Just found out my daughter has a photo shoot with Jeff Seid in 2 weeks. Yeah i told her she has to take me. LOL
Just found out my daughter has a photo shoot with Jeff Seid in 2 weeks. Yeah i told her she has to take me. LOL
Last edited by lovbyts; 12-28-2012 at 10:49 PM.
Awesome for her....and you lol
Good for her Bro![]()
I didnt want to go there...not saying the thought wasn't on my mind but....Originally Posted by lovbyts;6314***
She got ALL her moms looks. But a little of your brains thats why she is a model/actressOriginally Posted by lovbyts;6314***
Ha thats what i always said but its funny like when i went to pick her up at school or one time when the bus broke down the dispatcher told the driver not to let her go unless she saw id to show she was my daughter bit the driver looked at me and her and said no id required. LOL.
She says the guys claims to be natural.I said dont argue or say anything and it doesnt matter its 90% work and diet.
That's so cool! How did she get the opportunity to do that?
Sholv has a boy crush on him.
First to me seeing this guy. How are his wheels? If thy match upper there huge.
Thatd be hilarious if her pic ended up in the hot ass thread without your knowledgeOriginally Posted by lovbyts;6314***
Maybe he will end up your son in law...unless Sholv gets him first! Wait till he sees this thread. Your PM box will be full of questions!
That picture is a fake, its a muscle morph. Check the caption at the bottom his arms have been morphed and same with the lats. Look at all the other pics on that site, their all morphs
First thing I thought was photoshopped. His arms are bigger than his head, so he either has biggest arms in the world or he has a peanut size head. Im sure he is still in better shape than me either way. Oh and congrats to you and your daughter.
How old is she again?Originally Posted by lovbyts;6314***
Probably NOT a good idea to post her pic now....
....too many horn dawgs making stupid comments, ya know? =)
At least then I would know where to get quality gear have to worry about getting ripped off all the time. Finally I could get some real HGH and maybe at a decent price.
She says he looks a little bit like Justin Beaver but not as much gay. LoL. Who knows sholvar may have a shot at him
I guess it turns out he lives only a few miles from us who knew? No I don't plan on asking him any stupid questions or if I really get a meeting but who knows what the future will hold.
Since im sure everyone is interested and she is 19 here is our Christmas picture. As usual I look like crap after getting off work 15hr day
Last edited by lovbyts; 12-29-2012 at 09:11 PM.
Hmmmmm yeah what is wrong with me. I have not been taking advantage of those things much in the past but also the daughter doesnt bring to many guys around and the one she does mostly I SHOULD be hinting about those things.
I know with my 1st GF and others I would do as much as I could for the father even to the point working with him cutting wood 8hrs a day. lol
Some how I have a feeling Jeff is busy several hours a day in the gym or some type of training. I'm sure I could learn plenty on diet though
When I meet him should I be the typical douche who asks what kind of cycle is on? LOL. No I'm not going to be that guy
Last edited by lovbyts; 12-30-2012 at 04:35 PM.
there's a good chance it's some kind of fukked up cycle, like tren and dbol, with no test. I was looking at a website we're all familar with and they sell cycle kits. I was looking at some, and quickly realized a good chunk of em don't include test.
We are pretty strict about always including test in a cycle here, and things get pretty loose away from this board. So taking advice about a cycle from a bloke just cause he's earned some honors doesn't necessarily mean he has his long term health in mind. In fact, most competitors in BB kind of ignore long term health consequences of what they do today; if anything due to the sheer volume of anabolics they take.
When my woman and i were first dating, her father paid for her apartment. AND he told her "no guys" allowed. I was there one time, we were making out, and we heard her father pull up. She's like "Quick, get in the shower!"
I'm like 'HUH?"
first off, defensively, being naked and wet in the shower is not very smart if her father wants to make a scene, so I was real reluctant about that. Later, we were kind of discussing my being there, and he says to her "Look, I told you NO guys!" And she's like, "Dad, it's just/only Roman!"
I do a double take, and I'm like, "what's THAT supposed to mean?" (Like I"m not a guy or something?)
I lived 4 hours from her, so my being there was an effort. But I never mowed her dad's lawn, or really helped out with chores. After driving 4 hours to see her, I really didn't want to spend premium time doing chores, ya know?
My car was broke so I use to jog/run about 5 miles to see her often and still worked.
I couple years old the first time meeting her because she got caught sneaking out to meet me. She was put on restriction for like 1 month where she could not go anywhere or use the telephone except to talk to me I could come over there to visit.LoL. I guess she told me she could not talk to me or see me she would run away. Im glad they decided to let me come over and get to know me.
I thought so. That's how we document/save moments in time. Also when the wife or kids say take pictures you take them. lol
Thats also how I document body changes. I dont rely on the scale and most of us have bigorexia so looking in the mirror day by day doesnt work.
She's a very pretty girl you should be proudOriginally Posted by lovbyts
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