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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #38041
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post

    Cable side laterals w/bent bar uprights(arms locked) super
    Db' front laterals
    Smith Presses

    Flat Db's 100#'s, been a while, feeling like a man again
    SMith Incline-Heavy strong push's, havent been that happy in a year with a lift
    Peck deck-slow with pause/squeeze
    Smith Flat-Heavy 5 rep set, no pain!!

    Nice bg!!

  2. #38042
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post


    Nice session Sfla, love the rope pulls now, got a good way from Haz.
    Thanks clarky

    Yeah haz and nach got me on these.

    Wish I could get a video posted for u guys. Still feel like I'm doing them wrong lol

  3. #38043
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Leg day today, naturally.

    Extensions: 2 heavy
    Verticals: 2 sets, 12-15 reps
    Smith static lunges: 2 sets heavy, 8-10 reps
    Seated curls: 2 sets with drop on last

    One leg toe press on vertical press: 2 sets 10-12 reps
    Seated calves: 2 sets, 12-15 reps

    Wasn't feeling it until I got started then all went well. Non-squat day which is always a nice mental break. Calve pic for ridicule:

    <img src=""/>
    Jesus kel

  4. #38044
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Thanks clarky

    Yeah haz and nach got me on these.

    Wish I could get a video posted for u guys. Still feel like I'm doing them wrong lol
    Looking great in your avi (i know old ) before you say bit not that old. So you will be packing some size after this blast.

  5. #38045
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post

    Looking great in your avi (i know old ) before you say bit not that old. So you will be packing some size after this blast.
    Yeah old lmao...

    Definitely hoping to surpass that pic

  6. #38046
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Yeah old lmao...

    Definitely hoping to surpass that pic
    Nawwww... Am not meaning it like that Sfla. I'ts only a few month old and your still the same sorry.

  7. #38047
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post

    Nawwww... Am not meaning it like that Sfla. I'ts only a few month old and your still the same sorry.
    Lol yeah I knew what u meant clarky. Thanks my friend.....

    Sorry might be the American sarcasm

  8. #38048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Lol yeah I knew what u meant clarky. Thanks my friend.....

    Sorry might be the American sarcasm

  9. #38049
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post

    Cable side laterals w/bent bar uprights(arms locked) super
    Db' front laterals
    Smith Presses

    Flat Db's 100#'s, been a while, feeling like a man again
    SMith Incline-Heavy strong push's, havent been that happy in a year with a lift
    Peck deck-slow with pause/squeeze
    Smith Flat-Heavy 5 rep set, no pain!!

    Awesome brother... Great to hear & see - PM Sent

    The past 2 days after my shoulder pressing - it's almost like it puts me out for a day or two if I press(real strict slow & controlled) I sure am not feeling it today... Shoulder feels like an ice pick is just being twisted in all different direction and shooters(spasms) up my neck into occipital and down arm into hand & fingertips... Ffs, I gotta find a better way...

    @ Kel you are a freak of nature(look amazing)....

    Also a question for ya... What did you tell BG to increase longevity... I am noticing now the more I rest the quicker I'm filling back out... I know less is more but it's so hard lol - any tips man?! I love this and do not want my body to give out which it won't if I take care of it properly - that's what I'm in need for.... Thx!

  10. #38050
    Join Date
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    Not here.
    Great sessions everyone!

    Marcus, lmao over that BP cuff remark.

    Kel . . . damn.

  11. #38051
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Thanks clarky

    Yeah haz and nach got me on these.

    Wish I could get a video posted for u guys. Still feel like I'm doing them wrong lol
    I like going with the foot up on a Lat pull down machine... You can pull higher and target/iso rears and traps better imo

  12. #38052
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    Nice workouts by EVERYONE!! Glad to see everyone killing it!

    I myself had a f*Cking great workout today. I hit back and felt wide as hell and I was walking

    Glad to see everyone still around!

  13. #38053
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I like going with the foot up on a Lat pull down machine... You can pull higher and target/iso rears and traps better imo
    Yip i do this now with the foot up... Cunts look at me like a dafty but fuck them... They have no idea about muscle the stupid weeeeee pricks.

  14. #38054
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    Well, night time for me now. Going to do a spot of fishing the mora (Shhhhhhhh pls don't tell the big man)
    Had a good day, nothing special just did ma bits and bobs lol. Night guys,GGR. 1.54am here.

  15. #38055
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    The past 2 days after my shoulder pressing - it's almost like it puts me out for a day or two if I press(real strict slow & controlled) I sure am not feeling it today... Shoulder feels like an ice pick is just being twisted in all different direction and shooters(spasms) up my neck into occipital and down arm into hand & fingertips... Ffs, I gotta find a better way...

    Also a question for ya... What did you tell BG to increase longevity... I am noticing now the more I rest the quicker I'm filling back out!
    I was bad to, for 5 months but its just getting back to normal. As for longevity it was eod training. On the off days I do fill in work or abs cardio, but always take a day between my full work outs, this also lets me break up smaller groups, like rear delts, traps, forearms, ect.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #38056
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Nice session kel, ehhh ridicule lmfao you mean they are ridiculous lol. Your just one of a kind kel, even the ifbb pros do not keep themselves in your condition all year round. You keep yourself like that all the time.

    You really are a very clever man kel a great guy. You help so so many ppl on this forum but in this thread we are so so fvcking lucky with your knowledge on everything BB and TRT.
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Looking good buddy! I started the static lunges again, I spent some time thinking about our talks.......a little refresher course
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Agreed, I would have probably given up by now if not for him. Taught how to evolve my training to keep going.

    Means a lot coming from you guys. Really does. Nice to see that paying it forward has a positive impact.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #38057
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I like going with the foot up on a Lat pull down machine... You can pull higher and target/iso rears and traps better imo
    That helped me immensely because you can keep from pulling yourself forward and make the posteriors work. My rack at home has the Smythe machine w/high and low pulleys and spotter arms on the front.
    I've been putting an Oly bar in the spotter arms, running a short chain and rope handle over the top of the chin up bar, and getting some nice solid reps on the positive and negative portions of the lift.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  18. #38058
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Leg day today, naturally.

    Extensions: 2 heavy
    Verticals: 2 sets, 12-15 reps
    Smith static lunges: 2 sets heavy, 8-10 reps
    Seated curls: 2 sets with drop on last

    One leg toe press on vertical press: 2 sets 10-12 reps
    Seated calves: 2 sets, 12-15 reps

    Wasn't feeling it until I got started then all went well. Non-squat day which is always a nice mental break. Calve pic for ridicule:

    Attachment 164699
    Dang it, Kel. Nice! I'm guessing those things have their own zip code and time zone? Have calves always been one the easier body parts for you?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  19. #38059
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    It's been a tough year fellas, really tough. I was really close to ma father I did a lot for him we talked just about every single day. There is four of us (sons) and it was me he phoned for everything from building to sorting his Tele,computer, lights anything.
    He was not a silly man or lazy he was just not able to do it. Computers was funny he really never had a clue there, he raced pigeons since he was a young boy this was his life hobby there was nothing he never knew about pigeons or the racing.

    Sadly it all caught up with him, he had a thing called pigeon lung, he had it for years but he managed it and still loved his birds he won big big races and also sold them and made some good money. We built so many pigeon huts over the year because it was just not right at the time lol.

    So fast forward years, he was getting older and we all talked about him giving them up so he could have his health. He caught pneumonia a few times and was really bad but got better. Well one night he had it bad my mum phoned the doc who came out and checked him over . He said his chest was just the same as it always is ratly , well as the day went on he got worse and got took to hospital.
    Pneumonia it was and bad he was on oxygen 24/7 and getting worse by the day they managed to sort it and he got home and that was the end of the birds he sold the birds told us to take it down.
    Me and my younger brother did it, my father sat at his bedroom window with his oxygen mask on breaking his heart because he knew it was the end of his birds and him.
    He chanced his health for too long.
    He only lasted a wk in the house as the machine could not give him enough oxygen he needed.
    I went to see him as much as I could after work and my own life was falling apart, He was getting really bad and I got asked by my mother to come up as my other three brothers were there I Just could not see him that way, I said I will write him a letter explaing why me and my girls can not see him like that. I was told to do it now so I did I wrote my heart out to my father and took it to the hospital and gave it to my oldest brother.

    He asked again pls come see dad so we can all be with him I can't I am not seeing my father like that. I went home and lay on my bed breaking my heart I had my wife and my too daughter with me. Then my phone rang it was my youngest brother breaking his Heart he's away Martyn he said I was in bits I asked did you read the letter yes he said he heard your letter then went.

    I am a very personel person and don't like talking about things but I found a great man who has his own demons daily and he takes the time to let me talk to him and he has helped me so so much. If I had one realistic wish that would come true. It would to be to have 5 min with Marcus to shake his had and say thank you very very much you have no idea how much you have helped me . Thank you if your close to the big man you'd know what he goes through on a daily basis and he is always there a true gentleman.

    I really hope my father can see me and be proud because I loved my father very much and miss him badly.
    Oh woow Clarky that was intense reading and I can feel your pain my friend, brought a tear to my eye. I'm glad you could open up and let some of your feelings out it does help. I'm proud you mentioned me and I helped in some way.

    Your a good man and I feel privileged to call you a friend,

    by the way you helped me also talking is good

    all the best mate and keep fighting those demons

  20. #38060
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    Kel your a freak of nature mate, your condition is amazing and your very gifted to look like you do, your a beast mate

  21. #38061
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Oh woow Clarky that was intense reading and I can feel your pain my friend, brought a tear to my eye. I'm glad you could open up and let some of your feelings out it does help. I'm proud you mentioned me and I helped in some way.

    Your a good man and I feel privileged to call you a friend,

    by the way you helped me also talking is good

    all the best mate and keep fighting those demons
    I second this. Intense reading, I am glad you found solace in these forums and its members. I feel these forums offer a unique setting that most people don't encounter in daily life. You're among friends here, but there is still enough anonymity to really bare your soul without retribution from our real world family and circumstances.

    Thoughts are with you though brother, I'm sure your old man is very proud.


  22. #38062
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    Thank you Marcus, Krugerr.

  23. #38063
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    Morning guys,GGR. Arms are not that bad the day, Doms will be in order i think.

    The weather is nice here the day not hot though but at least it's dry.

  24. #38064
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I was bad to, for 5 months but its just getting back to normal. As for longevity it was eod training. On the off days I do fill in work or abs cardio, but always take a day between my full work outs, this also lets me break up smaller groups, like rear delts, traps, forearms, ect.
    Thanks brother.... I'm Defo giving it a try especially seeing how I can break up my BPs...

    @ Kel - your a freak of nature - it was in the post above I thought... It's Amazing what you do here... And really stay away from anything sharp man you'll bleed right out
    I'd like to hear from you as well and anyone else who wants to chime in...

    @ Prox... When these shooting pains occur(all to often) they run like the length of my body but I can tell they're different nerves etc - coming off the main nerves from the spine to the shoulder girdle any other nerves besides sub scapular? That can be blocked(nerve blocks) I've looked and the Median nerve looks to be the one that they branch off of or is it sub scap?!
    Thanks buddy

    Thx fellas
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-28-2016 at 06:06 AM.

  25. #38065
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    I second this. Intense reading, I am glad you found solace in these forums and its members. I feel these forums offer a unique setting that most people don't encounter in daily life. You're among friends here, but there is still enough anonymity to really bare your soul without retribution from our real world family and circumstances.

    Thoughts are with you though brother, I'm sure your old man is very proud.

    I know Clarky very well and he is extremely strong minded guy, he's been through hell in many parts of his life and I can relate to many things how he feels and rants to me. He's a very nice guy, a solid person to have as a friend and is a decent person which in this world is hard to find. I know this is the internet but I class him as a friend along side some other special people in this thread who I talk to.

    Special people are hard to find, good hearted people what you need to surround yourself with and sometimes in our life's we have to change and drop our man barrier and help each other out in times of need.

  26. #38066
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    Bloods done, test and PSA. They told me not to train heavy for 24hrs that lasted 34mins and I was pushing like hell on chest.

  27. #38067
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    6 whole eggs large ones and one large spud - down the hatch

  28. #38068
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I know Clarky very well and he is extremely strong minded guy, he's been through hell in many parts of his life and I can relate to many things how he feels and rants to me. He's a very nice guy, a solid person to have as a friend and is a decent person which in this world is hard to find. I know this is the internet but I class him as a friend along side some other special people in this thread who I talk to.

    Special people are hard to find, good hearted people what you need to surround yourself with and sometimes in our life's we have to change and drop our man barrier and help each other out in times of need.
    Apologies Marcus, I wasnt suggesting that he isnt a friend, or that he shouldnt be classed as one.

    I simply meant that opening up to work family, colleagues, or your gym buddies isn't the easiest thing to do. The forums here allow many of us the mask of anonymity, to share personal heart ache and circumstances amongst similar minded people. Particularly in a thread like this one, where its the same faces day in and day out, you do create a relationship with other members.

    A couple years ago I remember getting a PM. A member was down on their luck and another member was organising a whip round to paypal some money to him. My guess is that he'd never met any of the members, but that didnt matter. The relationships he'd created here transcended the usual "friend" rules, and seemingly random people from all over the planet wanted to help him. I think that says something special about a lot of the members here. We're not only shooting the breeze and discussing gear.


  29. #38069
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Bloods done, test and PSA. They told me not to train heavy for 24hrs that lasted 34mins and I was pushing like hell on chest.
    When will you find out your results, Marcus?!

  30. #38070
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Apologies Marcus, I wasnt suggesting that he isnt a friend, or that he shouldnt be classed as one.

    I simply meant that opening up to work family, colleagues, or your gym buddies isn't the easiest thing to do. The forums here allow many of us the mask of anonymity, to share personal heart ache and circumstances amongst similar minded people. Particularly in a thread like this one, where its the same faces day in and day out, you do create a relationship with other members.

    A couple years ago I remember getting a PM. A member was down on their luck and another member was organising a whip round to paypal some money to him. My guess is that he'd never met any of the members, but that didnt matter. The relationships he'd created here transcended the usual "friend" rules, and seemingly random people from all over the planet wanted to help him. I think that says something special about a lot of the members here. We're not only shooting the breeze and discussing gear.

    Mate please don't apologies I didn't take anything you said negative at all it what in the same ball park as what I said, I think you may have your wires crossed mate but I was just reaching out to Clarky and blowing some Marcus love up his arse, its all cool and I agree with everything you have said

  31. #38071
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Mate please don't apologies I didn't take anything you said negative at all it what in the same ball park as what I said, I think you may have your wires crossed mate but I was just reaching out to Clarky and blowing some Marcus love up his arse, its all cool and I agree with everything you have said
    Ahh! Sorry, I thought you'd mistaken my initial post regarding anonymous posting to mean he couldn't be a friend!

    Anyway... enough of this manlove talk... anyone see Dick Pianas new video? He trained with Hafthor Bjorrnson, The Mountain and a serious contender for Worlds Strongest Man. Dick Piana spent a day with the giant, and even had a training session with him. Now, if I were to train with The Mountain, you'd be damn sure I would want to train some strongman events and learn everything I could from him. The guy is 180kg (400lbs) and has abs.

    So, in typical fvcktard fashion, Dick Piana decided to take The Mountain through......... an arm workout...... Yeah. What. The. Fvck.

  32. #38072
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    When will you find out your results, Marcus?!
    They throwing everything at me, I know he wants his finger up my arse hole but I cant stand being raped again only if its really needed I will comply. It should be a few days but I didn't inject my whole nebido shot last time because I sensed he was going to tes my levels again and mine are sky high on nebido even after 16 wks apart so what I did was just take small amounts out and cope with the down side, which I do feel but trust me its all in my head because even without trt at 16 wks I am at the top end of the range, I am off the scale if I am on nebido at every 12 weeks so that's how I like to feel, normal levels don't suit me. I am hoping my T is low enough to give me another 12 months before another review and then I am just waiting for consultant to do her thing which will be xmas then I may try a small cycle. It will be 2.5 yrs so it will only be small. I'm holding good size but adding bf easy which fucks me off and I am injured my cuff tear and also my trap, something gone wrong inside my left one which really hurts, probably some other fucking tear.

    I know I should pull back but I do try and I do pullback but I am like a machine how I train and if I drop my style I lose size and thickness but I think its time to drop the freaky size because my body is telling its had enough, so I will see what happens.
    Last edited by marcus300; 07-28-2016 at 06:58 AM.

  33. #38073
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Ahh! Sorry, I thought you'd mistaken my initial post regarding anonymous posting to mean he couldn't be a friend!

    Anyway... enough of this manlove talk... anyone see Dick Pianas new video? He trained with Hafthor Bjorrnson, The Mountain and a serious contender for Worlds Strongest Man. Dick Piana spent a day with the giant, and even had a training session with him. Now, if I were to train with The Mountain, you'd be damn sure I would want to train some strongman events and learn everything I could from him. The guy is 180kg (400lbs) and has abs.

    So, in typical fvcktard fashion, Dick Piana decided to take The Mountain through......... an arm workout...... Yeah. What. The. Fvck.
    No worries mate,

    yeah I watched it but Dick P is just a implanted balloon and now his face is morphing into something out of a shop window, strange cunt that guy

  34. #38074
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    They throwing everything at me, I know he wants his finger up my arse hole but I cant stand being raped again only if its really needed I will comply. It should be a few days but I didn't inject my whole nebido shot last time because I sensed he was going to tes my levels again and mine are sky high on nebido even after 16 wks apart so what I did was just take small amounts out and cope with the down side, which I do feel but trust me its all in my head because even without trt at 16 wks I am at the top end of the range, I am off the scale if I am on nebido at every 12 weeks so that's how I like to feel, normal levels don't suit me. I am hoping my T is low enough to give me another 12 months before another review and then I am just waiting for consultant to do her thing which will be xmas then I may try a small cycle. It will be 2.5 yrs so it will only be small. I'm holding good size but adding bf easy which fucks me off and I am injured my cuff tear and also my trap, something gone wrong inside my left one which really hurts, probably some other fucking tear.

    I know I should pull back but I do try and I do pullback but I am like a machine how I train and if I drop my style I lose size and thickness but I think its time to drop the freaky size because my body is telling its had enough, so I will see what happens.
    Good idea!! best of luck with the bloods! I have really good feeling your going to be released which I think will help with the mind?! I'm still having trouble pulling back as well but then I'm out for 2days b4 I get another session in

    I'm with you on the training... I've done a few different routines but ultimately if I stick to HIT w/s/s's I grow... But my shoulder is fvked now too(I mean worse) ever since using that Oly bar for the first time in a decade it has been even worse and more posteriorly too which absolutely sends fvkin shocks of lightning thru my body! I want longevity now

    You know I'm always here Big Man(that goes for everybody) and I know youse are all they're for myself and everyone in here! I'm starting to battle daily with this shit and all I can think of is the future of me lifting

    This is about you and I didn't mean to ramble but I feel we're both having mind fvks daily which really tasks me and I know you... We got this tho we always do!!!

  35. #38075
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Leg day today, naturally.

    Extensions: 2 heavy
    Verticals: 2 sets, 12-15 reps
    Smith static lunges: 2 sets heavy, 8-10 reps
    Seated curls: 2 sets with drop on last

    One leg toe press on vertical press: 2 sets 10-12 reps
    Seated calves: 2 sets, 12-15 reps

    Wasn't feeling it until I got started then all went well. Non-squat day which is always a nice mental break. Calve pic for ridicule:

    Attachment 164699
    Looks like you've gained a vein.

  36. #38076
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post

    Cable side laterals w/bent bar uprights(arms locked) super
    Db' front laterals
    Smith Presses

    Flat Db's 100#'s, been a while, feeling like a man again
    SMith Incline-Heavy strong push's, havent been that happy in a year with a lift
    Peck deck-slow with pause/squeeze
    Smith Flat-Heavy 5 rep set, no pain!!

    Happy to hear that, BG.

    I'm hoping for a day like that soon, with my knees.

  37. #38077
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Thank you Marcus, Krugerr.
    I didn't see that previous post, Clarky. But I am thinking about you a lot today. Know that your father is for sure watching you and that he is surely proud.

    Sometimes when we ask for strength, we receive the opportunity to be strong. Stay strong, brother.

  38. #38078
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Sometimes when we ask for strength, we receive the opportunity to be strong. Stay strong, brother.
    I like this line of thinking. Something I could apply to my own struggles currently!

  39. #38079
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    I like this line of thinking. Something I could apply to my own struggles currently!
    I love the quote because it allows you to choose how strong you're going to be!

  40. #38080
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Bloods done, test and PSA. They told me not to train heavy for 24hrs that lasted 34mins and I was pushing like hell on chest.
    Fuck ya !

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

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