marcus300: Where abouts in the world do you live and how do you like living there?
GirlyGymRat: I live in the United States and ran away from home for employment opportunities. My momma always said I was a “big city” girl; unfortunately, my big city is not quite the climate I prefer, so I plan to relocate someday.
marcus300: Are you married or have a boyfriend and do you have children?
GirlyGymRat: Currently in a relationship and not able to have children.
marcus300: What are your current stats?
GirlyGymRat: 5’4”/136/18% bf
marcus300: What do you do for a living?
GirlyGymRat: I currently work for a large logistics company.
marcus300: How long have you been training and what are your goals?
GirlyGymRat: Training…such a guy term! LOL!!! I cheered for football from the age of 6 through high school – I consider it training - and credit the practices, jumping and acrobatics for the shapely thighs and legs I have to this day. Life threw me some curve balls for 9 years, but I always liked working out. My new goal is to reach and maintain 14% bf or have a more tummy definition + bigger booty + more defined shoulders + lean back – whichever happens first!
marcus300: How did you come across this forum and why did you join?
GirlyGymRat: I found myself working out but not able to maintain any significant progress and then one day I received the absolute worst blood test results. Facing a lifetime of imprisonment with doctor visits, I whined to a friend who suggested on-line body building forums since no one understands how to cut better then BBs. I was dissatisfied with another site and a Google search landed me here. I headed to the nutritional forum, read the sticky notes and other member’s threads. Finally, a bold female member posted her stats. I may have just lurked forever, but thankfully, her body type and end goals where much different. Plus, and this is the best part, the male diet gurus were respectful, straight forward and provided a plan for her. I wanted a plan for me, my body type and my goals!
marcus300: What does your diet and training look like?
GirlyGymRat: I need to hit 1350 calories with 155g p/100g c/35g f to cut because my metabolism is still horrid. I am revisiting my training to include more time in the “testosterone tavern” and less time doing cardio. In the past, I would put in 6 – 7 hours weekly or more with minimal time using weights, however, now know I need to be more purposeful with weights and heavier weight to reach my goal. I visited the big boy side of the gym (aka testosterone tavern) and I was hooked, but really don’t know what I should be doing to achieve my goals….yet!
marcus300: Have you ever used steroids to help achieve your goals or would you like to?
GirlyGymRat: I have never used - that’s my story and I am sticking with it!!! Like most newbies, clen was a draw and 3iu ed of HGH but increasingly more difficult to find legit grade. I am researching peptides for anti-aging, anavar for that last bit of fat and anything else that produces the same results as HGH. If any members have ideas, I am interested in learning more!
marcus300: How can we attract more females to the forum?
GirlyGymRat: I think the site does attract females; it's the ability to retain gals that seems to be a challenge. Most new female members are interested in using steroids for weight loss. I would have some more female friends if every guy on this site had their wife / girlfriend / sister open accounts! If I was princess for a day, I would luv to see female friendly information on diet, exercise and steroids, including cycles and stacks in one location - otherwise will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
marcus300: What areas of the forum have helped you the most?
GirlyGymRat: The nutritional area, no doubt. I have learned a lot about the male psyche and get my fill of laughs in the lounge!!! I occasionally stray into the steroid sub forums too!
marcus300: How old are you?
GirlyGymRat: My momma says a gal shouldn't share all her secrets, but I will have a special birthday in 2013 – that is one ending with a zero or five!
marcus300: What have been the happiest and saddest times of your life?
GirlyGymRat: I am happiest in love as are all hopeless romantics! I am naturally cheerful, spontaneous and energetic with unending optimism, therefore, my lowest low was dealing with the darkest feelings and hopelessness of depression, a known side effect from prescription medicine I needed to take for six months. I would not wish depression on my worst enemy and have gained a better appreciation for those who suffer from this terrible affliction.
marcus300: Which members do you admire or have a secret crush on?
GirlyGymRat: Awhhh, there are just too many to mention!
marcus300: When was the last time you cried?
GirlyGymRat: When my trusting heart was broken by a man I love.
marcus300: What would you change on the forum if you could?
GirlyGymRat: I would like the pages to load faster. Some days, pages load slow on both my computer and my phone.
marcus300: Have you travelled much, and if so where have you been?
GirlyGymRat: I have been fortunate to travel both for business and pleasure; the farthest being to Germany and the most frequent being to Mexico. I have seen more than half of the 50 states and you can find this Caribbean junkie on any island as near as Bahamas, as far as Barbados and many other destinations in between, but I rarely visit the same place twice!
marcus300: If you could travel back in time and change one thing for yourself, what would it be and why?
GirlyGymRat: I would have learned proper nutrition earlier because I wasted a lot of time and money chasing every fad diet and marketing scheme targeted towards women. Let’s just say I have bad luck – 3 major car accidents (none my fault), 7 surgeries (some major) and a nasty slip and fall down a flight of stairs which left me unable to work out consistently for more then a few years. Carrying an extra 30 – 40 pounds was a mental burden - I wasn’t happy and didn’t feel girly. It stole my confidence plus I was starting to have health issues. All I really needed was to better understood macro nutrients, TDEE and the importance of protein. Not maintaining a healthy body weight is one of my life’s only regrets.
marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
GirlyGymRat: My wishes - one for the world, for my community and for myself in that order.
• Eliminate child abuse throughout the globe
• Leave a legacy by creating a positive impact in the lives of others around me
• A bigger shoe closet!
marcus300: Favorite bodypart to train?
GirlyGymRat: My mind by keeping it open, active and continuously learning……..followed closely by shoulders because defined shoulders are just plain sexy!
marcus300: Describe your ideal man?
GirlyGymRat: My perfect man is willing to work as hard as me for things we value equally in life.
Now for the details!!! What’s on the inside is as important as the outside and I prefer sensitive, thoughtful, respectful and polite. I want him to provide, protect and proclaim his love for me. I like the type who cares for his physical, spiritual, and emotional dimensions and a little metro sexual tendency is not lost on me, as in frequent showers, some cologne, nice appearance, however, not to the extent that I am making manicure and pedicure appointments for two! The deal breakers………smoke, chew, spit, profanity, dumb, lazy and there has to be a minimum 50 pound spread – so he can’t be borrowing my jeans or able to wear my tees cuz that is just WRONG!!! I look for common sense, brain activity and a sense of humor to maintain a, meaningful conversation and my long term interest. I don’t like too bossy or too wimpy. I definitely want a man who is man enough to be a man.
marcus300: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
GirlyGymRat: Professionally, moving along in my career. Personally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in a warmer climate.
Members question: Are you really a guy who pretends to be a woman?
GirlyGymRat: hahahahahaha!
Members question: If I (TR) were to pull up in front of your house on the Harley, would you:
A) Hop on and hang on tight
B) Pretend you were not home
C) Send your dogs after me
D) Other
GirlyGymRat: A for sure!
Members question: If I were to show up at your house with a bottle of bourbon, a bottle of tequila, or a bottle of gin, which bottle would you want to open up first?
GirlyGymRat: Depends on my mood but the gin is the safest!
Members question: Coke or Pepsi?
GirlyGymRat: Neither. Diet Cherry Dr Pepper is my favorite!
Members question: Biceps, chest, abs or ass...which do you look at first on a guy?
GirlyGymRat: Hmmmm and not as simple as one versus the other. What good are great guns with a big beer gut? Or a defined chest with a flat butt? For me, it’s is all about proportion!!!
Members question: How do you feel about belonging to a mostly male steroid forum? Are you intimidated? Frustrated about the lack of respect at times with you on board, and them forgetting that there are ladies on board with the guys being guys and asking rather racy questions and posting racy pics? Or are you ok with it all knowing guys are being guys.
GirlyGymRat: All members are treated with respect in the nutritional forum so shout out to the VETS, monitors and members who keep the serious forums professional. Once I ventured into other places, I noticed different “sub-cultures” and some dogmatic personalities. The LOUNGE is when I chose to ignore some threads and Neanderthals aren’t worth my valuable time. Thankfully, there are far more wise, well-raised and decent fellas on the boards. I keep it in perspective, expect guys to be guys and take the good with the bad.
Members question: Are you glad DSM and Shol'va do their part on posting racy pics of guys for you to browse at to make up for the girly pics that others post on here? If Shol'va lived near you would you be inclined to ask him out for shopping sprees and advice on decorating your place, dining out and of course advice and to be a sounding board on men your dating or have dated?
GirlyGymRat: Diversity is refreshing and I am not offended by tasteful pics that are “easy on the eyes” posted by any member. Gay guys are my safe zone and the best of both worlds – no jealous BS and no sexual tension – plus the bonus of able to offer a unique perspective into the male psyche!
Members question: What has been your best experience on the forum and your worst?
GirlyGymRat: Best is the support and knowledge and encouragement and laughs; worst is being ignored. All in all, far more positive than negative with the great bunch of fellas on this site and getting better every day!
Members question: And for the record we are very proud to have you here.....
GirlyGymRat: Thank you and I am thankful to have found this forum!
Members question: When it comes to men, which is the bigger turn on for you?
1) Humor
2) Smile
3) Intimate conversation
4) Sincerity
GirlyGymRat: Sincerity speaks more to a man’s’ soul than the others.
Members question: When it comes to men, which is more important to you?
1) Good body
2) Good mind/intellect
3) Pretty face
GirlyGymRat: Good mind / intellect because you can’t fix STUPID!!! With enough time and money, the others can be changed or improved, but dumb is FOREVER!
Members question: Suppose you are in a long term relationship with a bloke, and over the past couple of years, he's really packed on the weight and let himself go. Despite your urgings/proddings, he doesn't seem to want to change. What will you do?
GirlyGymRat: I know what I want. I am not attracted to guys leaning towards a certain genetic predisposition, so I chose wisely. I would expect some change in 10 years, but not in just two short years, and I couldn’t imagine a guy packing on 30 - 50 pounds in such a short time. However, being a hypothetical, I would act to stop the train wreck long before the situation got out of control by being supportive. I would not bring bad food into the home, put us on a stricter diet by eating highly nutritious meals and make sure we prioritized exercise and physical activity. Let’s just say, I would incentivize his good behavior! He would also be encouraged to get blood work to see if there was a change in his hormones and explore if there was something else causing this sudden change in attitude. However, if he does not want to participate in his own health, I would have to slip him some kind of fat burning supplement, offer to drop him off at a fat farm or find him a gastroenterologist who wires jaws shut – whatever alternative support he is needing. Now I understand some minor fluctuation, but individuals have to take responsibility and manage their situation. I tell my friends if I was too get ‘beach whale like’, just take me out back and put me out of my misery! If you struggle with weight, don’t feel hopeless, don’t ever give up! Get yourself educated on nutrition, start moving and make the most of what you were given!!! You will feel so much better, happier, confident, and sexier – all these awesome side effects will just ooze out of you!
Members question: Every woman has a "spot". For some, it's the back of the neck, others below the ear. And others, there is a line running up the back of the calf. Where is your "spot"?
GirlyGymRat: One of my spots is at the base of my neck, but the others are on a need to know basis!
Members question: There's a guy in town that has really caught your attention. But he seems a little shy. Do you wait for him to approach you, or do you decide to just go for it and approach him first?
GirlyGymRat: Since he is shy, the situation would have to be handled delicately. The key with shy ones is to make them feel comfortable and confident. In a casual situation, our paths would cross, especially if it was meant to be, and he would ask me out or leave thinking he asked me out! BTW, I prefer the shy type!!!
Members question: You are on a first date with a fella. You are given a choice between a nice picnic lunch on a semi secluded meadow near the forest, or dinner at a first class restaurant with all the trimmings and then go clubbing after. How would you choose?
GirlyGymRat: I don’t have STUPID written across my forehead!!! Of course, I would choose the latter for my own safety, would drive myself and have a planned exit strategy - there are some whackos out there. I would have to know and trust someone well before I venture to a semi secluded meadow near a forest…just sayin!!!
Members question: You are trying to decide on an intimate tattoo. Would you be more comfortable in the breast or panty area?
GirlyGymRat: Well since it’s intimate, I wouldn’t be telling you!
Members question: Lights on or lights off?
GirlyGymRat: Soft lights or candle lights, so lights on!!!
Members question: You and your fella are alone at your place, getting in the mood, getting close, and things are heating up. Your phone rings and it is your boss. What do you do? Suppose it's the doorbell?
GirlyGymRat: If it is the boss, I would feel obligated to answer especially if during working hours, but that doesn’t mean everything would have to come to a screeching halt! If it’s the doorbell, whoever can wait!!! This gal got priorities.
Members question: It's your birthday and I don't know what to get you. Would you prefer a nice floral arrangement or a back rub?
GirlyGymRat: I am all over that massage!!!! Plus, I prefer 1.5 or 2 hours because there is just not ample time in 50 minutes to work on all my spots.
Members question: Sex on the beach or a screaming orgasm?
GirlyGymRat: Do I have to pick just one? Is sex on the beach and a screaming orgasm mutually exclusive?? Who asked this question???
members question: Leather or lace?
GirlyGymRat: Depends on the guy! Some like leather, some like lace, but all love heels!!!
Members question: Anyone ever write you poetry before? How did that make you feel?
GirlyGymRat: Now I feel deprived that I never received a little poem from anyone, ever.
Members question: She's had a lot of injuries lately. Maybe ask what they are, the cause, prognosis, therapy, etc
GirlyGymRat: I could no longer ignore the pain from two sports injuries. Non arthroscopic ankle surgery addressed a floating bone chip lodged in the soft tissue causing tendon and ligament tears, fluid and tendonitis in the ankle. Surgical boot for 8 weeks and as soon as I can wear those ugly, appalling, hideous flats, I will undergo arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery to repair a partial full tear and delamination of the remaining attached supraspinatus. The initial tear was 2 years ago from over extending a three pound weight in a kick boxing class and reinjured a year later doing a lateral arm raise with 5 lb. weight in a fully extended side plank position. Doc expects the recovery to be no less than 6 months, the first 6 weeks using a special device to articulate the arm in three positions followed by physical therapy. I am not so happy about this minor setback and expect to lose some muscle tone, but am determined to not gain any significant weight by tightening the diet. Four days after ankle surgery, I had my splinted limb hanging off the side of the bed, doing leg lifts. I will not do anything to jeopardize a full recovery and will be seeking knowledge to achieve my new goals and anxious to lift more aggressively as soon as possible.
Members question: I see that you were 160lbs when you joined and wanted to be around 120-140lbs. Where are you now with respect to your goals?
GirlyGymRat: Well you are being very kind because I hovered at 160 for years, but was closer to 173 and 30% bf when I officially started my program. I am maintaining 136/18% bf and wear a size 2/4. The jealous types say I am too skinny, my dear friends say I look healthy and my guy friends warn me not to lose too much more weight. I now realize 120 is probably too low for me, so my new favorite numbers are 130/14% or a flatter tummy, bigger booty, and more defined arms and back!!! There is no perfect number, so find a healthy weight for you. I am not able to have children so my goals are suitable to my situation. Being too thin and of extremely lower bf% can be unhealthy for child bearing as is being overweight and of higher body fat. I do not discourage any gal or guy who wants to achieve a look after diet and exercise are exhausted, but do so with full knowledge and education of the risks and long term side effects…just be smart about it!
Members question: If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
GirlyGymRat: A crab apple tree which offers an ever changing beauty and unique appearance in all seasons.
Members question: Does she look down upon steroid use?
GirlyGymRat: No, not at all and I steer clear of judging others, as it is not my role in this life. I am the gal who would be injecting her man, if he so desired my help. There is very little information about steroid usage for women and even more misinformation about diet and exercise. I applaud all members who are helping gals and who are providing informational posts for the ladies on diet, exercise, supplements and steroids.
Members question: Does anyone know that she’s a member of a steroid website?
GirlyGymRat: No one! It is irresponsible for me, in my position, to share this information publically. However, if peeps ask me, I suggest Google “forums steroid” and look for “the most visited” website.
Members question: How many pairs of stilettos do you own?
GirlyGymRat: I have 36 heels and two pair of flip flops. I was forced to buy a pair of flats and riding boots because doc gave me “the look” about my 4.5 inch pumps.
Members question: Do you have a shoe fetish?
GirlyGymRat: When I go shoe shopping, it makes me feel so good, like I would imagine drugs to an addict!!! A new pair of shoes is almost as good as the endorphins from a great workout. Buying flats, on the other hands, is a downer; I break out into a cold sweat and my tummy gets all tangled, my hands shake, I get a headache….yeah, I got issues!
Members question: Do you own a whip?
GirlyGymRat: I have a feather duster!
Members question: Ever had 2 guys at once or dream about it?
GirlyGymRat: Only 2? Hahahaha!
Members question: Who on this site would you like to meet up with for a day?
GirlyGymRat: System Admin
Member’s question: Would you spend a night with Marcus and his masks and suits? and do you like dressing up for sex?
GirlyGymRat: No one should be forced to do anything that makes them uncomfortable. I am well into the third book of the Fifty Shades trilogy and I see no harm with keeping things interesting between two consenting adults. I think everyone should do something every day that scares you!
Members question: Which 5 people from this site (past or present) would you invite to a dinner party? Why those people and what would you dish up?
GirlyGymRat: This is a toughie because I don’t know a lot of members so I am certain there are some I would choose or will come to know that I don’t know in this moment. But as of today, I would invite Marcus, SteM, Atomini, Spywizard and Damienm05. The first three to structure a plan to achieve and maintain my new goals via diet, exercise, supplements and such and Spywizard can help me with computer concerns. I would like to surprise Damienm05 with the incredible results I have been able to maintain since he got me started on a healthier lifestyle. For the menu, it would be a cheat meal!!! I would prepare grilled steak and fresh baked crab cakes, baked sweet potatoes with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, roasted asparagus sprinkled with dead sea salt, some crushed garlic and a drizzle of EVOO, plus a leafy salad with dried cherries, red onion, blue cheese crumbles, pecans and a splash of white balsamic vinaigrette. I would offer wine/beer/tea/water with lemon or scotch and after dinner cordial. I would make my very own and very moist banana cake served with white buttercream frosting. I anticipate the conversation would be phenomenal!
Members question: Do you have any idea how dang funny you are at times?
GirlyGymRat: I am a fun loving person!!!
Members question: What is the biggest tip you learned from your gurus on eating? The one thing that pops out more than anything else you had to change in order to transform?
GirlyGymRat: This is a tossup between two but I will have to go with macronutrient breakdown within a daily caloric intake. I had no idea I wasn’t eating enough protein. BTW, close second is the importance of weekly meal planning. Waking up and figuring out what to eat on the fly is an undisciplined and haphazard approach which will lead to failure.
Members question: How many of the guys on the site hit on you via PM?
GirlyGymRat: There have been three, but only one extremely persistent.
Members question: Would you consider ever dating someone from the forum?
GirlyGymRat: I say, never say never, except when it comes to having intimate relations with an obese guy.
Members question: Who’s the biggest guy on the forum, who’s the sexist guy on the forum and who’s the most repulsive guy on the forum - must answer??
GirlyGymRat: Biggest guy – I have no idea ; Sexist – Lunk1 thinks he is. Repulsive – All soon to be banned members share this same quality.