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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #1
    marcus300's Avatar
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    **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

    Just come back from the gym and ripped the arse out of my back workout............fuking killed it and I feel has wide as a barn door and pumped to the max erggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    I watched 4 videaos on youtube before I went - Branch,Dorian, Jay's and Phil Heath's back workouts and went in grunting

    just eating 7 eggs and baked spud now-still pumped
    Last edited by marcus300; 08-30-2015 at 05:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Love those days...had one yesterday as well. You just know before you even walk in that the fkn weights are in trouble!

  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Love those days makes me more hard than a viagra pill.
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  4. #4
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    It's not a good day at my gym unless they ask you to leave! That's when I know I'm doing something right! ( damn planet fitness)...
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  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I'm jealous, it's been a LONG time since I felt like that. I did grunt a couple of times doing bicep yesterday. lol
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  6. #6
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Wow I am such a novice compared to the vets in this thread. I actually feel inspired by even just the words of you lads. Love coming back from the gym all pumped up, but I'm no where near the likes of you Marcus.

  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Nice one big boy....

    Now have a lie down... Remember what the doctor said... No strenuous activitys untill the torn recutm has fully recovered
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  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Nice one big boy....

    Now have a lie down... Remember what the doctor said... No strenuous activitys untill the torn recutm has fully recovered
    Oh the rectum is fine, it as a hot oil filled bullet in at present
    xnotoriousx likes this.

  9. #9
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    So are you a full egg man or a egg white kind of guy?

    If your a full egg guy, firstly respect, secondly what eggs? Gotta go for them omega eggs m8

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Just come back from the gym and ripped the arse out of my back workout............fuking killed it and I feel has wide as a barn door and pumped to the max erggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    I watched 4 videaos on youtube before I went - Branch,Dorian, Jay's and Phil Heath's back workouts and went in grunting

    just eating 7 eggs and baked spud now-still pumped
    Marcus kindly post this in this thread buddy!

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    So are you a full egg man or a egg white kind of guy?

    If your a full egg guy, firstly respect, secondly what eggs? Gotta go for them omega eggs m8
    Full eggs, have about 6-15 a day
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  12. #12
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Full eggs, have about 6-15 a day

    What's your daily diet? An average day

  13. #13
    milky01623's Avatar
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    I started grunting on Sunday whilst doing chest and pushin out 8 reps on a personal best of 120kg flat bench press which I WILL smash again this weekend :-)

    Where can I find those back w/outs?

  14. #14
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I'm not really a big grunter in the gym... I prefer to save my grunting for the bedroom, I find it gets my girl to cum quicker
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  15. #15
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Best feeling in the world!!!

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    What's your daily diet? An average day
    I am very old school when it comes to diets

    I don't follow the hardcore calorie restrictions like most do on here to reduce bf for me thats just muscle suicide IMHO. Every lb of muscle tissue I earn I want to keep and restricting calories just takes it away because most don't understand how to preserve tissue at this delicate time, this is the key to the whole idea of getting big and Ive lived by it for years. I am 252lbs at present and to maintain that kind of size I eat alot even when dieting I don't weigh food anymore because ive done it for so long I know by sight and if I want to drop bf I increase my cardio and carb cycle, its as simple as that but at all times I eat alot otherwise your end up in a vicious circle of building muscle then wasting its away and yrs go by and you gain no size except for being ripped some the summer months-fuk that I want to be big and ripped and every bit of tissue I build I want to keep and I do that by eating alot. I eat clean and a lot all the time

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Best feeling in the world!!!
    I disagree, cumming is the best feeling in the world.

  18. #18
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    What have u eaten today... Let's see an example for a whole day...

    What have I eaten and what is to come today...

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    What have u eaten today... Let's see an example for a whole day...

    What have I eaten and what is to come today...
    On my agenda today is
    m1 -shake - oats, banana, whey pro, creatine
    m2 - 2 chicken breast (sweet chilli) - 1 yam, asparagus
    m3 - 6-8 eggs - baked spud ,banana
    m4 - oats,whey pro, banana
    m5 - 2 smoked haddock -small brown rice, broccoli
    m6 - 2 chicken breasts, salad, mixed with chilli,garlic,peppers cider vinegar
    m7 - cottage cheese & 6 eggs - peanut butter for taste

    I will add either more carbs or pro to suit how I feel but on most occasions I will eat 7 small meals daily.
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  20. #20
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    On my agenda today is
    m1 -shake - oats, banana, whey pro, creatine
    m2 - 2 chicken breast (sweet chilli) - 1 yam, asparagus
    m3 - 6-8 eggs - baked spud ,banana
    m4 - oats,whey pro, banana
    m5 - 2 smoked haddock -small brown rice, broccoli
    m6 - 2 chicken breasts, salad, mixed with chilli,garlic,peppers cider vinegar
    m7 - cottage cheese & 6 eggs - peanut butter for taste

    I will add either more carbs or pro to suit how I feel but on most occasions I will eat 7 small meals daily.
    Sounds like a pretty tasty diet, how many calories you estimate that to be? Any reason for bananas with multiple meals or just taste preference?

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Sounds like a pretty tasty diet, how many calories you estimate that to be? Any reason for bananas with multiple meals or just taste preference?
    Not counted them up but its maintaining me at present and I am cutting up to go on holiday in a few weeks lol ... Like ive stated I am old school with diets I drop bf via cardio and slight carb cycling and not calorie restrictions because I want to preserve every lb of tissue on my frame. Thats how I do it and it works, I was taught by some very hardcore guys who I must admit were old school liike in the old days if the big off season etc but its always kept my size and kept my bf low

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Not counted them up but its maintaining me at present and I am cutting up to go on holiday in a few weeks lol ... Like ive stated I am old school with diets I drop bf via cardio and slight carb cycling and not calorie restrictions because I want to preserve every lb of tissue on my frame. Thats how I do it and it works, I was taught by some very hardcore guys who I must admit were old school liike in the old days if the big off season etc but its always kept my size and kept my bf low
    Keep it up man, it's worked very well for ya. I envy your size. One day hopefully...

    Maybe I should follow the Marcus diet. How long until I can gain 50-60lbs of lbm? 8-12 weeks? what if I add in EQ? lol
    Last edited by jasc; 11-20-2012 at 10:15 AM.

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Keep it up man, it's worked very well for ya so far.

    Maybe I should follow the Marcus diet. How long until I can gain 50-60lbs of lbm? 8-12 weeks? what if I add in EQ? lol
    Eq is for bike chains,

    short burst cycles linked to a pre-cycle prime along side high dose hgh and a boat load of food

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Eq is for bike chains,

    short burst cycles linked to a pre-cycle prime along side high dose hgh and a boat load of food
    hahaha knew the EQ comment was comin. Thanks to you guys I never wasted my $$ on tryin it.

    I tried your pre-cycle prime last time, loved it. Gonna be a standard in my cycles now.

  25. #25
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I'm not really a big grunter in the gym... I prefer to save my grunting for the bedroom, I find it gets my girl to cum quicker
    Iv'e noticed she really does like that doesn't she ??? j/k

  26. #26
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Iv'e noticed she really does like that doesn't she ??? j/k
    Lol .

  27. #27
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    hahaha knew the EQ comment was comin. Thanks to you guys I never wasted my $$ on tryin it.

    I tried your pre-cycle prime last time, loved it. Gonna be a standard in my cycles now.
    i have looked for that thread and can't locate it. help?

    and LMAO at the WD-40 comment!
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  28. #28
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i have looked for that thread and can't locate it. help?

    and LMAO at the WD-40 comment!
    Look in my signature they are all there, just click the link

  29. #29
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Look in my signature they are all there, just click the link
    thanks bud!

    i need to prime kick myself for all the carbs i have been eating!

  30. #30
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I am very old school when it comes to diets

    I don't follow the hardcore calorie restrictions like most do on here to reduce bf for me thats just muscle suicide IMHO. Every lb of muscle tissue I earn I want to keep and restricting calories just takes it away because most don't understand how to preserve tissue at this delicate time, this is the key to the whole idea of getting big and Ive lived by it for years. I am 252lbs at present and to maintain that kind of size I eat alot even when dieting I don't weigh food anymore because ive done it for so long I know by sight and if I want to drop bf I increase my cardio and carb cycle, its as simple as that but at all times I eat alot otherwise your end up in a vicious circle of building muscle then wasting its away and yrs go by and you gain no size except for being ripped some the summer months-fuk that I want to be big and ripped and every bit of tissue I build I want to keep and I do that by eating alot. I eat clean and a lot all the time
    I like it and eat very similar, just not as much because i have less LBM than you do, considerably

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I disagree, cumming is the best feeling in the world.
    Especially when its on a 19yo's belly.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    On my agenda today is
    m1 -shake - oats, banana, whey pro, creatine
    m2 - 2 chicken breast (sweet chilli) - 1 yam, asparagus
    m3 - 6-8 eggs - baked spud ,banana
    m4 - oats,whey pro, banana
    m5 - 2 smoked haddock -small brown rice, broccoli
    m6 - 2 chicken breasts, salad, mixed with chilli,garlic,peppers cider vinegar
    m7 - cottage cheese & 6 eggs - peanut butter for taste

    I will add either more carbs or pro to suit how I feel but on most occasions I will eat 7 small meals daily.
    I like this too. Simple, yet effective.

    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Keep it up man, it's worked very well for ya. I envy your size. One day hopefully...

    Maybe I should follow the Marcus diet. How long until I can gain 50-60lbs of lbm? 8-12 weeks? what if I add in EQ? lol
    Try it Jasc. Im using 250 EOD with 125 Test E e5d. Its been about 4wks and im and just starting to get compliments. Muscles are fuller, but strength is not through the roof.

    Im only running this to actually see if it works for me or not. Some people have fantastic gains but their gains are generally attributed to whatever test base they have included. I purposely left my test base at a low dose to prevent any skewing.

    So far so good.
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Full eggs, have about 6-15 a day
    egg farts at the gym... love that guy... hahahaaa
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  32. #32
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    Shoulders in about 2 hours time erggggggggggggg

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I am very old school when it comes to diets

    I don't follow the hardcore calorie restrictions like most do on here to reduce bf for me thats just muscle suicide IMHO. Every lb of muscle tissue I earn I want to keep and restricting calories just takes it away because most don't understand how to preserve tissue at this delicate time, this is the key to the whole idea of getting big and Ive lived by it for years. I am 252lbs at present and to maintain that kind of size I eat alot even when dieting I don't weigh food anymore because ive done it for so long I know by sight and if I want to drop bf I increase my cardio and carb cycle, its as simple as that but at all times I eat alot otherwise your end up in a vicious circle of building muscle then wasting its away and yrs go by and you gain no size except for being ripped some the summer months-fuk that I want to be big and ripped and every bit of tissue I build I want to keep and I do that by eating alot. I eat clean and a lot all the time
    imma copy and paste this into my notepad file with all the rest of the useful info i got in there

    yea im not a fan of a calorie deficit either... i dont live in Ethiopia, i shouldn't have to starve....

  34. #34
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    Just got back from the torture chamber - totally destroyed the delts and even had a nose bleed on the heavy pressing BP must be delts are pumped to the max and I cant put them in any position to ease the ache...........

    Can't train for the next 4 days due to my work schedule, but I need the rest and to feed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  35. #35
    AD's Avatar
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    this thread is getting quite interesting. like a personal blog.
    pics of your lunch?

  36. #36
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    6-8 whole eggs, asparagus, brown rice - - camera is on charge

  37. #37
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Just got back from the torture chamber - totally destroyed the delts and even had a nose bleed on the heavy pressing BP must be delts are pumped to the max and I cant put them in any position to ease the ache...........

    Can't train for the next 4 days due to my work schedule, but I need the rest and to feed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Fark solid effort big guy. Although if I only do like three exercises for shoulders I feel like I'm not doing enough to make them grow. I'm not going to lie too, I've been to the gym fourteen days straight with no rest and I feel like my growth is even better. Seeing some insane gains on my cycle now that I'm going everyday. People say you need rest days, but what's the point on cycle?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Fark solid effort big guy. Although if I only do like three exercises for shoulders I feel like I'm not doing enough to make them grow. I'm not going to lie too, I've been to the gym fourteen days straight with no rest and I feel like my growth is even better. Seeing some insane gains on my cycle now that I'm going everyday. People say you need rest days, but what's the point on cycle?
    You need to rest your body from the assualt you have put it through or it wont grow, you grow and repair outside of the gym and your also need to rest and repair your C.N.S otherwise your just taking 3 steps forward and four backwards. How can your muscles grow and repair when they are being used and put under presure everyday, you need to stop thinking this way and get a solid workout plan with rest days because these are the days when your grow!!!
    Your also not training correctly because its impossible to train 14 days in a row if you were.

    For delts I did
    seated smith machine shoulder press 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets which included dropsets to failure
    standing single side laterals super setted straight into single dumbell upright row -again 2 working sets ( dropsets to failure)
    bent over rear delt flyes 3 sets
    bar bell shrugs 4 sets - last set dropsets to failure
    Last edited by marcus300; 11-21-2012 at 06:55 AM.
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  39. #39
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You need to rest your body from the assualt you have put it through or it wont grow, you grow and repair outside of the gym and your also need to rest and repair your C.N.S otherwise your just taking 3 steps forward and four backwards. How can your muscles grow and repair when they are being used and put under presure everyday, you need to stop thinking this way and get a solid workout plan with rest days because these are the days when your grow!!!
    Your also not training correctly because its impossible to train 14 days in a row if you were.

    For delts I did
    seated smith machine shoulder press 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets which included dropsets to failure
    standing single side laterals super setted straight into single dumbell upright row -again 2 working sets ( dropsets to failure)
    bent over rear delt flyes 3 sets
    bar bell shrugs 4 sets - last set dropsets to failure
    I'm not trying to sound arrogant, or trying to prove a point or be a sad ****. But I think my recovery is really good just naturally. Whenever I've played sport, I've recovered well. Whenever I've gone for runs, I've recovered well. Whenever I've gone to the gym, I recover really well too. I just feel like I can work out everyday and my body hasn't felt anymore fatigued or anything like that. I'll take your advice though. I know that resting is important. The only reason I've been ignoring rest days is because I feel like I can work out everyday.

    I like seated smith machine shoulder presses. Really hits the spot. Do you do them in front of your head or behind? I've seen a few guys do them behind the head although I think that hits a completely different part. In relation to warm up sets, say one does 70KG smith machine presses, what would your warm up weight be - like 30KG?

    Finally, I've never really trained to failure before in the gym. I mean have a few times, but not much. Do they help promote growth? It seems like going to failure would focus more on endurance and toning up the muscle? I might start off going to failure on the last set of each exercise from now on, see how I go.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    I'm not trying to sound arrogant, or trying to prove a point or be a sad ****. But I think my recovery is really good just naturally. Whenever I've played sport, I've recovered well. Whenever I've gone for runs, I've recovered well. Whenever I've gone to the gym, I recover really well too. I just feel like I can work out everyday and my body hasn't felt anymore fatigued or anything like that. I'll take your advice though. I know that resting is important. The only reason I've been ignoring rest days is because I feel like I can work out everyday.

    I like seated smith machine shoulder presses. Really hits the spot. Do you do them in front of your head or behind? I've seen a few guys do them behind the head although I think that hits a completely different part. In relation to warm up sets, say one does 70KG smith machine presses, what would your warm up weight be - like 30KG?

    Finally, I've never really trained to failure before in the gym. I mean have a few times, but not much. Do they help promote growth? It seems like going to failure would focus more on endurance and toning up the muscle? I might start off going to failure on the last set of each exercise from now on, see how I go.
    Your not training correctly or intense enough if you can train every day, you need to rest and repair the body and C.N.S. Your restricting your gains training every day but if your happy with them you carry on but I can guarantee if you trained with me for one session you wouldn't be training the day after.............
    Cronus402, NACH3, Marsoc and 2 others like this.

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