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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #18601
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    Yesterday driving home I shit in every state on the way back from Nebraska. I had to stop at a rest area in Indiana..... The cramping was real bad. So we pull off and they tell me the bathroom was located around the back. I get to the back and it's a porta potty. There were two and a trucker was in one of them.

    So I walk into the open one an there was shit on the seat and the shit in the container was built up almost to the seat. Like it hasn't been emptied in months.

    I contemplated holding it and risking a mess in the car but its as if my stomach knew it..... There was no way. I lifted the seat with a wad of TP and shit standing almost straight up lmfao. MAN...... I was hating life. I had to hover so high - my quads burned like a mfkr.

    I've really had enough shit (literally) for the next few weeks lol
    lmao that's unreal !

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  2. #18602
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    Chest today, still on a pullback week but I seem to keep pushing harder then I plan to.

    Db press: 1 warm, 1 feel, 1 working (110) went up easy so figured fuk it, 1 working (125 pb), 1 working (100)

    Incline Db: 1 feel, 2 working.

    Incline fly: 4 sets pyramid.

    Decline bench: 1 feel, 2 working.

    Super set pull overs and rope push downs: 3 sets.

    Dips: 18, 15, 15.

    Started off not really feeling it this morning, had a stomach issue yesterday that lingered all day. My weight was down to 271, probably because I cycled out most of my heavy carbs in place of veggies for lunches and dinner.

    After a couple sets I started to fire up and felt strong so I went for a pb on the db and hit the biggest ones we have out on the floor at 125. We have some old ones locked up that go to 200, going to ask to have them cleaned up and brought out. Had a fantastic pump today, veins popping and everything, another big guy in there even commented on it, lol. This new prop must be starting to make a difference, I can feel it for sure now. Going to back off my adex to .5mg eod and see if that evens me out a bit better. Also did a 200mg shot of deca yesterday, going to run 200mg/week for a while to try and get some joint relief, they are killing me lately.

    Rest or cardio tomorrow, see how I feel, but want to lean up a bit more over the next couple weeks.

  3. #18603
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    I spent about 4 hours bent over at the waist setting in and locating a barrel cam and shaft in one of the machines @ work. I can generally grab the assembly in the crooks of my arms and set it in easier than it is for 2 people to try to fight it in.
    After a while, my back started binding up a bit, so I stopped and stretched some. One of the younger guys was standing off to the side hollering "lift with your spine, not your knees". I told them fine, you 2 stick boys can handle the next one yourself.
    Anyway, I came home and rolled my lower back and it melts away the tension. Really liking the rumble roller.

    Edit: D*mn near forgot. I ordered my seated calf machine and hyper bench this morning.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-03-2015 at 09:43 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #18604
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    D ring pulldowns
    3 warm up sets
    1 working set to failure plus 1 rest pause

    bb bent over rows
    2 feel sets
    1 working set ( heavy) to failure

    db rows
    1 feel set
    1 working set to failure plus 1 rest pause

    seated low pulley
    2 feel sets
    1 working set plus 1 rest pause

    3 sets failure

    Emphasis on thickness

  5. #18605
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    Just back from doing tri's rapid session did lying db tri ex for a war up did a good few sets.

    Lying db tri ex 1 working 1 drop. ** new weight **

    CG bench smith 1 working DD

    Behind head cable ex 1 working DD V bar

    Straight bar pd 1 working TD

    Dips 3 sets each to fail which was 10-8-7
    so not much they were fried by this i was just making sure they had nothing left

    All done in 33 min that was including the warm up.

  6. #18606
    Anyone else motivated when you can feel eyes on you in the gym? You've got a wicked pump going, veins everywhere, and you just feed off the attention? Oh it's good

  7. #18607
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    Tonight for chest will be using zempeys post for motivation will be on my own so will need the extra motivation to push on just having a pre workout meal of chicken peas and potatoes starved will have a strong coffee 45mins before the gym

  8. #18608
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Anyone else motivated when you can feel eyes on you in the gym? You've got a wicked pump going, veins everywhere, and you just feed off the attention? Oh it's good
    Yep, my cat stares at me jealously all the time.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #18609
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Tonight for chest will be using zempeys post for motivation will be on my own so will need the extra motivation to push on just having a pre workout meal of chicken peas and potatoes starved will have a strong coffee 45mins before the gym
    Smash it mate.

  10. #18610
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    Just back from mooooooore cardio lol went and played 5's an hour after that tri session.

    That's 5 a side football for y'all over the pond i was soaked to the bone it was snowing and raining for the full hour but it was good.

  11. #18611
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    Kill it DCI, get your mind set and go for it.

  12. #18612
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    Cheers clarky and zempey for the posts.

    Hit it hard tonight.

    Started with yates style flies rc warm ups and two warm up sets then into 2 heavy sets felt great and strong then one drop.

    Onto incline 2 set heavy reps where tough I think I had too much strong coffee was slightly outta breath.

    Then flat db pressing 2 sets heavy was hard earned but pushed through and one drop.

    Then decline db pressing dropped back the weight and focused more on the squeeze and reps.

    Then some cardio sweat was good and it was a hard session of weights looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

  13. #18613
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    Good session DCI, way to push it. Keep the gain train rolling.

  14. #18614
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    dont ask for a source thx
    leg day peeps, boy don't I love leg day!!!

    leg extensions to pre-fatigue...
    leg press
    seated leg curls

    that's it....short, sweet and heavy...still feeling fantastic, I swear deca has changed everything for me...and I swear I look every bit as good or better then on tren so I have decided to forever part ways with it...I never gave deca a chance before because I just tried it once then went strait for the on tren =look good but feel like on deca=feel awesome look awesome!!!!...later on brothers...

  15. #18615
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    Ghetto, how much are you taking? I just started 200mg/w, not sure how long it will take to kick in, but I can't wait to feel the joint relief. It has been almost 15 years since I did deca.

  16. #18616
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Ghetto, how much are you taking? I just started 200mg/w, not sure how long it will take to kick in, but I can't wait to feel the joint relief. It has been almost 15 years since I did deca.
    im on the tail end of my test deca cycle at 600mg test c 400deca but im going to cruse on it through summer I think because I haven't felt this good in years...I started feeling the joint relief effects like 6 weeks in or so...

  17. #18617
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    How do pullback week(s) work once we complete 4 weeks of HIT?

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  18. #18618
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    Got those legs knocked out.

    Leg presses wide stance

    Leg presses inside stance

    Leg curls

    Leg extensions

    Couldn't all when I was done had to let my legs calm down for about ten minutes before I could get on a treadmill. Did 40 minutes in the treadmill and done

  19. #18619
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    How do pullback week(s) work once we complete 4 weeks of HIT?

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    Just drop the beyond failure tools (rest pause, drop sets, forced reps, etc). During a pullback I go with a straight set to failure, maybe 2 sets if I feel like I neglected that particular muscle group, but I still attempt to hit 8-12 reps +/- per set. If I do a second set, I drop the weight enough to allow me to hit that 8-12 rep range.
    I'm sure some of the other guys will post up their thoughts on pullback lifts.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-04-2015 at 07:31 AM. Reason: clarity...
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  20. #18620
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    How do pullback week(s) work once we complete 4 weeks of HIT?

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    X2 on what AG said but for me i drop the weight and do higher reps till i feel ok again could take a few wks for me as i do HIT for months before i feel the need for a pullback then go back to HIT.

  21. #18621
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Good session DCI, way to push it. Keep the gain train rolling.
    Cheers man for that feel that I am on a spurt again

  22. #18622
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    Tri's are sore the day but i really do not feel well. Feel relly sick and not much nrg i'll just take it easy the next few days.

  23. #18623
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Just drop the beyond failure tools (rest pause, forced reps, etc). During a pullback I go with a straight set to failure, maybe 2 sets if I feel like I neglected that particular muscle group, but I still attempt to hit 8-12 reps +/- per set. I'm sure some of the other guys will post up their thoughts on pullback lifts.
    Thanks AG. A week or more as needed?

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  24. #18624
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    X2 on what AG said but for me i drop the weight and do higher reps till i feel ok again could take a few wks for me as i do HIT for months before i feel the need for a pullback then go back to HIT.
    Thanks Clarky. Not sure I need one yet; legs need it, but upper body still good to go. Not sure that matters as it's the CNS were focused on.

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.

  25. #18625
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    Went in for some fasted cardio and a bit of abs. After a couple days of cycling out most of my starchy carbs I am down to 268, today I am loading back up to replenish my stores. Have legs tomorrow so I want lots in the tank to give a good push with some higher reps. I like the cycling, it is really dialing in my mid section while keeping me full and thick. I still need to experiment with this to really take full advantage of the effects, but so far i am happy with the results. Have another week on cycle to try and hammer in some detail, can't believe it is almost over already, where did the time go?

  26. #18626
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    Get well quickly, Clarky! Maybe a few rest days will fix you up.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  27. #18627
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Thanks AG. A week or more as needed?

    225, 6', 33, 15% bf, bench 320, squat 405, dead 465.
    That's what has been working for me. My lifts are broken up by body parts (shoulders, back,chest, legs, and arms). So I pullback one rotation of body parts and then back to HIT if I feel ready mentally and physically??

    My work schedule makes my lifting kind of fragmented, so I I don't use an exact amount of time. I just kind of go by how I feel. If I'm feeling beat down or my body is complaining, I go with a pullback.
    If you're feeling like you are ready for one, you probably are.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-04-2015 at 07:55 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  28. #18628
    One more rest day fore I go in and hit chest. What do you guys think, pullback week or not for tb?

  29. #18629
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    One more rest day fore I go in and hit chest. What do you guys think, pullback week or not for tb?
    I would pullback if your using the tb for pain/joint problem (if this is the case can't remember) no point doing HIT till you get it sorted.

  30. #18630
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Get well quickly, Clarky! Maybe a few rest days will fix you up.
    Thanks mate av got loads and loads of stuff to be getting on with AG as well. Studying for a test (on friday) for ma new job av got 50+ 2x2 slabs to lay in the back garden 14 ton of stones to move 4 for the front garden 10 for the back and 1.210ft of fence to build and dig 28 holes lol so nightmare feeling like this mate and get my gym sessions in.

  31. #18631
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    I am really liking this thread. Wish I would have joined in sooner. In the short time that I have been doing this hit training i am making amazing gains again and getting lots of compliments that I look like I am bigger

  32. #18632
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I am really liking this thread. Wish I would have joined in sooner. In the short time that I have been doing this hit training i am making amazing gains again and getting lots of compliments that I look like I am bigger
    Good stuff Bio. There's no doubt in my mind that this style training has improved both my productivity and longevity in this sport. Less but more intense training plus more rest days has been nothing but a win-win for me. Quite the opposite of what many would assume.
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  33. #18633
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I am really liking this thread. Wish I would have joined in sooner. In the short time that I have been doing this hit training i am making amazing gains again and getting lots of compliments that I look like I am bigger
    I've said this a few times but this thread has changed my whole outlook on life not just in the gym.

    From all the bb'ers I've all the hit bbers look insane with thick muscle xompared to others etc

  34. #18634
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Good stuff Bio. There's no doubt in my mind that this style training has improved both my productivity and longevity in this sport. Less but more intense training plus more rest days has been nothing but a win-win for me. Quite the opposite of what many would assume.
    how many rest days are you getting? I get two

  35. #18635
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I train M-W-F. Have for years now.
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  36. #18636
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    Unexpected day off work today so decide to move some snow. I got my snow blower up onto my deck and started blowing it off, damn snow was deeper than the opening of my blower. Took about an hour and a half to clean it off, deck is 16'x32'. I didn't want to take the chance of there being too much weight once the snow starts to pick up moisture, temps were up to just below freezing.

    Then went to do my grandmothers driveway and scrape the ice off that has packed down. Once I finished that I came home and decided to take care of the mess in my driveway. I had about 6-8" of packed ice in my driveway, damn that was a lot of work, 3 different shovels and a snow blower. I started all this about 930 and finished just after 230, I am wiped out and my body is aching.

    I don't think I could hate winter any more than I do right now, I wish I never moved back from Cali, it was so nice there, lol. Might end up having to skip legs if my back and knees are sore tomorrow, but I will play it by ear.

  37. #18637
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Legs today. Just got done.

    Extensions: Two heavy, one drop
    Squats: Did 10 with what I thought would be my working weight, racked it and added another plate. Got a solid 8, dropped the plate and did 7-8 more. Crushed them.
    Verticals: Two heavy keeping reps 10-15 ish.
    Seated curls: Two heavy, one drop.

    Wanted to do calf raises on the vertical but my ahole self forgot and unloaded the machine. I was not about to re-load it. Did seated calves and called it a day.
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  38. #18638
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    Glad to see you posting your workouts again kel!

    Chest day! Had a really shitty dad at work and took it out on myself at the gym. Was suppose to do pre exhaust super sets today but I needed to go heavy.

    Incline DB press 3 warms, 1 feel, 2 working (105's), 1 drop. Wanted to try 110's today, think I could have but wanted a spot to make sure I got them up. Asked one guy and was told no. This isn't the first time someone has turned me down for a spot. I couldn't believe it, but whatever.....all u aholes jacked up on TEST can be dicks sometimes

    Db flat 1 feel, 2 working 1 drop (105's agan)

    Flat DB flies 2 working 1 drop

    Incline DB flies 2 working 1 drop

    One arm DB fly to burn it out to finish.

    Great workout, felt great! Keep getting Stronger.

  39. #18639
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    dont ask for a source thx
    triceps and delts today:

    close grip bench press
    skull crushers
    press downs with straight bar
    press downs with rope and wrist supination to finish

    over head press barbell
    side lateral,bent over laterals, front raises super sets

    another fantastic day of training today...hope all is well for all of you....later...

  40. #18640
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    Sfla I will spot anyone, I even ask if I see a guy contemplating a heavy set. I have been really focusing hard to get some of my bigger db lifts lately. Even if I fail to get them up the first try, I reset my self, get my mind right and try again. You can't try and succeed unless you fail at some point. Next time just try, get pissed off and giver' hell.

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