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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #32361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Nach have you looked into a DTM lately?
    For my shoulder yes I go a lot... Adding ART too!

    I'm not walking b/c I did Marcus' calf routine hahaha

  2. #32362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    2 weeks bod?

    How long after u finished pct would that be?
    6 weeks Sfla

  3. #32363
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    For my shoulder yes I go a lot... Adding ART too!

    I'm not walking b/c I did Marcus' calf routine hahaha

  4. #32364
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    6 weeks Sfla
    Has it been that long already, Bod(or in another two wks it'll be 6wks)? Time is flying either way

  5. #32365
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Has it been that long already, Bod(or in another two wks it'll be 6wks)? Time is flying either way
    Lmao that's exactly why I asked

  6. #32366
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    Back from chest this morning

    Pec/Dec flies to warm did like 5 sets working way up.

    Slight incline dB flies (heavy) 1f 1w(75s new weight on this, well never tried going this heavy actually ) got 5 then dd

    Flat dB flies 1f 1w ( little lighter chest was already on fire) Dd

    Incline smith press 1f 1w (240...too heavy at this point, got 3.5 reps) dropped once...was moving to quick to get weight off must have twisted the knee a little...buckled out from me.

    Cables high and even super set

    Chest is on fire....feel pumped and full.

    How do you guys feel about only one pressing movement though??

  7. #32367
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Back from chest this morning

    Pec/Dec flies to warm did like 5 sets working way up.

    Slight incline dB flies (heavy) 1f 1w(75s new weight on this, well never tried going this heavy actually ) got 5 then dd

    Flat dB flies 1f 1w ( little lighter chest was already on fire) Dd

    Incline smith press 1f 1w (240...too heavy at this point, got 3.5 reps) dropped onceI would've dropped 2-3x with only getting 3-4reps but was it b/c of the knee? ...was moving to quick to get weight off must have twisted the knee a little...buckled out from me.

    Cables high and even super set

    Chest is on fire....feel pumped and full.

    How do you guys feel about only one pressing movement though??
    It looks good to me, Sfla! You basically pre- exhausted using two fly movements first(though they're straight sets its fine) you don't necessarily need to do 2 pressing movements(in a S/S fashion to exhaust your chest for pressing! I like that you did incline as well!

    Heavy flys into drops(straight sets) really fatigues my chest especially when starting with them and hitting failure on those will, imo, burn you out for pressing... I like doing heavy flys but be sure your warm b/c getting where your at w/those bells you can surely tear a pec

    Nice session brother!
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-20-2016 at 09:19 AM.

  8. #32368
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Has it been that long already, Bod(or in another two wks it'll be 6wks)? Time is flying either way
    Another 2 weeks will be 6 weeks.

  9. #32369
    marcus300's Avatar
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    20 mins doing RC warm ups and stretches


    Vertical cybex chest press
    3 warm up sets
    1 working set - to failure went heavy kept elbows close to the body- also added 2 drop sets

    flat fyles
    2 feel sets
    1 working set to failure plus 1 drop set

    Superset incline flyes and press - DB
    2 feel sets
    1 working set - both to failure, went heavy and RC felt ok


  10. #32370
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    It looks good to me, Sfla! You basically pre- exhausted using two fly movements first(though they're straight sets its fine) you don't necessarily need to do 2 pressing movements(in a S/S fashion to exhaust your chest for pressing! I like that you did incline as well!

    Heavy flys into drops(straight sets) really fatigues my chest especially when starting with them and hitting failure on those will, imo, burn you out for pressing... I like doing heavy flys but be sure your warm b/c getting where your at w/those bells you can surely tear a pec

    Nice session brother!
    Perfect thanks nach!!

  11. #32371
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Morning guys, gals

    Not walking so good! Very painful stretches coming up today! Gotta roll these calves out and boy is it gonna hurt wouldn't want it any other way!

    Have a bada$$ day everyone...
    Will be worse tomorrow

  12. #32372
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    20 mins doing RC warm ups and stretches


    Vertical cybex chest press
    3 warm up sets
    1 working set - to failure went heavy kept elbows close to the body- also added 2 drop sets

    flat fyles
    2 feel sets
    1 working set to failure plus 1 drop set

    Superset incline flyes and press - DB
    2 feel sets
    1 working set - both to failure, went heavy and RC felt ok

    Excellent!! Sounds very Marcus like very Heavy & just as intense!!

  13. #32373
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    My calves have finally recovered from Friday's workout...brutal.

    Honestly, used to work calves 2x per week before I tried Marcus' routine. I'm sure Nach would also attest, that it CANNOT be done!

  14. #32374
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Will be worse tomorrow
    Oh, I figured

  15. #32375
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    My calves have finally recovered from Friday's workout...brutal.

    Honestly, used to work calves 2x per week before I tried Marcus' routine. I'm sure Nach would also attest, that it CANNOT be done!
    No way in hell! If so you definitely didn't do it right or go to failure!

  16. #32376
    kelkel's Avatar
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    May have to try that calf routine. Need to get some growth going with them.
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  17. #32377
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    Been reading about this calve routine but completely missed it.

    Anyone mind linking it or know what page it was on?

  18. #32378
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    May have to try that calf routine. Need to get some growth going with them.
    You Sure... doesn't look like it from your Avi

  19. #32379
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    May have to try that calf routine. Need to get some growth going with them.
    fuk off you cvnt lol

  20. #32380
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Excellent!! Sounds very Marcus like very Heavy & just as intense!!
    I'm not 100% but getting back to regular training and also the intensity is going up, its all about my blood work next month, if I get the all clear I will be going full force the best I can with my RC limiting me but I will be back on to built and get rid of some of this bf

  21. #32381
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    fuk off you cvnt lol

    Exactly as I expected. Otherwise my feelings (if I had them) would have been hurt.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #32382
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Been reading about this calve routine but completely missed it.

    Anyone mind linking it or know what page it was on?
    This. The thread is so huge, and popular, its easy to miss things!

  23. #32383
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    This. The thread is so huge, and popular, its easy to miss things!
    I'll post it up when I find it(and done w/work) it's not too far back(780-90s I believe)

  24. #32384
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    I'm with you Sfla I missed it also. Coukd have been when I was on vacation or I just flat out missed it.

    It sounds nasty !!!

  25. #32385
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I'll post it up when I find it(and done w/work) it's not too far back(780-90s I believe)
    Found it. Page 789. I fully apologise, this is in Marcus' own writing, I'll get round to tidying it up for the rest of us with literacy skills

    Marcus's Routine
    The theory behind his calve workout was that the calves are incredibly strong resilient muscle and the fibers are extremely hard and tough so for anyone who isn't genetically gifted with large calves to start with they need to torture them in such a way it could possibly take you off your feet for a couple of days for the first couple of calve workouts. Remember they do thousands of reps daily carrying around 250lbs or what ever size you are so they need extra attention and torture.
    I will admit I don't do this workout often but in my 20's and low 30's I was doing this regular and the gym would stop to watch me and my partner who was a total animal at the time do these, they were good days and when you get 20-30 people stop training to watch you train it gives you that much fire inside anything is possible. One story before I go into the routine me and a friend of mine were training legs and we were doing squats, my partner was a big guy and was the no1 in his class in the UK for 2 years so he wasn't a fuking cvnt or anything he was a devil in the gym and also his AAS use was out of control. 
    Anyway he couldn't match me when I was squatting and I would load the bar wrap up and go through my pre squatting protocols and get the weight up and go to failure, yes that's right failure on squats isn't easy to do and you need a partner who knows how you lift. Anyway the gym stopped and the bar was loaded with many plates and away I went. Took myself to failure and racked it and collapsed on the floor gasping for air. My partner said that was insane and we went over what he was going to do, he said take me to failure but with his max for 6-8 reps. He said while getting ready KILL ME don't hold back lol, big mistake. 
    He asked me to slap him and talk shit to him, so off I went getting him to release his fire within, the gym was still watching and he said fuk me I need to do this look at everyone, I told him to concentrate and lift the fuking weight you fuking fat ugly cvnt. Anyway to cut this short because I am waffling again like I do, he started to squat and he was shaking on his 5th rep and I put my arms under his armpits and helped him with some more reps, he started to really struggle and I wouldn't let him rack the bar, I said one more and he did and half way up he failed and went back down even though I was lifting under him his legs just gave way which is what I wanted. He was in a mess and took him over 30 mins to recover and get on his feet, he was pale and blacked out a few times, he puked outside aswell. This was normal leg workout for me for years this was the zone I had to get in but obviously he wasn't going to true failure. Anyway the moral of the story don't ask me to take you to failure because that week his hip popped out and was fuked, he didn't squat again with me and had to have a replacement hip and was out of the gym for a few months and never trained with me again, lol Sorry for waffling but what I am trying to say when you do calves take yourself to a place were you never been before because your on your feet all day and your calves take a lot of punishment and if you not gifted like Kel in that department then you have to visit hell, and here it is 
    Standing calve raise
    make sure you stretch them on the foot plate all the way down and up, do around 40 reps with no weight stretching and tensing.
    Couple of feel sets same again the range of motion needs to be a full raise, all the way down and all the way up. Once warmed up and ready to go its time for the working sets
    start with the heaviest weight you can do what will make your calves shake and scream around the 8-10 rep range, I really need to make sure that at failure its failure and the range of motion is full on, you should be close to crying with pain by now. At this stage get a partner to help you push up your heels to contract your calves for another 2-3 reps, then take your shoulders off the pads but still keep your feet on the foot plate and start doing more raises but with a double bounce at the bottom, this is important, you need to do 25 reps with a double bounce with full range of motion. At the end you will be crying then get off the foot plate and just hold onto the machine with your feet on the floor and do calve raises again for another 25 reps, the reps will get shorter in the range as you start to cry and scream but carry on until they are done. 1st set done
    2nd set same again but reduce the weight by a third and go again in the exact same manner- pain is fuking horrendous then last set - yes there is 3
    3rd set half the weight and go exactly the same - you wont be able to walk out of the gym, oh and by the way if you get a cvnt like me doing the forced reps you'll be in bed for a few days due to the extremely muscle trauma.
    No need for seated, job has been done but next time round do the same with seated and not standing

    Standing Calf Raise
    *Warmup - 40 reps, no weight. Big stretch.
    *Warmup - Feel Set
    *Warmup - Feel Set
    *Working - 8-10 reps. 2-3 forced. 25 double bounce without weight. 25 raises from floor. 
    *Working - as above, use 2/3 weight.
    *Working - As first working. 1/2 weight.
    Last edited by krugerr; 01-20-2016 at 11:01 AM.

  26. #32386
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    Awesome ty Kruger

  27. #32387
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    Damn it Krugger... Lol I just found it too... 789 haha yours looks nicer too

    I stacked two plates together to get the full ROM w/a double bounce on anything on a platform or plate then to the floor...
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-20-2016 at 11:36 AM.

  28. #32388
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Found it. Page 789. I fully apologise, this is in Marcus' own writing, I'll get round to tidying it up for the rest of us with literacy skills

    Marcus's Routine
    The theory behind his calve workout was that the calves are incredibly strong resilient muscle and the fibers are extremely hard and tough so for anyone who isn't genetically gifted with large calves to start with they need to torture them in such a way it could possibly take you off your feet for a couple of days for the first couple of calve workouts. Remember they do thousands of reps daily carrying around 250lbs or what ever size you are so they need extra attention and torture.
    I will admit I don't do this workout often but in my 20's and low 30's I was doing this regular and the gym would stop to watch me and my partner who was a total animal at the time do these, they were good days and when you get 20-30 people stop training to watch you train it gives you that much fire inside anything is possible. One story before I go into the routine me and a friend of mine were training legs and we were doing squats, my partner was a big guy and was the no1 in his class in the UK for 2 years so he wasn't a fuking cvnt or anything he was a devil in the gym and also his AAS use was out of control. 
    Anyway he couldn't match me when I was squatting and I would load the bar wrap up and go through my pre squatting protocols and get the weight up and go to failure, yes that's right failure on squats isn't easy to do and you need a partner who knows how you lift. Anyway the gym stopped and the bar was loaded with many plates and away I went. Took myself to failure and racked it and collapsed on the floor gasping for air. My partner said that was insane and we went over what he was going to do, he said take me to failure but with his max for 6-8 reps. He said while getting ready KILL ME don't hold back lol, big mistake. 
    He asked me to slap him and talk shit to him, so off I went getting him to release his fire within, the gym was still watching and he said fuk me I need to do this look at everyone, I told him to concentrate and lift the fuking weight you fuking fat ugly cvnt. Anyway to cut this short because I am waffling again like I do, he started to squat and he was shaking on his 5th rep and I put my arms under his armpits and helped him with some more reps, he started to really struggle and I wouldn't let him rack the bar, I said one more and he did and half way up he failed and went back down even though I was lifting under him his legs just gave way which is what I wanted. He was in a mess and took him over 30 mins to recover and get on his feet, he was pale and blacked out a few times, he puked outside aswell. This was normal leg workout for me for years this was the zone I had to get in but obviously he wasn't going to true failure. Anyway the moral of the story don't ask me to take you to failure because that week his hip popped out and was fuked, he didn't squat again with me and had to have a replacement hip and was out of the gym for a few months and never trained with me again, lol Sorry for waffling but what I am trying to say when you do calves take yourself to a place were you never been before because your on your feet all day and your calves take a lot of punishment and if you not gifted like Kel in that department then you have to visit hell, and here it is 
    Standing calve raise
    make sure you stretch them on the foot plate all the way down and up, do around 40 reps with no weight stretching and tensing.
    Couple of feel sets same again the range of motion needs to be a full raise, all the way down and all the way up. Once warmed up and ready to go its time for the working sets
    start with the heaviest weight you can do what will make your calves shake and scream around the 8-10 rep range, I really need to make sure that at failure its failure and the range of motion is full on, you should be close to crying with pain by now. At this stage get a partner to help you push up your heels to contract your calves for another 2-3 reps, then take your shoulders off the pads but still keep your feet on the foot plate and start doing more raises but with a double bounce at the bottom, this is important, you need to do 25 reps with a double bounce with full range of motion. At the end you will be crying then get off the foot plate and just hold onto the machine with your feet on the floor and do calve raises again for another 25 reps, the reps will get shorter in the range as you start to cry and scream but carry on until they are done. 1st set done
    2nd set same again but reduce the weight by a third and go again in the exact same manner- pain is fuking horrendous then last set - yes there is 3
    3rd set half the weight and go exactly the same - you wont be able to walk out of the gym, oh and by the way if you get a cvnt like me doing the forced reps you'll be in bed for a few days due to the extremely muscle trauma.
    No need for seated, job has been done but next time round do the same with seated and not standing

    Standing Calf Raise
    *Warmup - 40 reps, no weight. Big stretch.
    *Warmup - Feel Set
    *Warmup - Feel Set
    *Working - 8-10 reps. 2-3 forced. 25 double bounce without weight. 25 raises from floor. 
    *Working - as above, use 2/3 weight.
    *Working - As first working. 1/2 weight.
    I actually didn't realize that the first set w/weight was less reps... I did 25 lol then you move on to a 45lb plate so you can get that stretch and double bounce going again... Then move to the floor - extremely painful!!! I thought about hitting too many reps on the weighted part(as we want to stay in that hypertrophy rep range but to true positive failure then everything after is all beyond failure....

  29. #32389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Back from chest this morning

    Pec/Dec flies to warm did like 5 sets working way up.

    Slight incline dB flies (heavy) 1f 1w(75s new weight on this, well never tried going this heavy actually ) got 5 then dd

    Flat dB flies 1f 1w ( little lighter chest was already on fire) Dd

    Incline smith press 1f 1w (240...too heavy at this point, got 3.5 reps) dropped once...was moving to quick to get weight off must have twisted the knee a little...buckled out from me.

    Cables high and even super set

    Chest is on fire....feel pumped and full.

    How do you guys feel about only one pressing movement though??
    If you can get the damage done w/ hitting only 1angle, hit your presses from another angle next time. I know what you mean thought, I like to get flat and inclines in there.
    Watch that dang knee!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  30. #32390
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    I am with you AG I like flat or a slight incline press and incline press on my chest. I have though had to use a lot less weight when I pre exhaust my chest because usually I am spent. I use a lot of energy pre exhausting. Great job Sfla on workout!!

  31. #32391
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    May have to try that calf routine. Need to get some growth going with them.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    fuk off you cvnt lol


  32. #32392
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    Krugerr, Bio, Sfla nice sessions guys.
    Last edited by clarky.; 01-20-2016 at 02:08 PM.

  33. #32393
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    Krugerr, Bio, Sfla nice sessions guys.
    it's nice to get in there after a good rest day!

  34. #32394
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    Did chest the night guys good wee session.

    Incline db press 1 working 1 drop

    incline db fly 1 working +rp 1 drop

    Chest press 1working +rp 1 drop

    Cable fly 1 working 1 drop

    Pec dec 1 working 1 drop

    Cardio 10 min and done.

    Good session guys chest was/is fvcking fried
    Last edited by clarky.; 01-20-2016 at 02:36 PM.

  35. #32395
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    .... Fvcking cvnt.

  36. #32396
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Did chest the night guys good wee session.

    Incline db press 1 working 1 drop

    incline db fly 1 working +rp 1 drop

    Chest press 1working +rp 1 drop

    Cable fly 1 working 1 drop

    Pec dec 1 working 1 drop

    Cardio 10 min and done.

    Good session guys chest was/is fvcking fried
    Nice clarky!!

  37. #32397
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.
    Did chest the night guys good wee session. Incline db press 1 working 1 drop incline db fly 1 working +rp 1 drop Chest press 1working +rp 1 drop Cable fly 1 working 1 drop Pec dec 1 working 1 drop Cardio 10 min and done. Good session guys chest was/is fvcking fried
    How do those rest pauses into a drop set feel, Clarky? I'm not sure I've ever done that. I may have to find a place for them.

  38. #32398
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    Back tonight.

    Weighted chins. Got 6 with a drop to body weight and got 5 slow reps. Ended on the negative.

    Close grip rows. Failure at 8 reps. Drop set for 3. Ended on the negative.

    DB shrugs. Higher rep. With static holds. 3 sets.

    Dorian style deads. 2 working sets with positive failure on the second set at 7 reps. First set was hard, but I stopped with maybe 1-2 reps left in me so I could hit another their set, the working set. I always feel better with failure on deads or 3/4 deads if I go heavy before a working set to really prime me.

    Upper back rows. Used straps at this point and got 8 reps with a slight drop for 2 full reps and a couple static holds and forced negatives.

    Ate my ass off afterwards and I'm still extremely full. Good night.

  39. #32399
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great leg work today:

    Working sets...

    Extensions: 2 sets 15 reps or so, slow and squeezed
    Verticals: 2 sets heavy, 10-12 reps
    Squats: 1 set, repped out with it instead of going up. Got 17, could have gotten a couple more but bar was starting to slide a bit.
    Smith static lunges: 2 sets, 10-12 reps
    Usual calf crap (for Clarky)

    Legs are feeling it and will be paying for it tomorrow.
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  40. #32400
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Great leg work today: Working sets... Extensions: 2 sets 15 reps or so, slow and squeezed Verticals: 2 sets heavy, 10-12 reps Squats: 1 set, repped out with it instead of going up. Got 17, could have gotten a couple more but bar was starting to slide a bit. Smith static lunges: 2 sets, 10-12 reps Usual calf crap (for Clarky) Legs are feeling it and will be paying for it tomorrow.

    Nice work kel. You lift at home? Just asking cos those verticals are hard to come across these days.

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