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Thread: Israel

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk View Post
    We need to stay out of that shit and let them take care of themselves.
    And where do you think the majority of Israels economy comes from? All their weaponary?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    The fact that the British had to set up Israel, and then the U.S. has continued to foot their entire GDP, shows that Israelis are not self sufficient in any way.

    The Gaza strip, if you want to call it that, get's smaller every year and soon Palestinians will be the displaced people. And you know what that leads to? More angry young men, with nothing but a rocket. Another terrorist. And lets face facts, what terrorist ever took out the person they have a beef with.

    I'm not pro either side any more, Hamas want piece as much as the Zionists do, as in, they dont. No one is living in the real world over there. The Palestinians have absolutely no chance of ever being the predominate owners to that land ever again.

    What worries me, is that for everyone saying "can't allow Iran to develop a nuclear programme", its Israel threatening to carpet bomb the middle east. I dont know if Israel themselves have nuclear warheads, but if anyone is going to launch a nuke at someone else in the next few years, it will be them doing the firing.

    So much posturing, and so much bloodshed as a result.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Sholva, repeating a mistruth over and over again does not make it any more true. Iran's president said that he wanted to erase Israel from the maps and out of the history books. He was speaking metaphorically, meaning that he does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the state of Israel or its government. His words were then interpreted by the mass media to mean he wanted to physically wipe Israel off the map, but it is far from what he originally stated in Farsi. So you are simply quoting an improper translation that has been repeated ad nauseum. Second, our countries own CIA states (and I am paraphrasing) that while Iran has clerics and a President who like to say sensational things, they are in fact a RATIONAL ACTOR, who have all of the same interests as many other countries. Another interesting statistic is that 50% of the male population of Iran is about 15 years old, this means that they are very impressionable, something we should be using to our advantage, as opposed to imposing sanctions (an act of war) on their country. Iran is in fact a very progressive country despite what the MSM spoon feeds you. They are nowhere near as oppressive towards women and other factions, as say, some of our actual allies in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Pakistan.

    Second, Israel is NOT our "best ally in the Middle East," we do not have large military bases anywhere within Israel. We do however have quite elaborate and nice air bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. I would consider both of those countries to be stronger allies to the United States, logistically speaking, since they provide a place for our own actual infrastructure from which we are able to launch attacks. Additionally, Yemen can be considered an allie, since they let us fly our drones around their air space and blast the shit out of their civilians with Hellfire missiles to kill 1 or 2 BG's. So, this illusion that Israel is our "ONLY ALLY IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!!!," is just that, an illusion, a fabrication, another half-truth or outright lie thats been repeated time and time again.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    What i also find strange is how we as a world sat back and cheered the Arab spring, people finally standing up for their rights and FREEDOM against oppressors and dictators, those freedom fighters were called exactly that.

    So whats the difference when we talk about the People of Gaza???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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