Originally Posted by
Did you wrap it AG? I used plastic wrap tightly and then applied some ice/heat(I think the ice alone was causing it to freeze up moreso... By adding in some heat it was easier to get the blood flowing through the muscle... Glad it's getting better big guy!
I'm alternating heat and ice right now, Nach. Used ice for the first 72 hours.I keep ice packs made up from a recipe I got when I ruptured my bursa in my left shoulder (recipe is a sticky in the injury/rehab forum) and in between ice packs I'm applying heat.
Also, the wife is helping me stretch. Been lying face down on the bed and have her grab the instep of my foot and slowly try to bring the heel of the foot up toward my butt. Not pushing too hard on the stretching, just getting to the point where quad get really tight and holding it for a long 30 count.
One of the guys at work is going to cover for me, so I don't have to work tonight. Plenty of Nsaids and relaxers on hand, so its just a matter or time.
. Just work through/around it.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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