Muscle ate tight and co9ntracting which is causing me pain, always happen when I squat and I mean squat, not just write about it. In the works of bricktop never trust a man who owns a pig farm. pretend fukers do my head in and I would like to smash them to fuking bit would take long. Fuking train we me and I will show you what fuking pain is, these fukers fuk me off almost, you know the score. Meds are kicking on and I am not a drug addict just need some sleep to recover from a seriouis week at work what would blow you minds if you knew what I dealt with and also my personal project and then I see cvnts who fuk me off and talk bull shit.
sorry for the grammar I am not functioning right but feel bloody good, one a week on these is good for recovery
Grammar police can fuk off, yes I am flaming but you guys who have been on a journey of hell and back I cant tell you what you do to me, I fed off your results, pictures and motivation you all sound like me when I was younger and our Nach fuk me he is morphing into me every day with his writing, hey don't foget to state Marcus took you on this journey nach your a big cvnt.
almost I love you and your big dogs
you a good guy even though your from strange part of the woods
but I cant stand cvnts, pig farm kell lol lol
snatch those fukers up
got to go otherwise I am going to verbally abuse cvnts and it not even euro
im all good