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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #2841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doom44 View Post
    Hi Marcus, kel what you guys think about rest-pause vs drop set ?
    Personally I love rest pause. But if you guys say drop set are more effective then rest pause I will give it a try
    i think it's a matter of preference.. and what works for you.. i've tried both and prefer dropsets..

  2. #2842
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    i think it's a matter of preference.. and what works for you.. i've tried both and prefer dropsets..

    The reason why I like rest pause is , I can use the same weight.
    I think I will try something like rest pause/drop set.

    Etc: dumbbell incline press 6-8 to failure rest 10seconds go again. Until I only can hit 1 rep drop 10% and go on. Until I'm satisfied.

  3. #2843
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post

    im cycling carbs...

    151g on workout days, 44g on non-workout days..
    I read somewhere that it may take up to 2 days of high carb to fully replenish glycogen stores. If you counted your calories right, i dont think you need to worry too much about losing muscles.

  4. #2844
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    I read somewhere that it may take up to 2 days of high carb to fully replenish glycogen stores. If you counted your calories right, i dont think you need to worry too much about losing muscles.
    but i am worrying lol... i just want my strength back

    might switch back to 5x5...

  5. #2845
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Oops... Forgot to ask if there's a brand you recommend, kel?
    Not really. Just use amazon and google dmso gel with aloe. I use a 70% dmso gel with aloe.

    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    a question for the two chiefs, or anyone else:

    do you have any special trick or method to recruit mostly upper chest fibers instead of anterior delt when you do incline bench?
    Well, first thought may be to lighten the weight a bit and do more reps and really try to feel where it's hitting you. If you're shoulder dominant try pre-fatiguing them first. Meaning do your isolation movement (flyes, etc) first then your compound (presses) movements. This way your chest should be giving out before your shoulders and triceps where normally it's the other way around.

    A Mentzer pre-fatigue style would be to warm up on both flyes and incline presses until your ready to go. Then do your working set to absolute failure on flyes immediately followed by your incline presses in superset fashion. Yes, your weight will have to be lighter but your chest will give out first and will be fried. Seriously fried.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doom44 View Post
    Hi Marcus, kel what you guys think about rest-pause vs drop set ?
    Personally I love rest pause. But if you guys say drop set are more effective then rest pause I will give it a try
    One mans meat is another mans poison. Meaning whatever works best "for you" is what you should be doing. I like both but since I train alone it's more effective and efficient for me to use rest pause most of the time. If I do drops I'm getting up and moving plates myself so the rest period is a bit longer than I like but it's still effective in that your "continuing" the set further into muscular failure. I'll often use both on the same extended set. Meaning I'll do a heavy set followed with a rest pause then quickly drop a plate to take it even further. Sometimes with RP you can crash quick so I feel the need to add more reps.

    Sometimes the type of exercise plays a part in this too. T bar rows for example or squats. Exercises where your spine is not supported and you are more prone to injury if form breaks. On these I prefer drops over RP but will do both, as long as you can keep your form. Don't be reckless.
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  6. #2846
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Nice. I like doing legs last in workouts and rotate it in that way frequently. Sort of a way to pre-fatigue them so your quads give out first and not hips and back. Also for me it's a nice way to keep some weight off the bar. Re "Irish" it's my heritage but I'm not from there. Dying to visit though.
    Yeh, I get what you saying. I used hate doing them but they are responding really well to the rputine just needto add a few bits into it and should help a bit more.

    Well come on over we are always open but do not go to go dublin go to the real parts of ireland

  7. #2847
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Today's workout:

    After warm-ups.

    Inclines: Bumped the weight up a bit for a heavy 6. Last set was followed with a rest pause then a drop set.
    Flats: One heavy like above. Then one set with a double drop.
    Flyes: Two sets with double drop on last set


    Preacher curls. Two sets heavy. 2nd set with double drop.
    Cable curls: Two sets with double drop on 2nd set.
    Incline curls: One set with rest pause.


    Pushdowns: Two sets with double drop on last set
    Cable skull crushers: Two straight sets
    Cable reverse push downs (basically dips): Two sets higher reps.

    Easily less than an hour. Crushed it. Snapped a pic a little while after the workout...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Chest 07152013.JPG 
Views:	343 
Size:	482.2 KB 
ID:	141756
    Last edited by kelkel; 07-15-2013 at 09:38 PM.
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  8. #2848
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Not really. Just use amazon and google dmso gel with aloe. I use a 70% dmso gel with aloe.
    Thanks. I have to place a supp order in the next day or 2. I'll add DMSO. God, I hope it works! I'm having to take a few days off. I think maybe I'm pushing too hard. I haven't been back on the gym all that long - 7 months - but I'm pushing myself as hard as I did (or harder) 10yrs ago. It feels great but I don't think my convective tissues are keeping pace with the muscle memory.

  9. #2849
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Listen to your body Java. Hard to do when you're intent on growth but it usually gives off signals telling you to ease up on things. Recently my shoulder was starting to irritate a bit and I had a tough time with it last summer and do not want to go through that again. So, for the past few months all my pressing movements are at the end of my routine when the joint is warm and fatigued. I don't feel any more issues but I'm sticking with this pattern for a bit more to be safe. Point is that many times a simple change in the structure of your workout will allow an injury/soreness to heal while you are still actively making progress.
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  10. #2850
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Listen to your body Java. Hard to do when you're intent on growth but it usually gives off signals telling you to ease up on things. Recently my shoulder was starting to irritate a bit and I had a tough time with it last summer and do not want to go through that again. So, for the past few months all my pressing movements are at the end of my routine when the joint is warm and fatigued. I don't feel any more issues but I'm sticking with this pattern for a bit more to be safe. Point is that many times a simple change in the structure of your workout will allow an injury/soreness to heal while you are still actively making progress.
    Agree. I changed things up a bit when my joints were getting a little sore from increasing lifts. So I started doing all my heavy, compound lifts at the end of my workout when I'm definitely warmed up. Big difference for me.

  11. #2851
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    Sorry I haven't been around for a few days but been busy with work and personal projects. I've also been training hard and actually started cardio again and carb cycling which ive seen the benefit already, thats the good part!!!!!

    I do have some problems though and I really don't think I can train like I use to anymore, I've busted my shoulder and think its my cuff again. Its so hard to stop training with the same kind of weights and intensity I am use to. I really don't want to blow air up my own arse but I have an ability to train to a level what many can't and I think its time to take my foot off the gas. My body is getting so old I can feel it shouting out at me to take a step back. I don't mention the actual weights I lift in my thread because I see all kinds of bullshit reports over the forums but all I can say is I lift some serious weights and my body has had enough. I keep having my volume weeks were i pull back on intensity and weight but my body grows one way and I'm getting old for weights and intensity i push when working out. I know I am going to cause myself some serious damage if I carry on so think its time to address this situation and have a good think about which direction I should go in.

    My main problem is when I hold a bar or dumbbell I feel this rage inside that I've got to push my body to its limit and get some serious overload going and intensity, I truly feel I could train with anyone and I mean anyone and I will either destroy them or I will hold my own up, that's how confident I am inside my head and the ability I can take my training to. I lift big and I eat big and nothing scares me at all but I am seriously pissed off about my injuries. I warm up so well, I eat so clean and healthy its hard to comprehend but my body is getting old and i can feel the tendon's, ligaments and connective tissue screaming at me lol.

    I really don't know if I can train normal or even want to be normal, I like being abnormal and for that huge look I know what I have to do to my body to obtain this type of look. Not sure what I am going do but I really don't want to drop size. As you can read I am pissed off with my shoulder injury which as sent my head west but I really do think its time to look at everything because injuries seem to be a part of me now, in my 20's and 30's I was indestructible but my 40's I think my body is breaking down. Who the fuk wants to be normal, lift normal weights and just look like a guy who goes to the gym, not me so fuk that shite.

    Should be back around in a couple of days

  12. #2852
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Well, glad you're back. We need ya here as you're the heart and sole of this thread. When it comes to your shoulder have you looked into prolotherapy? If not delve into it a bit and assess if it can help you or not. It definitely helped me.

    None of us here have any doubts about your intensity and determination when it comes to training and the commitment this sport requires to be successful at it. It goes without saying. Very few have that within them to take it to the level you've achieved. It really is a lifestyle and the average lifter rarely achieves it. When it comes to injuries and getting older, you're preaching to the choir. Maybe consider what works for me and I referenced it a post or two ago actually. If a body part hurts or is starting to ache a bit, I immediately put it last in that parts rotation. Mine recently has been shoulder presses so it's been last in my workouts lately. Seems to give things time to heal by virtue of being more warm and not needing quite as much weight to achieve muscular failure. I also take MSM Powder daily which seems to help me at least.

    Consider taking an extended lay off and give your body time to rest. I'm talking a few months here. It's about longevity. You'll survive this and your body may be all the better for it. I know you probably don't want to hear this but I've done it and it helped. I took an entire year for several reasons. Take advantage of that time and pursue activities you normally cant. Keep physically active but just don't push any weights. It will not hurt you and you won't really lose your hard earned muscle. If you do lose "a little" it comes back very fast as you know.

    You will get through this. Bodybuilding is as physical as it is mental as it is scientific. Now's just the time to listen to the feedback your body is giving you and get yourself physically healthy. If you feel as you described I seriously think it will do wonders for you, both mentally and physically.

    All the best,

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  13. #2853
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    damn marcus sorry to hear about the injuries.

    I am in the same boat, almost thru with this cycle and have bad elbow and shoulder tendonitis.

    heal up bud!

  14. #2854
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    Wow. Take care, marcus.

  15. #2855
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    Marcus..... Sorry to hear about your injury. If you'd like...... Pm me some details of ur injury. Have u had it looked at? Are you just guessing as to what the pain is?

    Im not a big help but have recommendations regarding treatment options...... Especially if it's surgical related. If I can be of any help - pm me.

    Feel better old fella
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  16. #2856
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    speedy recovery big man

  17. #2857
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    kel what do you mean buy a double drop set do you just mean you do 2 drop sets ? if so do you go back to the same weight as the first drop and just do again thanks

  18. #2858
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    kel what do you mean buy a double drop set do you just mean you do 2 drop sets ? if so do you go back to the same weight as the first drop and just do again thanks
    Go to failure..... Drop weight...... Goto failure again..... Drop weight...... Goto failure the last time.

    This is my double drop set definition
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  19. #2859
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    Wow marcus that is a big post with lots of honesty which is not very common among people these days.

    It takes a bigger man and someone who is honest with themselves to say they need to step it back a bit for the sake of there long term health. I get that you want to be massive all your life, but look at yates or ronnie they have dropped back a lot from their peaks but they aint exactly normal in any sense of the word imo.

    You are just so much bigger than anyone else you don't realise it I'd imagine that even if you drop some weight you are never going to be described as just that guy at the gym. Def not fromseeing your pics man.

  20. #2860
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    kel what do you mean buy a double drop set do you just mean you do 2 drop sets ? if so do you go back to the same weight as the first drop and just do again thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Go to failure..... Drop weight...... Goto failure again..... Drop weight...... Goto failure the last time.

    This is my double drop set definition
    This ^^^^
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  21. #2861
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    Terrible news. Take care mate. Are you on any meds for the inflammation? GH? I agree with kel, a lay-off to facilitate recovery may be a good idea. A few months off after 20+yrs of training isnt going to make your body look like mine

  22. #2862
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    Sorry to hear you've got the itis too marcus. I just posted recently here about the same problem pretty much. I'm having to take the weight down and shift things around so I can let my connective tissue heal. I'm having joint issues, too. Shoulders, knees, elbows. It pisses me off. This whole 'getting old' thing just sucks ass!

    Heal up. We need you here man! Youre an inspiration to all who follow this thread. I like reading it before I go lift.

  23. #2863
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Listen to your body Java. Hard to do when you're intent on growth but it usually gives off signals telling you to ease up on things. Recently my shoulder was starting to irritate a bit and I had a tough time with it last summer and do not want to go through that again. So, for the past few months all my pressing movements are at the end of my routine when the joint is warm and fatigued. I don't feel any more issues but I'm sticking with this pattern for a bit more to be safe. Point is that many times a simple change in the structure of your workout will allow an injury/soreness to heal while you are still actively making progress.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Agree. I changed things up a bit when my joints were getting a little sore from increasing lifts. So I started doing all my heavy, compound lifts at the end of my workout when I'm definitely warmed up. Big difference for me.

    Thanks guys. I've taken a few days off. Had to leave last Sun because I was just not 100%. Going back tonight but taking things easier for awhile. My left shoulder is really having fits lately and I notice it hurts less as I'm finishing a session, so I hear you both on warming it up first. I used to be able to abuse myself without consequences. I guess those days are over :/

  24. #2864
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Listen to your body Java. Hard to do when you're intent on growth but it usually gives off signals telling you to ease up on things. Recently my shoulder was starting to irritate a bit and I had a tough time with it last summer and do not want to go through that again. So, for the past few months all my pressing movements are at the end of my routine when the joint is warm and fatigued. I don't feel any more issues but I'm sticking with this pattern for a bit more to be safe. Point is that many times a simple change in the structure of your workout will allow an injury/soreness to heal while you are still actively making progress.
    I get these same tendinitis type of issues every year also.... Funny how it seems the time of year depicts which joint feels it the worst.... I do just the same as you and lay low on that area and it has worked thus far.... I've been doing some inner and outer rotator cuff work with the pt colored bands and it really seems to help warm up my shoulders.... Three surgeries on one and that's the one with the least pain

  25. #2865
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Today's workout:

    After warm-ups.

    Inclines: Bumped the weight up a bit for a heavy 6. Last set was followed with a rest pause then a drop set.
    Flats: One heavy like above. Then one set with a double drop.
    Flyes: Two sets with double drop on last set


    Preacher curls. Two sets heavy. 2nd set with double drop.
    Cable curls: Two sets with double drop on 2nd set.
    Incline curls: One set with rest pause.


    Pushdowns: Two sets with double drop on last set
    Cable skull crushers: Two straight sets
    Cable reverse push downs (basically dips): Two sets higher reps.

    Easily less than an hour. Crushed it. Snapped a pic a little while after the workout...

    <img src=""/>
    I like this two set, double drop on the second pattern. Gonna give this a try Kel....

  26. #2866
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    Right. First time in about a year and a half n well over due I've had a proper deload. I'd always been kinda "worried" about taking a break from the gym. But I gotta say I do feel kinda revitalized. I've been once in two weeks. I admit I chose to do it more because I'm quite worried I've torn a raotator cuff muscle (I was doing a wide grip pull up but tried pulling up on the one side n felt a pain immediately). The pain I feel if I do a classic out to the side bicep tense. N been well over a week now.
    I'm praying its not serious. Anyone else had this?

  27. #2867
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Thanks guys. I've taken a few days off. Had to leave last Sun because I was just not 100%. Going back tonight but taking things easier for awhile. My left shoulder is really having fits lately and I notice it hurts less as I'm finishing a session, so I hear you both on warming it up first. I used to be able to abuse myself without consequences. I guess those days are over :/
    We're all getting older. Listen to your body and heed the signals it sends you...

    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    I get these same tendinitis type of issues every year also.... Funny how it seems the time of year depicts which joint feels it the worst.... I do just the same as you and lay low on that area and it has worked thus far.... I've been doing some inner and outer rotator cuff work with the pt colored bands and it really seems to help warm up my shoulders.... Three surgeries on one and that's the one with the least pain
    3 surgeries? Holy shiat HP!

    Quote Originally Posted by RipOwens View Post
    I like this two set, double drop on the second pattern. Gonna give this a try Kel....
    It's just how I felt like hitting it "that day." I try to let how I feel dictate my style for the day. I was feeling strong so I wanted to bump it up a bit and get a little heavier work in as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    Right. First time in about a year and a half n well over due I've had a proper deload. I'd always been kinda "worried" about taking a break from the gym. But I gotta say I do feel kinda revitalized. I've been once in two weeks. I admit I chose to do it more because I'm quite worried I've torn a raotator cuff muscle (I was doing a wide grip pull up but tried pulling up on the one side n felt a pain immediately). The pain I feel if I do a classic out to the side bicep tense. N been well over a week now.
    I'm praying its not serious. Anyone else had this?
    I love pull-ups but just don't really do them anymore. They tend to irritate my radialis. If I were to do them it would be at the end of my back work when warmed up. Think about it, if you start with them you're immediately starting with your working weight. At least at the end everything is warm and ready for them, imho.
    Last edited by kelkel; 07-17-2013 at 10:37 AM.
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  28. #2868
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Go to failure..... Drop weight...... Goto failure again..... Drop weight...... Goto failure the last time.

    This is my double drop set definition
    thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    This ^^^^
    thank you

  29. #2869
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well, glad you're back. We need ya here as you're the heart and sole of this thread. When it comes to your shoulder have you looked into prolotherapy? If not delve into it a bit and assess if it can help you or not. It definitely helped me.

    None of us here have any doubts about your intensity and determination when it comes to training and the commitment this sport requires to be successful at it. It goes without saying. Very few have that within them to take it to the level you've achieved. It really is a lifestyle and the average lifter rarely achieves it. When it comes to injuries and getting older, you're preaching to the choir. Maybe consider what works for me and I referenced it a post or two ago actually. If a body part hurts or is starting to ache a bit, I immediately put it last in that parts rotation. Mine recently has been shoulder presses so it's been last in my workouts lately. Seems to give things time to heal by virtue of being more warm and not needing quite as much weight to achieve muscular failure. I also take MSM Powder daily which seems to help me at least.

    Consider taking an extended lay off and give your body time to rest. I'm talking a few months here. It's about longevity. You'll survive this and your body may be all the better for it. I know you probably don't want to hear this but I've done it and it helped. I took an entire year for several reasons. Take advantage of that time and pursue activities you normally cant. Keep physically active but just don't push any weights. It will not hurt you and you won't really lose your hard earned muscle. If you do lose "a little" it comes back very fast as you know.

    You will get through this. Bodybuilding is as physical as it is mental as it is scientific. Now's just the time to listen to the feedback your body is giving you and get yourself physically healthy. If you feel as you described I seriously think it will do wonders for you, both mentally and physically.

    All the best,


    I've not looked into prolotherapy but will do some research on it. I really don't know what's wrong but its right across my front delt and I've had this injury before feels like my cuff. My body does repair very quickly no matter what's wrong with it, its rather strange to experience so I am sure it will repair soon but I've got a pattern and I think I know what is causing it. In my training especially when I feel good or on cycle I always try to progressively add more weight to my lifts and create overload what my body isn't use to or increase my intensity with my certain protocols I use, but with the overload side I think and feel I am at my limit, my body is telling me to stop this assault.

    I shift some serious poundage in good form and everytime i start increasing and breaking my previous lifts my body seems to tell me something. I know I repair very quickly which is strange at my age but my age is creating injury more often these days and its driving me crazy. I am sorry but I haven't read any previous posts because just haven't had time to respond so I've no idea what's been said but I do pre exhaust many times when i feel an injury coming on and leave the heavier lifts to the end of the work-out. I also do alot of stretching and also make sure i am fully warmed up before doing my working sets.

    Its impossible to take a long lay off from the gym, this isn't happening no matter what state I am in, even if i can only train forearms and calves i will still go to the gym. Once years ago when I bust my disc my doctor said you are going to have to take 6-12 months off the gym and the disc will work its way back in with the help of these exercises he gave me, but what really happened is i increased my work-outs and concentrated on my back more, I did some serious work on my back and constructed slabs of muscle tissue going down both sides of my spine to help my lower back issues. My back exploded in size and my back is great now, the issues with my disc are not bad now. I have alot of thick tissue surrounding my disc's there is no pressure directly because its supported by the muscle ive got.

    I spoke to someone at the time about it and I wont mention names but he's a very knowledgeable pro and he said to me imagine a tree and tell me have you ever seen a tree with huge thick branches but a small weedy trunk?? so I concentrated on building slabs of tissue over my back and I build a huge thick wide trunk which helped and cured my back problems. So when ever I go to the doctors he looks at the size of me and says you need to take time out from the gym, fuk that.

    I have a strong mind and my will power is second to none, but I wouldn't be happy not going to the gym, it wouldn't do me wonders mentally. If I can't press for a few weeks I will just do laterals and rears to my absolute limit. The thing is I do have a lot of time off due to my work schedule so i do repair from my work-outs its just the amount of weight i use and how i try to increase this weight all the time what's causing the problem. I've just had off 4 days due to my work load so having time off from my assault isn't a problem, to be honest very short intense training sessions and long periods of time off made me grow even bigger lol. I may drop down in size by around 7-10 lbs but then on my other shoulder I've got the size guy shouting at me come on lets get to 290lbs but in reality adding further size isn't the answer for me anymore the size game is over for me, the chase is gone its all about maintenance.

  30. #2870
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I've not looked into prolotherapy but will do some research on it. I really don't know what's wrong but its right across my front delt and I've had this injury before feels like my cuff. My body does repair very quickly no matter what's wrong with it, its rather strange to experience so I am sure it will repair soon but I've got a pattern and I think I know what is causing it. In my training especially when I feel good or on cycle I always try to progressively add more weight to my lifts and create overload what my body isn't use to or increase my intensity with my certain protocols I use, but with the overload side I think and feel I am at my limit, my body is telling me to stop this assault.

    I shift some serious poundage in good form and everytime i start increasing and breaking my previous lifts my body seems to tell me something. I know I repair very quickly which is strange at my age but my age is creating injury more often these days and its driving me crazy. I am sorry but I haven't read any previous posts because just haven't had time to respond so I've no idea what's been said but I do pre exhaust many times when i feel an injury coming on and leave the heavier lifts to the end of the work-out. I also do alot of stretching and also make sure i am fully warmed up before doing my working sets.

    Its impossible to take a long lay off from the gym, this isn't happening no matter what state I am in, even if i can only train forearms and calves i will still go to the gym. Once years ago when I bust my disc my doctor said you are going to have to take 6-12 months off the gym and the disc will work its way back in with the help of these exercises he gave me, but what really happened is i increased my work-outs and concentrated on my back more, I did some serious work on my back and constructed slabs of muscle tissue going down both sides of my spine to help my lower back issues. My back exploded in size and my back is great now, the issues with my disc are not bad now. I have alot of thick tissue surrounding my disc's there is no pressure directly because its supported by the muscle ive got.

    I spoke to someone at the time about it and I wont mention names but he's a very knowledgeable pro and he said to me imagine a tree and tell me have you ever seen a tree with huge thick branches but a small weedy trunk?? so I concentrated on building slabs of tissue over my back and I build a huge thick wide trunk which helped and cured my back problems. So when ever I go to the doctors he looks at the size of me and says you need to take time out from the gym, fuk that.

    I have a strong mind and my will power is second to none, but I wouldn't be happy not going to the gym, it wouldn't do me wonders mentally. If I can't press for a few weeks I will just do laterals and rears to my absolute limit. The thing is I do have a lot of time off due to my work schedule so i do repair from my work-outs its just the amount of weight i use and how i try to increase this weight all the time what's causing the problem. I've just had off 4 days due to my work load so having time off from my assault isn't a problem, to be honest very short intense training sessions and long periods of time off made me grow even bigger lol. I may drop down in size by around 7-10 lbs but then on my other shoulder I've got the size guy shouting at me come on lets get to 290lbs but in reality adding further size isn't the answer for me anymore the size game is over for me, the chase is gone its all about maintenance.
    Marcus I totally understand. I'm older than you and used to carry more weight but it just gets tougher as we age. For me I try to look at it in a conditioning mindset. What I mean is back in my competitive days I was much bigger. Some shows I'd grow into the show and others diet down for. Most guys when they diet down for a show even though they are lighter, they appear much larger due to their conditioning. Don't get me wrong, we train the same, I just know I won't grow like a 20-30 yr old anymore so my expectations are "different" now.

    Longevity is key here so don't get to the point where you're so hurt that you can't train at all. There's no doubt in my mind that you can alter your physique how you need to depending on your goals. Maybe it's time to be just a tad lighter. Like I said, the guys in shows sure as hell look bigger even though they weigh less!

    Whatever path you take, we got your back. Just might take a couple of us!
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  31. #2871
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Marcus I totally understand. I'm older than you and used to carry more weight but it just gets tougher as we age. For me I try to look at it in a conditioning mindset. What I mean is back in my competitive days I was much bigger. Some shows I'd grow into the show and others diet down for. Most guys when they diet down for a show even though they are lighter, they appear much larger due to their conditioning. Don't get me wrong, we train the same, I just know I won't grow like a 20-30 yr old anymore so my expectations are "different" now.

    Longevity is key here so don't get to the point where you're so hurt that you can't train at all. There's no doubt in my mind that you can alter your physique how you need to depending on your goals. Maybe it's time to be just a tad lighter. Like I said, the guys in shows sure as hell look bigger even though they weigh less!

    Whatever path you take, we got your back. Just might take a couple of us!
    Calmed down now about my injury just got to let it repair and then see how my set is feeling lol

    I know I push too much weight for my age !

    Thanks for keeping the thread going with good answers, cant really add anything what you already said

    Going to the gym today for the first time in a few days, see what happens

  32. #2872
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    What you training today man? Doing back myself

  33. #2873
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    What you training today man? Doing back myself
    Well I thought i'd try shoulder's hahaha

    Did very slow strict high reps

    25 reps single side laterals on the machine - slight pain but could just lower it so it was working the muscle and not increasing the pain. Did 4 sets of 25 reps per side and was very pumped.

    single front raises - 20 reps 4 sets - no pain but didn't feel strong

    bent over laterals - 20 reps 4 sets - no pain if I had my elbows high

    tried to shoulder press on the smith machine and did ok - 20 reps 4 sets - extra slow on the positive and negative- slight pain but not bad

    shrugs,- went heavy 3 sets

    calves and abs to finish

    shoulder pain was a lot better after I got some blood in there, felt good and feels a lot better but not much power.

    Going to do some cuff exercise's tonight to see if that helps

  34. #2874
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    Sounds decent man. Your light is more than likely 50% heavier than what I finish on so wouldn't be too worried.

    I too have had cuff issues and it can be really depressing and sore when it flares. But you know yourself head up and maybe just backing back a small bit will help in the long run maybe?

  35. #2875
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    Marcus are you icing it down after your workout? May be prudent to keep inflammation out if you have any. DMSO too!

    And speaking of prolotherapy. I'd say it sped up my healing by probably 50%. It wasn't fun having it done, that is watching the doc repetitively inject into my shoulder probably 15 times in a couple minutes. Got real sore for a day or two then within a week it was much improved.
    Last edited by kelkel; 07-18-2013 at 12:02 PM.
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  36. #2876
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    Hit legs yesterday. It was a squat last day for me and I really did not have the best mind-set when going to the basement. After warm-ups:

    Extensions. Two sets, high reps (25-30) with double drop on last set.
    Vertical press: Two sets (15-20) with about a minute between. Second set with rest-pause.
    Squats: One heavy set, 12 reps. No RP or drop today. Fried me. Was planning on staying lighter but that didn't happen.
    Seated leg curls: Two sets, double drop on second. (app 20 rep sets)
    Standing calf raises: 3 straight sets
    Seated: 2 straight sets.

    Ended up much better than I thought. Feeling it today.
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  37. #2877
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    Kk I get like that too sometimes feel like you didnt do enough but you feel hammered the next day. I can't wait for back tonight, very hap hazard training this week and diet was shocking over the weekend.

    As I didn't get a chance to eat too busy lol lost stupid amount of weight didn't realise my metab has gone so high
    Last edited by DCI; 07-18-2013 at 01:00 PM.

  38. #2878
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Kk I get like that too sometimes feel like you didnt do enough but you feel hammered the next day. I can't wait for back tonight, very hap hazard training this week and diet was shocking over the weekend.

    As I didn't get a chance to eat too busy lol lost stupid amount of weight didn't realise my metab has gone so high

    As in shockingly bad? Explain.
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  39. #2879
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    No nothing bad food wise just didn't get a chance to eat my regular meals as I was part of a car show so was organising that for the day eyc and couldn't really leave and forgot to pre pare meals but tbh I doubt they'd have lasted that day it was 30 degrees c all day lol

  40. #2880
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Marcus are you icing it down after your workout? May be prudent to keep inflammation out if you have any. DMSO too!

    And speaking of prolotherapy. I'd say it sped up my healing by probably 50%. It wasn't fun having it done, that is watching the doc repetitively inject into my shoulder probably 15 times in a couple minutes. Got real sore for a day or two then within a week it was much improved.

    Yes doing most things. I doubt prolotherapy from my doctor is an option. I would have to go private and its repair at the moment so don't want to be sticking loads of needles into at present, sounds like fun but not at this stage...

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