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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #32081
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Ah, but that would to work the chest from different angles and if it cuts your pressing weight down so be it. You would go to failure, yet that would give you room to work your way up in weight on your b'bell presses.
    Again, it's just a thought and may not be feasible. You probably have to tinker around with your lifts to suit the equipment available and what works best for you.
    Thanks again, AG.

    As you mentioned, I do not own the DBs I'd need to start, and I do not want to perform too many pre-exhaust exercises in order to use the DBs I have.

    I'm going to think about it a bit and look at some other workouts that are posted to see if there is perhaps something I could throw in.
    Last edited by novastepp; 01-14-2016 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #32082
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Thanks for the reply, Marcus.

    What I was trying to say was, I cannot do a second chest exercise after I do decline Barbell presses. I am able to completely murder my chest with that exercise and have nothing special left to do another chest exercise. I could do DB flies and presses, but the load would be greatly reduced and I wouldn't be using much weight at all. I'm sure I could find the working set rep range, but it isn't going to be heavy at all.

    I am not at the level that I can do this for every body part, but when it comes to chest I cannot do a second heavy exercise.

    Hope that makes sense.
    I think its already been answered so I wont go on but its irrelevant what weight you do on the second exercise, so long as you hit your rep range and the muscle is under stress and you take this stress to its limit again you have done the job. Sometimes when I performed shoulder pressing first I would use some serious weight but my lateral raises weight would drop drastically but it didn't matter the weight may look I am holding a set of ear rings but I am in my rep range and my muscle is screaming for me to stop which is digging deep into the muscle fibers within the side delt.

  3. #32083
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    Marcus and others. Am I "supposed" to be able to perform two different exercises of the same body part in a session in your opinion? Sometimes I see guys posting how they do 2-3 exercises for a body part, and I just cannot make that happen. For example, last night I did chest. Decline Barbell presses. Got 7 reps up and ended on the negative. I racked the weight off the supports and jumped back under and performed 2 extremely taxing rest paused reps and again ended with the negative. After that I have nothing left. I tried. I tried my ass off to do some flat DB flies into presses, but all I could muster was 3 flies and 2.5 presses with...50s! I couldn't even fly or press my 80s a single rep. I'm getting better and better at HIT and have learned a ton from the advice here, but as I said, I see guys doing 2-3 different exercises and I just cannot do it. I go all out on that one exercise and I'm nuked.
    For chest I do 2 excercises for 6 sets total

    Back I do 2 main excercises for 6 sets but add pullovers at the end

  4. #32084
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think its already been answered so I wont go on but its irrelevant what weight you do on the second exercise, so long as you hit your rep range and the muscle is under stress and you take this stress to its limit again you have done the job. Sometimes when I performed shoulder pressing first I would use some serious weight but my lateral raises weight would drop drastically but it didn't matter the weight may look I am holding a set of ear rings but I am in my rep range and my muscle is screaming for me to stop which is digging deep into the muscle fibers within the side delt.
    Thanks again, Marcus.

    And that is it. Exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes hearing about a similar experience really sinks in.

    So I annihilate my chest on decline presses and then who cares what the weight is on the flies into presses. Use what I can and go for broke. I appreciate it, Big man.

  5. #32085
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I think its already been answered so I wont go on but its irrelevant what weight you do on the second exercise, so long as you hit your rep range and the muscle is under stress and you take this stress to its limit again you have done the job. Sometimes when I performed shoulder pressing first I would use some serious weight but my lateral raises weight would drop drastically but it didn't matter the weight may look I am holding a set of ear rings but I am in my rep range and my muscle is screaming for me to stop which is digging deep into the muscle fibers within the side delt.
    ^^^^ this

    I can press 100lb dumbells with ease. By my 3rd set while training with one of the HIT originals I was down to 45lb dumbells. They felt like 100lbs tho haha

  6. #32086
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For chest I do 2 excercises for 6 sets total

    Back I do 2 main excercises for 6 sets but add pullovers at the end
    Thanks, Haz.

    I appreciated your help before as well, and I knew you were very minimal on exercises as well.

    Its helpful to know that you are using those drop sets and really digging in on only a couple of your favorite exercises. Thank you for sharing all of that info too, I'm sure it helped more than me.

    Do you use a pullover machine, or are you laying on the bench?

  7. #32087
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    ^^^^ this

    I can press 100lb dumbells with ease. By my 3rd set while training with one of the HIT originals I was down to 45lb dumbells. They felt like 100lbs tho haha
    Thanks for reminding me of that. Because although I could only use the 50's as my working weight, they felt like they were going to crush me.

  8. #32088
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Thanks for the reply, Nach.

    I enjoy pre-exhausting every once in a while, and to be honest I appreciate you mentioning that the weight doesn't matter. I do tell myself at times to "work the muscle" I even say it out loud when the load is reduced due to fatigue.

    I honestly feel I get the greatest, deepest, workout from the heavy decline presses. I want to keep them heavy. I don't know what it is, but I can really feel the exercise and it feels better and deeper than any other exercise with the exception of DB preacher curls for biceps being a close second.
    Gotcha - what about just going to a lighter bell after your decline BB?! Weight does not matter! if they're 30s or 70s your still doing the same damage - so as long as your hitting true failure(in your rep range)! I fact if you weren't(or close) you would be useless using heavier weights for nothing(as you'd be holding reps back)!

    Edit * I'm a slow typer guys lol
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-14-2016 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #32089
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Gotcha - what about just going to a lighter bell after your decline BB?! Weight does not matter! if they're 30s or 70s your still doing the same damage - so as long as your hitting true failure! I fact if you weren't(or close) you would be using heavier weights for nothing(as you'd be holding reps back!

    Edit * I'm a slow typer guys lol
    Thanks again, Nach.

    I agree with you 100%. I'm just going to use those DBs and maybe even do a slight incline like you. I suppose it is a good thing that I cannot lift shit after my first exercise. I'll use what I need to use and hopefully encourage some more growth.

  10. #32090
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Thanks, Haz.

    I appreciated your help before as well, and I knew you were very minimal on exercises as well.

    Its helpful to know that you are using those drop sets and really digging in on only a couple of your favorite exercises. Thank you for sharing all of that info too, I'm sure it helped more than me.

    Do you use a pullover machine, or are you laying on the bench?
    I found a video Haz, Marcus posted it in a now closed thread, and wanted to add it here because it is DY explaining why using pullovers (machine) at the beginning of the back workout would help exhaust the lats before the arms. You're smart for using them in your back routine, my friend.

    The whole video is great, the part about pullovers begins at 9:20.

  11. #32091
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    Great little cardio session this morning fellas! Did some good stretching. Still super sore. Getting ready to eat and head to work since I didn't win the 1.5 billion. Overall feeling pretty good.

    Nova i'll through my .2 cent in. Which it's already been said. I just use whatever weight I can get my reps with no more than 12 but I want to stay within the 6-8 rep range myself unless I am not getting that good of a pump for some old reason then ill get that 10-12 rep range. I don't care if I have to drop down to 20lb Dbs or whatever **** ill do 8 lbs if I have to. I just want whatever muscle I am working pop out of my skin when I am in full HIT.

    Like I said its already been covered just wanted to say my .2 cents and hope that I am right.

  12. #32092
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Great little cardio session this morning fellas! Did some good stretching. Still super sore. Getting ready to eat and head to work since I didn't win the 1.5 billion. Overall feeling pretty good.

    Nova i'll through my .2 cent in. Which it's already been said. I just use whatever weight I can get my reps with no more than 12 but I want to stay within the 6-8 rep range myself unless I am not getting that good of a pump for some old reason then ill get that 10-12 rep range. I don't care if I have to drop down to 20lb Dbs or whatever **** ill do 8 lbs if I have to. I just want whatever muscle I am working pop out of my skin when I am in full HIT.

    Like I said its already been covered just wanted to say my .2 cents and hope that I am right.
    Appreciate it, Bod. I'm right there with ya.

  13. #32093
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    Incline press 1 feel 2 working sets

    Hammer strength flat press.. Same as above


    Cable crossovers

    30 minutes low intensity cardio and done

  14. #32094
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    Seriously guys, thank you very much for exposing me more and more to Mr. Yates' teachings.

    The more I read and watch, the more I see how it directly applies to me and what works!

    Here is a counterpart video to the one above and here Dorian is discussing chest.

  15. #32095
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    Did back the night guys, Great session

    WG pd 1 working 1 drop

    CG pd 1 working DD

    Straight arm pd 1 working DD

    Seated row 1 working TD

    One arm row 1 working one drop. Cable

    BB rows 3 sets heavy ish

    Deads 3 sets


    Back/lats was and are still fried.

  16. #32096
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    Marcus - fvck you!!

    I followed the leg routine, as per your post on page 41. Lets say im shaking, and my supper is outside the gym in the carpark.

  17. #32097
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Marcus - fvck you!!

    I followed the leg routine, as per your post on page 41. Lets say im shaking, and my supper is outside the gym in the carpark.

    LMFAO your welcome, enjoy

  18. #32098
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr
    Marcus - fvck you!! I followed the leg routine, as per your post on page 41. Lets say im shaking, and my supper is outside the gym in the carpark.
    we have all been there at some point. I have said it before and I'll say it again in a sick sort of way I like it though

  19. #32099
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Seriously guys, thank you very much for exposing me more and more to Mr. Yates' teachings.

    The more I read and watch, the more I see how it directly applies to me and what works!

    Here is a counterpart video to the one above and here Dorian is discussing chest.
    Your better reading this thread if you want to watch them

  20. #32100
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    LMFAO your welcome, enjoy

    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    we have all been there at some point. I have said it before and I'll say it again in a sick sort of way I like it though
    Yeah. Felt better once it was up!

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  21. #32101
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    Chest/delts making up for yrsterday and I was much stronger than I had thought, aswell as my muscular endurance on point!
    Stretching abs TRX(stretching RCs) plates w/RCs etc a good 20min before w/o just on my RCs! What a difference
    Note** PRE-EXHAUSTED BOTH today(RCs were very sore and tight - raining)

    1. Incline Flys into presses(S/S'd) -- # flys/# presses
    Lots of warm up sets getting blood in the chest/anterior delts
    2w(70s flys) 10+/(80s presses) 8+ - same weights 7/5 - drop(65s) 8/4 chest just exploded it was very intense(45s in between)

    2. Vertical chest press(neutral grip)
    Pyramided up(stacked) 6+ TD avg 2-4 on drops

    1. Cable side laterals(behind back)
    3 warm ups 2w(6-10) DD(avg 3-5) - very slow - this was TUT

    2. Cable front raises w/rope - great pump and really hits inner anteriors nicely
    2w(8-12) drop 6ish

    3. Face pulls rope
    2w higher end reps burned em out

    4. Rev hammer strength press
    1w 6+ DD 4/2+

    5. Shrugs
    2w BB 5sec hold at top of contraction
    DBs - ran the rack 120s--->40s(felt like 100s) lol

    Killer session guys... Didn't think it would be as good but it was great! Weights took 49min which wasn't bad considering the amount of movements for delts(really trying to get my rear delts more symmetrical as my ROM is lacking so ART DTM is in order and needs to be consistent!

  22. #32102
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    Today's smoke session included the following:

    Military press:working sets- REST PAUSE 160x8+4+3 145x6 all reps are 4 second eccentric

    Upright rows: working set 105x10

    Plate loaded Side lateral: 45x10+ complete failure

    Close grip bench: working sets-REST PAUSE 245x7+4+2+negative 225x6+negative failure All reps 4 second eccentric and very little rest between sets

    Dips: 25#x10 warmup working set 50#x8+3+3+2 negatives to failure

    Strong Band pushdowns:12,10 failure was had

    Still playing with weight selection as I find my groove for this style of training again. If the weight feels too light I slow the eccentric down to 6 seconds.
    Last edited by Viking13; 01-14-2016 at 06:32 PM.

  23. #32103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Today's smoke session included the following:

    Military press:working sets- REST PAUSE 160x8+4+3 145x6 all reps are 4 second eccentric

    Upright rows: working set 105x10

    Plate loaded Side lateral: 45x10+ complete failure

    Close grip bench: working sets-REST PAUSE 245x7+4+2+negative 225x6+negative failure All reps 4 second eccentric and very little rest between sets

    Dips: 25#x10 warmup working set 50#x8+3+3+2 negatives to failure

    Strong Band pushdowns:12,10 failure was had

    Still playing with weight selection as I find my groove for this style of training again. If the weight feels too light I slow the eccentric down to 6 seconds.

    Hey Viking - welcome(never actually said this to you) good to have you in here!

    I've been implementing more TUT as well(especially if a feeler set is misjudged) then I'll either count it as a warm up then go again or do slow everything down if I feel ill go past our working rep range! It's a great protocol to implement(I have bad shoulders so I tend to like pre-exhausting unless I'm full bore HIT) - cycling and anytime I feel I can push out a good 4-8 wks depending on recovery!
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-14-2016 at 07:02 PM.

  24. #32104
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Weight does not matter! if they're 30s or 70s your still doing the same damage
    Can you define this Nach? How do you mean that weight doesn't matter? I'm confused bro lol..

  25. #32105
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker
    Can you define this Nach? How do you mean that weight doesn't matter? I'm confused bro lol..
    If I may, I was asking about my second exercise on chest. After I do decline BB press HIT style, my next exercise is DB flies into presses, or just DB presses and my working weight is extremely less than the weight I would press if I was fresh. We were discussing that if in my first exercise I truly made the muscle fail "the weight wouldn't matter" on my next chest exercise.

  26. #32106
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Your better reading this thread if you want to watch them

  27. #32107
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker
    Can you define this Nach? How do you mean that weight doesn't matter? I'm confused bro lol..
    Weight matters to a point. You don't wanna start with 40lb dumbells and do 50 reps. You want to pick the maximum weight you can use whilst getting between 6-12 reps. By the time you make it to another excercise you should be fatigued. You won't be able to go super heavy. So you pick a weight where you can meet the rep range. The idea is to fully wear out the muscle.... Then you can implement other protocols to take it beyond failure.

  28. #32108
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    If I may, I was asking about my second exercise on chest. After I do decline BB press HIT style, my next exercise is DB flies into presses, or just DB presses and my working weight is extremely less than the weight I would press if I was fresh. We were discussing that if in my first exercise I truly made the muscle fail "the weight wouldn't matter" on my next chest exercise.
    Thanks for clarifying Nova. Even though,i would still try to go heavy on 2nd one,same as first exercise.I go to failure on each exercise!
    P.S. Just to mention that I'm still new to HIT exercise!

  29. #32109
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    Taking it easy before work tonight. Icing leg and looking at leg wraps online. Bruising seems to have decreased a good bit while I was asleep. Ready to get past this, get back down to the shop, and get those endorphins rolling.
    Sitting on the bench/sidelines sucks.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  30. #32110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    Weight matters to a point. You don't wanna start with 40lb dumbells and do 50 reps. You want to pick the maximum weight you can use whilst getting between 6-12 reps. By the time you make it to another excercise you should be fatigued. You won't be able to go super heavy. So you pick a weight where you can meet the rep range. The idea is to fully wear out the muscle.... Then you can implement other protocols to take it beyond failure.
    As i mentioned,I'm new to HIT. In all my exercises i try to go to failure,especially the first 2-3 exercises..example: bench press and decline bench press i hit at same weight,2 warmups and 1 working set,in working set i can barely lift 6 reps...i start feeling tired after i finish all exercises! Maybe i am not doing it right,maybe not to failure,but at working set,i almost lift the double my weight!

  31. #32111
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Taking it easy before work tonight. Icing leg and looking at leg wraps online. Bruising seems to have decreased a good bit while I was asleep. Ready to get past this, get back down to the shop, and get those endorphins rolling.
    Sitting on the bench/sidelines sucks.
    You still on your blast, AG? Or did you return back to your TRT dose(due to the leg) :/

    Sitting in the Sidelines suck!!

  32. #32112
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    You still on your blast, AG? Or did you return back to your TRT dose(due to the leg) :/

    Sitting in the Sidelines suck!!
    I'm back to TRT now, but w/ the addition of 100mg of Deca/week. Just started the Deca so I won't see the benefits of it for some time.
    You know how it is. Miss a little lifting time and.I feel like I'm turning into a blob.

    Edit: I am almost fully stocked for quite a few more blasts, though. Just need to grab some more prop. Not quite comfortable with the quantity I have on hand.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  33. #32113
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I'm back to TRT now, but w/ the addition of 100mg of Deca/week. Just started the Deca so I won't see the benefits of it for some time.
    You know how it is. Miss a little lifting time and.I feel like I'm turning into a blob.

    Edit: I am almost fully stocked for quite a few more blasts, though. Just need to grab some more prop. Not quite comfortable with the quantity I have on hand.
    That's always nice to have that stock pile going(growing) lol

    I like that deca in there

    Oh I hear you on thinking we start looking different(flabby/skinny you name it) within a wk or two of less/or no lifting... It's our mind that we're losing
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-14-2016 at 08:17 PM.

  34. #32114
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Hey Viking - welcome(never actually said this to you) good to have you in here! I've been implementing more TUT as well(especially if a feeler set is misjudged) then I'll either count it as a warm up then go again or do slow everything down if I feel ill go past our working rep range! It's a great protocol to implement(I have bad shoulders so I tend to like pre-exhausting unless I'm full bore HIT) - cycling and anytime I feel I can push out a good 4-8 wks depending on recovery!
    Thanks Nach!!! It's good to be apart of this thread and community. I've enjoyed this style of training and am happier than I thought I would be training in this fashion again. Things are different for me now, as I no longer work out in a gym setting and I'm also older. So, I had some reservations if I'd be able to generate the same intensity I used to and how I would recover as an older guy now at 39.

    I used pre exhaust for chest and legs exclusively 14 years ago, I loved it. Pec deck to failure straight to smith incline for my next set of failure. Leg ext to leg press etc. Now I don't have access to some equipment so I've leaned harder on rest pause training, more DC styled training, which is great for my mentality and approach.

    I do have to figure out the best days off/rest split for me right now, as I know a two on one off/2 on 2 off won't work for me for long. I'm still studying my log and the pages here to see differing approaches. I'm also about to run a test/deca blast so recovery shouldn't be an issue lol.

    It's so awesome to have a group of guys all training in the same fashion to share ideas and help each other. This isn't the most popular style of training, for people that don't like to be uncomfortable lolol

  35. #32115
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    ^^^ that's the damn truth

    Glad your here as well, Viking! I love pre-exhausting, too! Really helps my shoulder(need a total joint replacement) but I've found 2-3on 1off depending on split works well for me... You know the score just tweak it so it's most optimal for you and your body!

  36. #32116
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    ^^^ that's the damn truth Glad your here as well, Viking! I love pre-exhausting, too! Really helps my shoulder(need a total joint replacement) but I've found 2-3on 1off depending on split works well for me... You know the score just tweak it so it's most optimal for you and your body!
    Man I hate to hear about the total replacement, but kudos to you for continuing to train and make improvements like a beast!!!

    I'll figure it out man, honestly it's just so much fun training like this again I'm having fun being in the gym more often lol!!

  37. #32117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viking13 View Post
    Man I hate to hear about the total replacement, but kudos to you for continuing to train and make improvements like a beast!!!

    I'll figure it out man, honestly it's just so much fun training like this again I'm having fun being in the gym more often lol!!
    Thank you, man! It's soo worth it... I'm just super glad I found this board and thread! I've learned so much and just continue to do so day in snd day out!

    I love getting in the gym and just training... Real fvkin training! We all have the same common theme... We love to train and definitely love pain! Lol

  38. #32118
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Thank you, man! It's soo worth it... I'm just super glad I found this board and thread! I've learned so much and just continue to do so day in snd day out! I love getting in the gym and just training... Real fvkin training! We all have the same common theme... We love to train and definitely love pain! Lol
    One day we should all have a ****ing HIT get together and spend a week training and sharing ideas. It would be like a painful vacation lol

  39. #32119
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    When we are all healthy ofcourse!

  40. #32120
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    Hell yeah! That would be something awesome, unforgettable, and priceless!!! Marcus would kill us lolol but it'd be exactly the experience I/we would all love/& want! Unless it was like the guys Hip he broke squatting... the guy asked for true failure and beyond
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-14-2016 at 09:42 PM.

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