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Thread: marcus300 interviews baseline-9

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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    marcus300 interviews baseline-9

    marcus300: Which country are you from and how do you like living there?
    Baseline: I'm from the UK, England.... Yes I enjoy living here... I'm fairly laid back and not into politics so I suppose that helps... If I were into politics and the way the country is run I would probably hate to live here... The weather could be better.... Cost of living could be lower.... But all in all I like it in England... I've got everything I need here and train at a great local 'hardcore' gym...

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    Baseline: I am a Telecommunications engineer.... I maintain and install anything from customer switches, firewalls and routers to transmission backbone networks and Telephony Switches...I trained as a PT but after getting a promotion at work training is simply not worth it for me....

    marcus300: Are you married, girlfriend and do you have children?
    Baseline: I have a wonderfull Girlfriend who I have been with for 8 years now... And no children, although I would like them one day...

    marcus300: What are your current stats and what would be your ideal ones?
    Baseline: Hmmmmm... Well, currently I would say I don't know how heavy I am because I got rid of the scales since I find them a bad tool for monitoring progress for myself.... Once I get into the game of watching the scale and 'forcing' weight gain I end up fat.... Currently I would think I'm around 185-190 lbs, 5'7-8" and around 14%BF.....

    marcus300: How long have you been training and what are your goals?
    Baseline: I have been training since I was at school, so around 14.... I started training at the school gym.... At my secondary school the gym was a council run gym... During the day the school used it and after 3.30 it opened up to the public... I started going to the gym after school... I was young and naive and just trained chests and arms... I loved it, the passion was amazing... I remember it was all I would think about... All day at school I would be thinking about my gym session once we finished.... I would always look up To the older 'big' lads who were benching the 15Kg dumbells..... Yes 15KG LOL!As my drive grew for the gym I began to set up a home gym in my garage which was great... Even tho we didn't really have an in depth knowledge of training or nutrition I still see these as the good old days when we would come back after school to train...I then moved onto training at a fancy 'fitness' gym for a year which was good but really not the best place for me at the time.... After there I trained for Thai boxing at a Thai boxing gym... This relit that fire...I loved it.... I would do 2-3 hrs a night, 4-6 times a week..... I was fit, fast and lean... I could kick u in the head before you even knew about it, but obviously I gave up muscle gains and the weight training took a back seat which is actually what I really enjoyed doing the most... After Thai boxing for around 18 months I decided I was going to get back into the gym and start weight training again for size..... I started training at a small hardcore gym similar to Temple and that was it for me..... The feeling was the same as the 'good old days'..... I was overwhelmed yet again, but not by 15KG dumbells, this time it was guys benching 4 plates.... This sparked the fire for me and this is where I began 'real' weight training...I'm rambling, I could go on.... Anyway, my goals are to be healthy, thick and lean...

    marcus300: You have totally transformed yourself since you first landed here on AR. How did you do it and what was your secret?
    Baseline: High intensity training, periodisation, food and lots of it, drive and gear

    I actually feel I could be in much better shape if I were to have focused a bit more on a specific goal and stuck with it..... I find myself confused as to wether I want to cut or gain weight.... I bounce forward and backwards and this is not too productive IMO, at least the way I do it (not planned, simply off impulse)...

    marcus300: What has been the most productive cycle you have ran?
    Baseline: Test E 750-1000mg, Tren E 500-750mg for 12 weeks with dbol pulsed on training days at around 50mg.....

    marcus300: What would be your advice to a newbie just starting out in bodybuilding and steroids?
    Baseline:Bodybuilding - Decide what you want to get out of it first, make a game plan and stick with it untill you reach your goal... Find like minded people who will support you in achieving your goal... Stay motivated, keep up to date with people who know what they are talking about (lye McDonald come to mind), and stop wasting your money on supplements, especially 'branded designer' ones.... Keep it basic with both your supplementation and training.... Whey protein (a blend would be better IMO), creatine mono hydrate and BCAA's.... Heavy compound lifts, hard work, high intensity, low-moderate volume, train quick, think detail and don't miss out anything that you will regret not training later... Rear delts, calves, forearms, even your neck...

    Steroids - Be prepared for your cycle in advance with everything lined up... This is just common sense.... Run HCG and an AI throughout.... Get the most out of every single cycle you do..... Why shut yourself down for 12 weeks to gain 12 lbs if you could gain 16..... Don't go off track post cycle..... Try and keep moving the same weight, just decrease the volume slightly.... Don't think that after a cycle you can ease off...I have made this mistake before.... Hit it hard all the time (with phases of deloads) no matter what...

    marcus300: What diet do you follow?
    Baseline: My diet changes lots..... I have tried keto, IF, carb cycling... The list goes on.... I don't like Keto one bit, probably just a lifestyle thing.... IF knocked me way off track and made me think that food choices didn't matter and installed bad eating habits in me....I actually feel it is a big contributor in my loss of motivation over the past 9 months!!! I eat lots of rice and chicken... They are the main building blocks to my diet... Add some oats, protein powder, lean beef, omega eggs, natty peanut butter, decent oils and that's about it.... That's the basics right there... I'm currently interested in what John Meadows has to say about diet.... If anyone wants to learn a little about healthy foods check out his site.... A few things I'm taking away from it are..... Fresh lemon juice, coconut oil, kiwi, apples and kale..... He is a very clued up guy and his info is excellent...

    marcus300: What have been your happiest times of your life?
    Baseline: It's a really hard question to answer... I can't say I've ever had that one moment... I enjoy life, I like my job, I like my house, l like chilling with my girlfriend, I like cooking, I like making things, I love to have a project on the go.... People who know me say 'oh no, what's he doing now'....
    everything kind of accumulates into happy times....

    The happiest times of my life are still to come, I will be starting a family one day... I inherent my inventive mind from my father and one day I will hopefully invent something that makes me a millionaire

    marcus300: What have been the lowest times of your life?
    Baseline: Again I'm fortunate to have not been in any really low times yet.... I'm still young, have a great job, a great girlfriend and all of my close family are still here. That's all that matters really.....

    marcus300: What was the last book you read?
    Baseline: 50 shades of grey..... Hahahaha.... Myself and my girlfriend drove down the west coast of France to camp on a small islands just off La Rochelle.... After the first few days I was done with all the material I had a saved to read while I was away and could not get online to download any more. I then found myself sharing this book with my girlfriend..... I'm man enough to say I enjoyed it too

    marcus300: If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?
    Baseline: Tough one, and I can't think of a genuine answer so I'm going to say Jay Z, so I could firstly be ridiculously rich and do whatever I wanted and secondly so that I could get inside Beyonce's pants... Or Eva Mendes's partner, whoever that may be

    marcus300: What have been your worse sides related to taking AAS?
    Baseline: Nothing too bad really... A bit of gyno on my left nipple which I can put down to nothing with a few days of Arimidex... I have to say the worst effect for my from gear is PIP from Test Prop....I was pinning home brew prop that I didn't autoclave for a fair amount of time and the pain was pretty bad.... Like seriously bad some times.... After autoclaving the gear (using a pressure cooker) its pain free in large muscle groups....If I were to ever buy UGL gear (which I wouldn't) I would run it through a 0.2 filter and autoclave it myself.... I would never trust an UGL, you simply do not know what your getting...My GF doesn't like me sweating in bed and TBH is a crappy side effect.... Waking up soaking wet and shivering is not nice... I sleep in a t-shirt now and throw it off in the night if I sweat...

    marcus300: How do you see your life in 5 yrs time?
    Baseline: I will be buying my next house next year... This time with my girlfriend.... I also have some money from a share scheme that has recently paid off and I'm considering investing it in another property to renovate myself and rent out or sell depending on the market... However it's a 50:50 wether I put that money onto a deposit and invest for the future (+25 year) or bang it on top of my next deposit for my house with my GF.... I'm currently trying to work it out...Hmmmm, 5 years, married, a baby, another home probably.... Hopefully still doing the same job, but as technology advances it requires less people to maintain it...

    marcus300: Have you travelled much, if so where have you been and where would you most like to go?
    Baseline: I have been on skiing holidays.... Italy a few times and Canada.... Dubai 3 times before it got mega popular as my brother in law worked there.... Dominican Republic, mexico...All the basic cheap holidays with my GF... Canary islands etc...
    I really enjoy camping tho and my GF does too which is great.... I don't really care for fancy hotels when I'm abroad.... Camping is great.... Take a BBQ and u can cook what u want when u want... Do what ever u want when u want... And the facilities in Europe are good nowadays If u go to a reputable place...I'd actually like to go to the states and visit a few different places just to see what it's like.... I'm not one for site seeing but Orlando, New York, LA.... Just places u have to go to just to see what they are like I suppose....

    marcus300: Hobbies outside bodybuilding?
    Baseline: I usually have some project on lol.... Not really hobbies but In the past year I have done my bathroom and added a kind of extension to my house outside.... I used to be a bit of a nut case when it came to designing weapons or just cool sh*t in general... From potato guns that will kill you to small explosives... All fun stuff I really enjoy cooking too...TBH if I'm not at work or in the gym I'm eating, spending time with my GF, sleeping or back in work I the middle of the night doing call outs.... I don't play computer games... In fact I have a PS3 that's still in the box... I don't seem to have the time...

    marcus300: What one thing could you tell our members what would shock them about you?
    Baseline: will think about this, nothing comes to mind just not...

    marcus300: Whats your ideal job?
    Baseline: Doing what Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage do on the 'Mythbusters' TV show... They are both special effect experts and that job has my name written all over it...

    marcus300: Which members interviews have suprized you the most?
    Baseline: I was surprised that I got a mention in Kawi's interview....

    marcus300: Whats the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
    Baseline? Walk after corking a 4.5ml mix of prop and tren ace in my glute LOL

    marcus300:Whats it liike being a staff member and which members did you take a shine to when you first came to AR?
    Baseline: I'm not going to be all sloppy and say its an honor or anything like that to be staff.... I'm happy that staff and Admin chose me to become more involved and I am thankful... It's good because the guys who were staff when I was selected are the guys I really 'looked up to' and respected so it's nice to know those guys picked me.... Swifto, Marcus and Fireguy were the guys I 'looked up to'.... They all have different areas of expertise and between the 3 of them your pretty much covered...

    Swifto can digest information like no other, which is great for people like me who can't be bothered to read everything in the world before making a decision on something... I always know if there is something I need to know Swifto is the guy to ask... I also enjoy winding Secret Swifto up via PM.... He loves it too secretly...

    Marcus is the go to guy if you want to know about compounds or cycles... I'd say he has more experience than anyone on this board and will always give it to u straight.... Top bloke IMO...

    I always remember that avi that Fireguy used to have... It was a most muscular type shot, quad out, shredded, BOOM... Just that avi demanded respect.... Fire is one of the go to guys if you want some contest prep advise....

    As far as being staff.... I tent to pop into most thread to check that there is at least a good answer in there from a knowledgable member.... I don't feel the need to then add my own answer or say 'yes he is right'.... That's just not me...

    marcus300: What would be your basic diet advice for a newbie?
    Baseline: If u can grow it or kill it then eat it..... Hit a 40:40:20 macro split (P:C:F).... 15 cals per Lb of LBM to maintain.... Add 500-750 cals when gaining (from carbs) and add extra cardio when cutting...Follow those rules 'most' of the time and that's a good place to start.... Diets always come down to the person... I can't write a diet for someone and expect it to be right..... No chance.... Work with what you have and make small adjustments until your hitting your goals ( be it weekly or monthly gains or losses)...

    marcus300: What would you change about the forum?
    Baseline: I think if I had the power I would make the board more like a social media site like Facebook....
    I would add a 'Tag' function so that you can tag people in posts... So for example I could say... "@Marcus300 is a sick bastard who is into bondage and loves wearing latex suits and having his balls zapped with a stun gun".... You would then get an alert to show that I have mentioned you....I would also like to add a 'like' function so that members can hit like on posts... Another example.... "@Marcus300 also enjoys taking part in skat porn, especially in @Admins cellar since the shiny basement floors make clean up a breeze".... Now not only would Marcus and Admin get a notification stating that they were Tag'd but other member could also click 'like' on my comment....

    marcus300: When was the last time you cried and why?
    Baseline: pass - not cuz I don't want to say... I can't really thing of a good example TBh

    members question: according to his profile he is 23 or 25 which is it?
    Baseline: 25, the 23 never moves for some reason... I don't know why there are 2 age option on my profile but I can't get rid of it :s

    members question: Now that a lot of states allow for gay marriage, is he considering moving to the states?
    Baseline: nah, I couldn't stand to be around all of those Yanks

    members question: Which members/staff do you dislike and like the most, be honest?
    Baseline: I don't dislike any staff, and even if I did I wouldnt publicly share that information anyway... I like loads of the guys.... I have spoke a lot to Swifto and Marcus in the past via PM.... Matt too.... Jimmy and D7M are both really good genuine guys... GB is a great guy and I respect him for all the support he gives out in the nutrition section...

    members question: What does he do for fun? Any hobbies?
    Baseline: I have probably already answered this one above but..... I like making things or having a project on the go... From DIY jobs like new bathrooms or extensions to building gym equipment.... I'm actually building a rack right now which I will post up when it's complete..

    members question: Are you really into S&M sex?
    Baseline: LOL no I'm not.... LOL this one makes me laugh... Marcus is a funny ****er, he will have you believe anything

    members question: Was he ever picked on in school?
    Baseline: No I've never been picked on in a bullying type way.... While I was at school I would see bullies pick on people and just not bother about it.... I didnt get picked on probably cuz im a kind of all rounder... Meaning I share many interests with many different groups of people and therefore always mixed with everyone, if u know what I mean... I was always into some kind of training, be it, Boxing, MMA, weight training etc... Maybe that stopped me being picked on...One lad at my school (a real bully c*nt) attempted to 'bully' me once after school... Maybe he though cuz i was a nice guy i was an easy target.... I think he pushed me once... I just took my back pack off, stood up to him and said sumat like 'cum on then, let's have it'..... He turned into a little girl and basically completely flapped it LOL...Today if I saw someone getting bullied the bully would know about it... I'd go out of my way to stop a bully.... I'd love the chance....

    members question: has he ever been to Australia?
    Baseline: No, wanna pay for me and the GF to come?

    memebers question: Ever had any adverse effects on steroids?
    Baseline: no nothing serious at all.... Nothing other than the common listed side effects.... gyno, sweating, bit of anger when on higher dosages... My GF can tell my temper is shorter when I'm on gear too...

    members question: Has he ever been hit on by a guy outside the lounge and DSM doesn't count?
    Baseline: Marcus tried to pull me into this whole S&M fantasy of his... He even sent me some restraints and a PVC suit and asked me to meet him at Swifto's in Brighton for a session.... The PVC suit is useless but the restraints make great lifting straps.... And no, I never did meet Marcus...

    members question: Who do you admire from the forum, physically and knowledgable?
    Baseline:Tough question... Admire may not be the best word... I respect people for different things... already answered above I think

    members question: I see you have been here since 09, and are still around. what is your secret to longivity on this board?
    Baseline: LOL sounds like a relationship.... I don't take this place too seriously... I enjoy coming here to read and learn... I like sharing info in the training sections.... Although I'm staff I still use the board just like everyone else on here does...

    members question: Who do you most miss from our board that you really liked to see and hear from? and Do you have a secret crush on one of our members?
    Baseline: I don't miss people but there are a few guys who are not as active any more and I did like there input... Fireguy and Twist...

    members question: what does baseline stand for? baseline in a tennis court cos you're a tennis player? baseline in a rock song cos you play the guitar? baseline total test level pre-cycle??
    Baseline: Haha, I used to use Baseline for all my passwords... Baseline was a type of dance music that was in the clubs a lot when I was younger... It has no meaning...

    members question: Base, you seem to devote quite a bit of time to BBing and here on the forum, is it just a hobby or an obsession or do you want to go all the way for a pro card ?
    Baseline: No way do I want to be a pro, I have never even competed and currently have no plans to... It's a hobby that I'm hooked on and I like to know everything there is to do with it even if I never plan to compete...

    members question: The UK has been in a slump for awhile now, and predicted to come out of a depression by 2014. What's the one thing you like the most about the UK, despite all this, and the one thing you hate the most? If you could change one thing about the UK, what would it be?
    Baseline: If I could change one thing it would be the weather... Our weather is crap.... I can't think of anything that I 'like' the most but I also can't think of anything that I 'hate' the most either.... I'm pretty laid back...

    members question: Hey Baseline 9, does the 9 represent what you are packing?
    Baseline: I wish lol, It's part of my date of birth.

    members question: How open and bizarre are you? and would you date a DSM or Shol'va or at least bring them home sometime for a little R and R or S and M? Rumor has it that Shol'va is really shy.
    Baseline: I'm not funny or witty enough to come back with a good answer... Sorry... But I'm not that Bizzare, I'm fairly open tho...

    members question: What is it like behind the scenes for staff? what qualities do some staff have what we don't see on the open baord and how do you feel being a member of the staff group?
    Baseline: If I told you that I'd have to kill you, or at least send u to Admins cellar for a session with Admin and Marcus, after which you would bleed to death from your anus..Seriously tho,You may get a different answer from a staff member via PM vs on the open board... Some of the suff I have spoken to with members of staff (AAS related) would shock most people and this information is not to be on the open boards.... I think you will generally get an honest answer from most of the staff via PM if you want the truth.... But since staff are here to keep the board running smooth and protect the members obviously some times some things don't need to be posted publicly for everyone to read.

    members question: who would you feel safer showering with, DSM or Shol'va?
    Baseline: Thats like one of those 'would you rather be attacked by 20 cat sized rhinos or 1 rhino sized cat'.... Thought one, Who's bigger.... Read that as you will...

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    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

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