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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #34201
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    You've got a lot going on with that shoulder and IMHO it isn't going to replace what you have lost. On the other hand, I think the injury is a d@mn good reason to give it a try, just don't expect a miracle and don't run aggressive doses.
    I ran pharma years ago @ 2-3 iu 5on, 2 off for over 11 months just because I was getting old and it does help some. I mainly noticed a difference in my skin, my sleep quality, and general aches and pains.
    Again, I would run conservative doses and ramp up slowly or I'm afraid you'll have more joint problems and pains then you have now.
    Just my 2 cc/opinion, some of the other guys may have more advice on running moderate to high doses.
    Thx a lot, AG! I believe you are correct in running a low dose over a long period of time would be most wise, and optimal! And just as BG stated I've got nothing to lose and most to gain from it and other work I'll be doing on it! The sleep could very well help me... Recovery wise, and also just a more sound sleep(im up every 2 hrs on a good night)!

    I very much appreciate & value your guys' opinions! I gotta say though that delt w/o that Marcus posted and the one I did yesterday... My delts(my caps/& my rears are actually sore to the touch... I thought I had bruised my delt but it's just painful from the pump of the volume & RPs until nothing was moving!

    Thx again fellas!

  2. #34202
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Morning guys and girls, ohh ma back is sore the day
    Heading to work shortly finish at 1 then i'll go for a session. Bi's the day so i will report back later.
    Elbows are giving me a wee bit jip still, wrists are still the same but i got new wraps neo g and they are really helping.

  3. #34203
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    Did back last night I am sore after the assault really focusing on the squeeze and time under tension lately.

    Then did arms and cardio this morning gonna chill fir the rest of the day.

    Great to see everyone shredding it up this week in the gym

  4. #34204
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    Chicken All Day
    Clocking in this morning fellas!!

    Delts are sore and legs are still crushed.

    Do you guys get sore on your pull back week? Fxck I am going to need to have a pull back week from my pull back week. It had been a good week of training. I think I just got caught up in the moment at the gym and might have pushed it a little to much this week for a pull back guys.

    Going in this morning and stretching and and walking for 15-20 on treadmill and thats it. Even if I have to drag my own ass out. I need to recover and rest. I have to work straight through the weekend.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

  5. #34205
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    Morning fellas,
    Good stuff, Clarky, DCI, Bod!

    Im feeding then going in to tear something up! Hope you all have a great w/e!
    I'll be reporting back!

  6. #34206
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    Good morning hitters.... I tore up back this morning. Happy Saturday everyone

  7. #34207
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I went through a rough couple of weeks. I became a bit depressed, gym was wrecked, fighting at home and Im at the end of my patience at work. Im pulling out of it right now, homes good again , gym is turning around (TY Voleran gel) and Ill see about work. I was getting attacked from all sides.

    Monday Legs

    Extensions pretty heavy, paused
    Curls moderate weight paused
    Deads working set of 10, then heavy set of 5

    Wed Upper body

    Bi's felt good
    Tri's ropes ok, then cable extensions started to aggravate my tri/shoulder so I stopped
    Back good
    Chest I can definitely tell its where my tri attaches to my shoulder. After letting it rest I was really able to feel it. After a few sets of dumbbells it actually got better so I think its something I can work through

    Friday Legs

    Horrible. I come in and a little girl is squatting, no biggie, forces more warm up and she squats seriously. But Because I was fuking around, this guy I have been avoiding for 12 years, 3 gyms makes his move. Now he just started juicing so he's at that annoying pacing around , trying to show off stage. He ask's me to spot him, he's going to failure, no wait.......... beyond he says. So after a normal set of 4 he racks, I dont say a word, walk away put my ear phones in. So Im sitting down, getting ready because I got the rack and he puts his stuff on the bench Im sitting on and I can tell he wants to talk. But Im a rock, I dont budge, never all night ever making eye contact again. But he decides to dead lift right behind, to my side. He's pacing around, slamming shit in my head head so bad. So Im warming up 315 I start, no belt so I just do 8 because I got pissed. Then I usually go right to 405, but I decide 365 to make up for cutting 315 short. Belt on step back, no knee wraps, I get pissed, go down, my stance was very narrow, threw me off, I kept going but felt something in my right inner quad pull so I racked it. Sure enough I couldnt press no more. I was out of my mind, my boy came over and calmed me down. I did some cardio and abs went home. Im going to the small gym today and going to try some more upper body, Im not happy with the way I look, my arms are muscular, but small, like I see older guys walk around with when the are at the point of maintaining. Fuk that, Im going to get some GH when my mate gets his shit together and get my size back. This shit sucks.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #34208
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    Baking chicken
    Im sure a chop to the neck was in order - especially if you were on Tren

    GH for me too, buddy!

  9. #34209
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Clocking in this morning fellas!!

    Delts are sore and legs are still crushed.

    Do you guys get sore on your pull back week? Fxck I am going to need to have a pull back week from my pull back week. It had been a good week of training. I think I just got caught up in the moment at the gym and might have pushed it a little to much this week for a pull back guys.

    Going in this morning and stretching and and walking for 15-20 on treadmill and thats it. Even if I have to drag my own ass out. I need to recover and rest. I have to work straight through the weekend.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!!
    Aye a still get sore on a pull back bod. I stop HIT then do sets high rep it's no where near at all as intense as HIT but a change so keeps the muscle guessing.
    Just my take on it bod as it works for me then when am ready back to full bore HIT

  10. #34210
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    Sep 2012
    Did bi's the day great wee session

    Standing db curls 1 working +rp 1 drop

    Incline db curl 1 working +rp 1 drop

    Drag curls 3 sets 6-8reps holding every one (smith)

    Db preacher 1 working 1 drop a side then 3neg a side

    Cable curl 1 working 1 drop

    Bi's are right fried the now so chuffed.

  11. #34211
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Aye a still get sore on a pull back bod. I stop HIT then do sets high rep it's no where near at all as intense as HIT but a change so keeps the muscle guessing.
    Just my take on it bod as it works for me then when am ready back to full bore HIT
    I do as well - still get sore! Your still tearing the muscle down - just upping your rep range(or hitting the higher end of the rep range) - I like clarky will go with straight sets - no failure - and ease up on intensity a little(listen to your body Bod) your doing a great job with it!

    Going in for a back session myself! Going to try some new things...

    Btw - I dropped my compounds and am just running test atm... Start repriming and see what my BW says -

  12. #34212
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    Thanks Nach and Clarky for the help guys!!

    Just got to work on this sunny Saturday guys. Sucks but we could use the money.

    Stuck to the plan today nothing but stretching and walking cardio. Tomorrow will be Arms and walking cardio. I love this thread! Lol...

    Great help in here.

    Nach you still liking the one day on one day off??

    BG glad it's getting better for you my friend. Keep your head up and hang in there.

  13. #34213
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I do as well - still get sore! Your still tearing the muscle down - just upping your rep range(or hitting the higher end of the rep range) - I like clarky will go with straight sets - no failure - and ease up on intensity a little(listen to your body Bod) your doing a great job with it!

    Going in for a back session myself! Going to try some new things...

    Btw - I dropped my compounds and am just running test atm... Start repriming and see what my BW says -
    What were you running nach ?

  14. #34214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Thanks Nach and Clarky for the help guys!!

    Just got to work on this sunny Saturday guys. Sucks but we could use the money.

    Stuck to the plan today nothing but stretching and walking cardio. Tomorrow will be Arms and walking cardio. I love this thread! Lol...

    Great help in here.

    Nach you still liking the one day on one day off??

    BG glad it's getting better for you my friend. Keep your head up and hang in there.
    Your welcome Bod, i was working the day too it's got to be done some times mate.

  15. #34215
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    Backpullback hitting higher end reps but im keeping intensity high(ish) s/s'ing etc

    Stretching rolling abs baseball in rears/scaps - pullback so hitting higher end reps

    Straight arm Pulldowns
    3w 12-15

    Old school T-bars
    3w 12-15 slow and strict

    DB bent overs S/S'd CG rows
    3w each 8-12 on DBs - 15+ on CG

    BB Bent over rows
    4w 12-15 slow strict tempo and my back exploded

    One arm DB rows S/S into long bar rows
    3w each 8-12 DB - 12-15 long bar all slow tempo

    Pendulay rows facing incline S/S'd hypers
    3w both 12-15 reps

    Great pump and im trying anything and everything at the moment due to the pain im having(hence me dropping my other compounds) and focusing on my form and slowing my tempo down!

  16. #34216
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    What were you running nach ?
    Test Cyp/prop - NPP dropped the prop & NPP a few days ago had a good PR on incline bench but my shoulder didn't like it too much lol
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-12-2016 at 02:47 PM.

  17. #34217
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Test Cyp/prop - NPP dropped the prop & NPP a few days ago had a good PR on incline bench but my shoulder didn't like it too much lol
    I can't wait... going to be new for me..

  18. #34218
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Im sure a chop to the neck was in order - especially if you were on Tren

    GH for me too, buddy!
    This is the reaon why I get in fights in the gym. I bet I said something he would have talked shit back and I would have punched him. Same shit as a few years ago. I dont know why guys like that just cant stay away.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  19. #34219
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is the reaon why I get in fights in the gym. I bet I said something he would have talked shit back and I would have punched him. Same shit as a few years ago. I dont know why guys like that just cant stay away.
    Lmfao - no doubt he woulda said something(he's flying high atm) - it's like they want/& need to be hit, too! Damn scumbags!

  20. #34220
    BG's Avatar
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    Drives me nuts to where it messes up my training.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  21. #34221
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Drives me nuts to where it messes up my training.
    I've been there too, recently! People have no gym etiquette and I hate when people come up asking 'what if I do this or that etc' it's maddening for sure! Next time a quick 'judo chop' to the Adam's apple would serve em well

  22. #34222
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    Quote Originally Posted by nach3 View Post
    i've been there too, recently! People have no gym etiquette and i hate when people come up asking 'what if i do this or that etc' it's maddening for sure! Next time a quick 'judo chop' to the adam's apple would serve em well

  23. #34223
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post

    I went through a rough couple of weeks. I became a bit depressed, gym was wrecked, fighting at home and Im at the end of my patience at work. Im pulling out of it right now, homes good again , gym is turning around (TY Voleran gel) and Ill see about work. I was getting attacked from all sides.

    Monday Legs

    Extensions pretty heavy, paused
    Curls moderate weight paused
    Deads working set of 10, then heavy set of 5

    Wed Upper body

    Bi's felt good
    Tri's ropes ok, then cable extensions started to aggravate my tri/shoulder so I stopped
    Back good
    Chest I can definitely tell its where my tri attaches to my shoulder. After letting it rest I was really able to feel it. After a few sets of dumbbells it actually got better so I think its something I can work through

    Friday Legs

    Horrible. I come in and a little girl is squatting, no biggie, forces more warm up and she squats seriously. But Because I was fuking around, this guy I have been avoiding for 12 years, 3 gyms makes his move. Now he just started juicing so he's at that annoying pacing around , trying to show off stage. He ask's me to spot him, he's going to failure, no wait.......... beyond he says. So after a normal set of 4 he racks, I dont say a word, walk away put my ear phones in. So Im sitting down, getting ready because I got the rack and he puts his stuff on the bench Im sitting on and I can tell he wants to talk. But Im a rock, I dont budge, never all night ever making eye contact again. But he decides to dead lift right behind, to my side. He's pacing around, slamming shit in my head head so bad. So Im warming up 315 I start, no belt so I just do 8 because I got pissed. Then I usually go right to 405, but I decide 365 to make up for cutting 315 short. Belt on step back, no knee wraps, I get pissed, go down, my stance was very narrow, threw me off, I kept going but felt something in my right inner quad pull so I racked it. Sure enough I couldnt press no more. I was out of my mind, my boy came over and calmed me down. I did some cardio and abs went home. Im going to the small gym today and going to try some more upper body, Im not happy with the way I look, my arms are muscular, but small, like I see older guys walk around with when the are at the point of maintaining. Fuk that, Im going to get some GH when my mate gets his shit together and get my size back. This shit sucks.
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Drives me nuts to where it messes up my training.

    Dang, maybe things will turn around this week, BG. It had been virtually the same for me. Just when I think I have all my sh!t raked up into a nice, neat pile, someone or something comes along and scatters it all back out.
    We'll get there, but it is frustrating/demotivating as fvck. I took off this past week from work at the urging of my Dr. and when I got to work, I had a ton of emails and prints from people wanting to know if their projects can be machined in house, estimated completion time, etc. I don't mind working and taking on some of the more complex jobs, but sometimes you just want to put up a big "WHAT THE FVCK" sign.
    One of the day shift guys is easy to work with, gives 110%, and isn't scared to take on a job. He may have a few questions, but that is normal. The other machinist on day shift is useless unless you need a 40+ year old whiner that has lots of excuses but no answers. I'm sure you've run into the type before.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  24. #34224
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is the reaon why I get in fights in the gym. I bet I said something he would have talked shit back and I would have punched him. Same shit as a few years ago. I dont know why guys like that just cant stay away.
    I love you lmfao

  25. #34225
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Drives me nuts to where it messes up my training.
    I'd love to talk shit to you while your squatting when your arse is to the floor xx

    your a funny cvnt

  26. #34226
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Morning HITers,

    Im not to happy with how im feeling after that w/o yesterday(it was not like delts) that searing pain on your delts was awesome(even sore to the touch)... In the moment it's painful(in pushing past things etc) - I need to lift heavy(HIT)& it was not HIT... I sure don't want to lose any size... But my shoulder isn't allowing me to do the things I would like... I almost want to say FVK it and keep pushing...

    I have two voices yelling two different things in my head atm... Train smarter! Or, fvk that and lets get it(HIT style) and force growth(with lots of pain... HIT Style)?! Hmmmm... Im doing battle with an Angel and the Devil daily! My mind is not ready for anything other than HIT, yet the body isn't that willing at this time... Fvking frusterating but I'll get through it - I always do! And im sure with the tips from all you guys I'll be fine! Or at least tell me that - yes lie if you must

    Edit*'as I move around I'm actually pretty sore lol
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-13-2016 at 08:49 AM.

  27. #34227
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Morning HITers, Im not to happy with how im feeling after that w/o yesterday(it was not like delts) that searing pain on your delts was awesome(even sore to the touch)... In the moment it's painful(in pushing past things etc) - I need to lift heavy(HIT)& it was not HIT... I sure don't want to lose any size... But my shoulder isn't allowing me to do the things I would like... I almost want to say FVK it and keep pushing... I have two voices yelling two different things in my head atm... Train smarter! Or, fvk that and lets get it(HIT style) and force growth(with lots of pain... HIT Style)?! Hmmmm... Im doing battle with an Angel and the Devil daily! My mind is not ready for anything other than HIT, yet the body isn't that willing at this time... Fvking frusterating but I'll get through it - I always do! And im sure with the tips from all you guys I'll be fine! Or at least tell me that - yes lie if you must Edit*'as I move around I'm actually pretty sore lol
    listen to your body brother. Well I been fighting this sinus infection but I'm on the other end of it now. Getting better slowly I got in to the gym and trained chest just to burn some calories. Couldn't hit train cause my body isn't ready for that. Tomorrow is rest so hopefully by Tuesday in hitting on all cylinders again !

  28. #34228
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Dang, maybe things will turn around this week, BG. It had been virtually the same for me. Just when I think I have all my sh!t raked up into a nice, neat pile, someone or something comes along and scatters it all back out.
    We'll get there, but it is frustrating/demotivating as fvck. I took off this past week from work at the urging of my Dr. and when I got to work, I had a ton of emails and prints from people wanting to know if their projects can be machined in house, estimated completion time, etc. I don't mind working and taking on some of the more complex jobs, but sometimes you just want to put up a big "WHAT THE FVCK" sign.
    One of the day shift guys is easy to work with, gives 110%, and isn't scared to take on a job. He may have a few questions, but that is normal. The other machinist on day shift is useless unless you need a 40+ year old whiner that has lots of excuses but no answers. I'm sure you've run into the type before.
    It just doesnt seem to get easier, shit I would just take steady. Its got me so worked up Im trying to move, I want a fresh start. This crap hole (Hamptons) has nothing but grief to offer. I feel your pain buddy !

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  29. #34229
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I'd love to talk shit to you while your squatting when your arse is to the floor xx

    your a funny cvnt
    That would be great, I would push myself to the max! Just these dumb cvnts that dont understand that Ive avoided him for over 10 years and now because he's juicing he thinks Im going to give a shit ! Stupid ass water balloon, ever heard of estrogen control? Sucks how juice makes dumb fuks even dumber.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  30. #34230
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    Quote Originally Posted by bg View Post
    that would be great, i would push myself to the max! Just these dumb cvnts that dont understand that ive avoided him for over 10 years and now because he's juicing he thinks im going to give a [b]shit ! Stupid ass water balloon, ever heard of estrogen control? sucks how juice makes dumb fuks even dumber.


  31. #34231
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    That would be great, I would push myself to the max! Just these dumb cvnts that dont understand that Ive avoided him for over 10 years and now because he's juicing he thinks Im going to give a shit ! Stupid ass water balloon, ever heard of estrogen control? Sucks how juice makes dumb fuks even dumber.
    I just spit out last of my Pepsi Max on that one!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  32. #34232
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    Morning fellas!

    Was up earlier just gettin ready for work - shoulder is stiff but not as much pain as of yet... Hope it loosens up good today! May be trying a new gym out(and I'll let youse know if I get the news I've been hoping for) on a few different accounts! Lots of pros/& top amateurs come to train there(& get trained)! This gym is definitely my atmosphere and my kinda gym(200lb bells) all the machines you'd need - including a pullover machine for the lats like DY uses(my gym doesn't have one)... Among every other machine there is lol

    Anyway looking to hit legs/or chest or chest then legs... We'll see when we get there!

    Have a great day all!

  33. #34233
    Join Date
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    Good morning hitters! It's a rest day but I got up and had breakfast. I'm feeling much better today

  34. #34234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Good morning hitters! It's a rest day but I got up and had breakfast. I'm feeling much better today
    Glad to hear brother!

  35. #34235
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    Just heading out for a leg Sesh!

    Check in later boys!

    Sent from my iPhone using App

  36. #34236
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    Chicken All Day
    Good afternoon guys/gal!!

    Its going to be another pull back week for me this week. Last week was a pull back week but damn I was super sore all week.

    Today I went in and hit legs, hell I crushed them fxckers. Nothing was to failure no DS or anything like that. Walking out I was like what a dumb ass. I need to learn how to slow down and rest. (Shaking my own head)

    Tomorrow I said was going to take it off might go to the park and walk or something with my dogs and stretch. Also get some shit done around the house. I just feel better going in and lifting. Could be a mental thing.

    Anyways looks like everyone is hanging in there!! Hope everyone has a good Monday

  37. #34237
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Did delts and traps the night fellas it went good.

    Warm up and pre ex seated db side raises

    Standing db side raises 1 working 1 drop

    Rev cable fly 3 sets

    Lying rev db fly 1 working 1 drop

    Face pulls 1 working 1 drop

    Shoulder press 1 working +rp 1drop

    BB shrugs 3 heavy sets

    Behind back bb shrugs 1 working DD


  38. #34238
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    Baking chicken
    Just self Bled a good 16+oz(1pint+) my hemoglobin was 16.7 - highest my hematocrit has been - so I'll check my BW on how far(% wise) one pint lowered it... but my BP already went from 140/85 125/72(& I normally run a bit higher) so pleased with those numbers!

    I did stick the bottle in my fridge for my roommates(plus it has wrapping around it - no way to see what's really in it) I sure hope they don't try and take/or drink that AAB Recovery drink lmaoo

  39. #34239
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    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Just self Bled a good 16+oz(1pint+) my hemoglobin was 16.7 - highest my hematocrit has been - so I'll check my BW on how far(% wise) one pint lowered it... but my BP already went from 140/85 125/72(& I normally run a bit higher) so pleased with those numbers!

    I did stick the bottle in my fridge for my roommates(plus it has wrapping around it - no way to see what's really in it) I sure hope they don't try and take/or drink that AAB Recovery drink lmaoo
    Damn don't see how in the hell you do that.

  40. #34240
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Just self Bled a good 16+oz(1pint+) my hemoglobin was 16.7 - highest my hematocrit has been - so I'll check my BW on how far(% wise) one pint lowered it... but my BP already went from 140/85 125/72(& I normally run a bit higher) so pleased with those numbers!

    I did stick the bottle in my fridge for my roommates(plus it has wrapping around it - no way to see what's really in it) I sure hope they don't try and take/or drink that AAB Recovery drink lmaoo
    LOL, mine usually turns into a giant clump within 6-7 hours.
    I'm eligible to donate again next week..Hope to get by the blood bank before having labs done so they can deal.with draining me.
    I'd be tickled sh!tless if my hemoglobin was 16.7
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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