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  1. #33801
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    It wasn't a post to state some are doing wrong it was a post to reinstate what you got to do to achieve your goals.

    Can't type for long on this fukin phone

  2. #33802
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    3k is my daily food intake for just maintainece with a 4k day thrown in twice a week just to mix shit up.

    Gonna fuking smash shoulders tonight
    I was eating 3100 cals making some gains, but I need to up it to reinvigorate after my pullback. I thought I had done that...and I didn't do the calculating, which I'm kind of ticked about, but I just must be in a mood. If I'm making progress, maybe I should just up them slightly, maybe more carbs in some meals.

    I just need to remember to always be making progress. I can do this.

    Damnit I love this thread.

  3. #33803
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    But I'm not going to let my bad mood abate until after I get out from under that barbell tonight.

  4. #33804
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I was eating 3100 cals making some gains, but I need to up it to reinvigorate after my pullback. I thought I had done that...and I didn't do the calculating, which I'm kind of ticked about, but I just must be in a mood. If I'm making progress, maybe I should just up them slightly, maybe more carbs in some meals.

    I just need to remember to always be making progress. I can do this.

    Damnit I love this thread.
    Bang in some.more carbs and small more protein imo. You will feel amazing with more carbs etc.

    Sounds like you have a plan which will help a lot.

  5. #33805
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    It wasn't a post to state some are doing wrong it was a post to reinstate what you got to do to achieve your goals.

    Can't type for long on this fukin phone
    ^^ lol big arse fingers don't do well huh lol

    Absolutely, Marcus! That's whatsso powerful about this thread!! Period!

  6. #33806
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    Getting pumped for chest. Haven't done decline BB in a few weeks now and I'm ready to endure the horror that is FAILURE!

    Honestly, it is by far my favorite chest exercise and it does the job beautifully.

  7. #33807
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    So shoulders tonight was epic. Was gonna pre exhaust but theres a guy I have been talking to on a few occasions in the gym was training tonight and he was just starting shoulders too.

    So we did db pressing. Felt good on the feeler sets banged out 2 heavy sets of my pb was really happy then a dd i was in bits couldn't lift my arms ha.

    Then behind the head lat pull downs concentrating on the upper part of the back. 2 sets again.

    Then supersetting heavy front and side laterals was in bits from these really hard but they were proper heavy I was on a roll.

    Then into db shrugs these ripped apart my shoulders and traps felt amazing.

    Then to finish rope pulls and a quick fire tris.

    Then 15 mins cardio. Home now and eating.

  8. #33808
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    Hard heavy and intense -
    Stretching abs rolling RC ex's walking on incline

    Back Squats w/SSB
    3warm ups
    Pyramided up(3w each) to 2w(heavy) 5/4(spotted) dropped 4x
    Then a burn out of 18reps
    Basically 5w sets of back squats including 4 drops & my burn out set -- I collapsed as I was being lifted up

    Leg Press non lock high reps
    2w(8plates aside) 25/16

    Walking lunges
    2w length of gym(hlf a BB court) up/back

    Done -- my CNS is taxed!! Im off for at least 1-2 days now -- had to get legs in!
    Weights done in 38min

  9. #33809
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    After a few guys like Kel and Marcus mentioned every other day training, I have been sticking to it and I love it.

    It's a beautiful thing. Been preaching it for years here...
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #33810
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Lmfao true bigman, but for the majority gaining that much weight "offseason" would upset them, and they'd lose a ton of LBM whilst cutting. See below of a Pic of Lee Priest, im not sure how far apart these images are, but you get the idea. Specially in after Comp, eat like its going out of fashion. Ive seen Cutler pouring olive oil over every meal because he just cant eat the volume of food needed. You ever see a Worlds Strongest Man thats lean enough to be vascular? And I guarentee at 400lbs, Brian Shaw has more LBM than anyone here :P

    To quote Metalject - "If you use more gear on a bulk than a cut, you're an idiot" (Or something similar!)

    Lee Priest was known for his DNP use though, along with heavy cycles to cut so much and preserve LBM.

    Attachment 162042
    Attachment 162043
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    I get what your saying but I'm not interested in getting that fat in the offseason. You have convinced me in the past to not be so stubborn but really look at Phil Heath in the offseason. He is huge but he also is about 20 percent bf
    I can't gain without holding some fat. Some people are gifted in this area. I know 2 people that can eat nothing but hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cream and soda but they remain huge and ripped. I am in the middle. I can eat a ton of food, even sort of dirty as I posted a daily intake last week, mostly clean but some dirt in it, 17K cals that day, and still not gain much body fat. If I don't eat like that I don't make any noticeable gains. Even at those massive caloric intakes I still don't usually get over 25% BF even on a heavy bulk. I have tried the lean and slow approach. I stay lean, but I don't make any noticeable gains in lean tissue either.

    Point is that some people can't take the gain mass and stay lean approach. I have to gain weight, a lot of it, and then trim down. That's just the way my body is. Some people can gain and stay lean and I envy those people but I can't.

    Phil Heath isn't a good example IMO because is incredibly gifted. Very few people can stay looking lean and huge year round. Arnold was able to do it. I don't remember ever seeing Dorian Yates holding much fat no matter what time of year it was either. I could keep listing people as that come to mind but I think the point is made. We are talking about Mr. O here. That's not a fair comparison. Another good example of a guy who can stay lean and huge is Lou Ferrigno. I have never seen him fat or even "watery". He seems to be able to hold 300Lbs of muscle at a very low BF% too. Every body is different.

    Lee Priest is known for getting looking more like a power lifter than a bodybuilder in the offseason. He does that every year AFAIK. I was at a show about 15 years ago where Ronnie Coleman guest posed. He was about 350 lbs at the time. He still looked good but definitely holding more fat than I had ever seen him holding. He said he felt ashamed to be posing at that weight but I'd bet he was still only at around 10-12%, 15% max. I think I read somewhere that he sometimes got to around 400lbs sometimes. So he was a proponent of the eat big, get big, then trim down approach albeit not nearly as extreme as some.

  11. #33811
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    After a few guys like Kel and Marcus mentioned every other day training, I have been sticking to it and I love it. Maybe since you're bulking and cycling you could go 1 day on 2 days off instead? The amount of time you have for maximum protein synthesis after a workout is about 6+ days when cycling, so you can afford, and benefit from, extended rest.

    Especially with how badass your workouts are, and you eating for 2 normal people.
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It's a beautiful thing. Been preaching it for years here...

    Same here. I've been doing EOD workouts for years. I accidentally found out when I was about 25 that I grow A LOT faster when I don't go daily. Sometimes I even skip 2 days if I don't feel rejuvenated enough yet when gym day rolls around. Growth occurs outside the gym. In my case at least, training hard and heavy daily was a mistake.

  12. #33812
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    Trying to play catch-up no reading the thread as I have been away for most of this week.

    Doing full body again tonight, will try upping the weight a bit though and see how that goes. I may be ready to get back into HIT sooner than I thought. After being away form the gym for so long I thought it would take a month or two to get back to where I was last year. Not so! I feel like I will be ready to jump back into it in another 2 weeks. This weekend, I will go back to my old EOD 2 groups per day routine but keep the weights moderate. I will attempt to go back into HIT around the middle of March but really it all depends on how I feel. Listening to my body, not my impatient mind

    Keep pounding the weights! This thread keeps me inspired.

  13. #33813
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It's a beautiful thing. Been preaching it for years here...
    Well it looks like I should definitely give this a go... One Reason being.... It works lol and NRG.... And I run extra hot when on... Burning up fuel like crazy - also whenever I rested for a day or even a w/e(or 2days in a row) I seem to manage my weight better(as in holding more) - I realize while on... I try to 'OVERCOMPENSATE' for having higher energy and the androgens running thru my veins!

    Lots of talk about eating big and making sure we eat even bigger.... i figured eating more/big would be easier(lol) I was maintaining at best - no more... I'm eating clean but not being too shy regarding if I want something - I am going to enjoy it(while bulking) especially since I'm not competing - love LBM gains but how can you get BIG by staying 10% all the time - b/c I sure find it hard w/out cardio or carb cycling which then drops my weight(especially when I would panic)

    Just sharing my recent and past endeavors or failures if you may...

  14. #33814
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Getting pumped for chest. Haven't done decline BB in a few weeks now and I'm ready to endure the horror that is FAILURE!

    Honestly, it is by far my favorite chest exercise and it does the job beautifully.
    Not touched a BB bench press in years, last time was decline and that's how I tore my RC. Before that I don't think ive used one for flat bench close to 15 yrs. Keep tight and lock your delts in

  15. #33815
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    I can't gain without holding some fat. Some people are gifted in this area. I know 2 people that can eat nothing but hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cream and soda but they remain huge and ripped. I am in the middle. I can eat a ton of food, even sort of dirty as I posted a daily intake last week, mostly clean but some dirt in it, 17K cals that day, and still not gain much body fat. If I don't eat like that I don't make any noticeable gains. Even at those massive caloric intakes I still don't usually get over 25% BF even on a heavy bulk. I have tried the lean and slow approach. I stay lean, but I don't make any noticeable gains in lean tissue either.

    Point is that some people can't take the gain mass and stay lean approach. I have to gain weight, a lot of it, and then trim down. That's just the way my body is. Some people can gain and stay lean and I envy those people but I can't.

    Phil Heath isn't a good example IMO because is incredibly gifted. Very few people can stay looking lean and huge year round. Arnold was able to do it. I don't remember ever seeing Dorian Yates holding much fat no matter what time of year it was either. I could keep listing people as that come to mind but I think the point is made. We are talking about Mr. O here. That's not a fair comparison. Another good example of a guy who can stay lean and huge is Lou Ferrigno. I have never seen him fat or even "watery". He seems to be able to hold 300Lbs of muscle at a very low BF% too. Every body is different.

    Lee Priest is known for getting looking more like a power lifter than a bodybuilder in the offseason. He does that every year AFAIK. I was at a show about 15 years ago where Ronnie Coleman guest posed. He was about 350 lbs at the time. He still looked good but definitely holding more fat than I had ever seen him holding. He said he felt ashamed to be posing at that weight but I'd bet he was still only at around 10-12%, 15% max. I think I read somewhere that he sometimes got to around 400lbs sometimes. So he was a proponent of the eat big, get big, then trim down approach albeit not nearly as extreme as some.
    Heath explodes in the off season mate and Dorian use to go fuking seriously over weight.

  16. #33816
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Heath explodes in the off season mate and Dorian use to go fuking seriously over weight.
    Yeh in a few of his vids he was proper smooth and big from what I've seen and same for Heath he hides his by covering over.

  17. #33817
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Yeh in a few of his vids he was proper smooth and big from what I've seen and same for Heath he hides his by covering over.
    Very true must and I mean most still do what they always have off season and contest season. The problem is not many see it due to the photo-shoots taking place all around contest time but there are a few videos of them guest posing off season and they are smooth as my arse

  18. #33818
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Not touched a BB bench press in years, last time was decline and that's how I tore my RC. Before that I don't think ive used one for flat bench close to 15 yrs. Keep tight and lock your delts in
    BB presses messed up my RC's too. I only use dumbbells or the seated chest press. I still do BB presses as a warm up but only with 135 on it. I never go heavier than that with a BB. Not worth it. IDK if I don't press correctly with a bar or if my anatomy doesn't agree with it but shoulder injuries suck so I just don't do them anymore. not trying to figure it out.. Shoulder injuries pretty much put your entire upper body out of commission.

  19. #33819
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Heath explodes in the off season mate and Dorian use to go fuking seriously over weight.
    Dorian got smooth but still looked pretty good. Seems like I have never seen him without abs showing. Same with Heath. I've seen some pics of him looking bloated but still vascular and had abs. Lee's gut looks like mine did back in 2012 after an 8 year layoff from the gym. It's amazing that these guys can from fatso to Mr. O in 8-12 weeks. Insane. of course, with that comment I made about pro's being vascular and still having abs, those guys are so big and vascular that it would take a lot of fat to hide it. Ronnie may have been 20% when I saw him. A pro at 20% still looks better than me at 10%. I'm not talking about size, just the way they look overall. Comparing my size to theirs would be ridiculous

    Got any pics or a link to a page with a fat Yates? I googled it and I couldn't find any where he didn't have some abs. I did find some of Heath looking pretty fat though. I never googled "Offseason fat Phil Heath" before but when I did, there he was!

    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Yeh in a few of his vids he was proper smooth and big from what I've seen and same for Heath he hides his by covering over.
    that's true too. A lot of the pros cover themselves in full sweats during the offseason. They don't like being photographed in the offseason. Just lie I wouldn't post a new AV for myself right now because I'm kind of fat ATM so I leave the older one up from when I looked better. lol. I get it!

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Very true must and I mean most still do what they always have off season and contest season. The problem is not many see it due to the photo-shoots taking place all around contest time but there are a few videos of them guest posing off season and they are smooth as my arse
    You've been around a lot more pro's than I have I'm sure, so I am not arguing with you. just saying I haven't seen any pics of those guys looking fat. The only ones I ever got close enough to shake hands with was Ronnie back before he was Mr. O but was about to take Dorian's crown and he was kind of smooth but big as phuck. I was standing next to him in the hotel lounge bar and he made me look like a 10yo child, and I am not that small. Ronnie is 6' tall same as me but he outweighed me by about 120lbs. his upper legs were bigger than my waist. I was in awe that a human could be that big and muscular at the same time. I was in my 20's and had never been that close to a Mr. O. class pro. I also saw Mike Matarazzo (RIP) guest pose. he was about 280 lbs and looked pretty good, but a bit softer than I was used to seeing him. He was huge too but Ronnie even makes 280 look small in the offseason.
    Last edited by Java Man; 02-26-2016 at 04:40 AM.

  20. #33820
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    Morning all

    Big rest day for me... My legs are smashed, back is torched... Things are good!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    More steak and rice in middle of night
    1c liq egg whites, 1/2c oats, 2scoops ONGS, splash of skim, banana

    5HB eggs, 2pieces daves killer bread, oats

  21. #33821
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    Morning guys/gals!!

    Rest day here also. I am pass due one. Might even rest tomorrow depending on how I feel. Hope everyone has a good Friday!

  22. #33822
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    Hello HIT'ers

    I'm back tomorrow at the gym

    wonder what I will do Mmmmmmmmm

  23. #33823
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Hello HIT'ers

    I'm back tomorrow at the gym

    wonder what I will do Mmmmmmmmm
    Awesome looking forward to seeing your workout. I smashed chest today. Lots of pause reps and negs. Should get more sore as the day goes on

  24. #33824
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Hello HIT'ers

    I'm back tomorrow at the gym

    wonder what I will do Mmmmmmmmm
    How's the shoulder holding up, Marcus? Mine is extremely tight and very sore - much needed rolling and getting blood in there... Oh and rest
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-26-2016 at 07:33 AM.

  25. #33825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    BB presses messed up my RC's too. I only use dumbbells or the seated chest press. I still do BB presses as a warm up but only with 135 on it. I never go heavier than that with a BB. Not worth it. IDK if I don't press correctly with a bar or if my anatomy doesn't agree with it but shoulder injuries suck so I just don't do them anymore. not trying to figure it out.. Shoulder injuries pretty much put your entire upper body out of commission.
    It's how I re-injured my bad shoulder - going heavy on a BB - won't touch one(unless smith inclines) ever again - DBs and actually liking the vertical chest press(w/various hand positions - neutral/high and wide/lower and wide) etc much easier on shoulder -

    I've really gotta lock into my lifts(blades/& scaps must be locked in very tight to do any pressing

  26. #33826
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Not touched a BB bench press in years, last time was decline and that's how I tore my RC. Before that I don't think ive used one for flat bench close to 15 yrs. Keep tight and lock your delts in
    I realize many guys feel this way, and with injuries I don't blame you at all for avoiding it.

    I had a pretty impinged right shoulder last year and I attributed it completely to flat barbell bench press. After you and others turned me on to Dorian's teachings and others, I understand and appreciate that flat bb bench is "a shitty exercise".

    That being said, I took time away from it and my shoulder has recovered. Personally, I find that with decline BB bench I am able to properly keep my scapulas deep under my back and keep my arms and shoulders locked at my side. I have had no issues with this exercise because of this.

    I also use DBs for other chest movements, and the only chest movement using a barbell in which I feel absolutely stable, is the decline. Flat and incline does not feel the same so I will not do them.

  27. #33827
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    Helluva chest workout last night.

    after warm ups and feelers...

    Decline BB: 9 at failure, then 5 until failure then a drop for 2 at failure (haha) then a large drop, still only got 6

    Slight incline DB: 8 at failure, then 4 at failure then a drop for 4 again.

    Did some resistance band stretching and flexing for a minute or two.

    Learning lat raises: 2 sets to failure on each arm

    Incline lat raises to change the resistance curve: heavy, 7/6 for each arm, then second set was 3/4 with a drop for 6 on each arm (all to failure)

    Finished with triceps, skulls: 8 at failure, then 5 with a drop for 3.

    Overhead DB ext: double arms, got 10 at failure, then 7 at failre with a significant drop for 6.

    Boom, roasted.

  28. #33828
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    How's the shoulder holding up, Marcus? Mine is extremely tight and very sore - much needed rolling and getting blood in there... Oh and rest
    Mine is still the same, I just wont have enough time off to heal the fuker, I am not right in the head so don't follow what I do follow what I say, make sure you rest enough doing this training guys.

    I'm going to increase more lateral movements even though it goes against the grain of HIT I need to get as much blood as possible in there with light weight and concentrate on flushing and pumping to the max before any pressing. So my warm ups with chest and shoulders is going to increase.

  29. #33829
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Helluva chest workout last night.
    after warm ups and feelers...
    Decline BB: 9 at failure, then 5 until failure then a drop for 2 at failure (haha) then a large drop, still only got 6
    Slight incline DB: 8 at failure, then 4 at failure then a drop for 4 again.
    Did some resistance band stretching and flexing for a minute or two.
    Learning lat raises: 2 sets to failure on each arm
    Incline lat raises to change the resistance curve: heavy, 7/6 for each arm, then second set was 3/4 with a drop for 6 on each arm (all to failure)
    Finished with triceps, skulls: 8 at failure, then 5 with a drop for 3.
    Overhead DB ext: double arms, got 10 at failure, then 7 at failre with a significant drop for 6.
    Boom, roasted.
    Nice session Nova...

    Question... Are you trying to hit more volume?

    I ask only b/c... Look at your Decline sequence... 9/5/2/6 including drops and all at failure.... If your truly hitting failure and your not trying to go into a highe volume set - why not feel out your set a lil better to fail at 5-8 then drop set but not too much as you hit 22 reps almost double what we are trying to stay in - I get to 15reps on some things and I know those drops feel so good, however, it's taking you way out of your rep range for HIT... It looks like a killer session... Just wanted to see what your thoughts are?

  30. #33830
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    Annnnnnnd all of a sudden I feel like I need another calf workout.

  31. #33831
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I realize many guys feel this way, and with injuries I don't blame you at all for avoiding it.

    I had a pretty impinged right shoulder last year and I attributed it completely to flat barbell bench press. After you and others turned me on to Dorian's teachings and others, I understand and appreciate that flat bb bench is "a shitty exercise".

    That being said, I took time away from it and my shoulder has recovered. Personally, I find that with decline BB bench I am able to properly keep my scapulas deep under my back and keep my arms and shoulders locked at my side. I have had no issues with this exercise because of this.

    I also use DBs for other chest movements, and the only chest movement using a barbell in which I feel absolutely stable, is the decline. Flat and incline does not feel the same so I will not do them.
    I don't avoid it due to injury it caused the injury lol

    I was a powerlifter for years and focused very much on form and still do a lot of breathing and bracing with all my lifts and correct form but I still think I am 25yrs old again and that's the problem. I suffer with the person I use to be and the person I am today, its a battle within me what I need to slowly get over because one thing is for sure I am not going to get younger so acceptance is something I am working on

  32. #33832
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Nice session Nova...

    Question... Are you trying to hit more volume?

    I ask only b/c... Look at your Decline sequence... 9/5/2/6 including drops and all at failure.... If your truly hitting failure and your not trying to go into a highe volume set - why not feel out your set a lil better to fail at 5-8 then drop set but not too much as you hit 22 reps almost double what we are trying to stay in - I get to 15reps on some things and I know those drops feel so good, however, it's taking you way out of your rep range for HIT... It looks like a killer session... Just wanted to see what your thoughts are?
    I'm glad you said that. I honestly did my previous HIT workout at a gym, and this was my first time back at HIT at my house after my 2 week pullback, so I should have mentioned there was a little feeling out and a little lack of endurance at failure in there.

    I am looking forward to next week so I can fail and drop in under 10 reps. Thanks brother!

  33. #33833
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Mine is still the same, I just wont have enough time off to heal the fuker, I am not right in the head so don't follow what I do follow what I say, make sure you rest enough doing this training guys.

    I'm going to increase more lateral movements even though it goes against the grain of HIT I need to get as much blood as possible in there with light weight and concentrate on flushing and pumping to the max before any pressing. So my warm ups with chest and shoulders is going to increase.
    I hear that Marcus! I've also Been doing many more warm up sets(especially on shoulders) and also using some lighter bells for tons of side laterals... Then I'll go into a heavy(ish) working set w/drops etc... And I'm going to finally start pressing again on smith(MP) but I'll also pre-exhaust... It's the only way I can even press as I'm as warmed up as I'll ever get!

  34. #33834
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Helluva chest workout last night.

    after warm ups and feelers...

    Decline BB: 9 at failure, then 5 until failure then a drop for 2 at failure (haha) then a large drop, still only got 6

    Slight incline DB: 8 at failure, then 4 at failure then a drop for 4 again.

    Did some resistance band stretching and flexing for a minute or two.

    Learning lat raises: 2 sets to failure on each arm

    Incline lat raises to change the resistance curve: heavy, 7/6 for each arm, then second set was 3/4 with a drop for 6 on each arm (all to failure)

    Finished with triceps, skulls: 8 at failure, then 5 with a drop for 3.

    Overhead DB ext: double arms, got 10 at failure, then 7 at failre with a significant drop for 6.

    Boom, roasted.
    You can go heavier on your working set lifts because the total number of reps including beyond are to many, bring them down and if you feel your not ready drop the beyond and just go heavy to failure but without doubt your playing with the weights if you can do 22 reps on the decline, Infact everything is high rep range so drop the reps and increase the weight and stop fuking around. Unless this is a pullback

  35. #33835
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I hear that Marcus! I've also Been doing many more warm up sets(especially on shoulders) and also using some lighter bells for tons of side laterals... Then I'll go into a heavy(ish) working set w/drops etc... And I'm going to finally start pressing again on smith(MP) but I'll also pre-exhaust... It's the only way I can even press as I'm as warmed up as I'll ever get!
    My last session when I was changing thing around with shoulder I finished with db press but I did it with a slight incline and that felt lovely, hurt getting the bells up and once up the groove was far better that straight back bench.

  36. #33836
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You can go heavier on your working set lifts because the total number of reps including beyond are to many, bring them down and if you feel your not ready drop the beyond and just go heavy to failure but without doubt your playing with the weights if you can do 22 reps on the decline, Infact everything is high rep range so drop the reps and increase the weight and stop fuking around. Unless this is a pullback
    I agree. Like I said there was some error there on my part hitting these exercises out of a pullback. Not really an excuse, but just what I was dealing with last night. I can do better and I will do better.

  37. #33837
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    My last session when I was changing thing around with shoulder I finished with db press but I did it with a slight incline and that felt lovely, hurt getting the bells up and once up the groove was far better that straight back bench.
    I do the same w/MP on smith... One notch back from being fully straight... I still can't use bells for pressing due to the ROM And how my shoulder is anchored in... But just that angle on the bench sure does Makes a world of difference!

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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I agree. Like I said there was some error there on my part hitting these exercises out of a pullback. Not really an excuse, but just what I was dealing with last night. I can do better and I will do better.
    I didn't know this was your first session after a pullback, if it was make sure you use feeler sets correctly and sometimes it doesn't matter how many you do because at times you feel stronger or weaker so things may need to be adjusted doing the working set, but you should never be doing 22 reps if so go to the volume thread lol

  39. #33839
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I do the same w/MP on smith... One notch back from being fully straight... I still can't use bells for pressing due to the ROM And how my shoulder is anchored in... But just that angle on the bench sure does Makes a world of difference!
    what do you mean whats up with your ROM ?, whats your rnage

  40. #33840
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    So if I need to up the bench at first. I was hitting 285 for 9 then 5.

    And I understand that, but my question is, if I were to up it to say 300, and lets say I got 6 and failed on the 7th rep: what weight would you use for a drop? I know there may be some variation in there for guys, but keep in mind I have to rerack the weight myself off the supports, strip the plates, and I do not have help with a lift off. Just curious what you guys would do because that may also be an area in which I can improve because sometimes I hit a decent amount of reps on my drops...

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