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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #25681
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    tI had the option of doing a group fitness class with 10# weights and I opted for legs. Lolololol

    3 sets, reps varied 8-12 whatever I could push thru.

    Warmup crunches on ball
    3 45s planks
    Seated calf raises
    Elevated High leg lunges
    Wide stance squats
    Straight leg deads
    Standing hammers (killer - my hip reflectors are tight :/)
    Seated leg raises
    Laying hamstring curls
    Seated Abductor
    Seated Adductor
    Standing calf raises
    Roman chair

    Somewhere in the middle of ^mess, white stars everywhere. I found comfort hugging a metal support beam, twice. I didn't puke.

    Bonus bi tri
    DB Concentration curls
    DB Triceps raises
    Damn girly what a session.

  2. #25682
    Join Date
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    Daaaang, GGR! I would probably need a day or two off from work after that. That is one heck of a session and then to throw in the bonus arm work. WOW!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #25683
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Nice session Igi, & I'm just curious here - but does your body respond better to higher volume?? I ask b/c we are all different w/our tweaks etc - I'm thinking on your drops you may be dropping too much weight pushing you way outta the 6-12 total rep range(now if you respond better to higher volume then thumbs high! Just my opinion(and they're like a$$holes we all have em lol) I would tend to think you'd grow moreso(thicker denser etc) if you gauged your working set(which is on point 6-8 reps or less for me sometimes) then drop and I'd only get maybe 4ish after a failing 6 on my working set then drop again(either w/same weight or slightly under) to get another 2-3 keeping me at 12-13 reps total! I'm just trying to see what works best or if trying this will boost some growth?!
    Thanks guys.

    Nach, your opinion is very welcome and I appreciate your input. Your observation is keen, actually, and I absolutely have the opportunity to utilize heavier weight to keep the rep range more in line with 6-12 total on the working set. As it stands, I'm blowing it out of the water.

    I'm going to have to start going heavier to test the boundaries. My strength is already increasing and that has a lot to do with it.. In fact, it's the largest contributing factor. So, as opposed to grabbing weight that I have been using and repping it out til the cows come home, it's time to push and hit a very gradual drop to see what I can actually do. Based on the amount of reps I'm pushing, logic tells me that I can push more. .

  4. #25684
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    tI had the option of doing a group fitness class with 10# weights and I opted for legs. Lolololol 3 sets, reps varied 8-12 whatever I could push thru. Warmup crunches on ball 3 45s planks Seated calf raises Squats Elevated High leg lunges Wide stance squats Straight leg deads Standing hammers (killer - my hip reflectors are tight :/) Seated leg raises Laying hamstring curls Seated Abductor Seated Adductor Standing calf raises Roman chair Somewhere in the middle of ^mess, white stars everywhere. I found comfort hugging a metal support beam, twice. I didn't puke. Bonus bi tri DB Concentration curls DB Triceps raises
    Gettin it done, GGR!! Impressive.

  5. #25685
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    Well, I can smoke turkeys and briskets that are pretty d@mn good, I'm not too shabby with a charcoal grill, some hickory, and some tri-tip or flank steak, but I absolutely cannot cook a decent piece of fish unless it is fried, which doesn't fit my macro profile.
    Maybe we need to meet in Florida one of these days for an exchange of information/knowledge?

    Have a good lift, Sfla!
    Would Def be up for that.

    Or just get everyone and meet in vegas or something lol.

  6. #25686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Chest: Flat db flys: warm, feel, heavy 85sx6, drop to 60sx8, 45sx 10

    Standing cable flys, feel, heavy, double drop

    Hammer strength wide press: feel, working with 115 on each side x 8, double drop with big squeeze and holds on the last couple reps before drops

    BB decline: feel, working with 275.. Only got 2.. Dropped to 225x4, 195x8, 145x12

    Db inclines.. Feel set, heavy low rep, one drop and done 20 mins on the bike. Time to eat.

    About 2 weeks into my cycle now test/npp

    <img src=""/>
    Damn igi...thick as hell

  7. #25687
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    LMAO.. He's the guy to ask for the culinary expertise. It's nice to have a resident chef in the house, as well as resident phlebotomist. Lol
    The funny thing about draining my blood is my sister-in-law was a phlebotomist before she got her RN. She will occasionally slide my blood through for a CBC, but she refuses to help me bleed.
    I asked her why and she said she is afraid something would go wrong . I keep telling her all she has to do is walk away.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  8. #25688
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    Crap, it's getting late. Time for this old man to crash. Hope everyone has a great day!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  9. #25689
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Thanks guys.

    Nach, your opinion is very welcome and I appreciate your input. Your observation is keen, actually, and I absolutely have the opportunity to utilize heavier weight to keep the rep range more in line with 6-12 total on the working set. As it stands, I'm blowing it out of the water.

    I'm going to have to start going heavier to test the boundaries. My strength is already increasing and that has a lot to do with it.. In fact, it's the largest contributing factor. So, as opposed to grabbing weight that I have been using and repping it out til the cows come home, it's time to push and hit a very gradual drop to see what I can actually do. Based on the amount of reps I'm pushing, logic tells me that I can push more. .
    Just glad I could help, Igi! I know you can shift more weight w/out injury - LETS GROW!

  10. #25690
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    Was quick but efficient. Legs are Def hard after a long busy ass Saturday at work.

    Still not pushing too much. But still getting a good pump. Body parts are sore for 2 days. .. (probably the shock of the new rep range) but never hitting failure .

    BB squats

    Reverse vsquat


    Lying curls

    Seated curls (worst machine in my gym. Padding hits below knees, top of shins)

    Seated cavles.

  11. #25691
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Looks good SFLA man always like doing legs fast I feel the respond best to heavy and fast sessions.

  12. #25692
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Just glad I could help, Igi! I know you can shift more weight w/out injury - LETS GROW!
    Another great point about avoiding injury and not jumping up in weight too fast. Ill be testing the waters and pushing as much as possible with keeping this in mind.

    I did feel some tightness in my upper forearm today. Nothing serious but need to be cautious always.

  13. #25693
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    Legs Was quick but efficient. Legs are Def hard after a long busy ass Saturday at work. Still not pushing too much. But still getting a good pump. Body parts are sore for 2 days. .. (probably the shock of the new rep range) but never hitting failure . BB squats Reverse vsquat Extensions Lying curls Seated curls (worst machine in my gym. Padding hits below knees, top of shins) Seated cavles.
    Nice job. What are your stats now?

  14. #25694
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Followed suit w/all DB work and I can feel a difference(only draw back 120s is the highest bells :/ too light for a working set - so more warm ups are in order unless I can find some(130-150s lol)

    Stretching abs rolling lots of RC ex's more stretching carried my 5lb plates around too for RCs

    1. Slight DB incline press - 3 warm ups - 1w(120s) x10+ so I counted that as a warm up - 1w(120s) 6(2forced) drop(105s) 4(2forced) drop(95s) 3(2forced) full of blood

    2. Slight incline DB flys - 2 warm ups 1w(85s) 7 drop 4+RP 1-2 fried

    3. Incline DB press - 2warm ups - 1w(105s) 5 drop(100s) 3-4 drop(90s) 4

    4. Incline DB flys - 1 warm up - 2w(70s) 6/5 (only 15sec break from 2w) drop 4

    5. Cables(high/mid) 2w each higher rep range 12ish failing

    Weights done 41min felt full today so snapped a pic

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #25695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post

    Nice job. What are your stats now?
    I haven't weighed my self in a month. Since the first doc visit. I was 193 then.

    Going to docs tomorrow so will find out.

  16. #25696
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Hell yes Nach. Looks like a nasty session and you're looking lean and vascular bro.

  17. #25697
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Looks good SFLA man always like doing legs fast I feel the respond best to heavy and fast sessions.
    I agree here and heavy....expect wasnt heavy lol ; (

  18. #25698
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Followed suit w/all DB work and I can feel a difference(only draw back 120s is the highest bells :/ too light for a working set - so more warm ups are in order unless I can find some(130-150s lol)

    Stretching abs rolling lots of RC ex's more stretching carried my 5lb plates around too for RCs

    1. Slight DB incline press - 3 warm ups - 1w(120s) x10+ so I counted that as a warm up - 1w(120s) 6(2forced) drop(105s) 4(2forced) drop(95s) 3(2forced) full of blood

    2. Slight incline DB flys - 2 warm ups 1w(85s) 7 drop 4+RP 1-2 fried

    3. Incline DB press - 2warm ups - 1w(105s) 5 drop(100s) 3-4 drop(90s) 4

    4. Incline DB flys - 1 warm up - 2w(70s) 6/5 (only 15sec break from 2w) drop 4

    5. Cables(high/mid) 2w each higher rep range 12ish failing

    Weights done 41min felt full today so snapped a pic

    <img src=""/>
    <img src=""/>
    Back looks insane nach.

    And like igi said....veins are popping

  19. #25699
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    I agree here and heavy....expect wasnt heavy lol ; (
    Don't worry about it doesnt always have to be a heavy session

    Fck me nach man serious gains lately putting me to shame

  20. #25700
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Hell yes Nach. Looks like a nasty session and you're looking lean and vascular bro.
    Thx brotha! And DCI/Sfla! We all are growing in here! That's what's it's all about - great motivation in here!

    Using the DBs was awesome! I'm going to stick w/them for the remainder

    I will say the DBs give me a much better stretch and more ROM - so really a no brainer
    Last edited by NACH3; 09-27-2015 at 12:57 PM.

  21. #25701
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    I haven't weighed my self in a month. Since the first doc visit. I was 193 then. Going to docs tomorrow so will find out.
    So you've put on some good weight then right? You were lighter last year if I recall correctly. Good luck at the doc tomorrow bro.

    I made sushi!! Even tamago with mirin. The Mrs. helped but I mad the egg and rolled.

  22. #25702
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    So you've put on some good weight then right? You were lighter last year if I recall correctly. Good luck at the doc tomorrow bro.

    I made sushi!! Even tamago with mirin. The Mrs. helped but I mad the egg and rolled.
    Sfla - nice leg session - fast and intense is Defo the way

    Your going to shred up real nice - and you can still make gains lifting this way(maybe use more warm up sets and you can come closer to failure by tiring out the muscle more)!?! Your gonna get cut up nice which will make you look bigger

  23. #25703
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Followed suit w/all DB work and I can feel a difference(only draw back 120s is the highest bells :/ too light for a working set - so more warm ups are in order unless I can find some(130-150s lol)

    Stretching abs rolling lots of RC ex's more stretching carried my 5lb plates around too for RCs

    1. Slight DB incline press - 3 warm ups - 1w(120s) x10+ so I counted that as a warm up - 1w(120s) 6(2forced) drop(105s) 4(2forced) drop(95s) 3(2forced) full of blood

    2. Slight incline DB flys - 2 warm ups 1w(85s) 7 drop 4+RP 1-2 fried

    3. Incline DB press - 2warm ups - 1w(105s) 5 drop(100s) 3-4 drop(90s) 4

    4. Incline DB flys - 1 warm up - 2w(70s) 6/5 (only 15sec break from 2w) drop 4

    5. Cables(high/mid) 2w each higher rep range 12ish failing

    Weights done 41min felt full today so snapped a pic

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    Nice session mate and looking good wee man
    I love using db nach i never bench press only time i use the smith is for tri's cg.

  24. #25704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post

    Was quick but efficient. Legs are Def hard after a long busy ass Saturday at work.

    Still not pushing too much. But still getting a good pump. Body parts are sore for 2 days. .. (probably the shock of the new rep range) but never hitting failure .

    BB squats

    Reverse vsquat


    Lying curls

    Seated curls (worst machine in my gym. Padding hits below knees, top of shins)

    Seated cavles.
    Nice session sfla.

  25. #25705
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    CHEST Followed suit w/all DB work and I can feel a difference(only draw back 120s is the highest bells :/ too light for a working set - so more warm ups are in order unless I can find some(130-150s lol) Stretching abs rolling lots of RC ex's more stretching carried my 5lb plates around too for RCs 1. Slight DB incline press - 3 warm ups - 1w(120s) x10+ so I counted that as a warm up - 1w(120s) 6(2forced) drop(105s) 4(2forced) drop(95s) 3(2forced) full of blood 2. Slight incline DB flys - 2 warm ups 1w(85s) 7 drop 4+RP 1-2 fried 3. Incline DB press - 2warm ups - 1w(105s) 5 drop(100s) 3-4 drop(90s) 4 4. Incline DB flys - 1 warm up - 2w(70s) 6/5 (only 15sec break from 2w) drop 4 5. Cables(high/mid) 2w each higher rep range 12ish failing Weights done 41min felt full today so snapped a pic <img src=""/> <img src=""/>
    Looks like your back has abs!

  26. #25706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post

    So you've put on some good weight then right? You were lighter last year if I recall correctly. Good luck at the doc tomorrow bro.

    I made sushi!! Even tamago with mirin. The Mrs. helped but I mad the egg and rolled.
    Yeah igi, I wanna say I was 180 ish. Think when I first joined the thread I 173.

    And nice job on the sushi. We just had lunch with a friend, I had some very fresh sashimi. I ate a ton lol.

  27. #25707
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post

    Nice session mate and looking good wee man
    I love using db nach i never bench press only time i use the smith is for tri's cg.
    Thanks clarky!

    And yeah nach definitely the goal for now is just to cut up. I'm enjoying my new routine with the added cardio and abs/core that. I introduced. Just wish I did all this when I was going heavy lol.

  28. #25708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Thanks clarky!

    And yeah nach definitely the goal for now is just to cut up. I'm enjoying my new routine with the added cardio and abs/core that. I introduced. Just wish I did all this when I was going heavy lol.
    I hear Ya - I definitely think this is going to work well - you have a great physique to work with and now get to concentrate more on fine tuning your masterpiece - you have a lot of muscle tissue to work with and can still build LBM

  29. #25709
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    Got into the gym late today but made it

    Decline hammer strength press

    Wide grip press

    Peck deck superset incline press

    Cable crossovers

    30 minutes low intensity cardio and done

  30. #25710
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    Yeah igi, I wanna say I was 180 ish. Think when I first joined the thread I 173. And nice job on the sushi. We just had lunch with a friend, I had some very fresh sashimi. I ate a ton lol.
    That's at least 20 lbs man.. Very nice progress, sfla, proud of you man! Keep it going.

  31. #25711
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    Well, I didn't get to lift tonight either. The wife decided my b'day dinner would be tonight and got up early and had a meal ready. Didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I ate at a leisurely pace instead of my normal rate.
    I'll lift tomorrow come hell or high water. I just don't feel right when I miss my lifts.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  32. #25712
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    Is today your bday AG? If so, happy birthday bruthaman!!

  33. #25713
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Followed suit w/all DB work and I can feel a difference(only draw back 120s is the highest bells :/ too light for a working set - so more warm ups are in order unless I can find some(130-150s lol)

    Stretching abs rolling lots of RC ex's more stretching carried my 5lb plates around too for RCs

    1. Slight DB incline press - 3 warm ups - 1w(120s) x10+ so I counted that as a warm up - 1w(120s) 6(2forced) drop(105s) 4(2forced) drop(95s) 3(2forced) full of blood

    2. Slight incline DB flys - 2 warm ups 1w(85s) 7 drop 4+RP 1-2 fried

    3. Incline DB press - 2warm ups - 1w(105s) 5 drop(100s) 3-4 drop(90s) 4

    4. Incline DB flys - 1 warm up - 2w(70s) 6/5 (only 15sec break from 2w) drop 4

    5. Cables(high/mid) 2w each higher rep range 12ish failing

    Weights done 41min felt full today so snapped a pic

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  34. #25714
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    So the lil one is an eater. Every 2.5-3 hours she's eating 3oz of formula/milk. The fiancé Wasnt sure if she wanted to breast feed or not. Those things felt like sandbags on her chest so she said lets try to pump. She did and now she's hooked. Breast feeding takes forever..... It's so much easier and time saving to pump the milk and use formula in between.

    Our first night home the baby slept from 12:30am until 7am. It was a pleasant surprise - we woke up feeling refreshed. Today is the first day I felt great again.

    Tomorrow I'm back in the gym. Can't wait.....

  35. #25715
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Is today your bday AG? If so, happy birthday bruthaman!!
    Thanks, Igi! It is the 28th of Sept., but the wife cook yesterday.
    Last edited by almostgone; 09-28-2015 at 01:42 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  36. #25716
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    Happy Birthday, AG! Have a hell of a B-day session -- or dinner! Those weights are in trouble when you unleash your rage on em!
    Last edited by NACH3; 09-28-2015 at 02:57 AM.

  37. #25717
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    Thanks, Nach. I ate the dinner yesterday and defo hitting weights today. I'm 51, but not giving up yet.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  38. #25718
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    AG happy birthday mate 51 that's nothing you've got years of life and lifting in you yet.

    You were all excited last night weren't you aye you were come on you can tell us you were all excited to get your prezzies the day

  39. #25719
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    Delts and traps for me the day it will be later on though got a few things to do since am off work so i will report back later guys and girls.

  40. #25720
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If you cant find the first one let me know i'll send it over to you mate.

    DY is great
    I will and thank you

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