    Plan to be test drive my rumble roller and hit hit shoulders this evening.
    Ive added Greek yogurt to my diet and it helped a lot. Do you eat it?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  6. #17846
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    Ontaio, Canada
    Talked to my source today, no prop until the end of the week, but he did get me another bottle of t300. I will still do 1 shot eod, so that will be 3 more shots (900mg) then hopefully my sunday shot will be back to prop. I am going to eat and train as hard as I can to take advantage of the higher doses, it will be 2100mg in 13 days, highest I have done. It kind of times out ok cause I was going to stop the t300 next week anyway and run prop till the end so I can pct after 3 days of last pin. Since it is out of my control and I can't change things, I am looking forward to how my body reacts to the spike in the cycle, should hit my goal of 280, it is only 5lbs away. I will keep a close eye on my estro and adjust my stane accordingly, nips are going down a bit each day.

  7. #17847
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311
    Coworker has extra Aromasin, what's a good dose for that? 50 pills for $45 he said. That should be enough for a cycle eod. They're 25 mg each. 225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    12.5 eod alright? I can just cut these in half.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  8. #17848
    Join Date
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    Ontaio, Canada
    I would start at that and adjust if needed. Mine break easily, but you might need a pill cutter.

  9. #17849
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    I would start at that and adjust if needed. Mine break easily, but you might need a pill cutter.
    Thanks Zempey.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  10. #17850
    Join Date
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    Ontaio, Canada
    I ate so much today I feel like I am going to explode. Had dinner at the inlaws and they had the heat turned up to 24.5*C (76*F), I had to go out side in the cold for a few min during dinner to try and cool down. I felt like I was going to pass out, sweating, sinuses closed up, not a good feeling at all. Feeling worn out right now, going to turn in early, but if I wake early and feel good I will hit the gym for some cardio and abs. My T3 will be done tomorrow, so I will have to keep and eye on my food intake and cardio so I don't gain too much fat, hopefully keep losing it slowly.

  11. #17851
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Ive added Greek yogurt to my diet and it helped a lot. Do you eat it?
    No sir, but it is going on the shopping list. Do you eat a cup EOD roughly? Thanks, buddy!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  12. #17852
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I ate so much today I feel like I am going to explode. Had dinner at the inlaws and they had the heat turned up to 24.5*C (76*F), I had to go out side in the cold for a few min during dinner to try and cool down. I felt like I was going to pass out, sweating, sinuses closed up, not a good feeling at all. Feeling worn out right now, going to turn in early, but if I wake early and feel good I will hit the gym for some cardio and abs. My T3 will be done tomorrow, so I will have to keep and eye on my food intake and cardio so I don't gain too much fat, hopefully keep losing it slowly.
    I would have been drenched in sweat @ 76°F and, more than likely, bleeding out both nostrils.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-08-2015 at 12:19 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  13. #17853
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    How quickly it comes back:

    Me in may, 2014 @ 220lbs before I got sick, drug fee since November '13 so this was all natty
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-05-17 01.01.52.jpg 
Views:	181 
Size:	460.6 KB 
ID:	155248

    Nov, '14 just after 2 months of parenteral feeding IE Lipid and vitamin saline via catheter VIA SVC, 179lbs
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1405-1-1.jpg 
Views:	212 
Size:	227.2 KB 
ID:	155251

    Tonight, after just 3 weeks back in the gym after 7 months off, full diet back in action, at 203lbs here:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150207_211703.jpg 
Views:	199 
Size:	426.2 KB 
ID:	155250

    I'm not in top form by a long shot but hell 3 weeks from 180 to 200+ I'm amazed by the difference.

    This is not a pump me up post. It's to show anyone who may be discouraged by injury or a long time out of the gym for whatever reason that you can and will come back, and quickly. Sho hit the gym and get your diet back in order and rip it up!
    Last edited by Java Man; 02-07-2015 at 11:59 PM.

  14. #17854
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    This is a routine ive recently sent to a member, it may help others understand Thanks........... I have my own variation of HIT whats evolved over the years to really hit the muscle hard and to make it respond. Ive also had great success with many clients who I've advice over the yrs, myself and also personal friends with this style so when you ask me to design you a workout I am going to give you something what has been proven to work. First you need to have the right mind set and mental focus it takes to go to the gym and do this kind of assault on your body, you have to get into your head this is going to be 45mins only so it can be done, it will hurt and it will produce gains if I do it right. Get the adrenalin flowing and when you walk in that gym its to breakdown your muscles and create an environment what will make them grow bigger and stronger. You don't get this mental approach right you wont get the best out of your workouts, its your choice its down to you what you want. When I talk about going to failure I mean were you can't push or pull another rep out no matter what, if someone had a gym to your head you still couldn't do another rep and your down to doing half cheated reps and quarters. Don't leave anything in the tank for the next set don't even be thinking about the next set, failure means you cant lift or pull that weight on your own even if your life depended on it. So when I say failure don't disregard it as when the lactic acid starts flowing through your muscles and you start to think this is my last rep, oh no failure means failure and you cant do another rep or even half rep and you have come to positive failure. When I talk about beyond failure this is when I implement either forced and negatives after total positive failure, rest pause at positive failure or drop setting at positive failure. These are methods to take you beyond the failure and into a zone of extreme hell, this will recruit further fibres to execute the movement which in turn will put serious over load on the muscle and the body will have no alternative but to grow bigger and stronger. TALKING ABOUT IT IS EASY DOING IS A DIFFERENT MATTER. You have told me Your workout 5 days per week Mon to Fri and have weekends off You have a 2 hour window in the morning for cardio and training 95% of the time you can get someone to spot and assist you Shoulders are the worse bodypart, and you have issues with upper chest, chest delt tie-in's, back thickness, traps and tri's You can squat, leg press, hack squat I am going explain while I go through the workout so you fully understand whats expected, as the workout expands I wont need to carry on explaining but for the first few workouts I will go into detail so you know what your doing and should be feeling. Monday Shoulders - method - failure + forced + negatives DB seated shoulder press 2 warm up sets - do high reps and increase the weight on the second set to get a feel were your going to be starting with the working set. After your first warm up set stretch each shoulder for 30 seconds and make sure you get as much blood in that area as possible, if you fancy doing some light lateral raises do them aswell or you fancy doing 3 warm up sets just do what ever it takes for you to get fully warmed up for the working set. working set - to failure + forced +negatives Pick a weight were your going to be at failure around 4-6 reps, you should be able to judge this right knowing your PB and how you feel on the day, you also got a 4-6 rep range to target at failure so you should be able to judge this within that set rep range. Get your spotter to help you up with one of the bells and start pressing until your at failure - remember what failure means so you will be down to doing half reps and your spotter will help you up on the half rep to complete your reps - now your at positive failure and we are going into forced reps- do around 2-3 forced reps the reason why I say only 2-3 forced reps because if you have truly gone to failure on your own and you have left anything in the tank for the forced reps you should be only able to do around 2 or 3 at the most with the help of your spotter, so do 2-3 forced reps and now your at total positive failure and its impossible to do any more even assisted with your spotter. Your bells are at the top and now we are going to do 2-3 negatives so slowly lower the weight down and try and keep it under control - this is were the serious pain is going to enter your body you think the forced was painful then this is a whole new world, once at the bottom get your spotter to help you to the top again and do another negative slowly lowering the weight down, if you feel you got another in your for 3 negs go for it, doesn't matter if you fail so long as you have gone to total negative failure. That's muscle has now recruited every fibre inside it to complete that set and you have put it in serious overload and your body has no other option but to grow bigger and stronger by building more muscle. If by any chance you feel you can do another working set then do another one but you will need to adjust the weight being used to a lighter one, some can do 2 working sets, others put that much into the working set its impossible to do the same again, see how you go with that one lol. Now your only going to have 1 min rest so within the next min go and get ready for the next movement which will be either DB side laterals machine side laterals cable side laterals With this example I am going to go with seated side laterals 1min rest over 2 feel sets - get a light weight start judging what your going to be doing for your working set, get the feel of the movement right and make sure your warmed up, after the pressing you should be. Get your spotter to sit behind you for your working set working set - to failure + forced + negatives Pick a weight were your going to be failing around 4-6 reps - strict form with these at first and try and slightly have your little finger higher than your thumb at shoulder level, this will target the outside lateral head cap. Go to failure until your doing half cheat reps and go down to quarter cheat reps, this movement is ideal for this - so failure means you cant lift them to your side not even for a quarter rep - now get your spotter to help you do another 2-3 forced reps - your delts will be screaming in pain here, serious pump and you just want to throw the bells down but don't, do the forced reps and once at total positive failure go with 2 negatives - get your spotter to help you to the top and slowly lower the bells - lol i'm laughing because at tis stage it wont be slow but I want you to really try and hold that weight from dropping down to your side - do 2-3 negs in this fashion. You should now know what pain means because ngative pain is a whole new ball game, welcome to the pain zone my friend. After 1 min rest do another working set but adjust the bells to suit- lower the weight and try and hit the 4-6 rep range to failure even down to half cheat and quarter cheat reps, 2 forced reps and 2 neg reps - your delts now should be very pumped and aching like never before, usually the only rest you can give them is to hold them high up but remember 1 min rest and get ready for the next movement Side note: An alternative to the seated side laterals which you can try these and implemented them every other week single side laterals superset with single upright row 3 working sets of 8 reps to failure then straight into single upright rows for another 8+ reps see video as an example MuscleTech: "60 Seconds on Muscle" One Arm Upright Row - YouTube Rear DB laterals, machine rear laterals Same thing as side laterals 2 feel sets 2 working sets to failure + forced + negs BB shrugs - best if you can do these off squat safety bars or a power rack so you don't have to bend over and take it off the floor. Your not doing forced or negs with shrugs because it doesn't work right so the best way to go beyond failure with shrugs is dropsets. One min rest from the rear laterals or close as you can to 1 min rest, if you need more time take it but try and keep rest time short around 1min or min and half, as you progress through this style you will adapt better to shorter rest periods and you will get it spot on to fully stimulate your muscle group so try always to keep rest period down and aim for 1 min rest.. 2 feel sets - warm those traps up and get a feel of the weight, think about what your going to be doing for your working set, pull your shoulder right up towards your ears and right down and stretch. working set - load the bar and strap yourself to it and your going to be trying to hit failure at around 4-6 reps, right down to half cheat reps with these until you cant lift the bar up at all, then get your spotter to take some weight off the bar either side and aim for another 4-6 reps, if you go higher doesn't matter keep going until total failure, then get your spotter to take more weight off the bar and rep straight away and go for all out, rep until your doing half cheat reps down to quarter cheat reps, rest the bar and let it stretch the traps out and rep again until you cant do anymore, this is your last movement, last reps and your going home so rep until your neck feels like its going to drop off, hold and stretch the bar on the last drop set and go to total positive failure. Shoulders done, if your not totally fuked, extremely pumped and feel like you have grown 2 inches all over you didn't do it hard enough, if you do feel this well done go home and eat or shake. Tuesday Back -going to go with drop setting the back routine because we have already done forced and negs but I will explain further about the beyond failure methods at the end. With back its all about the mind muscle connection and not using the arms and concentrating on using the back muscles. Stretch and squeeze while using the arms as hooks and with any pulldown movement make sure your back is arched otherwise you are not contracting the back muscles and will be using the arms, feel the squeeze and think about squeezing the shoulder blades together and cracking a nut in-between them, if your back is rounded it wont contract and you have just move the weight with your arms, too much weight and you will have to round the back so get the weight right, get the movement right and stretch and squeeze each rep and feel the muscle work in the back. Close grip pull downs palms facing each other 2 warm up sets - high reps in-between sets while resting for the min you need to be stretching those lats out, every time you finish a set stretch those lats out and pull. working set - use a weight what you will be hitting around 4-6 reps in strict form, I mean your back contracting so your stretching those lats out at the top and squeezing them when you pull the bar to your upper chest area - once at failure drop some weight off the stack and aim for another 4 reps - you can either get someone to drop the weight for you or unstrap yourself from the bar and do it but it must be quick - once at failure drop set again and rep till you drop right down to half reps. 2nd working set - if you feel there is more do the same as above but with lighter weight. wide grip pulldowns same as above BB bent over rowing -failure + drop set 45 degree angle works for me, take stress of my lower back and also builds the biggest part of the back and adds slabs of tissue all over the upper section. 1 feel set - high reps over ten and feel the weight and get the movement right, think about what your going to be able to do on your working set for 4-6 reps. working set - Load the bar strap yourself to it and row, aiming for 4-6 reps at failure take weight off each side and rep again until failure, then take more weight off and repeat till failure and at all times keep form and back arched to your back muscle do the work and not your biceps. Doubt you will be able to do another after that if done right. One arm dumbbell rows or seated single arm hammer strength row- either will do 1 feel set - and start thinking about your working set and what your going to be doing working set - aim for 4-6 reps - dropset the weight and aim for 4-6 reps and dropset again until failure Dead lifts straight sets - don't dropset deads, just creep the weight up but make sure you don't put the weight down on the floor after each rep, many do and its wrong, we are not powerlifting we are building so once you got a weight your going to be aiming for 6-8 reps and lower the weight to around half way down the shin bone and back up, keep tension on the lower back, from half way down the shin bone and to the floor is pointless and can damage the back, try these and watch your back explode in size, work the weight up and aim for 6-8 reps all the time. Wednesday Chest -failure + forced + negatives Incline DB press 2 warm up sets - high reps and stretch in between sets for the min working set - use a weight aiming to hit 4-6 reps at failure - 2-3 forced reps to failure , then 2 negatives Incline DB flyes 2 feel sets - high reps and starting think about your working set weight working set - aim for 4-6 reps but get your spotter to put his fingers on the inside of your wrists and make sure you are wide enough and when your at the bottom tell him he needs to put some gentle pressure on your wrists and take you down a further inch or so, yes this is going to hurt, yes this is hell but at failure do 2-3 forced reps and then 2 negatives. You should be totally zoned out now and listening to bells ringing in your ears. Decline BB/ decline DB/ Flat hammer strength/ flat DB press - any of these will do you pick 2 feel sets - you know the score working set - failure then 2-3 forced reps then 2 negatives flat flyes/ decline flyes 2 feel sets working set as incline flyes - say hello to pain Thursday Legs - going to pre exhausted them so your knee's are fully warmed up for the assault later one Leg extensions 2 warm up sets - high reps, stretch in between sets, 1 min rest like usually, need another warm up take it, make sure your fully ready for your working set. working set -rest pause - use a weight were your hitting 4-6 reps at total failure stop and take 15 deep breaths and repeat rep till you reach total failure, this could be anything right now from 2 reps to 6 reps but rep till total failure and then drop the weight and take 15 deep breaths and repeat till total failure, do this until you cant do one rep after 15 breaths. Pain isn't the word here its hell. 1min rest and over the the next movement which is squats squats - rest pause 2 warm up sets - makes ure your in a good position and your feeling the weight and know what your going to attempt to lift on your working set, all about mind set and getting ready the feel sets. working set - rest pause - use a weight what you will be hitting 8 reps, this weight would be probably less than you normally squat because you pre exhausted your quads and also the rest pause you just gone through on extension. So we are aiming for around 6-8 reps higher rep range with squats. Squat till failure and rack, breath for 15 deep breaths and repeat squat till your at failure, doesn't matter how many, rack and 15 deep breaths and repeat till you can squat, you should be at your limit now but if not repeat till you are doing one rep at max. At this stage you will be cursing me and thinking of going home but not yet 1 min rest and over the hack squat 2 feel sets working set - rest pause aim for 6-8 reps to failure and 15 deep breaths and repeat, you know the score from here keep doing rest pause until your doing one rep at max 1 min rest lying leg curls 2 feel sets working set - rest pause aim for 6-8 reps to failure and use the rest pause as described 1 min rest BB lunges 2 light weight high reps to failure each time Calves seated calves raises 2 warm up sets - high reps - stretch in between sets working set - aim for 8-10 reps to failure, rest pause like the above 2/3 times till your doing one rep Friday Arms standing ez curls or BB curls 2 warm up sets and stretch in between sets working set -failure +forced + negs aim for 4-6 reps to failure + 2-3 forced + 2-3 negs Incline DB curls 2 feel sets - high reps, 1 min rest, stretch in between sets working set aim for 4-6 reps each side to failure + 2-3 forced + 2-3 negs preacher curls/ bent over concentration curls working set straight away -aim for 4-6 reps + 2-3 forced and 2-3 negs Forearm curls over knees 2 working sets to failure high reps Tricep pushdowns 2 warm up sets - 1min rest stretch and get ready for a triple drop set working set - aim for 4-6 reps to failure - drop set aim for 4-6 failure -drop set rep till total failure close grip press, try and do it on a smith machine so you can rack it instantly at failure 2 feels sets - get use to the weight and start think about what your going to be using for the working set working set - aim for 4-6 reps to failure, drop set and aim for 4-6 reps to failure and drop set again till failure Seated one arm DB overhead extension 2 feel sets working set - aim for 4-6 reps to failure and rest pause - 15 deep breaths and repeat to failure and rest pause till your doing only one rep Fit your cardio in around your working week 3 x per week but not before training Also add your abs 3 x weekly say on Mon, Wed and Fri You can see you can use any of the methods ive mentioned to take you past failure, either rest pause, drop sets or forced and negs. You can also use mix them up like I did with arms for you on different movements. The more you work with this routine and you will get to know how your body responds with these protocols so you can mix them up to suit your body, you may well like drop setting better and your body grows with these the better than rest pause, but use them all and you will be able to design the perfect training routine to suit you to stimulate the most growth. On a personal note I prefer drop setting my biceps and rest pausing my triceps, I also prefer forced and negs on chest but like drop setting on delts....Use what works but most of all get the mental attitude and aggression needed to go in the gym for 45 mins 5 days per week to train with the intensity as describe above. Your only training the whole body once because if its done right you wont need to train it again and it will need to recover. Once per week for around 45mins, with 1 in rest in between set and learn how to go to failure and beyond and you will open a growth window.. Remember failure means failure don't leave anything in the tank for the next set or what you think you may have to do, its the current set your doing so go all out and go to failure then introduce one of the protocols to go beyond failure and recruit as many fibres as possible.
    Marcus, the more I read this forum the more I think you are a damn bodybuilding genius. Wow.

    In fact, I like this program here much more than DY's B&G program. Hope you don't mind my stealing it and starting it instead.

    While I probably don't sound like it on the forums, I've read a damn good number of bodybuilding and weight lifting books....Arnold's Encyclopedia, Starting Strength, Book of Muscle, New Rules of Lifting, Bigger Leaner Stronger, Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, and others I can't recall right now. Had you written one and I read it years ago I'd be in a much better place today! Have you ever considered it?

    Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  15. #17855
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Tduff nominated for longest single sentence post ever! ~

    I agree of course, Marcus is a genius and could be an author. Still ,, that's a long ass post

  16. #17856
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Tduff nominated for longest single sentence post ever! ~ I agree of course, Marcus is a genius and could be an author. Still ,, that's a long ass post
    Lol thanks and sorry about that!

    Congrats on your fast recovery! Can't wait to see you in another 3 weeks!

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  17. #17857
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    I hope so big man they are right sore the day
    Ythey are clearly getting bigger Clarky. You're a lot bigger and leaner than you were back when this thread only had 100 or less posts (yes I still remember that, getting fuzzy now
    Brain plaques

  18. #17858
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    How quickly it comes back:

    Me in may, 2014 @ 220lbs before I got sick, drug fee since November '13 so this was all natty
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2014-05-17 01.01.52.jpg 
Views:	181 
Size:	460.6 KB 
ID:	155248

    Nov, '14 just after 2 months of parenteral feeding IE Lipid and vitamin saline via catheter VIA SVC, 179lbs
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1405-1-1.jpg 
Views:	212 
Size:	227.2 KB 
ID:	155251

    Tonight, after just 3 weeks back in the gym after 7 months off, full diet back in action, at 203lbs here:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150207_211703.jpg 
Views:	199 
Size:	426.2 KB 
ID:	155250

    I'm not in top form by a long shot but hell 3 weeks from 180 to 200+ I'm amazed by the difference.

    This is not a pump me up post. It's to show anyone who may be discouraged by injury or a long time out of the gym for whatever reason that you can and will come back, and quickly. Sho hit the gym and get your diet back in order and rip it up!
    Absolutely love hearing about people with the mental stamina to fight their way back to their goal (s). You went for one hell of a ride, Java. Thanks for posting this up, as all of us feed off of stories like this for inspiration.
    LOL, I kind of strayed from my diet yesterday, but am back on it today!

    Wish I could use an electric razor. My beard is very coarse and I have been using the old school double edge razor. Currently using a Merkur 34C razor, Crystal razor blades, and Edwin Jagger shaving soap/cream.
    Any other type of razor gets dull about halfway through shaving, hence my tendency to grow a beard.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-08-2015 at 03:43 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  19. #17859
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There's some horrible shit going round, been struggling myself with a cough.

    I think we should change AKOG screen name to machine crush
    Do it!! Lmao. Pleaseeeeee. That would be hilarious as long as akog is game. He'll I'm the 'known troll' lol.

  20. #17860
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Absolutely love hearing about people with the mental stamina to fight their way back to their goal (s). You went for one hell of a ride, Java. Thanks for posting this up, as all of us feed off of stories like this for inspiration.
    LOL, I kind of strayed from my diet yesterday, but am back on it today!

    Wish I could use an electric razor. My beard is very coarse and I have been using the old school double edge razor. Currently using a Merker 34C razor, Crystal razor blades, and Edwin Jagger shaving soap/cream.
    Any other type of razor gets dull about halfway through shaving, hence my tendency to grow a beard.
    I was thrown by the razor narrative then realized all my grooming tools are in the boxes on my BR counter in that last shot Lmao. I went shopping today

  21. #17861
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    I was thrown by the razor narrative then realized all my grooming tools are in the boxes on my BR counter in that last shot Lmao. I went shopping today
    LOL, my bad. I did fly off on a tangent there.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #17862
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    LOL, my bad. I did fly off on a tangent there.
    I forgive you. You're old. My dad (70yo) dies that stuff all the time!

  23. #17863
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    Ontaio, Canada
    Morning all, still dealing with the return of the head cold, FML. I was hurting last night, clogged up head, at my limit for food carrying capacity, and it was the end of a week of hard workouts. Woke up at 277 this morning, but a quick trip to the can put me back at 275, still feeling tighter and leaner through the mid section, although I look 7 months pregnant by the time evening rolls around.

    I have to say, being a part of this thread has really helped me step up my game and made my diet and training more focused. Lots of motivation of all kinds here, I enjoy reading everyone's posts and how we all do things a bit different and still learn from each other. Keep up the good work, no matter what stage of development we are in, one thing remains the same, dedication to achieve our goals. I especially like reading the comeback stories like Java's, I too had fallen off the gain train a few times in my life, done some really stupid shit, but always found my way back to the Iron Church. That and my Wife are probably the only reasons I am still alive or not in jail. Next month will be two years back in the gym, I have got myself close to my glory days of the mid 2000's when I was in my peak. It has been a long road back, and I have this community to thank for what I have learned and the help I have received over the past 6 months or so, it has changed my whole outlook of how I play this game. I hope I am able to help a newb someday here the way you all have helped me, it's the little things sometimes that make you see things in a totally different light.

    Sorry for the long winded rambling, but it is Sunday here and I am not a church goer, and I just wanted to give thanks.

  24. #17864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    I forgive you. You're old. My dad (70yo) dies that stuff all the time!
    You're only a few years behind me, Java. Father Time can be a real no-sh!tter.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-08-2015 at 06:40 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  25. #17865
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    Tri's are nice and sore the day from the elbow right to the top we are ALL GROOOOWING. Rest day today shoulders the mora it won't be HIT though ma RC is not giving me any bother so don't want to chance it i'll do high volume.

  26. #17866
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    Hope that R/C problem is history, Clarky.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  27. #17867
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Hope that R/C problem is history, Clarky.
    Hope so mate i just have to be smart about this RC thing. When i can do HIT i do it but if there is a chance i'll fvck it up again then i just do high volume it works so it's all good.

  28. #17868
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    Take it slow, can't grow if you can't lift.

  29. #17869
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I have to say, being a part of this thread has really helped me step up my game and made my diet and training more focused. Lots of motivation of all kinds here, I enjoy reading everyone's posts and how we all do things a bit different and still learn from each other. Keep up the good work, no matter what stage of development we are in, one thing remains the same, dedication to achieve our goals. I especially like reading the comeback stories like Java's, I too had fallen off the gain train a few times in my life, done some really stupid shit, but always found my way back to the Iron Church. That and my Wife are probably the only reasons I am still alive or not in jail. Next month will be two years back in the gym, I have got myself close to my glory days of the mid 2000's when I was in my peak. It has been a long road back, and I have this community to thank for what I have learned and the help I have received over the past 6 months or so, it has changed my whole outlook of how I play this game. I hope I am able to help a newb someday here the way you all have helped me, it's the little things sometimes that make you see things in a totally different light.

    Sorry for the long winded rambling, but it is Sunday here and I am not a church goer, and I just wanted to give thanks.
    Nice stuff.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  30. #17870
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    No sir, but it is going on the shopping list. Do you eat a cup EOD roughly? Thanks, buddy!
    I eat one a day as a mid day snack. They have between 12-15 grams of protein.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  31. #17871
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Absolutely love hearing about people with the mental stamina to fight their way back to their goal (s). You went for one hell of a ride, Java. Thanks for posting this up, as all of us feed off of stories like this for inspiration. LOL, I kind of strayed from my diet yesterday, but am back on it today! Wish I could use an electric razor. My beard is very coarse and I have been using the old school double edge razor. Currently using a Merkur 34C razor, Crystal razor blades, and Edwin Jagger shaving soap/cream. Any other type of razor gets dull about halfway through shaving, hence my tendency to grow a beard.
    I feel AG on the facial hair

    I use dollar shave club dot com

    I have a beard now, so shaving isn't so much a pain in the arse.

  32. #17872
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There's some horrible shit going round, been struggling myself with a cough.

    I think we should change AKOG screen name to machine crush
    Marcus, you should start doing stand up for a side job. Gains machine would be acceptable

  33. #17873
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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Hello fella's....

    Crazy work week, froze my balls off.

    Wednesday wife and I
    close grip seated rows
    close grip pull downs
    med width parallel grip pull down
    rear delt machine
    med width parallel grip standing pull

    preacher normal grip, seat low
    Single arm preacher machine v grip
    21's bent bar
    standing single cable from the floor

    1 mile of cardio

    So first week of cycle, Im excited. Been a while, trying to keep a head of estrogen side effects, taking low dose letro and aromisan. I just have to get through the raise if hormones then Im good, just those first 2 weeks I have issues. Looking forward to getting big, but Im up in the air with going to a better gym. Ill play it by ear, if my wife feels better then maybe, but if I get her into a real gym right now she will end doing more damage, she cant help showing lol. Today she was supposed to squat lightly, I look over another girl is squatting next to her and my wife is going balls to the wall....oh well
    BG in the house

    Looking swole in your avy my friend.

    Nothing like the first week of the cycle, erggggggggggg

  34. #17874
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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Coworker has extra Aromasin, what's a good dose for that? 50 pills for $45 he said. That should be enough for a cycle eod. They're 25 mg each.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    just break one tablet in half and take it ED you'll be fine

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Ive added Greek yogurt to my diet and it helped a lot. Do you eat it?
    How much of a difference did it do that BG? can you tell a difference once you stop?

    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Marcus, the more I read this forum the more I think you are a damn bodybuilding genius. Wow.

    In fact, I like this program here much more than DY's B&G program. Hope you don't mind my stealing it and starting it instead.

    While I probably don't sound like it on the forums, I've read a damn good number of bodybuilding and weight lifting books....Arnold's Encyclopedia, Starting Strength, Book of Muscle, New Rules of Lifting, Bigger Leaner Stronger, Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, and others I can't recall right now. Had you written one and I read it years ago I'd be in a much better place today! Have you ever considered it?

    Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    woow man I am honoured and appreciate your comments but I am just a regular guy who lifts weights

    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Tduff nominated for longest single sentence post ever!

    I agree of course, Marcus is a genius and could be an author. Still ,, that's a long ass post
    love you to xxx

    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    How quickly it comes back:

    Me in may, 2014 @ 220lbs before I got sick, drug fee since November '13 so this was all natty

    Nov, '14 just after 2 months of parenteral feeding IE Lipid and vitamin saline via catheter VIA SVC, 179lbs

    Tonight, after just 3 weeks back in the gym after 7 months off, full diet back in action, at 203lbs here:

    I'm not in top form by a long shot but hell 3 weeks from 180 to 200+ I'm amazed by the difference.

    This is not a pump me up post. It's to show anyone who may be discouraged by injury or a long time out of the gym for whatever reason that you can and will come back, and quickly. Sho hit the gym and get your diet back in order and rip it up!
    well done and what you have gone through, keep on it java

  35. #17875
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    Mar 2008
    Incline fly's dumbbells

    Hammer strength chest press

    Cable crossovers

    Every set to complete failure and spotter helps force 2 more reps

    40 minutes low intensity cardio and done

  36. #17876
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    just break one tablet in half and take it ED you'll be fine
    ED, not EOD? I'll need to get more then for a 12 week cycle then. I'll be 34 short. Darn.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  37. #17877
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Back to the gym tomorrow. Been out for the past 2 weeks with sinus issues that have kept my eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of socket. Things are clearing up now so it's time to hit it hard. Also planning to restock some ghrp6 to help with the appetite issues I've been battling since the shift change at work.

  38. #17878
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    You should have it on hand anyway just in case you need to up the dose. If you are prone to estro sides I would take it every day, if not, you can start eod.

  39. #17879
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    You should have it on hand anyway just in case you need to up the dose. If you are prone to estro sides I would take it every day, if not, you can start eod.
    Okay. Thanks! Only got sides when I was near 700 with no AI at all.

    225, 6', 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  40. #17880
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Happy sunday guys!

    Arms this morning.


    smith close grips 2 warms, 1 feel, 2 working 2 reps (RP) and 1 drop

    Preacher bar push downs 1 feel, 2 working, 2 drops

    Single arm Incline db skulls, went heavier this time using other arm to support and was able to do 2 working and 1 drop

    Rope pull downs. 2 working 2 drps


    Straight bar, 2 feels, 2 working, 2 drops

    Super set incline Db curls into hammer strength preachers 2 working 1 drop on preachers

    Cable curls ( not sure how to explain, cables set at shoulder height maybe slightly lower and curling to the ears) 2 working

    Went to the outdoor store after wards with the wife to get her some mace to have on her, and found a resturant there, we saw they had all wild post workout was a venison burger.

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