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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #33721
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Mines extremely tight all the time, a lot of it is in the glutes. You would be surprised rumble rolling the glutes how much it relaxes the lower back, But ive been doing a lot of arching over the roller all the way down to the bottom of my sine to get flexibility into my back and also it will help to push the bulged disc back in.

    I find it hard no matter how strict I am at the movement is dead's, it kills me and if I do them all I do is one plate a side which is a womens weight but with bent over rows I lock my back into position and I can row some fair weight 3 wheels a side is easy for me and doesn't bother me one bit even if I go heavy my form is super strict and no issues in my back so that's why I do a lot of thickness movements and also if you have thickness it turns dark when you turn sideways, worse thing in the world is you disappear when you turn sideways

    I am waffling again but yes Bo roll all over the quads, lower back, hips, inner quads, lats and traps and also do the arching and get some flexibility into your back, do plenty of those lying on your front and pressing up with your hands while your hips are on the floor, arch the fuk out of it for 30 secs at a time 5-0 times at a time with 1 min rest.
    Thanks alot brother always appreciate your experience. I do lots of stretching for the lower back last legs etc but haven't tried the rolling. In going to give it a go and see if it helps loosen me up. Sometimes after training that low back will be uncomfortable all day long. I know its the muscle not the disc cause I know the difference now. I'll give it a go tomorrow

  2. #33722
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Back this morning, felt good so hit it hard Warmed up and did a lot of stretches BB bent over rows 3 warm up sets 2 working sets to failure seated cybex single pulls 2 feel sets 1 working set to failure close grip pulldowns 2 feel sets 1 working set with 2 drops straight arm pull downs 2 working sets higher end reps weighted reps 2 sets failure rolling the back afterwards and all good
    There you go ya cheeky cvnt!

  3. #33723
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Mines extremely tight all the time, a lot of it is in the glutes. You would be surprised rumble rolling the glutes how much it relaxes the lower back, But ive been doing a lot of arching over the roller all the way down to the bottom of my sine to get flexibility into my back and also it will help to push the bulged disc back in. I find it hard no matter how strict I am at the movement is dead's, it kills me and if I do them all I do is one plate a side which is a womens weight but with bent over rows I lock my back into position and I can row some fair weight 3 wheels a side is easy for me and doesn't bother me one bit even if I go heavy my form is super strict and no issues in my back so that's why I do a lot of thickness movements and also if you have thickness it turns dark when you turn sideways, worse thing in the world is you disappear when you turn sideways I am waffling again but yes Bo roll all over the quads, lower back, hips, inner quads, lats and traps and also do the arching and get some flexibility into your back, do plenty of those lying on your front and pressing up with your hands while your hips are on the floor, arch the fuk out of it for 30 secs at a time 5-10 times at a time with 1 min rest. ps Oh and stop eating like a girl, don't take offence, eat like a freak and you will be one, eat like a mouse and you will never put anything on. Hit everything hard and 24/7
    I am in the same boat in regards to tight glutes. It definitely affects the lower back as I have a few issues with that. I think it is also directly affecting my left hammy from the crooked pelvis with all the tight muscles pulling on it.

  4. #33724
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    I am in the same boat in regards to tight glutes. It definitely affects the lower back as I have a few issues with that. I think it is also directly affecting my left hammy from the crooked pelvis with all the tight muscles pulling on it.
    Try and rumble roller, its painful but so good just like a deep tissue massage, get the black one. I also get my lady to walk up and down both sides of my spine to crack it back in which helps a lot but the puncher marks from the high heels do hurt for days.

    JK about the heels

  5. #33725
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    Morning guys/gals!!!

    Back is super sore and tight as hell, I to am going to foam roll before working out today myself. I never really rolled my glutes out. I am going to give this a try Marcus. I have legs on the menu this morning. Not for sure if I am going to pre exhaust them before had or not.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!!

  6. #33726
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Try and rumble roller, its painful but so good just like a deep tissue massage, get the black one. I also get my lady to walk up and down both sides of my spine to crack it back in which helps a lot but the puncher marks from the high heels do hurt for days.

    JK about the heels

  7. #33727
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Try and rumble roller, its painful but so good just like a deep tissue massage, get the black one. I also get my lady to walk up and down both sides of my spine to crack it back in which helps a lot but the puncher marks from the high heels do hurt for days.

    JK about the heels
    haha, bring it! just can't have a fat heifer with heels!!!

    i use a lacrosse ball and a piece of pvc pipe, hurts like bloody hell!

  8. #33728
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    haha, bring it! just can't have a fat heifer with heels!!!

    i use a lacrosse ball and a piece of pvc pipe, hurts like bloody hell!
    Excellent tool to use those balls really hit the point and you can really break down the scar tissue and fibers

  9. #33729
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Excellent tool to use those balls really hit the point and you can really break down the scar tissue and fibers
    Man the first time I used a lacrosse ball I tightened up instead of letting it do its job - needless to say I started w/a tennis ball in my rears and scapula in my bad shoulder - can use a lacrosse ball now but I need to buy a rumble roller w/the spikes(I use the one my work has everyday -

    Never rolled my glutes real well but I arch the hell outta my body/back to put that pressure on

    Just finished my 3rd meal since 430am - arms today then legs to restart my rotation

  10. #33730
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Man the first time I used a lacrosse ball I tightened up instead of letting it do its job - needless to say I started w/a tennis ball in my rears and scapula in my bad shoulder - can use a lacrosse ball now but I need to buy a rumble roller w/the spikes(I use the one my work has everyday -

    Never rolled my glutes real well but I arch the hell outta my body/back to put that pressure on

    Just finished my 3rd meal since 430am - arms today then legs to restart my rotation
    When you come across some pain with the baseball don't roll it, just hold it on the area and let it relax the muscle for few mins before rolling it out

  11. #33731
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    I've got to buy one. My back is always tight. Office chair kills me more than working out!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #33732
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    When you come across some pain with the baseball don't roll it, just hold it on the area and let it relax the muscle for few mins before rolling it out
    That's finally what I've been doing just letting it sit in that spot big man - I try for 5min+ but it definitely loosens me up - what a difference than trying to roll it out - Fvk me that was some pain lol

  13. #33733
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    That's finally what I've been doing just letting it sit in that spot big man - I try for 5min+ but it definitely loosens me up - what a difference than trying to roll it out - Fvk me that was some pain lol
    I like the pain, makes you feel alive

  14. #33734
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I like the pain, makes you feel alive
    Haha knew that was coming - sure does... Just gotta breath

  15. #33735
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Haha knew that was coming - sure does... Just gotta breath
    Depends if the air pipe is open

  16. #33736
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Depends if the air pipe is open
    Lmfao... You sick twisted Fvk

  17. #33737
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Lmfao... You sick twisted Fvk
    That's what you would say if I was spotting you,

  18. #33738
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    When you come across some pain with the baseball don't roll it, just hold it on the area and let it relax the muscle for few mins before rolling it out
    that's what i do, and i feel a 'pop' when it somewhat releases. i feel that the tight muscle just rolls over it

  19. #33739
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    Appreciate all the info on rolling and working the knots outta the back. I have to do it daily and its a bitch especially when the DOMS sets in.

    Duffin has a few vids where he explains that to properly warm up for squats, emphasis must be placed on glute activation...which many overlook. Like Kel said, its the sitting and work posture that needs adjusting before proper training.

  20. #33740
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Appreciate all the info on rolling and working the knots outta the back. I have to do it daily and its a bitch especially when the DOMS sets in.

    Duffin has a few vids where he explains that to properly warm up for squats, emphasis must be placed on glute activation...which many overlook. Like Kel said, its the sitting and work posture that needs adjusting before proper training.
    Ive watched all Duffins videos, he is gifted

  21. #33741
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    Mr and Mrs Marcus workout

    5 mins - Kettlebell swings going straight into
    5 mins sumo kettle bell squats

    I was fuked

  22. #33742
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Mr and Mrs Marcus workout

    5 mins - Kettlebell swings going straight into
    5 mins sumo kettle bell squats

    I was fuked
    Great for conditioning - does she do the Biathlon(for comps) for KBs, Marcus?

  23. #33743
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    Arms ok - I wasn't working hard enough lately b/c today was epic and fvkin heavy!!
    Stretching abs RC ex's rolling(ball/rumble roller) more stretching

    Straight Oly Bar Curls
    3 warm ups 2feelers
    1w(135) 4+RP/1 drop(115) 4 drop +RP/1.5 drop(95) 2+ partials

    DB Preachers off incline
    1w(50s) 5+2forced reps drop(45s) 4+ 3forced 2negs drop(42.5) 2+ 3 forced into 2negs - super pumped and my biceps felt like lava inside

    Incline curls
    1w +RP+RP+RP lovely pain

    Hammer curls
    1w(50s) 7 TD - all included partials into 1-4s into no movement - best bicep work I've done in a long time felt strong

    CG Bench Smith
    3 warm ups 2 feelers
    1w(315) 8 drop(275) 4 drop(275) 2

    Weighted Dips I love these and am pretty strong on them
    1w(3 45s attached) 6 TD(a plate at a time) 2plates 3+ 1plate 2+ 1plate again 1-2 Tris exploded

    Hammer strength and hammer grip pushdowns - short head
    3 feelers 1w(175) almost stacked 7 drop 4 drop 2+

    EZ Bar Pushdowns
    1w(stacked) 5 drop 4 drop 2 drop 2-3

    Weights done in 42min and it was a blaster of a session drank a whole GL of water too feeling full lol

    Attachment 162068

    Attachment 162069

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	240 
Size:	734.2 KB 
ID:	162070
    Holding some water but things are starting to come along - any comments or suggestions besides eating more

    Btw - if I add any cardio atm I'll drop weight so that's something I'll start in the next wk or so(walking on steepest incline) obviously waist isn't where I want atm but im not stopping eating as Ive done before
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-23-2016 at 12:31 PM.

  24. #33744
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Great for conditioning - does she do the Biathlon(for comps) for KBs, Marcus?
    No she just keeps fit and use many training styles

  25. #33745
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Arms ok - I wasn't working hard enough lately b/c today was epic and fvkin heavy!!
    Stretching abs RC ex's rolling(ball/rumble roller) more stretching

    Straight Oly Bar Curls
    3 warm ups 2feelers
    1w(135) 4+RP/1 drop(115) 4 drop +RP/1.5 drop(95) 2+ partials

    DB Preachers off incline
    1w(50s) 5+2forced reps drop(45s) 4+ 3forced 2negs drop(42.5) 2+ 3 forced into 2negs - super pumped and my biceps felt like lava inside

    Incline curls
    1w +RP+RP+RP lovely pain

    Hammer curls
    1w(50s) 7 TD - all included partials into 1-4s into no movement - best bicep work I've done in a long time felt strong

    CG Bench Smith
    3 warm ups 2 feelers
    1w(315) 8 drop(275) 4 drop(275) 2

    Weighted Dips I love these and am pretty strong on them
    1w(3 45s attached) 6 TD(a plate at a time) 2plates 3+ 1plate 2+ 1plate again 1-2 Tris exploded

    Hammer strength and hammer grip pushdowns - short head
    3 feelers 1w(175) almost stacked 7 drop 4 drop 2+

    EZ Bar Pushdowns
    1w(stacked) 5 drop 4 drop 2 drop 2-3

    Weights done in 42min and it was a blaster of a session drank a whole GL of water too feeling full lol

    Attachment 162068

    Attachment 162069

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	240 
Size:	734.2 KB 
ID:	162070
    Holding some water but things are starting to come along - any comments or suggestions besides eating more

    Btw - if I add any cardio atm I'll drop weight so that's something I'll start in the next wk or so(walking on steepest incline)
    Looking good,

    how you feeling and how does the muscle feel and look?

  26. #33746
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Looking good,

    how you feeling and how does the muscle feel and look?
    I feel good now, Marcus just trying to cram as much food in atm
    Muscle feels hard as fvk and most dense yet - one of the regulars went to shake my hand and out his arm on my traps/back area and said holy fvk your like a rock under there(had a sweatshirt on lol)

    Other than feeling like I'm gonna pop im good - I just realized I can push harder than I had been(sure shoulder hurts bad) but I can push harder - I proved it today to myself - after last night I was thinking this so now Id say my mind is in a good spot... No more going thru motions
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-23-2016 at 12:42 PM.

  27. #33747
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Mr and Mrs Marcus workout

    5 mins - Kettlebell swings going straight into
    5 mins sumo kettle bell squats

    I was fuked
    i love those type of workouts!

    makes your heart want to choke you!

  28. #33748
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    i love those type of workouts!

    makes your heart want to choke you!
    Especially for time... It's madening

  29. #33749
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    Looking solid Nach!!!

    Hell yea!!

    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Arms ok - I wasn't working hard enough lately b/c today was epic and fvkin heavy!!
    Stretching abs RC ex's rolling(ball/rumble roller) more stretching

    Straight Oly Bar Curls
    3 warm ups 2feelers
    1w(135) 4+RP/1 drop(115) 4 drop +RP/1.5 drop(95) 2+ partials

    DB Preachers off incline
    1w(50s) 5+2forced reps drop(45s) 4+ 3forced 2negs drop(42.5) 2+ 3 forced into 2negs - super pumped and my biceps felt like lava inside

    Incline curls
    1w +RP+RP+RP lovely pain

    Hammer curls
    1w(50s) 7 TD - all included partials into 1-4s into no movement - best bicep work I've done in a long time felt strong

    CG Bench Smith
    3 warm ups 2 feelers
    1w(315) 8 drop(275) 4 drop(275) 2

    Weighted Dips I love these and am pretty strong on them
    1w(3 45s attached) 6 TD(a plate at a time) 2plates 3+ 1plate 2+ 1plate again 1-2 Tris exploded

    Hammer strength and hammer grip pushdowns - short head
    3 feelers 1w(175) almost stacked 7 drop 4 drop 2+

    EZ Bar Pushdowns
    1w(stacked) 5 drop 4 drop 2 drop 2-3

    Weights done in 42min and it was a blaster of a session drank a whole GL of water too feeling full lol

    Attachment 162068

    Attachment 162069

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	240 
Size:	734.2 KB 
ID:	162070
    Holding some water but things are starting to come along - any comments or suggestions besides eating more

    Btw - if I add any cardio atm I'll drop weight so that's something I'll start in the next wk or so(walking on steepest incline) obviously waist isn't where I want atm but im not stopping eating as Ive done before

  30. #33750
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I feel good now, Marcus just trying to cram as much food in atm
    Muscle feels hard as fvk and most dense yet - one of the regulars went to shake my hand and out his arm on my traps/back area and said holy fvk your like a rock under there(had a sweatshirt on lol)

    Other than feeling like I'm gonna pop im good - I just realized I can push harder than I had been(sure shoulder hurts bad) but I can push harder - I proved it today to myself - after last night I was thinking this so now Id say my mind is in a good spot... No more going thru motions
    Been said many times in here and you already know this but the mind is very powerful.

  31. #33751
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    No she just keeps fit and use many training styles
    I like Mrs Marcus training

  32. #33752
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Looking solid Nach!!!

    Hell yea!!
    Thx Bod... Waist looks like sh!t atm but I can get that squared away rather quickly - but not im not making that mistake again(I panic and not trying to do that) - I'll just start cardio slowly...

  33. #33753
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    Very solid nach!!

    What's waist size anyways that u aren't happy with

  34. #33754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Very solid nach!!

    What's waist size anyways that u aren't happy with
    Thx Sfla!

    I just like it to look better(more defined) but it's really not that big a deal - I know it'll come off w/cardio so im cool(it's more of a mind fvk w/me lol

  35. #33755
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    Great back workout.

    Straight bar Lat pushdowns. Kind of a warm up, kind of the first lift. Never went to failure on these before, never began my workout with them either. Moderate weight. Three sets and went to very close to failure on the last set. Will go full failure into drops next time, had to feel these out and get the heavy form right.

    Close grip, palms facing pull downs. After warm ups and feelers I hit 8 reps until failure. Second working set was for 5 at failure with a drop failing on the 4th

    Double DB rows. I'm in between DBs now, so I failed at a higher rep range, but still did it. Failed at 12 the first set. Then went back at it and got 7 holding the last rep until my lower back basically exploded.

    DB shrugs. Higher reps. Three sets of 30. Slow controlled and my form wavered on that third set.

    I wanted to hit biceps too, and I had, hands down, THE BEST ****ING BICEP WORKOUT EVER!!

    Ez curl. After warmups and two feeler sets, I was ready. I performed 5 full curls, then my wife helped me with 3 assisted reps until I had nothing left. Then I had her perform a resisted negative, where she was pushing down on the bar while I resisted as much as possible and I did 2 of those. Then I dropped and performed 3 reps then she helped me with 2 assisted reps and another 1 resisted negative then 1 regular negative which was nothing. Best bicep workout I have ever done.

    Finished with standing DB curls. I did 7 reps to failure on my right arm and 6 on the left, then dropped for 4 on both arms.

    Done and done.

  36. #33756
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    Ok, it's been too long between working too much, wrecking the truck, and the stomach bug. Still have zero energy, but drinking a coffee laced shake and headed to the shop here in a bit.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  37. #33757
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Ok, it's been too long between working too much, wrecking the truck, and the stomach bug. Still have zero energy, but drinking a coffee laced shake and headed to the shop here in a bit.
    Go crush it, AG!!!

  38. #33758
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Go crush it, AG!!!
    X2....kill it!!

  39. #33759
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    Ok, this is ridiculous. I get my shot tomorrow and I'm going to see if I can get a quick appointment with the Dr. As soon as I start to warmup, I had to make a mad dash for the house. Stomach is awful tight and a little distended. Beginning to wonder if I have a bit of food poisoning.
    Will have a go at it again tomorrow.

    Edit: Sorry about this guys and gals. I'll get back to EOD lifting ASAP. This is just demotivating as fvck. Been eating an extra cup of plain Chobani yogurt for.the past few days but hasn't seemed to help. Very frustrating.
    Last edited by almostgone; 02-23-2016 at 06:58 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  40. #33760
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    Damm ag get better man.

    Been there recently :/

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