Originally Posted by almostgone
Lmfao I knew as soon as I hit reply that the jokes would flyOriginally Posted by itsmybody
@AG - you called him out..... Now that the jokes been done already he has to be clever.....
Originally Posted by almostgone
Lmfao I knew as soon as I hit reply that the jokes would flyOriginally Posted by itsmybody
@AG - you called him out..... Now that the jokes been done already he has to be clever.....
He is going to grow another vein thinking of somethingOriginally Posted by Hazard
Delts/traps - PRE-EXHAUST!
Stretching RC ex's SMR abs more stretching!
Warmed up w/light side/front laterals w/more RC exercises - go
1. Behind back cable side laterals - 2 feelers 2w DD(higher rep range 8-12+ & partials
2. 45 degree sides laterals heavy - 1 feeler 2w 8/6 + RP drop 5/3
Suppersetted w/Light DB(palms facing body) hitting rhomboids/& traps 12-20 failing
3. Reverse grip front raises(EZ BAR - new weight) - 1 feeler 1w 6 drop 4/3
4. Upright rows(cable) 2w 8/5 drop 4 drop 8(burned em out)
Suppersetted w/rope face pulls(both grips) 2w DD 8-12+
5. Smith MP - new weight for pre-exhaust - 2-3 feelers 1w 5 dd 4.5/2-3
6. Reverse hamner strength press -6w to failure(pyramided up and down great burn) and suppersetted w/shrugs 3w behind back - 3 reg grip - 3 DB all held at top for a minimum of 3s+ slow negs on all
I am fvkin spent - can not lift my arms up at all - DOMS coming for sure
Cardio 30min - weights done in 42min
Did tri's earlier was a good session but was just one of those days were you feel not 100%.
Lying db ex 1 working +rp DD
CG bench 1 working +rp DD smith
Db kick back 2 working
Straight bar pd 1 working +rp DD
Behind head tri ex 1 working 1 drop
Dips 3 sets not much only getting 5-6 a set it was just to finish then off.
Cardio 20 and done
Chest and Bis this am. Had a hard time washing my face during shower. Arms were burnt completely.
Back in the am. Had to catch up on thread. Not much time lately since going back to work. 3:30am workouts and hot as dog ass out.
Very nice!Originally Posted by NACH3
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Drinking my shake then headed to work shoulders.![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
What are your experiences with AI's and proviron? Need some input
Got it.Originally Posted by marcus300
Sounds like a perfect day!Originally Posted by Hazard
Do u ever think to take a week off due to hurting? One guy takes the whole month of December off.Originally Posted by kelkel
Maybe this is useful.Originally Posted by Hazard
GGR - I'm not to familiar w/Proviron but BB is... Maybe he'll chime in - I know he uses it during certain cycles(I think don't quote me lol) I do know he's used it... What's the main purpose for your cycle? It's a DHT - leaning out w/the nolva?!
Yes. Here's an excerpt. I've found many other posts with similar reports.
This drug is also favored by many during contest preparations, when a lower estrogen/high androgen level is particularly sought after. This is especially beneficial when anabolics like Winstrol, oxandrolone and Primobolan are being used alone, as the androgenic content of these drugs is relatively low. Proviron can supplement a well needed androgen, and bring about an increase in the hardness and density of the muscles. Women in particular find a single 25mg tablet will efficiently shift the androgen/estrogen ratio, and can have a great impact on the physique. Since this is such a strong androgen however, extreme caution should be taken with administration. Higher dosages clearly have the potential to cause virilization symptoms quite readily. For this reason females will rarely take more than one tablet per day, and limit the length of intake to no longer than four or five weeks. One tablet used in conjunction with 10 or 20mg of Nolvadex can be even more efficient for muscle hardening, creating an environment where the body is much more inclined to burn off extra body fat (especially in female trouble areas like the hips and thighs).
Still too new to know as only have run var. and since I'm still getting results with it. @GGR is def your go to on this one. If I knew though I would share the info ASAP.Originally Posted by Hazard
Oops didn't finish sentence...it's the post cycle headache sorry...been flaking out all day.Originally Posted by itsmybody
Anyhow still getting results so using the 'if it's not broken don't fix it principle'. Minus the f*dging headache...it's a new side and it's Kickn my butt!
never used; here's the most comprehensive information i have uncovered
There are two classes of estrogen manipulators that often fall under the term “anti-estrogens”. The first are Selective Estrogen Receptor Manipulators (SERMs). The only current example out there is Tamoxifen Citrate (brand name: Nolvadex). This operates specifically on the ovarian-driven estrogen process. The second category that falls under “anti-estrogens” are Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s) that operate not on ovary-originating estrogen, but rather that resulting from aromatization (or conversion to estrogen) of testosterone. Examples of testosterones that convert are exogenous testosterones (anabolic androgenic steroids) such as Testosterone Propionate, Nandrolone Decoanate (“Deca”), or Dianabol (“d-bol”). There is also a natural source of androgen that converts to estrogen – that produced by the adrenal glands, in both men and women. When women enter menopause and their ovary-originating estrogen is no longer produced, the only remaining source of naturally produced estrogen is that resulting from the adrenals. Examples of AI’s are Arimidex, Aromasin and Letrozole. In practice, both these and Nolvadex, are all primarily prescribed as breast cancer treatment for post-menopausal women.
AI Profiles:
Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex)
Women are more likely to use a SERM like Nolvadex to address the bodyfat associated with estrogen – specifically the stuff that tends to collect around the hips, thighs, lower abdomen and butt. It is important to note that each person has her own distribution of fat cells – estrogen tends to promote a higher concentration of fat cells in those lower areas as part of a natural preservation strategy to protect a fetus and also to provide an extra storage of energy source (bodyfat) to help support a growing fetus and the mother if there is any issue with available food sources (i.e. a drought scenario). This is by design and using an estrogen inibitor as a weight-loss strategy is not a good idea. Estrogen is one of the three basic hormones that make up who we are, and drive everything from moods to how we look and feel. Estrogen is there for a purpose and should not be completely suppressed only for the purpose of fat loss.
Nolvadex acts to fake out the estrogen receptors (envision a safety protector that you put into outlets as part of baby-proofing your house) and essentially cutting off the estrogen process, instead of literally turning it off. For cycle duration, it is recommended to keep it to 4-8 weeks maximum. Long-term use of Nolvadex has the potential to introduce health issues as described in this article: Side effects of long-term use of tamoxifen (Facts on Unsaturated Fats | LIVESTRONG.COM). .In the extreme, full estrogen shut down in women can lead to what is often referred to as the “Female Athlete Triad” – basically estrogen shutdown as a result of an eating disorder such as anorexia, which leads to reduction in calcium, and eventually to brittle bones and a host of other issues related to a stopped period. Here is an overview of this particular issue: http://www.womenssportsfoundation.or...ick-Facts.aspx. Though this discussion is not focused on eating disorders, the end result, if someone decided to use medical estrogen suppression as a long-term weightloss protocol, is the same. This is just to reinforce that this is not a good idea.
The estrogen process tends to be fairly resilient so coming off a reasonable duration cycle can produce an estrogen rebound when the process is no longer inhibited. There isn’t much documentation about this rebound, but general guidance is to taper off a cycle by reducing the dose (e.g. in half, every 3 days).
In the context of this article, Aromatase Inhibitors are more specific to the estrogen produced as a result of using an aromatizing steroid. This means that the steroid cycle is more aggressive and will produce side effects such as water retention and potentially more mood swings, as the converted estrogen may be adding to natural estrogen levels, enhancing typical estrogen effects that might be experienced during a menstrual cycle. AI’s are more commonly used by men who cycle as the increase in estrogen can produce such side effects in men as gynocomastia (enlarged breast tissue), water retention, mood swings, etc. For men, as well as women, full estrogen suppression is not helpful if the goal is to build muscle as water (e.g. from estrogen) is needed to create a “growth environment” in the muscle. . (This article is more geared towards men and the use of AIs to prevent gynecomastia, it still gives some context for value of estrogen in building muscle: http://forums.rxmuscle.com/showthrea...SERM+Llewellyn). Estrogen suppression can help to create a tighter look (e.g. for competition), but full suppression can produce too much dryness, including painful joints.
Generally speaking AI’s are not recommended for pre-menopausal women who are new to steroid cycling or using non-aromatizing compounds. If they choose to use an AI, it needs to be very conservatively used, as it is very easy to shut down estrogen with these compounds. The effects are similar to that noted above for long-term use of Nolvadex – hot flashes, etc.
Typical Use:
Primarily Nolvadex is used during the last 4-8 weeks of a contest prep to help reduce bodyfat in the hips / thighs / waist area. Again, it will not do the heavy lifting, but will support a tight contest prep. It is possible to experience either immediate interruption of menstrual flow, or breakthrough bleeding within 4 weeks of starting the cycle. Also once coming off, the effects will not be maintained and the estrogen-pattern bodyfat depositing will continue again. “Estrogen rebound” is often experienced as well, thus the taper down is recommended. Because of the potential of this rebound it is recommended to cycle Nolvadex with a specific end / target date in mind, followed by an expected rebound while your body recovers from the prep phase.
More aggressive aromatase inhibitors are not generally recommended unless you are an experienced cycler running aromatizing compounds such as NPP. If your cycle is intended for a bulker phase, then don’t use the AIs as you need the estrogen to build muscle mass and the water gain is minimal with most compounds women use.
Typical Cycle:
Nolvadex: 10- 20 mg per day, split in half AM and half PM for maximum of 8 weeks.
Arimidex: 0.5 mg EOD (only with an aromatizing AAS) for maximum of 6-8 weeks
AIs are very aggressive and will produce dry-feeling joints. If you experience aggressive hot/cold flashes and feeling sick, taper off over a couple days and stay off.
Aromasin: 25 mg EOD (only with an aromatizing AAS) for a maximum of 6-8 weeks
AIs are very aggressive and will produce dry-feeling joints. If you experience aggressive hot/cold flashes and feeling sick, taper off over a couple days and stay off.
Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 07-16-2015 at 08:34 PM. Reason: removed external links
Thank you!
What I'm curious about is how her hormones will be affected after she takes it. He made it pretty clear that she needs to doit. I just don't want her hormonal my effed up.
Female Hormones and AAS don't blend well.Originally Posted by Hazard
Really good lift tonight, probably one of my best so far, I think. Very much felt it in anteriors tonight; currently feels like I have 2 triangular shaped patches of heat and pain.
R/C exercises and stretches
D'bell shoulder press-2 w/u, Work-3.5,drop,2+,drop,3-3+ reps.
Cable side laterals-2 w/u, Work-12, drop,3-3+.
D'bell rear laterals-2 w/u, Work-7+,drop,2+,drop,3+ w/long hold on last partial.
B'bell sbrugs-2 w/u, Work 1(front)-5,drop, 5+,drop,6+,Work2 (rear)-6+,drop,5+.
D'bell shrugs- started with my biggest hex bells and ran all the way down to 40s averaging about 3+ reps per drop. Shoulders are wrecked. Driving to work was actually painful.
38 minutes not including RCs and stretches.
Edit: I checked my BP when I got up before I took any meds since I'm only on TRT right now, and it was 117/74, which is great for me. This first HIT lift coming off a pullback went really good. Shot day tomorrow.![]()
Last edited by almostgone; 07-16-2015 at 11:20 PM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
What are your thoughts on a cyclical carbohydrate diet programmed for a 7 day length including a few days where you teeter on negligible carbohydrate intake (fibrous vegetables, remove starch) and are generally maintaining a hypocaloric state, but the possibility of becoming catabolic is mitigated with an appropriate refeed once a week (possibly twice if needed) in reference to maintaining LBM and possibly achieving a minor net increase..
Also, what are your thoughts on achieving carbohydrate depletion going into a deload phase of an exercise protocol, then subsequently utilizing glycogen supercompensation when you complete the deload phase and resume high intensity training? I know your guide about priming the body for short burst administration of AAS delves into this concept, but is the anabolic surge still worth the work when it is not coupled with androgens?
I know I can find information about this online and I've read quite a few excerpts, but I feel you definitely have the best experience in this category considering some pretty informative guides you've posted.
Hit the gym hard this morning after yesterday's rest, back/traps today. Tried the routine with deadlifts and rows with bbell and dbells. No go unfortunately! My elbow pain flared up straight away! So resting it will not heal this injury! No way I'm taking timing out though not anytime soon, anyway I used the pully equipment and machines and got a decent back workout in, if I can control the extended part of the lifts so not fully extending my arms I can work around the injury! Happy about that. hit drop sets and rest pause, felt good! Going to look into tb500 to see if it will help.
Ouch, delts are complaining nicely. May have to take a Nsaid or something in a bit. Had to spot some holes in overhead using a heavy @ss magnetic base drill. Think it is some kind of post exhaust.![]()
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Hope it goes well, Nach. It will be cardio for this calorically challenged old man.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Hammered chest today
Bench press
Incline press
Db flys
Cable crossovers
40 minutes cardio
Anyone recommend a good gym to hit this weekend in Nashville?
230, 6', 34, 13% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
Well said. Thanks for the wise advice.Originally Posted by kelkel
230, 6', 34, 13% bf, bench 320, squat 435, dead 465.
Good advice - if I was in Nashville I be exploring the bbq scene!Originally Posted by kelkel
Stretching RC ex's SMR Pipe rolling(scrapping b4 gym) tennis ball in rear delts abs cardio 25min
Warmed up w/lat pull downs
1. Standing pulldowns/pull overs w/rope - 2 feelers - 2w 8/6 drop 5 drop 3
2. CG pull downs - 2 feelers 1w 6 W/partials DD 5/3 both w/partials and sliw negs
3. Smith BB Bent over rows(new weight) - 2-3 feelers 2w 8/5 drop 4 drop 3
4. Seated rows - 2w 7/6 drop 4 drop 3 all sets w/partials & sliw negs
5. Low pully rows(palms out) 2w 7/5 drop 3 all sets w/partials & slow negs
6. High pully row(palms in) - 2w 6/3-4 partials & sliw negs
7. Rack pulls 2 feelers 2w 7/5 drop 4
Weighted Hypers 2w
Engaged lats very nicely(watched DY vids on back b4 I went) weights done 42min
Delts n traps for me today..... Bout to make a Razor8 shake and hit the road
Did chest earlier cable fly for a warm up and stretching.
Cable fly 1 working DD **new weight**
Incline db press 1 working 1 drop
SS so straight into
Incline db fly 1 working 1 drop
Flat db press 1 working 1 drop
SS so straight into
Flat fly 1 working
Pec dec 1 working 1 drop
Done simple and fried chest i wasn't even going to go i was going to have a rest as i was knackered but kinda glad i did after hitting two new weights.
Going to do traps the mora as they never really got done on wed properly and i'll do legs too.
Fvcking destroyed delts! Feeling large today too..... Might be jumping on cycle in 2 weeks
Good shoulder session today, didn't go crazy but still hit some good #'s on db presses. Lost a ton of water weight this week for some reason, down to 261 tgis morning, have to pile in some food.
Db press: 1 warm, 2 feel, 2 working.
Bar shrug: 3 feel, 1 working.
Side cable: 3 working.
Rear machine: 3 working.
Hammer press facing in: 3 working.
Wide dips: 20, 20, 18.
Never did the hammer facing in before, kind of awkward being so tall, but figured out the position and they felt pretty good. Arms tomorrow, should be a good one. Had to skip legs this week, my knee is acting up a lot lately. Looking pretty lean after pissing out 5lbs of water, lol, must be the switch to tren ace for thw last few weeks of cycle.
Pretty epic legs tonight
First time starting with calves
Seated calves (after strecthing ) 2 warms 1 feel, 2 w DD
Stiff deads 1 feel 2 w
Lying curls 2 w 1 drop
Extensions 1 feel, 2 w (whole stack) DD had partials in every set..
Ok now this was just too ridiculous for me lol but tried haz routine kinda.
Super set reverse vsquat into lunges 1 feel set, 2 working (only got 2 working on vsquat...the feel and first working went straight into lunges. Sanding in place not walking...but they freaking killed me) second working vsquat legs were screaming...dropped twice for 3 and 2.5reps.
Really needed to stop after this but really wanted to end with squats for the first time also.
Smith squats 1 feel just to see what I had left ( wasn't much lol) 1 working 1 drop
Legs are on fire....feels like when u haven't done legs in two or three weeks already.
WILL be jumping on cycle in two weeks :-) just placed my order.Originally Posted by Hazard
Today I weighed in at 259lbs - I've been on 150-250mgs test/week for the last 8 weeks. Prior to that I was off everything for 9-10 months. This should be a good one. I'm expecting to add more size to my legs and chest with this go.
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