RC, I would be happy if he's the one taking up my time lol. Ugh.
AG I've been better lol. Just work is killing me. Lost my assistant (sous chef) so working more. Then they hire a new one, send him for expedited training. The pull him "early" to give me "help". But he didn't get any training. And he's working the exact Same hours as me. So still working same amount and training this kid.
It will end soon. But work is getting in the way of lifting and more importantly family.
There's times (like this past weekend) I don't see the wife or kid all weekend.
I basically work 40+ hrs in 4 days from Friday to Monday evening. So she goes with him to her parents. And I'm "home" /work with the other kids lol....the two brat dogs lol.
Diet, training, and all well being have been discontinued until today. Even been forgetting my meds :/.
Work hasn't been good on the knee either. Can't wait to get the dam surgery done and over with. At one point had to survive on pain killers just to get through work.
Need to give blood too.
Lmfao, I'm a fcking **** right now. That's why I hit it hard today and had to make an appearance here. I'm back and I'm making the best of the situation.
HIT all the way guys.
You guys motivate me to stay on the path.