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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #20081
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Hammer strength press

    Db flys


    Free motion fitness incline cable crossovers

    40 minutes cardio and done
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  2. #20082
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Chest was yesterday,

    Finaly time to sit at acomputer and type it up......eating breakfast now before legs.

    Chest was

    Smith incline 2 warms 1 feel, 2 workin (255) DD

    Flat smith 1 feel 2working (285 and 275) DD

    Incline DB flies 2 working 1 drop

    Single arm DB fly 2 working

    Cable free motion flies. High super set into evens.

    Got mid cycle bloods yesterday, waiting for results now.......legs in about an hour
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  3. #20083
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Back this am...

    Stretching/SMR/RCs/hammies(back still tight)

    Warm up lat pull downs light

    Wide grip lat pull downs - 2 feelers 2w 6/4 drop 2

    Close grip high pull downs - 1 feeler 2w 5/4 drop 3
    Suppersetted w/straight arm pull downs 3w failure(8-12)

    Smith bent over rows heavy - 2w 5/4 drop 4(real slow and holding squeeze)

    Hammer strength neutral grip rows - 2w 6/3.5 drop 4 wanted a few more reps

    Trap bar deads - 3w to failure(4-8)


    Abs/20min cardio

    Done session in 36 min not counting abs/cardio stretching - great sweat goin great pump
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  4. #20084
    Hazard's Avatar
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    About to hit legs again..... Pain soon to follow
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  5. #20085
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    So yeah didn't happen today.

    This was one of those days Marcus asked us about where u just go through the motions.

    Got a phone call from work that pissed me the hell off. Incompetent people. So mind frame wasn't there.

    Might try again tonight.

  6. #20086
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    About to hit legs again..... Pain soon to follow
    Good equipment where you train Haz?
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  7. #20087
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Had planned on taking the week off. Decided to go ahead with legs today. Felt amazing.
    When you least expect it you have your best workouts...
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  8. #20088
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I like how you think. Lend me a hand?
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  9. #20089
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I like how you think. Lend me a hand?
    Hilarious!! had to go back and catch it... LOL

  10. #20090
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    I like how you think. Lend me a hand?
    Sounds like you've been doing fine by yourself! LoL
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  11. #20091
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Bloods came back guys.

    Any input is greatly appreciated

    mid cycle bloods

  12. #20092
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    Good equipment where you train Haz?
    Yeah..... It's geared towards bodybuilding. There's a large variety of equipment.... I've found a place that I can finally train legs the way I like.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  13. #20093
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Yeah..... It's geared towards bodybuilding. There's a large variety of equipment.... I've found a place that I can finally train legs the way I like.
    Makes me jealous. My equipment is so limited.....
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  14. #20094
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Sounds like you've been doing fine by yourself! LoL
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  15. #20095
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Well. Keep me posted.

  16. #20096
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    Legs tonight was on my own so did pre exhaust pushed very hard sweating bullets it was so intense. Home an hr and my legs are still sore and pumped.

    Started with hamstring curls 2 warm ups one feeler and one really heavy and dd very sore blood was flowing.

    Then onto lunges 2 sets of heavy weight and one bodyweight set very very sore this was really tough had to keep my mind muscle control in check.

    The quad raises same as above with a bit of rest pause too just to squeeze the muscle.

    The plate loaded leg press was relatively heavy but nothing out of this world was really fatigued by now but push through did a really light finisher set was in bits.
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  17. #20097
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    Saw GP today and got a referral to an Endo... U of Stanford so I'm hoping they're competent lol... If not I've got others and talked to one with very much knowledge and up to date(just not covered atm and I'm looking for a secondary INS...
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  18. #20098
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Saw GP today and got a referral to an Endo... U of Stanford so I'm hoping they're competent lol... If not I've got others and talked to one with very much knowledge and up to date(just not covered atm and I'm looking for a secondary INS...
    Let us know how you get on man.
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  19. #20099
    IronClydes's Avatar
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    Back yesterday (43 minutes):

    WG Assisted Pullups Behind Neck: 8, 5.
    WG Pulldowns Behind: W/U 15, 12. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 4; 5 pause 3.
    T-Bar Rows Close Grip: W/U 15, 10; Working 12 pause 6; 7 pause 4 pause 3.
    Seated Cable Rows w/ Triangle: W/U: 14, 9. Working: 6 pause 3 pause 3.
    Bentover BB Rows WG: W/U: 13, 10. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3.
    Deadlifts: 10, 8, 6.

    Followed by Jogging outside (20 minutes).

    Shoulders today (55 minutes):

    Behind Neck BB Press: W/U: 12, 12, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Arnold Press: W/U: 15, 8, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Front alt DB lateral: W/U: 15, 12. Working: 7 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Side DB laterals: W/U: 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 6 pause 5; 6 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Seated Rear DB laterals: W/U 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3 and then 4 partials.
    Incline Lying Rear DB Laterals: Working: 8 pause 5 pause 3 and then 3 partials.
    BB Shrugs: Working: 10 drop 8 drop 8 pause 5.

    Followed by an Abs circuit (12 minutes).
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  20. #20100
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Back yesterday (43 minutes):

    WG Assisted Pullups Behind Neck: 8, 5.
    WG Pulldowns Behind: W/U 15, 12. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 4; 5 pause 3.
    T-Bar Rows Close Grip: W/U 15, 10; Working 12 pause 6; 7 pause 4 pause 3.
    Seated Cable Rows w/ Triangle: W/U: 14, 9. Working: 6 pause 3 pause 3.
    Bentover BB Rows WG: W/U: 13, 10. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3.
    Deadlifts: 10, 8, 6.

    Followed by Jogging outside (20 minutes).

    Shoulders today (55 minutes):

    Behind Neck BB Press: W/U: 12, 12, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Arnold Press: W/U: 15, 8, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Front alt DB lateral: W/U: 15, 12. Working: 7 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Side DB laterals: W/U: 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 6 pause 5; 6 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Seated Rear DB laterals: W/U 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3 and then 4 partials.
    Incline Lying Rear DB Laterals: Working: 8 pause 5 pause 3 and then 3 partials.
    BB Shrugs: Working: 10 drop 8 drop 8 pause 5.

    Followed by an Abs circuit (12 minutes).
    The reps are relatively high for HIT, I know. I am still trying to find the sweet spots on my HIT weights for lower reps without sacrificing good form.
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  21. #20101
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post

    The reps are relatively high for HIT, I know. I am still trying to find the sweet spots on my HIT weights for lower reps without sacrificing good form.
    Tduff, if I get too many reps for my first " working" set I will use that as another feel set and add more weight. Then try for two working sets at the rep range I'm going for.

    Just a thought.....
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  22. #20102
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Java!!! Glad to see you checking up on the thread.
    Yeah I missed you all

    I've been busy and hitting it pretty hard again finally. I gained most of the weight back and all of the strength that I lost last year when I was sick. A little leaner now though which is a good thing. getting sick might have helped me lean up. Took a few months for my body to get back into the kind of shape it needs to be in for HIT. I haven't read all of the pages I've missed but I can see you guys are still going strong.
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  23. #20103
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Back yesterday (43 minutes):

    WG Assisted Pullups Behind Neck: 8, 5.
    WG Pulldowns Behind: W/U 15, 12. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 4; 5 pause 3.
    T-Bar Rows Close Grip: W/U 15, 10; Working 12 pause 6; 7 pause 4 pause 3.
    Seated Cable Rows w/ Triangle: W/U: 14, 9. Working: 6 pause 3 pause 3.
    Bentover BB Rows WG: W/U: 13, 10. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3.
    Deadlifts: 10, 8, 6.

    Followed by Jogging outside (20 minutes).

    Shoulders today (55 minutes):

    Behind Neck BB Press: W/U: 12, 12, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Arnold Press: W/U: 15, 8, 8. Working: 7 pause 3 pause 3.
    Front alt DB lateral: W/U: 15, 12. Working: 7 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Side DB laterals: W/U: 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 6 pause 5; 6 pause 5 pause 4 and then 4 partials.
    Seated Rear DB laterals: W/U 12, 8. Working: 8 pause 4 pause 3 and then 4 partials.
    Incline Lying Rear DB Laterals: Working: 8 pause 5 pause 3 and then 3 partials.
    BB Shrugs: Working: 10 drop 8 drop 8 pause 5.

    Followed by an Abs circuit (12 minutes).
    Tduff just be careful with behind the head presses they can do damage it not really a natural movement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Yeah I missed you all

    I've been busy and hitting it pretty hard again finally. I gained most of the weight back and all of the strength that I lost last year when I was sick. A little leaner now though which is a good thing. getting sick might have helped me lean up. Took a few months for my body to get back into the kind of shape it needs to be in for HIT. I haven't read all of the pages I've missed but I can see you guys are still going strong.
    Nice to see you back java and back to full health.
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  24. #20104
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Ok just back from doing chest good stretching and cable flys for a warm up + pre ex

    Did SS the day

    Slight incline db press 1working+rp 1 drop **new weight**
    Slight incline db fly 1working+rp 1 drop

    Incline db press 1working 1drop
    Incline db fly 1working 1drop

    Pec deck just 3 sets med rep to fail.

    Cardio 25min and done.

    Ok guys ma shoulder held up good and no pain on the flys i could have went a wee bit heavier but didn't want to fvck it as there was a wee bit off popping that's all.

    Pec dec i just done the above as i was getting the popping but no pain ect and the session was going good did not was to fvck it at the end.

    The physio seems to be right lol.
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  25. #20105
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    Clarky, some guys just naturally have the ability to do behind the neck presses, I am not one of them, but a guy at my gym does 3 plates a side free weight behind the neck. He is a freak of nature, he is built but not huge by any means, maybe 6' 220, but really strong. Some are just gifted I guess.
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  26. #20106
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Clarky, some guys just naturally have the ability to do behind the neck presses, I am not one of them, but a guy at my gym does 3 plates a side free weight behind the neck. He is a freak of nature, he is built but not huge by any means, maybe 6' 220, but really strong. Some are just gifted I guess.
    Fvck aye zempey i know a see lots off ppl doing it and i have also seen them fvcked because of it but yes like you say there is ppl who can do it no bother and are fine.

  27. #20107
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    Legs today, just went easy since my knee has been really messed up as of late. I might have to break down and go get it looked at since it is not getting any better with time, only worse.

    Bike 10min, stretching, to warm up.

    Extensions: 1 warm, 1 feel, 2 working.

    Hack squat: 3 working. Light weight but slow and deep.

    Press: 3 working. Kept it at 6 plates and focused on a nice contraction and going deep.

    Stand calf: 2 working. My knee and ham were starting to get aggravated so I called it quits.

    I didn't want to push too hard since I haven't done legs in a while and I am working in a basement so up and down stairs and being on concrete all day doesn't feel too good on the knee. Overall it felt ok, had a slight pump.

    Shoulders tomorrow, might not be able to go too heavy, chest and back are still tight, but I love that feeling, been a while. The 2 weeks off might have done me some good, allowed me to heal up so I can break it down all over again.
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  28. #20108
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    I tell him all the time, he knows one day it will get him, we joke about it all the time, lol.

  29. #20109
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    Wide grip pull downs

    Seated rows

    Incline pull downs

    Wide grip rows

    Close grip pull downs

    40 minutes low intensity cardio and done
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  30. #20110
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    Spoke w/ Marcus early this morning via email. He is still training hard and building some tissue. Sounds like he has been working around the RC issue and busting @ss.
    He said he is still very busy, but to let everyone know he will be back soon.
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #20111
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Spoke w/ Marcus early this morning via email. He is hardly training hard and losing all tissue. Sounds like he has been working around the RC issue and now has 16" arms. He said he is still very busy, but to let everyone know he will be back soon.
    Never thought I'd see the day :-/
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    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  32. #20112
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    Glad to hear he's well and still training :-)
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  33. #20113
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    WARM UPS - lateral/front & side raises

    1. Smith incline - 3 feelers(felt a lil weak - and fatigued) 1 w(325) 5 DD(275) very slow(pausing for 5s at bottom) 4/3

    2. Flat DB press - 1w5 DD 4/3

    3. Flat DB flies(heavy) 2w 6/4 suppersetted w/hammer decline - 2w 7/4

    4. Cables(high(sides)/mid/low(pulling up) - all suppersetted 3w 8/8/6

    5. Pec deck reg grip/& Palm down alternating(slow and contracted) 2w(each) failure/suppersetted w/neutral grip ISO press(high reps to burn out)

    Abs and done(time for a good couple days off and a real deload wk) my weight is dropping back to 193 but I'm more vascular) and just as strong so I'm kinda caught between a rock and a hard place) good pump/back is fried from yesterday
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  34. #20114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Never thought I'd see the day :-/
    LOL, the text editor must have fumbled. That is 61 cm arms.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-30-2015 at 08:37 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  35. #20115
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    my legs are still sore from monday's workout and very tight

    need to go hit the hot tub

    and i need a live in masseuse, a hot one!
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  36. #20116
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    my legs are still sore from monday's workout and very tight

    need to go hit the hot tub

    and i need a live in masseuse, a hot one!
    Don't we all!
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  37. #20117
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Yep, I've got to get into the habit of stretching hams. Chiro wants me to do them 5 times per day for a while, so I am. We'll see how it helps. And I definitely need a deep tissue massage. There's a massage school not far from me that offers either free or really cheap ones once a week to help train their people. Think I will jump on that deal.

    So, like 5 minutes or so of stretching 5x/day, Kel? Any specific stretches or just the usual stuff like toe touches, etc.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  38. #20118
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    So, like 5 minutes or so of stretching 5x/day, Kel? Any specific stretches or just the usual stuff like toe touches, etc.
    Just basic. He gave me a few options but said simply lean on a counter, lock your knees (which most don't) and push back and lean down. Keeping knees absolutely locked makes a difference.
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  39. #20119
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    My physio has had me stretching my Hammies every day for the last month. A marked improvement in flexibility and the back pain I was experiencing. Although the extra core work has helped more with the latter.

    Look up PNF stretching for the hams, I've been doing mine using a door frame.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 04-30-2015 at 11:44 PM.
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  40. #20120
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    Just watched a couple vid's on it. Interesting. Thanks BIB.
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