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It could go better, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how well I did for a rookie.
Ended up doing 3 feelers for BBbench and settled on 285 for my working set. I repped out 6, and that 6th felt like it took 20 mins, and racked it. Keeping my hands on the bar I took a couple deep breaths and struggled up 2 more reps and then hit a slow negative and called it. So all things considered, 9 reps.
After 2 feelers on incline, I was ready to work. I settled on 225 and pushed out 8 grueling reps. Due to the fact that I was by myself and had supports, I decided it was time for a negative and ended it. Again, 9 reps. I did not feel I could clean the weight back up to the incline bar in any manageable time, so that was it.
I went for decline DB press to finish, and I had 2 feeler sets and settled on 80s but I hit 10 reps, rested and shot up 3 more and went with a negative. I knew this would happen, which is why I said I was hesitant to try Dbs, but it was close enough for my first time, especially since I had to move quickly.
Last, I decided to try weighted push-ups, since I have been doing them for sometime, and I really enjoy them. I did a body weight feeler and threw on the 45 pound jacket. I completed 9 reps and did a slow negative. Got up into push-up position and did 1 more rep and failed the 2nd. Got up and did a nice and slow negative. Not counting the failed rep, I did 12. Next time I will throw a 25lb plate on my back as well and go to town.
I did finish with some lightweight incline and decline flies but those were basically to bring my pump into epic proportions.
To reflect, the BB bench went really well and I feel I can manage that exercise alone.
I need to noodle with the incline because I could have rest paused another rep and then completed my negative, but with only myself and the supports, this isn't a timely option. Perhaps instead of the 2 45 lb plates I could break it up and go for a drop set? Again, something to think about.
I may do weighted push-ups 3rd the next time I do chest. I can easily reset, rest pause, and negative those with my vest and added plates.
The DBs may work at the very end of the workout. I will make this switch next time. Also, I may be able to do them flat and make it more difficult? Room for improvement here.
Overall I did torch my chest, and for the record it was different than hypertrophy training for sure. I'm subscribed!