Thank You(along with Kel/AG) for making us all realize that pullbacks are a VERY necessary part of this sport! I came too close to fizzling out this last time and it's taken me quite a while to feel refreshed again!
First and foremost, your health is most important... And You are 'Marcus' which we all know AAS did not make you who you are(or any of us for that matter - What made you stand out besides your monster size was your passion and mindset) but as Kel said its a small bump in your road! And we are all here for you as you are for us! This is Very important imho(we are a close knitted group... And it's a privelidge to be along side you(and everyone) in this thread!
Turning Pg 800 fellas!
Hi guys i did bi's the night and i fvcking destroyed them the rage was something els.
Incline db curls 1 working+rp DD
Db preacher 1 working 1 drop 3 neg a side
CCC 1 working DD
Cable curl 1 working DD
Cable hammer 1 working 1 drop
Cardio 20min and done.
I was having a bit of a barney half way through ma session i was fvcking shaking. Never hit any new weight but all were the higher rep range so a few things will be getting bumped up next time. Lots of squeezing skin splitting Got home and my girl said your eyes are still blood shot i was that mad.
Great session fellas now i can catch up on the thread.
Congrats on the 800 pages you have all built here. I think this thread is, and will continue to be, the most valuable thread on the site. The wealth of information here is insurmountable and invaluable to anyone looking to take their training to the next level. A big thank you to everyone who contributes and has contributed. Stay strong HITers!
When you guys come off cycle how much strength do you usually lose and when do you notice? I am just wondering I haven't touch a weight in 2 weeks until this week. The last 2 weeks of my 12 weeks cycle wasn't really training hard because of injury. I feel pretty strong though. I am holding myself back some this week just because I am working myself back into it.
So I am just wondering thanks.
Arms - and they got blasted(haven't lost anything taped the Fvkers pumped 18.5+)
Stretching abs stretching RC ex's
1. DB curls - heavy
Warmed up 3x
1w 4-5 drop 3+ drop 4
2. Bent over atm hanging free(peak)
1w 10 including 2forced into slow neg drop 3 2 forced 2 neg
3. CG cable straight bar
1w 4 drop 3 drop 2 drop 3 FVK me my arms exploded here
4. Hammers
Ran the rack 55s --> 25s still not much volume 12-15 total reps(not counting partials 1-4s no movement
1. CG Bench(smith) shoulder was sore so implemented some TUT
3 feelers 2 warm ups - 2w 275(light today) 9-10/4-5ish drop(225) burned em out
(it was the straight up/& down smith really a big difference than the slanted on my AC joint)
2. Skull crushers
2w 10+/8
3. Straight bar pushdowns
1w(stacked) TD
4. Seated Hammer strength hammer grip pushdowns
1w DD
GREAT session guys... Arms felt like they were exploding outta the skin... Big swell and muscle bellies looking full!
Weights done in a very intense 36min!
Nice session nach.
Thx Bod/Clarky! I'm starting to move more into HIT(slowly transitioning) for say 2-3wks then pullback and dial this prime in moreso!
When I was cycling a few times per year I would see a dip in strength around the 2-3 weeks in PCT, when I was on trt I wouldn't see any strength loss or not that much, it was just more of a mental battle.
One of the biggest parts of bodybuilding is maintaining your tissue off cycle, once you master this your on the road to turning heads. That's why I don't recommend harsh calorie restricted diets what rip through muscle tissue like a hot knife through butter.
After cycle I would say the mental side of things is the biggest thing to over come, not training as hard, not eating as good and not doing what you did on cycle, end result gains disappear and the vicious circle continues of going on and off gear
I reckon I'll throw my hat in the ring here. I trained Blood and guts Yates style in the mid 90s, switched to powerlifting, went back to mentzers heavy duty styled hit, the to doggcrap from 2003 until late 2010 when I went back to powerlifting. Now one 35 cent championship trophy and many injuries later I have returned to HIT as of last week. I figured it doesn't make much sense to train like an athlete at the moment since I can't perform like one due to injury. BUT I'll train around it as usual
Bench: working sets 275x5+3+2+negative/ doggcrap styled set
255x6 positive failure, 4 seconds on eccentric
Incline: 185x8 pos failure/ 195x6 pos failure
All reps performed with a 4 second eccentric
Flyes: 40x10 40x8 positive failure. Damn flyes felt ridiculously hard at that weight lol
Biceps: working sets concentration curls: 40x8 failure 40x7 forces reps included 4 second eccentric
Strict Straight bar curls: 85x7 to absolute failure.
Tuesday: working around torn adductor so there is little to no intensity here
Leg ext: 12x3
Reverse hyper: 12x3
Squat: 225x20
So far I'm really enjoying being back doing a more bodybuilding styled routine. It's been a looooong time since I've said its "arms","chest", "leg"or "back" day lol.
Great thread Marcus. I have a lot to read to catch up.
Marcus... What do you think of me starting to push my training again(heavier) regarding my prime? Im starting to feel more rested and would like to start some progressive overloading(real HIT) progressing into it... But will this hinder my prime?
Thx big man
Always push if you feel you can just lower the intensity during the prime or at times you feel the need just don't go full bore HIT, its all about the intensity of how you attack your routine and the working set but remember if you respond using heavy weight keep with it just lower the intensity. Its also a great time to practise some pre exhaust super sets, pre exhaust or even TUT training
Thanks Marcus, I love this thread man, glad I found it and glad you started it.Originally Posted by marcus300
So far, I'm in the twenties as far as pages lol. I've got a long way to go. I was trying to see what your split actually looked like and how it's evolved. There is a lot that can be done with this style of training so I'm trying to catch up on your approach.
Yea man, powerlifting was great, but it, and other sports, has taken its toll. It's def an ego blow to have to drop the weights so much, but these 4 second eccentrics are smoking me all over again and leaves me with no choice but suffering lol
Hope I can post this linkOriginally Posted by Sfla80
Very effective style man, I really enjoyed this type of training, but given I work out alone and with little access to machines I've had to experiment on this comeback to the training mixing some philosophies. However, the HIT principles remain the same.
Oh man those negatives are so hard but cause so much muscle trauma I love doing them, one of my favourite advanced HIT protocols is forced reps and negatives after failure has been hit. Ive written down a full body workout I think its on pages of 40+ cant remember but I think AG knows
I agree man, working out alone I'm having to rely on half reps, quarter reps, static holds and ofcourse the negative working reps to make up for the lack of forced reps but keep the intensity optimum and failure inevitable lolOriginally Posted by marcus300
I'm heading back to the 40s pages to check it out now!!
working out alone is nice not depending on a partner though. Drop sets are great for solo trainingOriginally Posted by Viking13
Many times I don't have a partner to help me with forced and negs and its also hard to find one who is in tune with what you need them to do, the same kind of mind set if you know what I mean. When I don't have a partner I use rest pause which I find really works well or drop sets. But since my injuries I find pre exhaust extremely beneficial or as I would say what ever it takes get it done.
How old are you and what are your stats?
You're right bio, drop sets are great, I haven't blown all the dust off this training style just yet lol. I'm experimenting by adding an additional set to failure after my initial rest pause set, so I'm trying some new things out, but I'm forgetting the obvious ones like drop sets. Weider 101!! LolOriginally Posted by Bio-Active
You have to see the stuff I have ! Some guy online got me for 37$ the other night (damn soma's) he said I would have a full head of hair in 120 days. All I got was a list of things not to eat, dont do steroids and keep stress out of my life. I was so mad I saw hair dropping out in front of my eyes !!!!
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Hahaha yea man, I'm 39 now and not too many cats around me want to train hard at all anymore. I still love training hard, I don't know any other way, but that's part of the reason I've been injured for the last 5 years. It's all or nothing for me.Originally Posted by marcus300
Pre exhaust is excellent. I used it exclusively for years while following mike mentzers teachings. That was when I lifted in gyms and had access to equipment that could aid me in failure and beyond, plus a spotter lol.
5'9 on a good day
Currently 193#, never been heavier than 215#
Totaled elite at 198# raw. Worked towards a second elite total at 220 but partially tore my quad tendon doing pause squats, and many injuries later I am now rehabbing a partially torn adductor. My powerlifting days are over sadly, but hard training days aren't lol.
Also on trt, cos my hpta axis failed me lol.
I should've just said rest pause. ApologiesOriginally Posted by Sfla80
Excellent, please read all the thread its going to really help you and from the sounds of it you understand the things what ive been explaining, you will also get an idea were most of the guys in here have come from and what they have achieved, also there is that much information in here regarding HIT,diets and the mental training zone it can be over whelming but priceless.
It will take you a few days or even weeks but please read every page
I'm all in brother. I can always learn new things and that's what I'm here for. It's been 6 years since I've trained in this fashion so there is much to remember (thank god I kept my training logs) and much to learn.Originally Posted by marcus300
Thanks for the warm welcome and I look forward to reading and posting here. It's motivation to be apart of the thread really. Maybe I'll even pack some size back on now that powerlifting is behind me and I don't have to starve to stay around 200# lol.
You will pack on size... I been doing this for over 12 years now and 2 things helped me the most with putting on size and changing my appearance. Nutrition came first and i made great gains for a long time. Then years later after i thought i had hit my limit this thread got me gaining again
Let me just say...... I've never in my life felt pain like that, that I enjoyed, before. I really believe you need someone with a full understanding and comprehension of true HIT to train with you to reap it's full benefits. I'm trying to teach a kid at the gym about it. He's 100% onboard and wants to learn. He just had a video shoot with an MHP sponsored IFBB pro today. He's going places if he keeps it up.Originally Posted by marcus300
LololololOriginally Posted by BG
Propecia mega dose is my next avenue lol
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