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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #2401
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    ^^^^^ does diet change as well ? In particular protein intake? I read in Flex there can be benefits to lowering protein intake for a short time as the re - increase could give you more

  2. #2402
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    It's about how you want to do it really but yes, it is about giving your CNS (and joints and muscles) a rest without resting. I will be having a deload week next week mine will be 50% of the amount of sets with about 60 of the usual weight but use some higher reps.

    You can also vary your diet in different ways during this time. Some people choose to drop protein substantially but I prefer to drop carbs to allow for the lower calorie burn during exercise. I will probably drop protein 10% too, 20% at a push.

  3. #2403
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    So more like a see how you feel, rest accordingly, adjust diet as you see fit, monitor results. Plan, do, check, act.
    Iv not had a weeks rest from the gym in three years and this injury has forced me to rest.

    Also what does Release the kraken mean ?
    Open a can of whoop ass ? Lol

  4. #2404
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    So more like a see how you feel, rest accordingly, adjust diet as you see fit, monitor results. Plan, do, check, act.
    Iv not had a weeks rest from the gym in three years and this injury has forced me to rest.

    Also what does Release the kraken mean ?
    Open a can of whoop ass ? Lol
    its mythological....from the clash of the titans movie....I figured I needed a catchy signature lol

    -Release the Kracken!!!-

  5. #2405
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Speaking of which, it's heavy squat day for me tomorrow, yeah! Like a nut I still look forward to Wednesday leg day and may try to push the weight up a bit if all feels right. Won't know for sure till I get some warm-ups under my belt. I know the first thing that crosses my mind when I open my eyes in the morning is that it's squat day. Both excitement and trepidation at the same time. Weird, right!
    as a multiple of my own body weight, how much should i aim for when squatting? 1.5x body weight? 2x??

    how much should i comfortably squat to be considered above beginner?

    (i'm referring to weight for a 6-8rep set. not 1rep max.)
    Last edited by AD; 06-13-2013 at 02:20 AM.

  6. #2406
    kelkel's Avatar
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    I don't think you should worry about the math aspect of this. Just use as much weight as safely possible for your desired amount of reps and continually strive to improve both in weight, reps and efficiency of effort. Some guys can squat reps with 500lbs but quite honestly if they cleaned up their style and concentrated they could probably get a more focused effort (targeting the muscle) with a bit lighter weight. Normally on squats it's your back and hips that fail first.

    Now, I'm not advocating lighter weight, just good form and quality reps. When it comes to being considered "above beginner" level I would look toward development, not strength. Hell, I wish all I had to squat was 315 to grow. Well, I could grow from it but the reps would be ridiculous.
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  7. #2407
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I don't think you should worry about the math aspect of this. Just use as much weight as safely possible for your desired amount of reps and continually strive to improve both in weight, reps and efficiency of effort. Some guys can squat reps with 500lbs but quite honestly if they cleaned up their style and concentrated they could probably get a more focused effort (targeting the muscle) with a bit lighter weight. Normally on squats it's your back and hips that fail first.

    Now, I'm not advocating lighter weight, just good form and quality reps. When it comes to being considered "above beginner" level I would look toward development, not strength. Hell, I wish all I had to squat was 315 to grow. Well, I could grow from it but the reps would be ridiculous.
    Got it. Thanks kel.

  8. #2408
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    Legs tonight. Feel like I need to do an extra exercise. Tonight we did squats, leg press, extensions, and quad raises, all with 3 sets and 2 dropsets. Anyone have any ideas?

  9. #2409
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    I would be doing forced reps and have a spot for squat and presses. I would add weighted lunges

  10. #2410
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    Doing forced on the leg press and ham and quad machine meant to mention the, lunges are good but a bit meh imo never got a massive bang off them. In saying that my legs are bursting all night, pressing clutch in the car was hard tonight

  11. #2411
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    Weight in front of me, like a power clean gets them well for lunges. Cause if you lean forward the weight fails lol makes me keep the back straight up and down

  12. #2412
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    Hmm, I'll try that for the shits and giggles see how it works out. Thank's GB bud

  13. #2413
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Hmm, I'll try that for the shits and giggles see how it works out. Thank's GB bud
    I've just found that most people when doing lunges lean completely Forward using your whole lower back and quads. Nothing else

  14. #2414
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    I'm a straight leg dead lift for glutes;-) don't even need too heavy a weight to kill them bad boys

  15. #2415
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Doing forced on the leg press and ham and quad machine meant to mention the, lunges are good but a bit meh imo never got a massive bang off them. In saying that my legs are bursting all night, pressing clutch in the car was hard tonight
    Try my version of lunges:

    Do them on a smith machine totally one leg at a time and then the other, then rest. Get under the bar and put your working leg further forward as if you stepped there like a normal lunge with your other leg back. Now do all your reps for that leg non-stop. Switch to the other leg then rest. It'll kill ya if done correctly. I like to keep my front foot in such a position that the knee does not go beyond the toe to keep the shearing force off the patella tendon cause my knees ain't young anymore!

    It's almost like a one leg squat but works great guys. I always hated pacing back and forth with dumbells, etc., as when fatigued I feel like I'm going to fall over. Not that anyone would see me but I can push it further locked into the smith.

    I don't have a "normal" leg workout but I seem to do these about every third workout on non-squat days. I guess I'll explain and say that I tend to squat first one workout, last the next and not on the third. Doesn't always work that way but I just like to give my body a break from heavy squats every few workouts or so.
    Last edited by kelkel; 06-13-2013 at 09:15 PM.
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  16. #2416
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Try my version of lunges:

    Do them on a smith machine totally one leg at a time and then the other, then rest. Get under the bar and put your working leg further forward as if you stepped there like a normal lunge with your other leg back. Now do all your reps for that leg non-stop. Switch to the other leg then rest. It'll kill ya if done correctly. I like to keep my front foot in such a position that the knee does not go beyond the toe to keep the shearing force off the patella tendon cause my knees ain't young anymore!

    It's almost like a one leg squat but works great guys. I always hated pacing back and forth with dumbells, etc., as when fatigued I feel like I'm going to fall over. Not that anyone would see me but I can push it further locked into the smith.

    I don't have a "normal" leg workout but I seem to do these about every third workout on non-squat days. I guess I'll explain and say that I tend to squat first one workout, last the next and not on the third. Doesn't always work that way but I just like to give my body a break from heavy squats every few workouts or so.
    I will try your version of lunges. I cant squat cause recently i hurt my lower back so badly !! Damn

  17. #2417
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Try my version of lunges:

    Do them on a smith machine totally one leg at a time and then the other, then rest. Get under the bar and put your working leg further forward as if you stepped there like a normal lunge with your other leg back. Now do all your reps for that leg non-stop. Switch to the other leg then rest. It'll kill ya if done correctly. I like to keep my front foot in such a position that the knee does not go beyond the toe to keep the shearing force off the patella tendon cause my knees ain't young anymore!

    It's almost like a one leg squat but works great guys. I always hated pacing back and forth with dumbells, etc., as when fatigued I feel like I'm going to fall over. Not that anyone would see me but I can push it further locked into the smith.

    I don't have a "normal" leg workout but I seem to do these about every third workout on non-squat days. I guess I'll explain and say that I tend to squat first one workout, last the next and not on the third. Doesn't always work that way but I just like to give my body a break from heavy squats every few workouts or so.
    Ive never done these under the smith machine but seen people do them, I usually do them with a squat bar. Great movement for those glutes and hams

  18. #2418
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    Thanks Kel for the post. We have no smith in the gym but, I'll figure something out it does sound like a killer.

  19. #2419
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    Excellent week at he gym, got a full body workout in and moved some serious weight with some intense methods feeling really pumped and hard.

    Not training over the weekend time to rest, feed and water

  20. #2420
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    Great to hear marcus. Had an unreal week myself back and chest are only fully recovered now. Tomorrow I'll do some early morning cardio and then chill for the weekend

  21. #2421
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    Just caught up with the last five pages. Great stuff. Btw, I'm on my second round of the HIT routine. At my old age, I can't believe the changes in my body, especially chest and back. Abs, too; I'm not even directly training them. Thanks, man!!

  22. #2422
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Just caught up with the last five pages. Great stuff. Btw, I'm on my second round of the HIT routine. At my old age, I can't believe the changes in my body, especially chest and back. Thanks, man!!
    What changes have you seen and how old you?

  23. #2423
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    I'm 51. I had a flat chest, much smaller lats. Now, chest/back is 1" larger. Bis/tris are more noticeable. Arms are a tad short of 1/2" larger now. I've actually got abs-unreal. Shoulders have striations where none previously existed. Legs are up almost 1/2 inch. Forearms and traps looking bigger. This isn't subjective. I did measurements before beginning.

  24. #2424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    I'm 51. I had a flat chest, much smaller lats. Now, chest/back is 1" larger. Bis/tris are more noticeable. Arms are a tad short of 1/2" larger now. I've actually got abs-unreal. Shoulders have striations where none previously existed. Legs are up almost 1/2 inch. Forearms and traps looking bigger. This isn't subjective. I did measurements before beginning.
    wooow amazing results, well done and keep us informed on your progress and workouts

  25. #2425
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    Keep it up rusty

  26. #2426
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    Thats great progress rusty. I have seen some major changes in myself just from the advice here and being tough with myself. By always pushing that bit more even to the point of nearlu getting sick from sheer forced reps and negatoves to full failure and beyound. I must get some proper pics just to keep.

    This is the best I've felt ever and the most gains I've gotten probably since I started training.

    And the best thing, everyone here is willing to help each other and give tips from experiences etc

  27. #2427
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    Ha! Thanks guys. I was getting really tired with my minimal results. HIT has given me hope that I won't look like my dad

  28. #2428
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Ha! Thanks guys. I was getting really tired with my minimal results. HIT has given me hope that I won't look like my dad
    Still gotta eat right and rest!

  29. #2429
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Ha! Thanks guys. I was getting really tired with my minimal results. HIT has given me hope that I won't look like my dad
    Hey I'm a "Dad" and hanging in quite nicely, thank you!

    ps: Great progress Rusty!
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  30. #2430
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Hey I'm a "Dad" and hanging in quite nicely, thank you!
    Kel, you and Marcus are a different species from the rest of us.

  31. #2431
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Kel, you and Marcus are a different species from the rest of us.
    We are old school

  32. #2432
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Hey I'm a "Dad" and hanging in quite nicely, thank you!

    ps: Great progress Rusty!

    Yea well, the difference between you and my dad is astronomical, to say the least.

  33. #2433
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Still gotta eat right and rest!
    That's the beauty of it all. I'm working out only 3-4 days a week with less time spent each session than in previous months/years. Gotta love that.

  34. #2434
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    We are old school
    Maybe that says something......
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  35. #2435
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Maybe that says something......
    It does! The common compound movements that have been around for years is the best way imo.

    You two remind me of rocky iv (I think). Where one is doing log lifts weighted pull ups. Running up hill with a tree branch on his back and pulling a sled in the snow.
    Where the other is using specific machines each designed to target a certain muscle group, while connected to heart rate monitors and vo2max machine.

  36. #2436
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    Lol gb you sound like my buddy, would listen to the rocky theme tune and all for big lifts.

  37. #2437
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Lol gb you sound like my buddy, would listen to the rocky theme tune and all for big lifts.
    That theme is sweet!

  38. #2438
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    It is an uplifting song all right.

  39. #2439
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    I have an silly question Hope Kel and Marcus can help me out.
    Whats the best resting period for HIT? Normally i rest 45 secs. And i felt my strength can't maintain.

  40. #2440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doom44 View Post
    I have an silly question Hope Kel and Marcus can help me out.
    Whats the best resting period for HIT? Normally i rest 45 secs. And i felt my strength can't maintain.
    I try to do about 1 min between warm ups and 1 or 2 working sets. But as I have gotten Better at HIT I do not need the 2 nd working set as much as before.
    I rest 2-3 mins between exercises. But thats just me.
    I would definitely concentrate more on form and pushing to failure and beyond, then how much rest I do

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