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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #34081
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Backswitched it up a lil

    Stretching RC ex's abs more walking

    Double DB bent over rows**new weight**
    3 warm up sets 2 feelers
    1w(90s) hit 10(counted as warm up) 30sec rest
    1w(90s) 6+ drop 4 drop(same weight) 3 +RP/1 maybe

    One arm DB rowshad to burn out first w/a couple warm ups
    1w DD+RP

    Seated CG rows
    1w drop +RP+RP+RP fvking brutal and blasted

    Straight arm pulldowns S/S'd w/rev flys
    3w higher end reps

    Seated long bar rows
    2w drop -- I was torched by the time I got here

    weighted Hypers w/EZ bar(70) and threw in some rear delt work
    3w each - higher end reps

    Weights done in 48min I was breathing heavy... Good session - rows upon rows - all my clothes are much tighter(Delts and lats) feels great

  2. #34082
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Backswitched it up a lil

    Stretching RC ex's abs more walking

    Double DB bent over rows**new weight**
    3 warm up sets 2 feelers
    1w(90s) hit 10(counted as warm up) 30sec rest
    1w(90s) 6+ drop 4 drop(same weight) 3 +RP/1 maybe

    One arm DB rowshad to burn out first w/a couple warm ups
    1w DD+RP

    Seated CG rows
    1w drop +RP+RP+RP fvking brutal and blasted

    Straight arm pulldowns S/S'd w/rev flys
    3w higher end reps

    Seated long bar rows
    2w drop -- I was torched by the time I got here

    weighted Hypers w/EZ bar(70) and threw in some rear delt work
    3w each - higher end reps

    Weights done in 48min I was breathing heavy... Good session - rows upon rows - all my clothes are much tighter(Delts and lats) feels great
    Nice big guy!!

  3. #34083
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    Aug 2009
    Nova and bod....this is the video nach is referring to. (I believe lol)

    Can't link in using phone. Here is a snap shot of what it's called.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20160304_175356.png 
Views:	194 
Size:	197.5 KB 
ID:	162200

  4. #34084
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    What's up guys...been a few. That damn flu kicked my ass.

    Did shoulders and back earlier in the week just never had a chance to post it.

    Chest dine tonight.

    Pec/dec pyramid up to whole stack and drop a couple times

    Slight incline dB flies 70s dd

    Slight incline smith press got 265 for 3 the drop once

    Straight set decline hammers into incline hammers

    Straight set high cables to low cable flies.

    Done in about 35 mins.

    Think it's time for a pull back.

  5. #34085
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Nova and bod....this is the video nach is referring to. (I believe lol)

    Can't link in using phone. Here is a snap shot of what it's called.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20160304_175356.png 
Views:	194 
Size:	197.5 KB 
ID:	162200
    Thx Sfla! I tried looking I'll have to do a search here too! I'll be off work soon lol

    Besides feelin' better from flu - seems your strength went wayy up - good sh!t my man - otherwise how ya feeling?

    Edit** no wonder i can't find it - wrong damn name - wtf - stupid lol

  6. #34086
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Thx Sfla! I tried looking I'll have to do a search here too! I'll be off work soon lol

    Besides feelin' better from flu - seems your strength went wayy up - good sh!t my man - otherwise how ya feeling?

    Edit** no wonder i can't find it - wrong damn name - wtf - stupid lol
    Look for lateral tricep something in title in the workout forum.

    The guy has some good tips in his videos. Watched one for biceps too...keeping the pinky up

    Besides the flu and feeling sick...I feel stronger, leaner, vascular. You know all the good shit test makes you feel hahaha. Just wish I didn't lose these last two weeks man.

  7. #34087
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Look for lateral tricep something in title in the workout forum.

    The guy has some good tips in his videos. Watched one for biceps too...keeping the pinky up

    Besides the flu and feeling sick...I feel stronger, leaner, vascular. You know all the good shit test makes you feel hahaha. Just wish I didn't lose these last two weeks man.
    I hear ya on that... Both missing the 2 wks and... Why yes we sure do love our test

    Glad your back feeling better! After being off for 2wks(ish) how long were you thinking pullback?

    I do like his videos as well - good tips for sure...

  8. #34088
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    I hear ya on that... Both missing the 2 wks and... Why yes we sure do love our test

    Glad your back feeling better! After being off for 2wks(ish) how long were you thinking pullback?

    I do like his videos as well - good tips for sure...
    Thinking 2weeks...and then hit it hard as fvck for the last 3weeks of cycle.

  9. #34089
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    What's up guys...been a few. That damn flu kicked my ass.

    Did shoulders and back earlier in the week just never had a chance to post it.

    Chest dine tonight.

    Pec/dec pyramid up to whole stack and drop a couple times

    Slight incline dB flies 70s dd

    Slight incline smith press got 265 for 3 the drop once

    Straight set decline hammers into incline hammers

    Straight set high cables to low cable flies.

    Done in about 35 mins.

    Think it's time for a pull back.
    Nice, Sfla. I'm trying to get some kind of respiratory crud, but think I got lucky and have got most of it out of my lungs and head. This crazy ass weather doesn't help. One day the high is ~ 72°, the next day the high temp is ~36°. Wreaks havoc on the sinuses, etc.
    Getting ready to crash and rest up for tonight's shoulder lift.
    Hope everyone has a bad@ss weekend.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  10. #34090
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Nice, Sfla. I'm trying to get some kind of respiratory crud, but think I got lucky and have got most of it out of my lungs and head. This crazy ass weather doesn't help. One day the high is ~ 72°, the next day the high temp is ~36°. Wreaks havoc on the sinuses, etc.
    Getting ready to crash and rest up for tonight's shoulder lift.
    Hope everyone has a bad@ss weekend.
    Agree with you AG... the weather is crazy here also. Kills my head.

  11. #34091
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    What's up guys,

    It's been raining on and off here... Plus temp drops and highs aren't anywhere close to each other... It's starting to Congest me as well - and I was dry heaving this am after pounding a shk and water... Stomach feels a lil nauseous atm - hopefully once i get moving it'll subside quickly...

    Have a great w/e all'

  12. #34092
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Ahhh damn, BG! Starting to sound like my R side :/

    You know your body - just my .02... go light... Very - just hit high reps... However, I've noticed that when I did very high reps for my shoulder... It had the opposite effect(hurt me worse)!

    Ease back into upper body buddy - obviously anything that hurts or causes pain - you know to stop and it seems your doing exactly that...

    Have you ever torn anything in your shoulder(RCs or labrum)?? MRI sounds in order :/

    Let us know how it goes brother! GL & stay strong!!
    No nothing big ever, just the normal pain, take some time off and it gets better. This time I had that pain, then I was warming up 2 weeks ago squatting and the bar with one plate rolled down my back. I caught it right before got to my lower back but it tore the crap out of my shoulder. I should have let it drop, It caught me off guard, I just wasnt thinking. It hurts when I carry a box, I cant push a screw gun to drill holes. Im trying to figure out med care, if not I think I can get a free mri but I have to lie a bit, which honestly I dont want to do. Im going to do exactly what you said, easy, not high rep, that wears me out I feel better the tren is out of my system, had a decent leg work out friday, felt better then the past 5 weeks.

    Its sad, I went on cycle and went backwards. I felt like crap, was injured and didnt train worth a poop But Im feeling better and will get going again. On a positive note when I was in Florida I saw my sister inlaw had voltaren cream and she sent me a tube. Ive been putting it on my elbow the past 2 days and I really think it feels better. Going in the right direction

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  13. #34093
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    What's up guys,

    It's been raining on and off here... Plus temp drops and highs aren't anywhere close to each other... It's starting to Congest me as well - and I was dry heaving this am after pounding a shk and water... Stomach feels a lil nauseous atm - hopefully once i get moving it'll subside quickly...

    Have a great w/e all'
    Feel better, puking sucks.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  14. #34094
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    Checking in here..... Been working late and more hours. On top of having two kids at home when I'm sleeping or supposed to be sleeping lol.

    We have some off time tonight and it was the fiancés bday yesterday so we're hitting a spot in NYC tonight. VIP status :-)

  15. #34095
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    No nothing big ever, just the normal pain, take some time off and it gets better. This time I had that pain, then I was warming up 2 weeks ago squatting and the bar with one plate rolled down my back. I caught it right before got to my lower back but it tore the crap out of my shoulder. I should have let it drop, It caught me off guard, I just wasnt thinking. It hurts when I carry a box, I cant push a screw gun to drill holes. Im trying to figure out med care, if not I think I can get a free mri but I have to lie a bit, which honestly I dont want to do. Im going to do exactly what you said, easy, not high rep, that wears me out I feel better the tren is out of my system, had a decent leg work out friday, felt better then the past 5 weeks.

    Its sad, I went on cycle and went backwards. I felt like crap, was injured and didnt train worth a poop But Im feeling better and will get going again. On a positive note when I was in Florida I saw my sister inlaw had voltaren cream and she sent me a tube. Ive been putting it on my elbow the past 2 days and I really think it feels better. Going in the right direction
    I remember you saying the exact same thing a couple wks(a wk) ago... Regarding how you were shifting more weight prior to adding the compounds(or at least the tren, but the deca seemed like it worked well)?

    At least you have a plan! I think you'll be good(much better) giving your upper body some time to heal... That bar rolling down the back is horrible(plus it's a natural reaction to try and catch it) I've hurt my shoulder plenty of times just reacting to something stupid that happened - it sux b/c your like Fvk why did I even try doing that

    Glad you had a good time in FL etc(seeing your Sis) - I've gotta try to get me some of that Voltaren lol I've heard great things... Oh btw - I'm feeling much better! I'm not sure but it seems some am's I'll get nauseous for no reason - im thinking if glutamine would help(w/that)? Im not too sure...
    I just hope you can get back to doing the things you and all of 'us' love so much(besides getting laid)lol... The rain totally wrecked my shoulder today - hurts to type(of lift my elbow off table) - rest day and a big feed day

  16. #34096
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    No nothing big ever, just the normal pain, take some time off and it gets better. This time I had that pain, then I was warming up 2 weeks ago squatting and the bar with one plate rolled down my back. I caught it right before got to my lower back but it tore the crap out of my shoulder. I should have let it drop, It caught me off guard, I just wasnt thinking. It hurts when I carry a box, I cant push a screw gun to drill holes. Im trying to figure out med care, if not I think I can get a free mri but I have to lie a bit, which honestly I dont want to do. Im going to do exactly what you said, easy, not high rep, that wears me out I feel better the tren is out of my system, had a decent leg work out friday, felt better then the past 5 weeks.

    Its sad, I went on cycle and went backwards. I felt like crap, was injured and didnt train worth a poop But Im feeling better and will get going again. On a positive note when I was in Florida I saw my sister inlaw had voltaren cream and she sent me a tube. Ive been putting it on my elbow the past 2 days and I really think it feels better. Going in the right direction
    Voltaren cream does a great job for me. I have a regular script for the Voltaren pills, but try not to use them more than a week or two at a time out of respect for my liver. If carrying a toolbox or using a Hilti gun is hurting you, defo take it easy on the elbow as much as possible.
    When mine is really acting up, I throw everything at it. Nsaids, ice, a sleeve, flossing it, etc. It blows when picking up a bottle of water hurts.
    Hope you mend quickly, buddy!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  17. #34097
    Join Date
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    Morning dungeoneers,

    Well I'm hoping for good a chest w/o... This rain is killin my shoulder... I fed all day yesterday and for sh!ts and giggles I stepped on scale at night... 213+ but lost about 4-5lbs of water at night... Eating and then gettin' after it!

    Have a great day all!

  18. #34098
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I remember you saying the exact same thing a couple wks(a wk) ago... Regarding how you were shifting more weight prior to adding the compounds(or at least the tren, but the deca seemed like it worked well)?

    At least you have a plan! I think you'll be good(much better) giving your upper body some time to heal... That bar rolling down the back is horrible(plus it's a natural reaction to try and catch it) I've hurt my shoulder plenty of times just reacting to something stupid that happened - it sux b/c your like Fvk why did I even try doing that

    Glad you had a good time in FL etc(seeing your Sis) - I've gotta try to get me some of that Voltaren lol I've heard great things... Oh btw - I'm feeling much better! I'm not sure but it seems some am's I'll get nauseous for no reason - im thinking if glutamine would help(w/that)? Im not too sure...
    I just hope you can get back to doing the things you and all of 'us' love so much(besides getting laid)lol... The rain totally wrecked my shoulder today - hurts to type(of lift my elbow off table) - rest day and a big feed day
    Thanks, glad your feeling better

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  19. #34099
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Voltaren cream does a great job for me. I have a regular script for the Voltaren pills, but try not to use them more than a week or two at a time out of respect for my liver. If carrying a toolbox or using a Hilti gun is hurting you, defo take it easy on the elbow as much as possible.
    When mine is really acting up, I throw everything at it. Nsaids, ice, a sleeve, flossing it, etc. It blows when picking up a bottle of water hurts.
    Hope you mend quickly, buddy!
    The gel is awesome, my elbow feels best in a while, Im thinking of rubbing it all over me

    I was reading, doesnt Nsaids take away the strength of the gel?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  20. #34100
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Chest Hit a PR for reps and weight on Incline today

    Stretching abs RC ex's static dynamic stretching - rolling w/ball rears and scaps

    Incline bench Smith first time on smith in months -- **new weight**
    4 warm up sets 3 feelers getting as much blood in my shoulders as possible(kept 5# plates with me)
    1w(375) 5 2forced into a neg drop(315) 5(no spot) drop(315) 2+RP/1 maybe
    Eyeball shaker

    Incline flys
    2w(80s) 8+/6 drop(75) 5+

    Slight incline press smith
    1w(315) 4 drop 4+ drop 4+RP/1-2 racked short on 2nd -- chest was torched by this time

    Slight incline flys on cables w/bench
    1w TD fvking fried

    Cables from bottom up(seated on bench) really isolated my chest - held peak contraction for 3sec/& paused at bottom
    2w 10/ 25sec - 7 drop 5

    Fvking great session today fellas! Weights done in about 45min... Time to eat! Btw I was 210after my w/o too...

  21. #34101
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    The gel is awesome, my elbow feels best in a while, Im thinking of rubbing it all over me

    I was reading, doesnt Nsaids take away the strength of the gel?
    I think using the gel and NSAID pills at the same time is contraindicated, but I never mix the two.
    It may just be my imagination, but I think the gel works better with joint pain and tendonitis, but the pills seem to work better for the occasional crazy muscle spasms that go with the heavy duty lifts? Also, I have been prescribed Voltaren pills and Flexeril together, but I have never used the Flexerils in conjunction with the Voltaren cream/gel.
    If I remember correctly, my mother had Voltaren eye drops for use after she had cataract surgery. It has quite a few uses.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-06-2016 at 11:48 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  22. #34102
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    What's up fellas,

    My chest is wrecked! Switching it up yesterday(from DBs to Smith) was a great thing... Feel it deep across the top part of my chest, & everywhere in between! Must have slept on my shoulder at some point too, it's kinda frozen ATM - gonna roll it out...

    Have a bada$$ day everyone, il be reporting back later...

  23. #34103
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I think using the gel and NSAID pills at the same time is contraindicated, but I never mix the two.
    It may just be my imagination, but I think the gel works better with joint pain and tendonitis, but the pills seem to work better for the occasional crazy muscle spasms that go with the heavy duty lifts?
    I agree 100%

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  24. #34104
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    Chicken All Day
    Hey guys/gals!

    Its been a few days. Figured I would stop by and say Hi. This week is going to be an off week or a pull back week nothing passed failure and I am also going to throw in more of days. Trying to rest everything before my next HIT cycle. Thinking its only going to be 4 to 5 weeks long also. My body just gets tired and feel beat to death after 4 to 5 weeks of it.

    Hope everyone is doing good!!

  25. #34105
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    First time posting on this thread. Leg day today

    Back squat
    2 x warm up sets (135 and 185lbs)
    working (245lbs)
    2 x 8 reps then pause rest sets down to one rep.
    weight was a little less than normal as I have one knee that has been bothering me for a couple of weeks

    Romanian deads on a small stage that allows more ROM as plates can descend below foot level
    1 x warm up set of 15 (135lbs)
    working sets (225lbs)
    started with 8 reps and pause rest down to one rep

    Leg press
    1 warm up of 15 reps (4 plates each side)
    working sets (8 plates per side)
    6 reps and pause rest down to two reps, legs burnt and didn't dare try for any more reps, not even one

    crawled over to the seated calf raise, a friend stacked on three plates for me
    4 sets of 12 reps.

    Sat for a while and then headed for the lockers - total time about 45 min
    Expected result - DOMS tomorrow and wednesday
    Last edited by DROY; 03-07-2016 at 09:12 PM.

  26. #34106
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    Quote Originally Posted by DROY View Post
    First time posting on this thread. Leg day today

    Back squat
    2 x warm up sets (135 and 185lbs)
    working (245lbs)
    2 x 8 reps then pause rest sets down to one rep.
    weight was a little less than normal as I have one knee that has been bothering me for a couple of weeks

    Romanian deads on a small stage that allows more ROM as plates can descend below foot level
    1 x warm up set of 15 (135lbs)
    working sets (225lbs)
    started with 8 reps and pause rest down to one rep

    Leg press
    1 warm up of 15 reps (4 plates each side)
    working sets (8 plates per side)
    6 reps and pause rest down to two reps, legs burnt and didn't dare try for any more reps, not even one

    crawled over to the seated calf raise, a friend stacked on three plates for me
    4 sets of 12 reps.

    Sat for a while and then headed for the lockers - total time about 45 min
    Expected result - DOMS tomorrow and wednesday

    nice workout

    let us see somemore

  27. #34107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Hey guys/gals!

    Its been a few days. Figured I would stop by and say Hi. This week is going to be an off week or a pull back week nothing passed failure and I am also going to throw in more of days. Trying to rest everything before my next HIT cycle. Thinking its only going to be 4 to 5 weeks long also. My body just gets tired and feel beat to death after 4 to 5 weeks of it.

    Hope everyone is doing good!!
    Very wise Bod

  28. #34108
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    The gel is awesome, my elbow feels best in a while, Im thinking of rubbing it all over me

    I was reading, doesnt Nsaids take away the strength of the gel?
    Might try some of that mate,

  29. #34109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Just doing some thinking this morning and wanted to share some thoughts and observations around HIT/rest and recovery, and making progress with less time training. Looking back on my own training posts on this forum 2 years ago, I was training 6 days a week 60-90 minutes per day. Always did high volume with often 8-10 sets per exercise and 4-5 exercises per muscle group. I always had some kind of injury I had to work around (usually elbows and shoulder). I really started embracing HIT about a year and a half ago and I love it more and more as I get more advanced with it. These days I train 4 days a week 45-50 minutes per and I've made more progress in the last year in both size and strength than ever. And, not saying I never have a few aches and pains, but I have nowhere near the pain I used to. I'm definitely a believer!
    Sounds great well done

  30. #34110
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    Morning, all. Been stuck in the bed the past couple of days. The respiratory thing kicked my @rse. I had been taking amoxicillin, but my Dr. switched me over to Augmentin. Chest Xray was a tad crappy, but nothing horrible. Think I'm on the tail end of it now.
    Defo time for me to restock on antibiotics, though. I like to keep several types on hand.

    As soon as I feel halfway steady, I'll get myself down to the shop to work shoulders. LOL, I think I've worked my back and abs a good amount from all of the coughing.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-08-2016 at 03:04 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #34111
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    Good morning hitters

    Had a killer back workout today lots of pause and forced reps at fail. Hope everyone has a great day!

  32. #34112
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    Ok guys got an hour before I get busy again but just came back from the gym.

    Just want to state that I am 100% believer in HIT, its built and maintained far more muscle than any other routine I've tried and I've experimented with many over the last 30 year but they is only one for me and that's HIT. I'm like robot and consistency is my middle name BUT.........................................

    With my torn RC I am struggling with my shoulder training so been throwing things around and doing things different because I am losing size from my delts slowly due to not being able to press like I use to. So I am going to post a session I did today which ive done 3 times now and ive got to say I look fuking good after it, huge pump but I am hoping it may help to regain some size or at least shock it before turning back to hardcore HIT.

    My thoughts for the routine were extremely short rest periods between sets, don't hit my heavy sets and my aim was a shock method like the calve routine so, I was looking at huge rest pause with halves, quarters right down to 1 rep. You may see by mu comments I am still intense and far from normal.

    Started with RC warm ups on the cable machine higher cable for external rotation and lower cable for inner rotation, got a lot of blood pumping around, trying to build what I got left in hope it will help with the torn section of one of my RC's.

    Started with cybex side laterals - why? because the pads on this machine are on the side elbow and I can lift some decent weight doing single on this machine and it doesn't hurt me, I can pull my shoulder joint into my scapula and lift the weight with my elbow and target the side head really nice and I can get weight up. If I use cable or bells the leverages from the hand to the side lateral head crates so much pain in my delt its pointless unless I am doing really light TUT training so went with the cybex machine which feels great.

    3 warm up sets each arm - hitting around 25 reps - reason to get as much blood flowing in that area as possible before my attack on the side head. Again this isn't HIT I am only doing this due to my injury.

    1st working set - got a weight what felt good and I knew I could do around 15-18 reps hitting failure, once I hit failure I rested and counted to ten and went again and hit a range of 8-10 reps at failure.

    rest for 30 seconds

    2nd working set - This is the one - mind set controlled. Huge working set. started with a weight what I het around 12-15 reps. Nice and slow no body swing pure side lateral, zero trap involvement was leaning towards the other side of the body while doing them to put an extra stretch and to target the side head and to take out the trap involvement. Braced and breathed throughout. Rest for 10 deep breaths and away I went again -hit around 8 reps same weight. Rested for 10 deep breaths roughly 10 seconds and away I went again hit around 5 reps and at this stage my side head is on fire and my body wants to straighten up to get my trap involved but I fuked it right off and told it to stay were it was. Rest again 10 seconds and away I went again hit 3 reps, rest for 10 seconds and did another 1 rep, rest again and away I went again did 1 rep but not right up and then I just pulsed the fuk out of the side delt, havles and quarters right down to about an inch movement until I could move - job done other side straight away due to the aggression I was feeling.

    Bent over at the bale for the rears - decided to do this because I can keep my elbow out and away from my body so it hits my rear delt just right, feels good and I can angle my bad shoulder just right so the pain goes away from my RC.

    1st set- 20 reps, rest 10 seconds hit another 14 reps, 10 seconds rest hit another 6 reps, started to feel it now, rest for 10 seconds and went again hit 3 reps, rest for 10 seconds and did 1 rep and carried on until I was just pulsing the fuk out of it. Other arm exactly the same, read delts on fire and struggling to lift arms up while resting.

    2nd set - same as above but rep range came down but weight stayed the same = totally fuked

    30 seconds rest next movement
    yes more rears with face pulls with elbows right out so no back involvement and rope pulled right at the front delt to target the rear delt. I could use some heavy weight with this so did

    1 set - hit 18 reps, dropset no rest, hit 12 reps, drop set hit 6 reps, dropset hit 3 reps, drop set hit 2 reps and kept pulling until I couldn't move the rope, then I saw some tiny plates 5kgs so went and bent over and did rear delt raises until failure repped and repped until I couldn't move the tiny plates.

    Seated should press on a rack machine set just above were my triceps are horizontal to the floor, beyond this my RC stabs me with pain the cvnt, so I am set up now, no back rest so I can swing the body into the right groove for the pressing without any pain in the RC area.

    started with a set and hit
    1st set hit 20 reps, rest pause for 10 seconds, hit another 15 reps but at this stage my delts must be growing because I can feel my clothes getting real tight around my delts and the pump was serious and pain was nearly eye ball shake but rest pause again ( no drops same weight all the way through) 10 seconds rest and got another 8 reps, reps are coming down fast shoulders are setting like concrete not use to this rep range, rest pause 10 secs and away I went again in serious muscular pain and pump and got 5 reps, weight feels like 4 plates a side at this stage, rest pause 10 secs and hit another 2 reps, landed on the rack rested for 10 seconds and pushed one rep out and slowly down in a negative fashion and landed on the rack -I was breathing heavy and couldn't really do anything else but I did and pushed another rep out and dropped it on the rack and went again straight away and did halve went again another halve then quarter then nothing about an inch - was fried.

    Looked in the mirror and my delts were in serious pump mode and sticking out of my hoody. Still with 30 seconds rest went right into smith machine shrugs, strapped up and just had a few plates a side and repped away
    1st set- hit 25 reps, rest pause 10 secs hit 16 reps, rest pause, hit 10 reps, rest pause hit 6 reps holding at the top and same weight all the way through but kept strapped to the bar, 10 secs rest and another 5 reps then rest and another 2 reps and just did halves and quarters and then let the bar hand while stretching my neck.

    Job was done, extreme rest pause little rest between sets and 30 secs rest between movements, serious and hurt like hell, new environment for me due to rep range and short period of rest time, had no chance to talk to anyone and I was totally zoned into what I was doing.

    Will this make a difference, will see but this wasn't pure HIT but was extreme and intense which is what I am about, no pain in the RC area because I used machines and movements what took the pain away and used my body position to help target the exact muscle group. Rep were all slow positive and negs and went right down to failure on each set and kept going, yes extreme high volume but cant do HIT yet but just thought I would post this because of some pm's from guys who suffer from shoulder issues this may help them design a routine what will push them into failure and hopefully growth.

    Hope this came across ok, I write to quick and cant be arse checking it,

    keep strong and stop fuking around guys with your training. Use the pullback for rest and repair then use the HIT period like your fighting the devil for 6 weeks, you HAVE to push past your boundaries in every aspect, Jesus eat guys stop eating small fuking meals unless you want to stay were you are yr after yr but want something serious were people walk away from you and turn heads train like a god and eat like your never going to eat again, you will get use to it. Fuk leanness, use the off season and on season to your advantage once you understand how this works you will master many things, there is a reason nearly all pros use it.

  33. #34113
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    shit I didn't know I waffled that much in the last post, sorry guys and I know it will put guys off reading it but had to get it across what I just did.

    now eating 8 whole eggs, while rice and spinach with onion mixed into rice, then banana and full bar of 80% coco dark chocolate, then two oat cakes which are similar to pancakes over your end but made of oats with blueberries and honey - just a small snack before my main meal. PS I don't eat like a women

  34. #34114
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    shit I didn't know I waffled that much in the last post, sorry guys and I know it will put guys off reading it but had to get it across what I just did.

    now eating 8 whole eggs, while rice and spinach with onion mixed into rice, then banana and full bar of 80% coco dark chocolate, then two oat cakes which are similar to pancakes over your end but made of oats with blueberries and honey - just a small snack before my main meal. PS I don't eat like a women
    Eating really does become a job. I am getting up twice at night to eat cause I am so hungry I wake up. My body needs the fuel to grow. Once you train your body to eat correctly its almost impossible to over eat!

  35. #34115
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Morning, all. Been stuck in the bed the past couple of days. The respiratory thing kicked my @rse. I had been taking amoxicillin, but my Dr. switched me over to Augmentin. Chest Xray was a tad crappy, but nothing horrible. Think I'm on the tail end of it now. Defo time for me to restock on antibiotics, though. I like to keep several types on hand. As soon as I feel halfway steady, I'll get myself down to the shop to work shoulders. LOL, I think I've worked my back and abs a good amount from all of the coughing.
    Sorry buddy.. Feel better soon and get rest.

  36. #34116
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    shit I didn't know I waffled that much in the last post, sorry guys and I know it will put guys off reading it but had to get it across what I just did. now eating 8 whole eggs, while rice and spinach with onion mixed into rice, then banana and full bar of 80% coco dark chocolate, then two oat cakes which are similar to pancakes over your end but made of oats with blueberries and honey - just a small snack before my main meal. PS I don't eat like a women
    Haha.. It's your thread big man! Hope all is well with you!

  37. #34117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Eating really does become a job. I am getting up twice at night to eat cause I am so hungry I wake up. My body needs the fuel to grow. Once you train your body to eat correctly its almost impossible to over eat!
    Ive done 24/7 eating many times to force growth even further and reach a stage were I was happy with, which was never! but I don't eat during the night anymore after time your body adjusts to the new found weight/mass and it becomes normal, but at first for many months its extremely hard to maintain new found size and that's were the little secrets need to be implemented to keep that growth coming and maintenance

  38. #34118
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Ive done 24/7 eating many times to force growth even further and reach a stage were I was happy with, which was never! but I don't eat during the night anymore after time your body adjusts to the new found weight/mass and it becomes normal, but at first for many months its extremely hard to maintain new found size and that's were the little secrets need to be implemented to keep that growth coming and maintenance
    I agree there is no way I plan to keep getting up twice each night to eat. I am slowly adding more food to my meals during the day and going to faze out the at night meals

  39. #34119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Haha.. It's your thread big man! Hope all is well with you!
    Its everyone's thread Igi

  40. #34120
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Its everyone's thread Igi
    10-4 on that Marcus.

    I've got a big presentation today and I'm a little nervous. I'm prepared though and just did 100 push ups to try to calm the nerves.

    The triple mocha latte may not be helping haha!

    Wish me luck guys.

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