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So couple days back said I had tremendous tooth pain. Well still going on but not that bad, need prescribe pain killers to get through a night of sleep, and still not even helping. Due to a scam artist dentist when I was younger, he screwed my dad into a procedure that didn't need to be done, and he did It half assed. Now 15 years later, I having issues. Went to dentist yesterday, and knew I needed this bridge replaced, but bad news she said only thing we can do is implant the teeth. I need 6 implants at 2300$ a piece. Well needless to say I cant afford that. So within next two weeks whenever I get time off work, I am having 5 teeth extracted at same time, plus one tooth that is stuck in the palate of my mouth that will need to be pull out into gums area.
Came at completely wrong time, because even without doing implans im looking at probably 5k$ worth of work. I just paid for my honeymoon witch was 6k, and bunch of other normal expences. But either way still have to do this, cant live in this pain.