Marcus on average how much calorie intake are u satisfied with before you say to yourself ok im fueled up enough to smash the gym?
Marcus on average how much calorie intake are u satisfied with before you say to yourself ok im fueled up enough to smash the gym?
There isn't a set amount of calories I aim for, I just fuel up which will consist of complex carbs, fruit and some protein.I am always fuelled up you have to be if you want to be carrying the size I do. I haven't used many pre workout stimulants for years but the other week I did try some superpumped and ive got to say I was on full throttle. Going to try a good pre NO from next week see how I feel and look on that.
I am always fuelled Boz, its more of mentally preparing myself for the assault I am going to put myself under what is far more tasking than anything else because once I go to the gym I am going there for one reason and that's to stimulate muscle growth by training in a very intense zone which puts my body under extreme overload.
Today was Chest day like everyone else I think in the world for a Monday lol.
So compared to last week this week is back going heavy and balls out to cause some serious damage to the muscle and hammer some weight.
This 6 week plan is pyramidding HIT. Before I got to the gym I was quite tired and felt really flat from the weekend I didn't eat anything really bad etc but did a lot of driving over the weekend etc.
So I did two warm up sets and it wasn't feeling great to be honest but once I got some blood into the muscle by the last few reps I was getting into it.
So I started at 40kg DB incline pressing was going for 10 reps but was feeling it and pushed the absolute **** outta it and got 15 with two half reps. After this, I was pumping the blood was flowing I was feeling like as if I could press everything in the gym I really kicked into gear. All I had ringing round in my head was Yates, "now put some ****ing weight on" it was crazy. I kept upping the weight 45kg for 9 reps and 50kg for 6 reps two drop sets by this stage I was bursting and the intensity was crazy. My training partner would do his set and just as he got up I was going and vice versa. Decline flies and cable flies too was crazy
I haven't been so pumped in a long long while the only thing I can compare it too, was going flat out in a 599 Ferrari in Italy that I drove the buzz was up there. I was on fire, I wanted to push more and more destroy the weight in front of me, I felt that any challenge would be overcome. I did the same intensity for flat and decline with the same rep range and rep. Which was unreal it was really insane the work out the two of us were on fire knowing exactly when we needed to help each other out.
All I can say is, HIT is the way forward and keep mixing things up every 6-8 weeks really helps me respond this is like a juggernaught of a regime once you get the sip of this into your blood you will automatically push and push and push to get the bigger buzz and rush from this and the results speak for themselves for me.
I hope this post is about a 15% as inspiring as the Monsters my job is done. One thing I have learned you have to mentally prepare yourself for the assault that is going to be on your body day in day out and the fact you will become light heated feel sick and want to fall over but you know what it's worth all that and more just to get that pump you will never experience on any other training. Also, do not try to half ass this training because you will be fooling yourself.
Been following this thread for awhile, asked a few question here and there. And just wanted to let you guys know how well this has help my progression. Im just starting week 3 of pct, and still feeling strength. Hit legs today like I never have in awhile. I think this type of training has kept me going at the next level. Following HIT and adding drop sets are by far the most strenuous training I have done. My legs and back were the weakest parts and with this training both have come so far. Was going to post up a pic of the legs, but can barely stand right now lol. Plus they are pretty white, might blind u.
I am having difficulty though finding the right weight when I do the drop set. I am usually way to light on the drop. With legs today I was too heavy on the drop but that worked out so I could drop it 2 times in total.
So from my knowledge, a proper drop, you want to drop the weight where u can get the exact amount of reps as the original set. Is this a good way of going about it?
Marcus since you have some of the biggest triceps out there you must really know how to make them grow. I need help in adding size to my triceps and one of my problems could be overtraining. I see you are only doing three exercises for them. most of the time I do at least 4. What do you think the best exercises are for mass. Skull crushers have taken me along way but now my growth has stopped, I ve tried heavy close grip bench and got no where there either.
Could it be I need to add some drop sets and intensify my training, switch up my routines, add different movements and maybe lift a little heavier?? Any info would be greatly appreciated
I'm not chiming in for Marcus..... Lmao his triceps are ridiculous hahahaOriginally Posted by chadcuz1985
From my experience..... What really helped my tris was a skull crusher/close grip bench superset. Then I'd do straight bar push downs and sometimes reverse grip push downs (one arm at a time)
My skull crusher/close grip bench was always heavy enough to kill my arms. By the time I got to the reverse grips I was doing like 20lbs lol.
Just my .02
Last edited by Hazard; 08-19-2013 at 08:01 PM.
It doesn't have to be that way at all. It's not about equality of reps, just pushing the set/muscle to extreme failure. Ex: If I did 8-10 reps on my first set my next would usually garner about 4-5 reps. There's nothing wrong with making adjustments on how much you drop based on how you did on the set you just completed. Meaning if you did not get ample reps, drop a little more weight or vice versa. Just adapt as you go.
You want a good tricep exercise, one of my favorites is reverse push downs. I mean real "reverse" push downs. Adjust your push down bar (straight type for this) so that when you back into the bar you have to be on your toes to grip it. Then go to work. It's sorta like a standing dip and I love it as I can't do dips by myself without the apparatus. You can be limited by the amount of weight you can do as your body weight is the counter-balance here, if that makes sense to you guys.
Anyway, give it a try for a change of pace. Great peak exercise if you lock it down during your reps. Love to close with this one.
There's a machine at my gym that simulates this
I have been seeking out new pre workout supps i may give the ones u have mentioned a go. Since jack3d had left the market i have been very un trust worthy of what to buy next, so im leading up to a product that builds a good reputation. As for your fueling up i understand what your saying mate, at times when i workout i love to overtrain and its hard to draw the line between running out of fuel or im just exhausted from an intense workout. Either way im sure over training once i have used all my fuel up at the gym, is not productive at all.
Bsn no xplode for me works really well one of the only ones I have tried that works like it says it does
You need to judge the drops yourself by the working weight, if your aiming for around 4-6 reps at positive failure then go into a drop set, you need to be aiming for around 4 reps at failure, then dropset again so you get another 4 reps+ out this will take you to failure and beyond and create some deep muscle fibre recruitment. Example if your reping on squats with 3 plates per side just rep till you drop then take a plate a side off, and rep again until failure, then another plate off and rep again to failure.
Its not all about the reps its all about taking your muscle to failure so if you get the drop wrong and its to light rep till your at failure, if its to heavy rep till you cant rep anymore and drop set again and rep till failure - failure is the key while create a huge over load on the body
Its all about trying different movements and seeing how your respond, basis heavy movements built mine like close grip bench press, skull crushers, one arm db overhead extension, dips and ive also used many different pushdowns and kickbacks. I sense from what your telling me its not the movemnets what are the problems but how you perform them, if you do a working set of close grip bench press with either a drop set, rest pause or get a spotter to help you with forced and negs and you really put 100% into that working set your triceps will be like hanging a lump of meat of the back of your arm. Many people who suffer with certain bodyparts don't train them hard enough, come on think about it.
If I trained your triceps with you and you was on your working set of close grip bench press and I am over you and screaming at you to keep pushing that extra rep out until you have zero strength left to do another rep on your own, then I help you with another 2 reps which take you into this pain zone many cant get into then I bring the bar to the top and you do 2 very slow negatives until you cant lift your arms up or down, now that's a set. Now we go onto the next movement and do the same all over again. Its all about the mental focus, what you put into it, we all can do 10 reps and think wooow that was hard but not many of us can create serious over load on that muscle group and take yourself into the pain zone of complete positive failure and beyond.
If your doing all the movements we talk about its all about your form and attitude in the gym. If I trained your arms with you, you wouldn't be able to touch the back of your neck for days so if I can do that why cant you???? get your head in gear and when your doing your working sets make them count because once they over your not going back. Create serious overload on that muscle group and take it to complete failure and beyond, one set that's all it is so get your head round it and go to war with yourself, no one else is going to do it for you. iTS OK FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT IT BUT DOING IT IS ANOTHER MATTER!!!! THATS DOWN TO YOU..
sounds good Hazyour welcome to chime in all the time the more the better
Here we go^^^
I got Austin to make me one up and i'm going to try this
4 grams L-Citrulline
3 grams L-Arginine
2 grams L-Lysine
Ive got the powders so will soon have a try and report back
^^ Awesome coverage in that post, Marcus!
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Love the motivation in the middle. If that doesn't get you hyped to batter some weight in the evening you wanna leave this thread now
I walk in the gym this morning and go over the lat pulley machine and start stretching and warming up my lats, I take a look around the gym and there are around 15 people in the gym working out. I carry on stretching and really warming my shoulder and back up for the back assault I have planned but while I am doing this I check out what the other guys who are doing. All I can hear is talk about whats been on TV or some fit girl over in the ladies part, other laughing and joking about drinking at the weekend and also some guys talking about fighting in some club. I watch everyone of these guys do there sets and I didn't see one guy push or pull to his limit, they just push a set number of reps out and racked the weight, some even were talking while repping. What a fuking joke I thought to myself these skinny areswipes are here talking shite trying to get big and they aren't even breaking a sweat.
I finished my warmup sets and I started to do close grip pulldowns, I felt strong as an Ox and my back was contracting nicely and the sqeeze at the top felt amazing I knew what was about to come do to myself. All the other arsewipes were glancing over watching the big guy do some reps while they were chatting about crap and inside I was smiling. 2 more warm up sets and I was ready to start my assault. I racked some weight on the machine which I knew I would be struggling with form around 6 reps but I started to pull and contract and squeeze, got to 6 reps and I let out a grunt what echoed around the gym then I managed to get another 1 and half reps out, racked the weight and lowered the pin a few bars down and started again, this time I was grunting from the start, my back was on fire especially on the stretching part the contracting part felt really good and I managed to get another 4 solid reps out, racked again and dropped the pinn further down the stack and started again, this felt easy but the pain in my lats was serious I could hold form and my lat were doing all the work until around the 4-5 reps when I felt my forearms take over slightly so I did one long stretch and grunt and pulled that mother fuker down and contracted my back so hard, I had beads of sweat dripping all over my head and the set was done, I unwrapped myself from the bar and stretched my lats what really fuking hurt so bad, it was like a hot poker sticking in them. I took a look around while drinking my water and everyone was looking over, silly fukers I thought to myself hahahaha.
Over to the bent over rowing and did 2 warm up sets and 1 working set what would of out any normal man in contraction for a week, manage some good weight and drop setted twice with excellent form, one of my strongest lifts, through the mirror I could see guys still watching which gave me another 2 reps when I was failing lol. then I racked it hard and went over to the hammer strength underhand grip pulldown and slaughtered another 3 sets out what pulled my back up from beneath my knees or that's what it felt like. At this stage I took my fleece off and my back had exploded, straight over to the low pulley, all these movements were done with one min rest in between and off I went pulling that straight bar into my waist, by this time guys were moving closer to watch hahaha what the fuk is wrong with these guys why don't they just lift some weight and put their bodies under load instead of watching me, dickheads but these help me get those last few reps out when I am struggling.
Next movement was something different for me but high pulley rope pulls for the rear delts and traps tie ins and upper back, this felt good and was a nice movement to perform at this stage. Then I had the one guy who came up to me and ask me about cycling test and tren and how should he do it, I said I am busy at this moment in time but when I am free I will talk to you, anyway 4 sets later I went to the abs and knocked out another 4 sets of abs and reverse sit ups and that was me, done over and out.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Marcus...... Do you hate
The stair master as much as I do?
LMFAO...... I hate cardio as much as kel does...... But truth be told - I need to doit right now. I get on that damn machine and every drop of water in my body sweats out. Legs feel like jello......
I get home and just park my ass in the recliner and the gf says "can you run upstairs and get haylees (my daughter) socks?"
So started a new split this week too. Legs yesterday and today was chest and bi's.
So with this new split, I wanted to implement, pre-exhaust and multiple drops. Didn't realize what the combination would do. Had a killer workout, didn't feel I needed more then I did.
High cable flys 2 warm, 1 feel, 1 working with 2 drops
Incline Db Flys 2 feel, 1 working with 2 drops
Flat db press 1 feel, 1 working with 2 drops
(wanted to do incline db press to but was spent. Maybe next time one pre-exhaust with flys and two presses)
Seated Hammers 1 warm, 1 feel, 1 working with 2 drops
"cable curls" Not sure on how to describe this. Standing in middle of cables, with single handle on each side, curling towards your temple/head. 1 feel, 2 working, 1 drop
Bent over iso curl 1 feel, 1 working, 1 drop
Felt great, could barely move. Outter/upper pec started cramping also at one point lol.
I don't hate cardio, I use the cross trainer about 3 times per week if that, I more or less play around with my diet on none training days to drop bf, but when every I do its always slowly I never use any of these IF approaches or these serious calories restricting diets. Ask yourself one question these guys who read out of books and study studies look ripped and slim but they carry zero muscle tissue and when your carry some serious size what takes a lot to maintain these stupid diets don't work and once they work out that they wont build load of muscle tissue on these crap diet then that's when things will change for them............there you go ive probably upset every one on the forum by that statement but trust me its true.
No he didn't, I was sweating like a virgin running out of hell so he left me alone
Your a genetic freak of natural Kel, your natural lean all year round and I bow to your genetics my friend. Your gifted I wish I had your cuts mate naturally like you
Hey I finally have someone who agrees with me, these diets what everyone sprouts about over this place is for the slimmer guys and trust me if you put a big fuker dude on one of those stupid diets what doesn't feed the muscle he will lose tons of tissue. Look over the ages nothing changes, you cant reinvent the wheel, its a simple process of building muscle tissue if you have the heart for it and its simple process at losing bf, lose it to fast and your hard earned muscle will disappear but for sure you will be ripped and thin. That's not for me I want to be fuking huge big and ripped and thatsd a whole new ball gamethanks Kel I thought I was on my own around here. The things is I keep quiet about it let them go round in circles building and losing muscle tissue at ending up at the same place lol
No problem. I've always thought similarly in that aspect. Slow and steady wins this race when it comes to quality muscle. Both building and maintaining it. I seriously think too many people over-complicate the process and depend on far too many anabolics and fancy diets to do the job that hard work, consistency and dedication will do for you. I'm old school. Always felt this way.
But what do we know...
About to go destroy my back n tris...... Pumped as shit right now. I can't wait to hit the reverse grip rowes lol
thanks Marcus, what I got from your post was basically stick to the basic mass movements like close bench and skullcrushers but I will take it a farther. This is really hard to do when you don't have a training partner but im going to do my best and just ask for some help while im in the gym. Its all about overloading the muscle group isn't it, push it past its limitation. I can go to failure, but then two assisted reps after failure plus 2 negs...that IS intense. Reminds me of Yates back in the day. Its give me some motivation thanks.
I went to failure today on my hammer strength and wide grips rowes. The reverse grips were great to start with as they took a lot outa me.
Right now my stamina is lacking. I feel so strong but my stamina sucks ass. One day at a time but I feel almost as if my body is quenching a thirst. It's refreshing as all hell but god damn does it hurt 2 days after
ok, thanks a lot big man will do
Loving the feedback guys
Tonight was backOne of my fav body parts since I started this HIT training. There is something about back that when you are on fire and you feel your lats squeeze together and widen out like wings just pushes you on harder and deeper into the pain zone that only shoulders comes close for me.
So started off with some streching and light wide grip slow pull downs to get the blood flowing and mind in gear.
Started off with a pyramid again like last night.
12-15 reps on the lightest weight, moving onto 8-10 up a weight and then 6 to failure and two dropsets right after the failure to go into the pain barrier and destroy the muscle with weight.
So I did:
Wide grip pull down, I could feel that this was going to be a good session just the opening few reps I could feel the blood start to flow and my back widen out like opening the flood gates on the hoover dam I was on the crest of a wave of power and pain was going to be at the top of it.
Then close grip pull downs, they were great but we super setted these with the cable machine with the wide grip bar from the lat machine as the cable machine doesn't go heavy but did these punish my back the sweat was pumping I felt like I was going to burst outta my skin and the endorphines were flying around my body.
Tensioned deads, for anyone who does traditional deads, do these, they really sort the men from the boys the pull on your lats is immense nothing comes close to it and the best thing is it isolates your back more than the traditional deads, the pull of them is insane cannot rec them enough.
Bent over BB rows next and then DB rows which I used hate but now I have got the mind muscle connection correct I call upon the muscles to contract and pull hardYou get a serious bang off them when done correctly.
Hypers to finish and a small bit of abs.
By the time we got to hypers and abs I was fked beyound failure breathing heavy so much sweat I looked like I dived into a swimming pool but I am an hr outta the gym and my back is still buzzing, last weeks rest week has upped the results this week no end![]()
Anyone who like me 6 months ago was lacking in training do this training and be honest with yourself push push harder every session every rep to the last till you think you are going to explode and you will grow beyound what you ever thought was possible.
I for one, have learned a thing or two from this thread.
Marcus, curious on the lying db extension. Is that using one for both arms, like skull crushers, or one in each hand? I tried the one db both hands, but it seemed wierd.
Kel, I'll definitely try "your" reverse press downs next. Except the part of being on your toes, cuz my left ankle is fused, so that would be hard to manage. Similar to doing them off a bench? Basically same movement.
Soon as I get home.....
My tricep routine.....
I use the ez curl bars that have the weight attached already. If I need to go heavier, which I have, then I use the ez bar that I can add weight to.
Warm up with cable rope push downs and then a close grip bench.
Working sets:
Ez bar - skull crushers and go straight into close grip bench with the same bar. You super set the two without getting up. I always tried to go heavy enough that 10 reps would really burn. However...... Because of this thread and Marcus...... I've been going heavy enough that by the 10th rep I'm spent. I then go into my super set close grip bench. This DESTROYS me..... My tri's are on fire by the 10th rep. I'm talking an extreme burn..... It feels like my tricep is going to cramp.
Lower the weight for the second set...... This set should feel just like the first.
Try to do a 3rd set and you may not be able to get close to 10. If u can..... You're not going heavy enough haha.
By the time you finish those..... Your tri's should be so full of blood an tired.
I then do wide grip push downs with a straight bar attached to a cable. I go as heavy as I can and get a real nice burn going. Again..... Feels like my tri's will cramp up. I try to get 3 sets and lower weight when needed.
The last one is a reverse grip single hand push down. More kinda like a pull maybe. This weight is extremely low and it burns like a fvck.
You really don't need a spotter..... You can drop the weight on the skull crusher or if you're on the close grip bench - its not heavy like a regular bench press so it's not going to crush your chest or stomach.
This routine has really exploded my arms (pre-Marcus lol) so I'm really excited to get past the 19" mark with his style and the exercises that seem to hit the heads for me.
Good luck
I use this movement because it takes all the stress off my elbow, when I use a ez bar my elbows are very static and I use a lot of weight because my triceps are freaky strong but it does create a lot of stress on my elbows so to eliminate this I use DB because my elbows move in more of a natural movement and I can climb even further with the weight which results in bigger fuller tri's. Its all about protecting my elbows and really hitting my tricep head, I do them on a
straight bench and also incline. Now I am giving all my secrets away lol here is a video if you don't understand what I mean, but I do them singles not doubles, just feel better for me.
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