Epic arm workout this morning (might be mental or the 25mg of tne
either way destroyed it.
I'm gonna post my working weights so I have a visual of increase if u guys don't mind.
Smith close grip 2 warm 1f 1w (240) DD
Incline ez bar skulls 1f 1w (85) 1d
Ez bar push down 2f 1w (180 2 slots from whole stack) then triple drop
Cable kick backs 2w
Bent over iso curl 2f 1w (45) DD
Incline db curl 1f 1w (35) 1d
Hammer db ran the rack here. 1w 50s down to 25s
Close grip ezbar cables 1 w DD
Finished with some hanging knees, rope crunch, and side bends.
Was a great workout and very intense!!
The anti inflammatory for the knee is masking the issue cause I've been feeling pretty good. Long day yesterday it was very sore but when I went to do hanging knees I jumped up....and there the pain was.