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Last edited by Far from massive; 12-20-2012 at 10:47 PM.
and you got to divide the number by the total population...
blah blah blah, i love when people use false info to make their argument. I'm sure you copied this, but that about Sweden isnt completely true . And Sweden regulates the shit out of the guns and ammo.
Last edited by gixxerboy1; 12-20-2012 at 09:46 PM.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Anotherthread... ugh....
i think all people that think we should get rid of guns should be shot!![]()
Do we have to have another one of these threads?
I own guns, I love guns and I support the 2nd ammendment in it's current inturpretation! However...even I believe that some change is neccessary! If I have to wait 30 days to buy a gun..so be it! If I have to register every gun I have with local or fed. LE..so be it. If they can no longer import assault rifles into the US...so be it. If they stop the manufacture of high cap mags...so be it!
I am more of a realist than an extremist. I understand that something needs to change and that common ground between gun advocates and ant-gun groups will have to be met. We willnever lose our right to own hunting guns and I doubt we would lose our right to own already manufactured assault rifles but there is no denying that the easy access of firearms by criminilas and mentaly unstable ppl has led to way to many sensless lives lost!
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Last edited by Far from massive; 12-20-2012 at 10:47 PM.
Guns are bad news in the hands of idiots. We have some of the toughest laws in the world for guns, but in Sydney a night doesn't go by without a drug related drive by shooting. Also the massacre here in Tasmania proves that people who own guns legally are not the ones doing these evil acts.
I dont agree with that, cause I believe that is bad news.
I know you know your guns so dont think I am preaching to you. These assualt rifles are not assualt rifles they are not fully automatic they are simply styled after our military firearms.
It was like after ww1 and ww2 and the 30-06 bolt action became a popular hunting firearm many scoffed at it, but our soldiers returning home from war liked the way it handled and it became a staple in deer camp. The same thing is going with ar-15 style platforms. They are fast handling as well as accurate so they are becoming more popular.
Do I own one? No, I have no reason to. However I understand I support anyone who wants to own one. My coyote hunting partner shoots one and its is very accurate. I prefer a bolt action cause it what I am used to. The media calls .223 caliber a high power caliber, this is simply false. In fact I dont believe its suitable for deer sized game.
These tragic shootings are just that tragic. The fact the media and the left try to use this for personal gain is disgusting. I would bet 90 percent of the homes in my area have firearms in them. We have never had school shootings, etc. Evil will always exist in the world taking away a persons ability to protect them from evil is not a smart idea.
i don't know how to achieve this, but if the crazy guy only has a knife instead, he may not have hurt as many as he did.
Another gun thread....
Okay, its obvious that a crazy with a knife is not going to do anywhere near the damage as a shooter will. Before anyone sites that guy in China, all the kids he attacked, survived...
And as for people making bombs, on a scale to take out over 30 people....that takes more prep than people realise. The kind of prep that gets noticed. Im pretty sure that mother would have noticed her son building a bomb.
The whole gun debate is always going to go round in circles.
The only thing I can suggest is that you start fortifying your buildings to be "gun nut" proof, and start monitoring those that have mental problems or psychotic episodes closer.
If we didn't have guns we would have other weapons. No matter what we do there will ALWAY be crazy people out there.
I use the term "assault rifles" because that is how they are claidified and everyone can easily relate vs. saying a specific make and model. The biggest point I am trying to make is that I love guns but I'm not afraid of our Govt.
I love guns but if there are a few that I am not allowed to possess as a citizen then my heart will not stop beating. Would I think this way if they asked me to turn over my Belgian Brownings or Model 12's? Would I have a diff. opinion if I couldnt own a bolt action rifle or one of my Benelli's? FUK yes I would! But I am not going to act like Chicken Little and believe the sky is falling because I have to "suffer" with a 5 or 10 rnd mag vs a 30 or 50 or 100. The world will not come to an end if I can no longer purchase newly manufactured or imported AK-47's
There are plenty of alternatives that allow me to still enjoy the sport of hunting and shooting! My 7mm mag will be just as effective on big game as an Armorlite .308.
I surely do not care if I have to regester everything down to a .22 rifle....I think it's a great way of tracking guns used in crimes!
Life is compromise...things are not working the way that they are! Many things can be blamed for where things are at today but a comprohensive solution needs to be found...that requires a bit of give and take on both sides of the fence and a multi phasated (sp) approach to this problem.!
Why not ban cell phones. Just for fun I looked up the number of traffic fatalities related to cell phones which is around 6 times greater than deaths by firearm. And thats including all the gang style hits, if you remove all the gang type shootings where both the shooter and the victim both had criminal records then the number more than doubles.
By the way I agree with controls to lessen shootings, what I don't agree with is reactionary regulation to a shooting event, its always short sighted, poorly executed and of course politically motivated.
The news media always talks about how many poeple were killed by guns each year, how many of those lives were taken due to a criminal act(drug deals,gangs,etc)?I wonder how many lives were saved because of people being armed and defending themselves with guns?
I agree with alot of what you are saying Lunk but the problem is where do they start and stop.Alot of the people talking about gun controll believe that all "assault rifles" are due to them being semi-automatic and having large capacity mags and think they should be banned.If that would take place there goes all of the semi automatic shotguns and even the ruger 10-22 rifles that most of us grew up with.
Does anyone actually believe that banning guns will solve anything? So what, there is now a piece of paper that states it its illegal to possess a firearm, what have we solved....................NOTHING..............the bad guys aren't gonna go down to their local sheriffs department & turn in all their firearms because a piece of paper says they have to, they're gonna keep them & they're gonna keep killing & robbing just the same. But now what we will see is a spike in home invasions, because the bad guys now know that the good law abiding citizens have done what the paper told them to do, they have gone & turned in all their firearms, so now the bad guys know these folks are sitting at home utterly defenseless against an armed invasion. If guns are banned, the only people that will own guns are police, military & outlaws & there are MANY more outlaws then there are police to them. If guns are banned I too will be labeled outlaw, not because I'm a criminal but because I will only turn in my registered weapons (because the government knows I have them) but I will keep ALL of my MAAAAAAANNY unregistered weapons. Call me an outlaw, I don't give a fvck, I refuse to be rendered defenseless, I WILL NOT be a victim or a statistic.......................EVER.
Last edited by The Bear 79; 12-21-2012 at 10:35 AM.
Well said Bear!
This is alot of BS'sing back and forth. District of Columbia vs. Heller already protected our rights to own guns in the fashion that are in current use (including militart style weapons) and it is just very un-likely that the Supreme court decision that was just passd 4 years ago will be reversed because of the current tragedies!
Everyone take a breath and head to the range! Remember, sight alignment and sight picture with a smooth steady trigger press![]()
If your from the Highlands of Scotland.Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00
I agree with you on no need for high capicity mags, silencers, etc. If they increased the wait period I dont care but I do care about certain ideas the left pushes .The so called "assualt rifles" and registration I am against. Do I believe the goverment is close to confiscation? No. I think registration would make it to easy though. So its not that I dont believe somethings could be changed for the better. I just disagree with registration alot.
Think like this the media uses a shock term like assault rifles then it goes semi-automatic etc.
I am just a guy who lives in the woods with his family and wants to be left alone. I really don't think the sky is falling or the goverment is coming after my firearms but certain laws leads to a slippery slope.
Agree with exactly what Bear said! Take a look at Chicago. There's a gun hating place where the Govt. thinks they made a big difference by basically preventing anyone at all from ever getting a CCW license, and slowly drive guns away completely. Anyone notice the major spike in homicides and gun related crimes this year? They've gone through the ceiling. Like Bear said, does anyone think the bad guys are going to comply with any of this nonsense? The bad guys are chomping at the bit that our Govt. assimilates the 2nd Amendment. The houses, schools, malls, anywhere will be easy pickins, and they know it. Use the Chicago model on a larger scale if you want to know how it will all turn out.
And for schools ... IMO there should be at least 1 trained, armed concealed carry teacher/staff in each school for every 100 kids. 500 kids would have at least 5 adults, qualified and prepared to protect our innocent children.
Here is a bunch of stuff that you are not going to hear on the media. Mass shootings are actually declining in the US. The high point for mass shootings was in 1929. In the 1990’s there were 42 incidents of mass murder; in the first decade of this century there were 26. I’m sure that many people don’t know that the worst three K-12 school shootings before the Newtown shooting were in Germany and... Britain (Yes, worse than the columbine Massacre), even though both have very strict weapon laws (Germany even restricts knives). Furthermore, 22 small children and an elderly woman were stabbed in China earlier this month, even though they have strict weapon laws.
Why do you think that freedom to bear arms is in the constitution? A survey of convicted felons by the National Institute of Justice found 74 percent of the felons agreed that, "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is that they fear being shot during the crime." The survey also asked these felons whether they had abandoned at least one crime because they feared the intended victim might be armed. Thirty-nine percent said they abandoned at least one crime; 8 percent had abandoned a crime "many" times; 34 percent admitted being "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"; and nearly 70 percent knew a "colleague" who had abandoned a crime, been scared off, been shot at, wounded or captured by a victim packing heat. Also, a survey of 23,113 police chiefs and sheriffs across the country found that 62 percent of these cops agreed that "a national concealed handgun permit would reduce rates of violent crime." Many police officers also believe that proper training classes should be included.
Chicago recently passed new gun laws, since then shootings have spiked 49% and the city now leads the nation in gun violence. In the 1970’s, Israel passed a law that required teachers to carry concealed guns, the result of this is school shooting plummeting to zero. Shouldn’t Americans be debating whether to allow more guns and protection, instead of less? Why would you want less protection after shootings like this? It is unfortunate that there are always going to be evil people in the world. I just don’t understand how so many simple minded people keep posting about how they are willing to give up the right to protect themselves after this tragedy.
I like this!!Originally Posted by Vettester
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
End of story
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