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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #18521
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    I never got to post my workout yesterday because I went up on my roof immediately after training to eliminate the ice dams that have formed on the back of my house...this winter has been a right fuking cvnt!....anyways...

    tricepts and delts:

    skull crushers
    over head dumbbell press
    press downs

    side lateral raises
    bent over lateral raise
    overhead barbell press

    heavy as always, still feeling grate and pain free...hope all is well with everyone...peace...

  2. #18522
    What reps do you go for on your calfs?

  3. #18523
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    Ontaio, Canada
    I try to keep it in the 10-15 range, but I go fairly slow wit ha deep stretch and hard peak contraction. I keep the weight fairly light, around 300lbs, sometimes I will hit the stack for lower reps.

  4. #18524
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    Tonight was good but felt fatigued missing my rest day.

    Started with rc warm ups and then into front and side raises warm up sets and then into heavy superset was very good and hard pushed into the pain barrier.

    Then shrugs just to mix it up completely two sets slow with heavy weight and one drop muscles where burning.

    Then into db pressing lightish weight for me but kept the reps up and felt the squeeze on the muscle.

    The arnie presses same as above these where hard but lite a fire in my mind to push through the searing pain.

    Then tris just did a mix of stuff rope pulls, behind the head db presses, and skull crushers.

  5. #18525
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I try to keep it in the 10-15 range, but I go fairly slow wit ha deep stretch and hard peak contraction. I keep the weight fairly light, around 300lbs, sometimes I will hit the stack for lower reps.
    Same here...besides the weight lol.

    Seated raise...3 45's slow and deep to failure .drop same thing and drop same thing

  6. #18526
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I never bother with training calves I've been lucky mine are massive from the sports I played years ago.

  7. #18527
    Join Date
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    Ontaio, Canada
    We don't have a seated machine like that, it never made it from the old location to the new one. I really wish they would get one, I feel my calf training is suffering because of it.

    My legs are starting to get really stiff and restless, love that feeling of destruction when it starts to set in.

  8. #18528
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    Sep 2012
    Just going to do back or tri's lol can't make my mind up will be good anyway am feeling good the day i've had 2 days off i'll report back in a wee while.

  9. #18529
    Quote Originally Posted by DCI
    I never bother with training calves I've been lucky mine are massive from the sports I played years ago.
    Yeh, I know plenty of guys with natty huge calfs that dont train them. It's unfair!!!! I hit my calfs 3 times a week, from all angles, 10 rep minimum, on volume days going up to 30 reps. Skipping, calf bouncing. Trying everything to make them pups grow. They're getting there!!!

  10. #18530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Same here...besides the weight lol.

    Seated raise...3 45's slow and deep to failure .drop same thing and drop same thing
    I'm getting a quote on a seated calf machine now. I do calf raises on my angled leg press and really load up the weight, but it just doesn't hit the calves in the manner I want. With a seated machine, the weight seems to stimulate/transfer the weight to the muscle much better. Also, getting a price on a hyper bench.
    Been planning on it a while, but I'm generally a notoriously slow shopper.
    Should have my shop semi rearranged by this afternoon and will post up a back lift this evening.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-27-2015 at 06:16 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  11. #18531
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    I'm getting a quote on a seated calf machine now. I do calf raises on my angled leg press and really load up the weight, but it just doesn't hit the calves in the manner I want. With a seated machine, the weight seems to stimulate/transfer the weight to the muscle much better. Also, getting a price on a hyper bench.
    Been planning on it a while, but I'm generally a notoriously slow shopper.
    Should have my shop semi rearranged by this afternoon and will post up a back lift this evening.
    Can't wait until I can start buying some of this equipment....renting a town home now.

    We aren't sure if we want to stay here or not. So waiting to buy. Probably a kid soon first. But definitely getting a house with a garage that is going to be our gym.

    Probably first thing would be the hyper bench

  12. #18532
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbonza666 View Post
    Yeh, I know plenty of guys with natty huge calfs that dont train them. It's unfair!!!! I hit my calfs 3 times a week, from all angles, 10 rep minimum, on volume days going up to 30 reps. Skipping, calf bouncing. Trying everything to make them pups grow. They're getting there!!!
    Yeh my gym partners are the same. They have to hammer them to get anything out of them. I'm glad I dont cos i dont have the paitence for them lol

  13. #18533
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Ok just back from dooooooooooing ???????? Back lol fvcking love it but first i went to the gym it takes about 20min the car in the car park i just remembered fvck my ££ is due on the 26th checked my phone 27th ffs had to drive home get ££ went back so went in gave the wife ma card and said it's due gave her ££ and told her what happened she said oh you should have just came in you could have paid it next time ffs eh.

    Righ ok let's get down to the good stuff stretching and wg pd for a warm up.

    Wg pd 2 working DD

    Cg pd 2 working DD

    BB row 2 working DD

    DB rows 1 working 1 drop

    Done in 28 min really good session guys lat's/back are minced

  14. #18534
    Join Date
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    Ontaio, Canada
    Shoulders today, what a great session.

    Db press: 1 warm, 2 feel, 1 woking (previous pb weight 100), 1 working 1 drop (new pb got the 105's up for 5)

    Bar shrug: 1 feel, 3 working 1 drop. No straps and trying to get a good pull and squeeze, grip is getting better.

    Single side raise: 1 warm, 2 feel, 1 working 1 drop.

    Rear machine: 4 working 1 drop. Kept the weight heavy each set and really tried to force the muscle to work, felt great.

    Smith rear shrug: 3 working, these are starting to feel better.

    Hammer press machine: 2 feel, 1 working 1 drop.

    Bike 15 min random level 10 for a nice sweat.

    I made a mental breakthrough today on db press thanks in part to this thread and everyone in it. My first attempt at 105's was a fail, couldn't get them up from shoulder position. I refocused, thought about the HITT principles and grabbed them fukers, kicked them up to my shoulders, let out a yell as I pushed and they started moving. Got a few inches and they stopped, I was not giving in, let out another grunt and pushed with everything I had and those bastards started moving again to the top position. I was able to push out 4 more with intense focus and a fire inside that was something I don't think I have felt before. Racked them then grabbed the 75's and ripped out 8 more, I was spent but that euphoric feeling was insane. I knew I tapped a depth that I had never gone to before, I truly hit failure on that set an mentally broke down a barrier that has stopped me every time I hit that sticking point. The rest of my session I was on fire.

    Not having a training partner sucks at times since there is no one to push you, you guys are a virtual partner, I just have to set my mind and think of all the work that is being done by this group and it helps me focus. Keep kicking ass and I will keep up my end as well.


  15. #18535
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    Chest last night

    Dumbbell flys pause sets

    Hammer strength chest presses

    Peck deck and superset incline press

    40 minutes cardio and done

  16. #18536
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Great job zempey on pushing through shoulders is very hard mentally to lift those big weights.

    This week I feel big and full for some reason it must be the damage ive inflicted on my body over the week my legs feel like as if I can feel them grow inch by inch

  17. #18537
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    Saw this motivational video today, was inspiring in a no nonsense, no bullshit way.

  18. #18538
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    Swear one of u Fckers go to my gym lol.....Been researching this "hex" bar....ive used before but never knew the name. So today in the gym....look over and they is this guy brought his on hex bar in today....never seen anyone use it here. lol.

    Anyways killers shoulders tonight.

    Rotator warms and little behind the head press....very very light.

    DB Press (been awhile for these, been using smith for my press) 2 warms, 2 feels, 1 working 2 drops ( one of the feels was suppose to be working but nailed 10 reps on it so had to go heavier. Got 85's on working. Not bad. Was doing 90's when on cycle.

    Superset bent over laterals into seated laterals. 1 feel, 2 working, and dropped one set of seated lat

    Superset up right rows with preacher bar into front cable raise

    DB shrugs to finish.

    Barely can lift my arms up right now....not looking forward to tomorrow....Honda classic in town and spring is going to be crazy....hope my arms can handle it

  19. #18539
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Well, I got my lifting area rearranged today to make space for the seated calf machine and hyper bench, completed my treadmill maintenance, and got some odd and end projects taken care of also. Going to crash early and get up around 3 a.m. or so to lift. Will be riding up towards Spartanburg tomorrow to check out a place that has several pieces of used equipment. Probably nothing I need, but it won't hurt to look. Plus, the beasts will enjoy the ride. LOL, my male mastiff draws in the ladies left and right. Inevitably though, he buries his muzzle in places that some of the women don't appreciate. Will post up my lift early a.m. ( East coast time).
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-27-2015 at 06:48 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  20. #18540
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Ok just back from dooooooooooing ???????? Back lol fvcking love it but first i went to the gym it takes about 20min the car in the car park i just remembered fvck my ££ is due on the 26th checked my phone 27th ffs had to drive home get ££ went back so went in gave the wife ma card and said it's due gave her ££ and told her what happened she said oh you should have just came in you could have paid it next time ffs eh.

    Righ ok let's get down to the good stuff stretching and wg pd for a warm up.

    Wg pd 2 working DD

    Cg pd 2 working DD

    BB row 2 working DD

    DB rows 1 working 1 drop

    Done in 28 min really good session guys lat's/back are minced
    Well done, Clarky. Really good time!!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  21. #18541
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Swear one of u Fckers go to my gym lol.....Been researching this "hex" bar....ive used before but never knew the name. So today in the gym....look over and they is this guy brought his on hex bar in today....never seen anyone use it here. lol.

    Anyways killers shoulders tonight.

    Rotator warms and little behind the head press....very very light.

    DB Press (been awhile for these, been using smith for my press) 2 warms, 2 feels, 1 working 2 drops ( one of the feels was suppose to be working but nailed 10 reps on it so had to go heavier. Got 85's on working. Not bad. Was doing 90's when on cycle.

    Superset bent over laterals into seated laterals. 1 feel, 2 working, and dropped one set of seated lat

    Superset up right rows with preacher bar into front cable raise

    DB shrugs to finish.

    Barely can lift my arms up right now....not looking forward to tomorrow....Honda classic in town and spring is going to be crazy....hope my arms can handle it
    Nice lift, Sfla! I bet those fancy cooking pots/pans do get heavy on a busy day when you're doing a lot of chef stuff. I don't know anything about being a chef, but I'm picturing a busy day as being "organized chaos"?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #18542
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    Nice lift, Sfla! I bet those fancy cooking pots/pans do get heavy on a busy day when you're doing a lot of chef stuff. I don't know anything about being a chef, but I'm picturing a busy day as being "organized chaos"?
    I honestly work hard but do very little cooking my friend.

    I stand there and yell almost all night making sure everything is "perfect".

    But for some of these rich ass drunk people no matter what u do it is never good enough.

    Wish I could say more but probably not the best idea. So many famous people walk in here its incridible. I don't even care.

    They just show off most of the time. Some are nice though.

    Honestly I posted this awhile back maybe a year or two. Guy had a freaking seizure in the dinning room. We thought he was choking. A doctor and I were giving heimlic (spelling) then put him down trying to clear his throat and cpr.....2 tables next to this....ACTUALLY complained!!! Wanted their meals for free!!#!! Because it disturbed them.

  23. #18543
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    I honestly work hard but do very little cooking my friend. I stand there and yell almost all night making sure everything is "perfect". But for some of these rich ass drunk people no matter what u do it is never good enough. Wish I could say more but probably not the best idea. So many famous people walk in here its incridible. I don't even care. They just show off most of the time. Some are nice though. Honestly I posted this awhile back maybe a year or two. Guy had a freaking seizure in the dinning room. We thought he was choking. A doctor and I were giving heimlic (spelling) then put him down trying to clear his throat and cpr.....2 tables next to this....ACTUALLY complained!!! Wanted their meals for free!!#!! Because it disturbed them.
    your lucky brother I spend countless hours preparing my food on the weekend for the whole week. I never miss a meal or depend on anyone else. It's the control freak in me

  24. #18544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    your lucky brother I spend countless hours preparing my food on the weekend for the whole week. I never miss a meal or depend on anyone else. It's the control freak in me
    Lucky yes and no.

    I don't all the time. But I'm suppose to taste everything. Everyday.

    I'm a control freak at work. And used to bring packed meals to work....but we our corp hired this "health inspector" company....and they won't allow employee food being stored anymore. :/

  25. #18545
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    Lucky yes and no. I don't all the time. But I'm suppose to taste everything. Everyday. I'm a control freak at work. And used to bring packed meals to work....but we our corp hired this "health inspector" company....and they won't allow employee food being stored anymore. :/
    ouch that suck! I would keep a cooler in my car. I am just that strict with my nutrition

  26. #18546
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    I honestly work hard but do very little cooking my friend.

    I stand there and yell almost all night making sure everything is "perfect".

    But for some of these rich ass drunk people no matter what u do it is never good enough.

    Wish I could say more but probably not the best idea. So many famous people walk in here its incridible. I don't even care.

    They just show off most of the time. Some are nice though.

    Honestly I posted this awhile back maybe a year or two. Guy had a freaking seizure in the dinning room. We thought he was choking. A doctor and I were giving heimlic (spelling) then put him down trying to clear his throat and cpr.....2 tables next to this....ACTUALLY complained!!! Wanted their meals for free!!#!! Because it disturbed them.
    Jeez, some peoples priorities are so out of touch with humanity.

    Now, on the lighter side, do you get to like....go full blown Chef Ramsey on those that need it?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  27. #18547
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    ouch that suck! I would keep a cooler in my car. I am just that strict with my nutrition
    Trust us we all know how how much of a control freak u are ....wish we all could be....hard work shows rewards though....

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Jeez, some peoples priorities are so out of touch with humanity.

    Now, on the lighter side, do you get to like....go full blown Chef Ramsey on those that need it?
    I used to, no cursing....everyone used to be afraid of me. But now since its so corperate....eery employee has our district manager on speed dial. Its incredible.....u say one wrong thing it could cost u ur job.

    I honestly had my job in jeopardy because my DM wnted me to say hi to everyone first thing when I walked into the door. LMAO....I mean im one of the best in this company numbers wise...we have won awards 5 years in a row....and they threaten my job cause im no personable with some ramsey :/ lmao.

    For me...when im at completely different....its my money, its my life....I have my friends outside. Im there to do my job and ddo it well. Please the guests. But you always have to put on a face in any business u r in. :/

  28. #18548
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    Trust us we all know how how much of a control freak u are ....wish we all could be....hard work shows rewards though.... I used to, no cursing....everyone used to be afraid of me. But now since its so corperate....eery employee has our district manager on speed dial. Its incredible.....u say one wrong thing it could cost u ur job. I honestly had my job in jeopardy because my DM wnted me to say hi to everyone first thing when I walked into the door. LMAO....I mean im one of the best in this company numbers wise...we have won awards 5 years in a row....and they threaten my job cause im no personable with some ramsey :/ lmao. For me...when im at completely different....its my money, its my life....I have my friends outside. Im there to do my job and ddo it well. Please the guests. But you always have to put on a face in any business u r in. :/
    lol it's the way I am with everything

  29. #18549
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    It's that time. Drinking a shake now.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  30. #18550
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Been very busy guys and not had much time to do anything due to some work related incidents I need to deal with. I do read daily in this thread so keep posting those routines and I want to hear how you felt during your workout, could you have done better and if so why didn't you and are you making progress

    We have to train harder, eat more and live this lifestyle more than anyone else!

  31. #18551
    Join Date
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    Pullback lift for back today. No beyond failure protocols. 34°F in the shop, but the plates and bells felt really cold today.

    Cardio via treadmill to warm up, lower body stretches, and 2 sets of crunches.

    WG pulldown w/ u'hand grip-2 w/u, Work1-7.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-6.5 reps
    CG pulldown w/ stirrup handle-1 w/u, Work1-4.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-6.5 reps
    Straightjacket stretches
    Tbar rows-1 w/u, Work1-6.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-7 reps
    Low pulley rows- Work1-7.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-9 reps
    Toe touches
    Deads-1 w/u, Work1-7 fairly heavy reps ( probably not heavy for you guys, but decent for me).
    D'bell rows off of incline bench- 7 good reps/ side.

    44 minutes not including cardio, crunches, and stretching. Had the usual shake post workout, and getting ready to eat an omelette made of 5 egg whites, 1EB egg, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese, 6 oz. grilled 90/10 beef, and 1/2 cup frozen spinach. Should be full as a tick.

    3 more pullback lifts and then back to the full bore fun.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-28-2015 at 05:09 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  32. #18552
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Pullback lift for back today. No beyond failure protocols. 34°F in the shop, but the plates and bells felt really cold today. Cardio via treadmill to warm up, lower body stretches, and 2 sets of crunches. WG pulldown w/ u'hand grip-2 w/u, Work1-7.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-6.5 reps CG pulldown w/ stirrup handle-1 w/u, Work1-4.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-6.5 reps Straightjacket stretches Tbar rows-1 w/u, Work1-6.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-7 reps Low pulley rows- Work1-7.5 reps, drop weight, Work2-9 reps Toe touches Deads-1 w/u, Work1-7 fairly heavy reps ( probably not heavy for you guys, but decent for me). D'bell rows off of incline bench- 7 good reps/ side. 44 minutes not including cardio, crunches, and stretching. Had the usual shake post workout, and getting ready to eat an omelette made of 5 egg whites, 1EB egg, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese, 6 oz. grilled 90/10 beef, and 1/2 cup frozen spinach. Should be full as a tick. 3 more pullback lifts and then back to the full bore fun.
    That a way to get it AG!

    I packing up and heading out to go hunt hogs with night vision!

    And get a heater in your shop!

  33. #18553
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    That a way to get it AG!

    I packing up and heading out to go hunt hogs with night vision!

    And get a heater in your shop!
    LOL, thanks, RC. I tolerate the cold fairly well, but hopefully one day I'll install a heat pump.
    Good luck with the feral hog hunt. They do massive crop damage where I live. I believe the hogs and coyotes are classed as open season year 'round.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #18554
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    LOL, thanks, RC. I tolerate the cold fairly well, but hopefully one day I'll install a heat pump. Good luck with the feral hog hunt. They do massive crop damage where I live. I believe the hogs and coyotes are classed as open season year 'round.
    Yes sir, same down here.

    Hoping to bring home the bacon

  35. #18555
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Great to see everyone's going strong. Life got super busy, works crazy, church life evolving more and the worst thing possible, shopping for a new car for my wife ! These sales men are crazy, they are so lucky Ive been saved and dont run tren anymore One good thing is I figured out that my gear was under dosed, raised up dosage and feel it now, sex drive is back. I crashed my e2 because I went with to much ai thinking my gear was dosed properly, but I took a some hcg for 2 weeks and got it back up. About to order some new gear so things should be good. I hit quick workouts wed and friday and training today. I should have everything back to normal next week. Keep up the good work guys. Once I get a few weeks of solid training Im going to post some pics. Nice to see others showing their progress!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  36. #18556
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    Shredded back today

    Incline hammer pull downs

    Seated rows

    Wide grip pull downs

    Lower back extensions

    40 minutes cardio and done

  37. #18557
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by bio-active
    shredded back today incline hammer pull downs seated rows wide grip pull downs lower back extensions 40 minutes cardio and done

  38. #18558
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    Ontaio, Canada
    Arm day today, hit it hard and heavy.

    CGP: 1 warm, 2 feel, 1 working 1 drop.

    Cavers: 4 working 1 drop.

    Single overhead db: 3 working.

    21's: 4 sets. Saw an article for a new way to do 21's, wide grip for 7, medium for 7, narrow for 7, all with a 3 second negative.

    Alt db: 2 feel, 2 working 1 drop

    Db concentration: 3 sets

    Dips: 2 sets.

    What a burn from the 21's, I had never seen them done this way before, but saw a video the other day. I started with the big bar cause that's what the guy started with and he looked like it was tough, it wasn't. Went up to 10 a side, then 20 a side, then 25 a side, that last set had my bi's on fire. I will be doing those again, but will start off heavier. I am going to try changing my hand grip to a wrap around thumb instead of a false grip on pressing movements. Read an article on false grip causing elbow issues, I have had enough of those so I will switch it up a bit. Did them today on CGP and it felt alright. Might go in for cardio depending how I feel in the morning.

  39. #18559
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    dont ask for a source thx
    here is yesterdays back workout:

    seated rows (machine)
    pull downs with v handle
    bent over barbell rows
    pull downs with rope for lower lats (kneeling on the floor)

    calves and abs to finish...

    on a side note got out on the fat bike today for 1.5 hrs and did 9 miles through the woods the conditions where perfect...the temp was a balmy 25 degrees so I was getting plenty of rocks...

  40. #18560
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    Really feeling yesterday's back lift. Sore from traps/lats to glutes and legs seemed to be a bit fatigued. I believe the treadmill is the culprit for the leg fatigue though.
    Cardio this evening and then hitting the chest with a pullback session.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

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