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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #32001
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Oh man those negatives are so hard but cause so much muscle trauma I love doing them, one of my favourite advanced HIT protocols is forced reps and negatives after failure has been hit. Ive written down a full body workout I think its on pages of 40+ cant remember but I think AG knows
    Page 41, boss!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  2. #32002
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Damn I think AG go the shit end of that agreement if only his wife knows! AG you need to get it amended !!
    LOL, I always get the sh!tty end of the deal.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #32003
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    I'm all in brother. I can always learn new things and that's what I'm here for. It's been 6 years since I've trained in this fashion so there is much to remember (thank god I kept my training logs) and much to learn.

    Thanks for the warm welcome and I look forward to reading and posting here. It's motivation to be apart of the thread really. Maybe I'll even pack some size back on now that powerlifting is behind me and I don't have to starve to stay around 200# lol.
    Welcome, Viking! I used to lift DC style back before some health issues put a stop to my lifting for a while. Then when I was able to get back into it. Marcus and the guys welcomed me into the thread and I haven't looked back.
    I think you'll find the transition very easy, because Marcus' style of HIT and lifting "Doggie" style share many similarities. The mental aspect is virtually identical.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #32004
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Its hard to explain but ive tried my best throughout this thread to express the pain and feelings this type of training feels like. Normally many will fail even to get a feeling of it let alone reach total failure. Just kill him Haz hurt him real bad and let me know
    his chest hurt for 4 days lmao. He came back for leg day tho haha. I'm in pull back but I'm still pushing him. He's about to start his first ever cycle.... He has a Jeff seid quality to him but he wants to be bigger. He's the only one right now that can hang with me.

  5. #32005
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    OK guys, going to the shop to do what I can safely.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  6. #32006
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Always push if you feel you can just lower the intensity during the prime or at times you feel the need just don't go full bore HIT, its all about the intensity of how you attack your routine and the working set but remember if you respond using heavy weight keep with it just lower the intensity. Its also a great time to practise some pre exhaust super sets, pre exhaust or even TUT training
    Ok... Makes total sense! I was implementing my pre-exhaust for a couple wks then this wk switched it back, and next wk I'll go back to pre-exhausting(it seems by switching the protocols around my body is responding to both very well and staying more fresh)! I went a heavier today on most Compound movements and i felt good(except on CG bench smith was shit)

    Recently im noticing my body is responding well hitting 2w sets(during this time) @ 8-10/& usually if I hit those numbers I won't drop weight I'll just keep that weight for my next working set(and hit 6-8 - sometimes more/sometimes less) no fixed number in my head! And if I feel ill go too high in volume I'll implement TUT to stay inside our working rep range(6-12)!

  7. #32007
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Ok... Makes total sense! I was implementing my pre-exhaust for a couple wks then this wk switched it back, and next wk I'll go back to pre-exhausting(it seems by switching the protocols around my body is responding to both very well and staying more fresh)! I went a heavier today on most Compound movements and i felt good(except on CG bench smith was shit)

    Recently im noticing my body is responding well hitting 2w sets(during this time) @ 8-10/& usually if I hit those numbers I won't drop weight I'll just keep that weight for my next working set(and hit 6-8 - sometimes more/sometimes less) no fixed number in my head! And if I feel ill go too high in volume I'll implement TUT to stay inside our working rep range(6-12)!
    You got it, no need for me to direct you. You seem to be on the mark mate

  8. #32008
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #32009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Mongolian beef :-)
    Love that stuff! :-)

  10. #32010
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  11. #32011
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You got it, no need for me to direct you. You seem to be on the mark mate
    Thx Big man!

  12. #32012
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    Well guys here at work reading the thread and browsing around on here. Chest is super sore along with my triceps are a little sore(Didn't even do them). Legs are already getting sore tomorrow could be a b*tch.

    I love this shit and this thread. How long do I need to ramp back into full swing of things? just this week then full speed next week? I am not doing anything past failure right now. I am ready for some forces and negatives. Time to grow..

  13. #32013
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    Well, guys and gals, I just wanted to share with the forum that I am now officially in the 400 pound club on my bench. Felt like this was a good thread to post it in. I'm generally not one to toot my own horn, but I've been training for this a looooong time and, quite honestly, I'm proud of the accomplishment. Loaded the bar tonight on my heavy set with 405, pushed it clean for 2 reps and got help with the third. Next week, I'll try to get 3 clean reps on my own, then I'll start working 415. Keep pushing that weight, brothers!

  14. #32014
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    Hope everyone is doing well and good to see everyone on track.

    Been extreme slacking the past couple weeks. Not by choice but plan on getting in there for the rest of the week. Feeling like a bit of a cvnt but that can be taken care of relatively quickly

  15. #32015
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    Well, guys and gals, I just wanted to share with the forum that I am now officially in the 400 pound club on my bench. Felt like this was a good thread to post it in. I'm generally not one to toot my own horn, but I've been training for this a looooong time and, quite honestly, I'm proud of the accomplishment. Loaded the bar tonight on my heavy set with 405, pushed it clean for 2 reps and got help with the third. Next week, I'll try to get 3 clean reps on my own, then I'll start working 415. Keep pushing that weight, brothers!
    Boom. Congrats mstack

  16. #32016
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    Well, guys and gals, I just wanted to share with the forum that I am now officially in the 400 pound club on my bench. Felt like this was a good thread to post it in. I'm generally not one to toot my own horn, but I've been training for this a looooong time and, quite honestly, I'm proud of the accomplishment. Loaded the bar tonight on my heavy set with 405, pushed it clean for 2 reps and got help with the third. Next week, I'll try to get 3 clean reps on my own, then I'll start working 415. Keep pushing that weight, brothers!
    Congrats and welcome to the club!!!!!

  17. #32017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    TUT= time under tension. One way to increase TUT is to decrease the speed of the repetition.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  18. #32018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    TUT= time under tension. One way to increase TUT is to decrease the speed of the repetition.
    He's got it^^^^^^ the speed of the rep positive and negative

  19. #32019
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Well guys here at work reading the thread and browsing around on here. Chest is super sore along with my triceps are a little sore(Didn't even do them). Legs are already getting sore tomorrow could be a b*tch.

    I love this shit and this thread. How long do I need to ramp back into full swing of things? just this week then full speed next week? I am not doing anything past failure right now. I am ready for some forces and negatives. Time to grow..
    That's an individual thing. If you have any injuries/" wee niggles" that aren't healed up, let them heal first. If you mentally feel ready and your body is ready, take off! If not give it another week, then see how you feel.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  20. #32020
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    Made it down to the shop tonight and just did a general type light upper body session. Worked up a decent sweat and got some blood flowing. Think I'll try a full shoulder lift tomorrow.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  21. #32021
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    I'm looking forward to training tomorrow. Probably hitting arms.

    On another note..... I've resorted to taking benedryl to help me fall asleep. Seemed to help last night. Woke up a bit groggy but it's better than staying up till 4am. Hopefully hit the sack in 20-30 min.

  22. #32022
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    Morning guys and girls bi's are very sore this morning. Running late for wkrk lol i'll catch up the night.
    **** i've been saying that a lot lately lol.

  23. #32023
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'm looking forward to training tomorrow. Probably hitting arms.

    On another note..... I've resorted to taking benedryl to help me fall asleep. Seemed to help last night. Woke up a bit groggy but it's better than staying up till 4am. Hopefully hit the sack in 20-30 min.
    Benadryl works for me but only for a few days. After that, I have to drop off of it for a week or two. Same thing with melatonin or Valerian root (which stinks something awful).
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  24. #32024
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    Great posts in the 12 hrs I was away lol. When I'm on regularly ye cvnts barely post when I go away ye post loads must be me lol

    Last night chest was intense. Still adjusting to training on my own its hard but fun the speed of my training is def improved and the mind muscle conection is great too. The new heavier flat and incline pressing was hard low reps but unassisted and quality imo which beats higher reps.

    I did decline bar bell also which I really enjoy weirdly as I cant bb flat bench or my rotors fall off. Finished with Yates style flies and tris. Sore today.

  25. #32025
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    Oh dang! Just got a chance to watch Duffins recent video. Talk about a close one. Jeez!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  26. #32026
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Oh dang! Just got a chance to watch Duffins recent video. Talk about a close one. Jeez!
    I know I watched this last night, he wasn't happy

  27. #32027
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    Looked like he caught one of the monolith arms? All I can say is I'm glad no one got hurt and he is one lucky tough@ss man!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  28. #32028
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Looked like he caught one of the monolith arms? All I can say is I'm glad no one got hurt and he is one lucky tough@ss man!
    He was going for a second rep but the guy locked the bars in and one got caught and his balance went off, with that kind of weight your not coming back its got to go down

  29. #32029
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    Another reason breathing and bracing are so vital. The strain and compression had to be ridiculous. Man has to have an iron core.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  30. #32030
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    Morning all

    I got deep into the muscle yesterday - feels great and starting to push harder each w/o - arms are rightly fvked! Legs today for me!

    How can I incorporate that calve w/o into this? At the end? Beginning I'll be fvked for legs haha, or on there own?!?!

    Have a badass day everyone and keep killin it

  31. #32031
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    Gotta check that link out

    Geez that was sickening to watch... AG I agree if he didn't walk off I think iphe was going to tear that guy apart
    Very lucky he wasn't hurt!

    He's such a beast(you see how far his core can expand, too)!
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-13-2016 at 06:54 AM.

  32. #32032
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Oh dang! Just got a chance to watch Duffins recent video. Talk about a close one. Jeez!
    Duuude. Scary shit.

  33. #32033
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    That video just proved to me that the mind plays such a big role in strength look at how good his first rep was then when his concentration was broken how badly if feel apart obviously momentum etc plays a part in lifting.

    Anyone else find the reaction of the two guys very funny.

    Scary shit tho when it goes wrong at that weight.

  34. #32034
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Oh dang! Just got a chance to watch Duffins recent video. Talk about a close one. Jeez!
    Holy shit...

  35. #32035
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    Morning guys and gals!!

    Opened the basement door to walk down the steps this morning to let the dogs out. Looked at the steps and said he'll no to myself. Then let the dogs out in the front yard. Legs are nice and sore. Chest is sore as shit.

    Have a few things I have to get done today. So the gym will be short and sweet. Going to hit arms and some delts. Usually I would separate the two but at thr end of the week I am very busy.

    Hope everyone has a good a hump day!!!
    Last edited by Bodacious; 01-13-2016 at 09:47 AM.

  36. #32036
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    OK guys, just got my shot and had a quick visit with the Dr. Ultrasound looks good (I.e. no impeded circulation) , MRI didn't reveal anything more than the last one. With my ROM and the results of my imaging, my Dr. feels.sure it was fascia tearing loose from muscle (sticky tissue). The bruising is taking so long to clear because of the depth of the injury. She did say that when I do things, I don't play at it.
    She knows I'm itching to get back to working legs, but suggested holding off for 2 more weeks. Also, she likes the fact that I'm wearing 7mm neoprene knee sleeves. I ran her through my usual lifting routine and she suggested that when I am READY to get back to working legs, that I wear my sleeves during leg extensions, but that I consider purchasing a set of wraps for use for hacks, reverse hacks, and leg presses. She said I don't need the heavy wraps that prevent the knee from working, just enough wrap to support the knee while it heals. Like maybe a length that would give me 3-5 wraps around the leg max. It needs to be just enough to support the knee, but allow the knee to get worked/ carry most of the weight.
    So, I guess I've got some looking around to do to find something that would fit the bill. If anyone has an idea of something that fits that criteria please post it up.
    That's one thing I really like about my Dr. She and I can discuss Olympic style lifts, HIT, GVT, etc.
    Oh, also she says I should keep up with the wife helping me with the heel to butt stretches. Warned me again not to stretch for maximum pain, just stretch for a good amount of tension with a gentle hold. Said it should help out a lot with the issues I have with knee pain during hacks.
    So, I'm taking that as a positive. Um, I didn't ask her about the low dose Deca I'm going to add for a little while.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  37. #32037
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    That video just proved to me that the mind plays such a big role in strength look at how good his first rep was then when his concentration was broken how badly if feel apart obviously momentum etc plays a part in lifting.

    Anyone else find the reaction of the two guys very funny.

    Scary shit tho when it goes wrong at that weight.
    I think the guy running the arms on the monolith was expecting Duffin to tear off his head and shyte down his neck.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  38. #32038
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I think the guy running the arms on the monolith was expecting Duffin to tear off his head and shyte down his neck.
    It was def one of those lets not make eye contact it will only anger him lol. Luckily no one was hurt which is the main thing.

    I have straps at home ag they are an american brand for legs i find them good ill check the name again elastic without stopping rom

  39. #32039
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    ^^^ Thank you, sir! Much appreciated.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  40. #32040
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    OK guys, just got my shot and had a quick visit with the Dr. Ultrasound looks good (I.e. no impeded circulation) , MRI didn't reveal anything more than the last one. With my ROM and the results of my imaging, my Dr. feels.sure it was fascia tearing loose from muscle (sticky tissue). The bruising is taking so long to clear because of the depth of the injury. She did say that when I do things, I don't play at it.
    She knows I'm itching to get back to working legs, but suggested holding off for 2 more weeks. Also, she likes the fact that I'm wearing 7mm neoprene knee sleeves. I ran her through my usual lifting routine and she suggested that when I am READY to get back to working legs, that I wear my sleeves during leg extensions, but that I consider purchasing a set of wraps for use for hacks, reverse hacks, and leg presses. She said I don't need the heavy wraps that prevent the knee from working, just enough wrap to support the knee while it heals. Like maybe a length that would give me 3-5 wraps around the leg max. It needs to be just enough to support the knee, but allow the knee to get worked/ carry most of the weight.
    So, I guess I've got some looking around to do to find something that would fit the bill. If anyone has an idea of something that fits that criteria please post it up.
    That's one thing I really like about my Dr. She and I can discuss Olympic style lifts, HIT, GVT, etc.
    Oh, also she says I should keep up with the wife helping me with the heel to butt stretches. Warned me again not to stretch for maximum pain, just stretch for a good amount of tension with a gentle hold. Said it should help out a lot with the issues I have with knee pain during hacks.
    So, I'm taking that as a positive. Um, I didn't ask her about the low dose Deca I'm going to add for a little while.
    Happy times nice man real nice

    just walk around with a wet suit on now that will aid support.

    That now takes me into a story when in Thailand an island called Koh Tao were I went diving, went to the dive shop to get fitted out for rental of suit and they didn't have one big enough, so had to go in without one. My mate was laughing because he said I looked 3 times as big under water and I looed a right cvnt, not only the other divers were looking at me but the fish were aswell....

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