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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #28201
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    QUESTIONAIRE FOR MY FELLOW hit'ERS 1, WHAT MAKES YOU THE PERSON YOU ARE? 2 WHAT DRIVES YOU TO LIVE YOUR LIFE LIKE YOU DO? 3 WHAT AMBITIONS ARE YOU HOPING TO ACHIEVE? 4 WOULD YOU CLASS YOURSELF AS A GOOD PERSON? 5, HAPPINESS OR MONEY? 6, WORSE MISTAKE OR REGRET YOU HAVE DONE? please no other answers just list the numbers with your answers please, I am curious because we all have a good idea what kind of person each of us portray on here but deep down who are we. Lets through this out there if you want to take part in my questionnaire please answer honestly and no one will question your answers, if you don't want to take part no worries. I'm curious
    1. Where I was raised, family, friends, and time/experiences.

    2. The drive to be better than the next guy, to better myself everyday.

    3. I would like to get married someday and have a lil one or two. Live a life of happiness and joy without the stressors and pains that go along with it. I have always been a husky/fat person so want to get to a lower body fat is still one goal that have to conquer. Getting my body pain free is another goal/ambition that I have.

    4. Yes, I live by the golden rule. But don't mistake kindness with weakness!

    5. Happiness, never had a whole lot of money but I always think if I did, I would be the same person just have more toys. If I did have money, I would have a lot of charities so that I could help others and help better someone else's life.

    6. Quitting high school football to focus on high school golf and drinking/partying. It continued through my college years and took me a while to get my act together! Another regret is not learning proper nutrition at a younger age but where I grew up, it's hard to find a bad meal!

    Great questions Marcus, made me do some refocusing!

  2. #28202
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd
    I have to head out to a wedding today but would like to answer marcus survey when I get back or maybe even tomorrow...weddings take all day lol...going to go dance with my wife its been years since we dressed up and did something so im trying to make the best of the situation and have fun with it...have a great day everyone...
    Sounds fun!

    Enjoy ghetto, go cut a rug!

  3. #28203
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    In bold...
    I imagine being given the chance to live again is like nothing else. Sounds like many of us have been down dark roads and have somehow found our way back.

  4. #28204
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    1). The way my mother raised me. She taught me that stubbornness tempered with judgement is a strength, not a personality flaw. Also, she taught me to treat everyone with respect until they gave me reason to do otherwise. Other than that, I guess I am the sum.of my life experiences? 2). I want to always be improving at what I do; whether it be professionally or as a person. 3). I aspire to be the best provider I can for my wife and my mastiffs. I also want to be one of those guys people look at and their jaws drop. Not to be a badass or perceived as a dangerous man, but because it would be a nice addition to my very laidback personality. 4). Not necessarily a good person, but a person trying to do good/what is right. 5). Happiness. 6). Not being there for a friend from my active duty days when he needed some serious help.
    Your mom sounds like a wonderful lady. Really enjoyed 2 & 3, and I don't think I'm the only one who would think different for 4, I think you're a good person. Sometimes past demons can convince you otherwise but anyone can change and be who and what they want to be.

  5. #28205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    1: my wife, my baby on the way, and my parents. 2: for work, I wanna be the best at what I do, end if month I compare myself to the rest, find the areas I'm not...and fix them to the next month so I am the best. As for body building life, it's the want to be bigger. Until I was mid 20s I was never over 155-160. Always the skinny kid. Now I "turn some heads" not as many as here but enough to keep me going lol 3: to give my kid a better life then I had. 4: presently yes, although I dwell on younger years where I wasnt. 5: happiness without a doubt. I've never wanted the expensive clothes, the nicest cars. 6: without detail, my past (high school and couple years after). I regret not doing what I know was right and not just what "friends" were doing.
    Love 3.. And 4, the present and future is all that matters.

  6. #28206
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd
    I have to head out to a wedding today but would like to answer marcus survey when I get back or maybe even tomorrow...weddings take all day lol...going to go dance with my wife its been years since we dressed up and did something so im trying to make the best of the situation and have fun with it...have a great day everyone...
    Sounds like an awesome day ghetto. Get out there and enjoy it with your beautiful wife.

  7. #28207
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun
    1. Where I was raised, family, friends, and time/experiences. 2. The drive to be better than the next guy, to better myself everyday. 3. I would like to get married someday and have a lil one or two. Live a life of happiness and joy without the stressors and pains that go along with it. I have always been a husky/fat person so want to get to a lower body fat is still one goal that have to conquer. Getting my body pain free is another goal/ambition that I have. 4. Yes, I live by the golden rule. But don't mistake kindness with weakness! 5. Happiness, never had a whole lot of money but I always think if I did, I would be the same person just have more toys. If I did have money, I would have a lot of charities so that I could help others and help better someone else's life. 6. Quitting high school football to focus on high school golf and drinking/partying. It continued through my college years and took me a while to get my act together! Another regret is not learning proper nutrition at a younger age but where I grew up, it's hard to find a bad meal! Great questions Marcus, made me do some refocusing!
    I can only imagine the toys you'd buy! Nice response RC

  8. #28208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I imagine being given the chance to live again is like nothing else. Sounds like many of us have been down dark roads and have somehow found our way back.
    It sure is!

    I keep looking at that pic w/me recovering from my trach... Where Kel said 'it looks like your so glad to be alive w/that smile(ear to ear)'

    It's very true, Igi... And nothing I would change! It's made and molded me into this person I have now grown to be! Thank you and thank you all for being a fixture on my road back(better than where I've ever started or been)!

  9. #28209
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    I can only imagine the toys you'd buy! Nice response RC
    Few of these

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  10. #28210
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Few of these

    Click image for larger version. 

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    For the Bayous, RC

  11. #28211
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Arms are dead here. Just had some food now. Then off of the UFC fight night over here should be fun never been before.

  12. #28212
    Join Date
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    Gearing up to hit the gym..... Lots to do today. My back is still insanely sore from hittin it hard this week. I can't believe it.

  13. #28213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Gearing up to hit the gym..... Lots to do today. My back is still insanely sore from hittin it hard this week. I can't believe it.
    My back and arms are still sore! Very cool I got these arms to get those DOMS again! I know that's not a direct indication of having a great w/o but it sure does feel like it - and tho my arms have been responding very well - I know I got these MFers right where I want em... They've got no other choice but to grow

    Gonna have to hit my DELTS a little later - I'll just get more meals in me

  14. #28214
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI
    Arms are dead here. Just had some food now. Then off of the UFC fight night over here should be fun never been before.

  15. #28215
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    Just got back from my shoulder workout, good one. Will post it in a few for critique. Eating and catching up on the thread right now. Have a lot to do today myself.

    GB have fun at the wedding man!

    Sounds like some some good workouts was done today.

    Also good replies again on the questionnaire. Will have to do this myself if will either be later today or tomorrow fellas. Sorry about that.

  16. #28216
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Arms are dead here. Just had some food now. Then off of the UFC fight night over here should be fun never been before.
    Nice I bet that will be a blast.

  17. #28217
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    Trained back this morning. Energy is still pretty good in the mornings but the reduction of food is making me pretty tired in the evening. It's all just part of the game. It was a good session back is on fire!

  18. #28218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    Trained back this morning. Energy is still pretty good in the mornings but the reduction of food is making me pretty tired in the evening. It's all just part of the game. It was a good session back is on fire!
    Nice bio, it's good that you're recognizing what's happening and why.

    As I was typing this, my wife walked by and smacked me on my bare ass as hard as she could then ran like a coward into the shower. I went and filled a bucket with ice cold water and just dumped it on her head.

    I win.

  19. #28219
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Nice session.
    Hey Big Man how long do you rest in between sets/ excises?
    I must admit I didn't do my usual 1 min rest, my lungs were on fire so it was around 2 mins

  20. #28220
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    Stretched, To change things up and to do something with the wife. I did "Grace" With her for a warm up.30 Clean and Jerks for time. Then she done her own thing as I did the same.

    DB Press 1F 1W 3 DS 3 RP 1 (I did not extent arm all the way over head. It was about 3/4 over head and touched the bells together squeeze. Marcus told me to try it this way. Holy smoke, Shoulder was done after that set could have called it a day. LOL. That helped me Marcus, thanks a lot.

    Rear Delts Sit Down machine Flys 2F 1W 8 DS 3 DS 3

    BB Scruggs 2F 1W 10 RP 4 RP 2

    DB Lateral Raise Standing 1F 1W 8 RP 3

    Front Plate Raise 2 sets first set was 15 second was 12.

    Good energy Felt a little weak I don't know if was doing "Grace" with the wife at first caused that(Sure it didn't help) or if it's just the body needing a re-feed day along with some rest. Still think it was a pretty good workout. Could have it been better? I think so yes just not today.I give it a 100% every time I walk it.

    Thanks will be lurking on and off have a lot to do. Also going to spent time with the wife and the fur kids according to the wife. LOL

    Everyone Have a good day.

  21. #28221
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I must admit I didn't do my usual 1 min rest, my lungs were on fire so it was around 2 mins
    I was just wondering I have read on here before you usually do around min or so. I am having a hard time on this it seems. When I do legs or back or chest to say 1 min goes by so fast I am still out of breath.Even on shoulders today. Hope that make sense.

  22. #28222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Nice bio, it's good that you're recognizing what's happening and why.

    As I was typing this, my wife walked by and smacked me on my bare ass as hard as she could then ran like a coward into the shower. I went and filled a bucket with ice cold water and just dumped it on her head.

    I win.
    Igifuno....LMAO my wife and I do this stuff all the time. Love this.

  23. #28223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    I was just wondering I have read on here before you usually do around min or so. I am having a hard time on this it seems. When I do legs or back or chest to say 1 min goes by so fast I am still out of breath.Even on shoulders today. Hope that make sense.
    You'll get used to it... IMHO tho just try to push thru it! I rarely take a full minute in between ex's... I've always moved at a faster pace even non HIT - but I knew this is the backbone along w/heavy arse weights!

    Your mind is more powerful than your giving it credit for... Dig deep and just go into your next working set - it sux - its painful - it's tiring - but it's so fvking rewarding - and people will start to notice...

    Im dubbed the crazy MFer in there - not the biggest/but one of the strongest(and pound for pound no one is even close) that feels good! I will use that to push through - and release that adrenaline... Adrenaline is very powerful and it's what we need released to sustain our intensity and go above and beyond

  24. #28224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious
    Igifuno....LMAO my wife and I do this stuff all the time. Love this.
    She's pissed. I'm a little nervous now. Lol.

  25. #28225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post

    She's pissed. I'm a little nervous now. Lol.

  26. #28226
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    I don't have favorites out there....although not a huge fan of kai....but to me I'm just amazed at all these guys. But this pic of ramy right here almost looks fake....look at the size of arms, forearms, lats....unreal.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	160177

  27. #28227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80
    I don't have favorites out there....although not a huge fan of kai....but to me I'm just amazed at all these guys. But this pic of ramy right here almost looks fake....look at the size of arms, forearms, lats....unreal. <img src=""/>
    Ramy is such a beast.

  28. #28228
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    He's a FREAK OF NATURE! That's what it's all about lol - FFS he's huge!

  29. #28229
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    Awww just sat on my ass lol av been out all day with my two wee girls. I came back from the gym this morning got washed changed then straight back out lol it was good though we did shops the day i fvcking hate shops but they were chuffed so that's all that matters eh.

    Why does life have to be so hard sometimes i've been through some tuff times over the last few months and still am with different stuff. Am praying it will work out in the end
    I tell you one thing though i have a very good friend here who has helped me make big decisions in my life. He always gives me advice and help when i need it he truly is a good man he truly truly is.

    Now i can catch up on the thread hope yous all have a good wk end guys and girls.

  30. #28230
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    Awww just sat on my ass lol av been out all day with my two wee girls. I came back from the gym this morning got washed changed then straight back out lol it was good though we did shops the day i fvcking hate shops but they were chuffed so that's all that matters eh. Why does life have to be so hard sometimes i've been through some tuff times over the last few months and still am with different stuff. Am praying it will work out in the end I tell you one thing though i have a very good friend here who has helped me make big decisions in my life. He always gives me advice and help when i need it he truly is a good man he truly truly is. Now i can catch up on the thread hope yous all have a good wk end guys and girls.
    Good to spend time with your girls brother and life can definitely be hard. Glad you've found some friendship and guidance here, that's what it's all about. About to take the family to an orchard and pick some apples. Maybe I'll find a little hard cider there

  31. #28231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Nice I bet that will be a blast.
    Yeh should be fun hopefully few beers and relax.

  32. #28232
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    You'll get used to it... IMHO tho just try to push thru it! I rarely take a full minute in between ex's... I've always moved at a faster pace even non HIT - but I knew this is the backbone along w/heavy arse weights!

    Your mind is more powerful than your giving it credit for... Dig deep and just go into your next working set - it sux - its painful - it's tiring - but it's so fvking rewarding - and people will start to notice...

    Im dubbed the crazy MFer in there - not the biggest/but one of the strongest(and pound for pound no one is even close) that feels good! I will use that to push through - and release that adrenaline... Adrenaline is very powerful and it's what we need released to sustain our intensity and go above and beyond
    Thanks Nach. Will do. I think I am getting better. Hell I know I am from 3 weeks ago. So thank you for all the help.

  33. #28233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    She's pissed. I'm a little nervous now. Lol. could be in trouble now. Lol

  34. #28234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    I don't have favorites out there....although not a huge fan of kai....but to me I'm just amazed at all these guys. But this pic of ramy right here almost looks fake....look at the size of arms, forearms, lats....unreal.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20151024_130315.jpg 
Views:	166 
Size:	50.4 KB 
ID:	160177
    I just seen this on instagram. Amazing.

  35. #28235
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Awww just sat on my ass lol av been out all day with my two wee girls. I came back from the gym this morning got washed changed then straight back out lol it was good though we did shops the day i fvcking hate shops but they were chuffed so that's all that matters eh.

    Why does life have to be so hard sometimes i've been through some tuff times over the last few months and still am with different stuff. Am praying it will work out in the end
    I tell you one thing though i have a very good friend here who has helped me make big decisions in my life. He always gives me advice and help when i need it he truly is a good man he truly truly is.

    Now i can catch up on the thread hope yous all have a good wk end guys and girls.
    Hang in there Clarky. Everything will workout. Keep your head up and keep moving forward.

    I also want to touch on what Clarky said about finding friendship in here. You guys have help me out a ton. Don't think I could ever thank you all enough. I look at everyone on here as a friend.Kel has helped me out on my BW that my 1st Doc didn't even know. I have never meet the man but I know over the last couple of years I have gain more trust in him than anyone when it come to BW. He has also tought me a ton about it.

    In here about HIT is ....I mean priceless. EVERYONE wants EVERYONE to get better. To me that's amazing. Plus we have a great leader in Marcus himself. Very unselfish and spends a lot of time helping us out,for nothing.

    So thanks EVERYONE! !! Marcus,Kel,Nach,Haz,AB,GB,OOS,IGIF,DCI,SFLA,Bio... .plus everyone else.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-24-2015 at 12:45 PM.

  36. #28236
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    Had a phenomenal Delt n Trap session. Snapped a pic about halfway through..... Couldn't help myself lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	104 
Size:	643.7 KB 
ID:	160191  

  37. #28237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious
    Hang in there Clarky. Everything will workout. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. I also want to touch on what Clarky said about finding friendship in here. You guys have help me out a ton. Don't think I could ever thank you all enough. I look at everyone on here as a friend.Kel has helped me out on my BW that my 1st Doc didn't even know. I have never meet the man but I know over the last couple of years I have gain more trust in him than anyone when it come to BW. He has also tought me a ton about it. In here about HIT is ....I mean priceless. EVERYONE wants EVERYONE to get better. To me that's amazing. Plus we have a great leader in Marcus himself. Very unselfish and spends a lot of time helping us out,for nothing. So thanks EVERYONE! !! Marcus,Kel,Nach,Haz,AB,GB,OOS,IGIF,DCI,SFLA,Bio... .plus everyone else.
    Very cool bod and well said

  38. #28238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Had a phenomenal Delt n Trap session. Snapped a pic about halfway through..... Couldn't help myself lol
    Jesus man

  39. #28239
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Awww just sat on my ass lol av been out all day with my two wee girls. I came back from the gym this morning got washed changed then straight back out lol it was good though we did shops the day i fvcking hate shops but they were chuffed so that's all that matters eh.

    Why does life have to be so hard sometimes i've been through some tuff times over the last few months and still am with different stuff. Am praying it will work out in the end
    I tell you one thing though i have a very good friend here who has helped me make big decisions in my life. He always gives me advice and help when i need it he truly is a good man he truly truly is.

    Now i can catch up on the thread hope yous all have a good wk end guys and girls.
    Hang in there clarky!

    Glad u got to spend time with the kids today also.

  40. #28240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    Had a phenomenal Delt n Trap session. Snapped a pic about halfway through..... Couldn't help myself lol
    nice work bro you look great

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