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  1. #1
    miguel700707's Avatar
    miguel700707 is offline Junior Member
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    How much do u militaey press??

    I'm really weak on shoulder press and wanted to know if its just me or is it a move that takes more tune to increase the weight on???

    I'm doing 15 pounds on each side on the barbbell and I can't seem to go up no more?
    Is this exercise a slow one to go up in weight? Or am I doing something wrong?

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    My shoulders are my strong point and I can rep 100 kgs for a few reps, that is standing,free barbell, removed off the squat rack, clean with no use of momentum.

    It's a hard question to answer way to many variables, just aim for progression, and strength will come, but do not trade form for an ego boost.

    I pyramid my military press, and its what I start every shoulder day with, I start with 60kgs then add 10kgs at a time and so on until I've hit close to my 1rm, sometimes that is lower sometimes that is higher, once again so many variables

    The military press is a solid exercise, just keep at it
    Last edited by auswest; 01-01-2013 at 07:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Wes201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguel700707 View Post
    I'm really weak on shoulder press and wanted to know if its just me or is it a move that takes more tune to increase the weight on???

    I'm doing 15 pounds on each side on the barbbell and I can't seem to go up no more?
    Is this exercise a slow one to go up in weight? Or am I doing something wrong?
    I MP about 100lbs, but its on the universal/lifefitness machines...I dont do the military press free weight with dumbells due to having problems with my left shoulder rotator. There are certain ways i can raise my arms and exercises i can do for my shoulders and there are certain movements and things i can not do with my shoulders.
    Of course you should be getting stronger as time goes on working out ,but be especially carefull with your shoulders because that seems to be the body part that most people hurt most often, including myself.
    But what are your stats?????

  4. #4
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Free weight bench. 155-160, think I could push more but with out a spot it's very awkward to lift off and place back.

    Stick to db mostly and right now 85-90 for 6x

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    stats: 38yrs old 5'9" 190lbs 9-10%bf

    depends what im doing. sometimes i do dumbells of which i do 75-90lb Dbs for 5-8 reps, other times i do freeweight BB seated at 185lbs-225lbs, on the smith ive done as much as 265lbs..

    IMO itll take awhile, u wont necessarily start out strong on this exercise. for example last year this time i was doing 95lbs BB seated. so ive gone up over 100lbs in a year. keep at it dude! dont let low weight being heavy discourage u man! u will get stronger over time as long as u keep going!

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    225-245...should be better but shoulders are starting to pop like rice crispys

    Seated BB behind the head!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 01-01-2013 at 07:56 PM.

  7. #7
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Whats your exp lifting, weight, height?

  8. #8
    miguel700707's Avatar
    miguel700707 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    Whats your exp lifting, weight, height?
    I'm 18
    Lifting for a year

    I think the shoulder strength is lacking because I'm on a pull push leg split and first I do flat bench then I go to incline bench so by the time I get to military press my shoulders are already tired! Maybe I need a new split but I'd like to stick to a 3 day split don't know how to arrange it?

  9. #9
    miguel700707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest
    My shoulders are my strong point and I can rep 100 kgs for a few reps, that is standing,free barbell, removed off the squat rack, clean with no use of momentum.

    It's a hard question to answer way to many variables, just aim for progression, and strength will come, but do not trade form for an ego boost.

    I pyramid my military press, and its what I start every shoulder day with, I start with 60kgs then add 10kgs at a time and so on until I've hit close to my 1rm, sometimes that is lower sometimes that is higher, once again so many variables

    The military press is a solid exercise, just keep at it

    I'm 18
    Lifting for a year

    I think the shoulder strength is lacking because I'm on a pull push leg split and first I do flat bench then I go to incline bench so by the time I get to military press my shoulders are already tired! Maybe I need a new split but I'd like to stick to a 3 day split don't know how to arrange it?

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    My shoulders are my strong point and I can rep 100 kgs for a few reps, that is standing,free barbell, removed off the squat rack, clean with no use of momentum.....
    Thats pretty damn good! And that's a hell of a lot more difficult than military. What are your stats?

    225lb military for 6.

    Then a plate and a half on Smith Machine deep behind the neck.

    BF 17-18%

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yes, delts need their own day. And it doesn't matter what i or anyone else lifts. What matters is what you lift and if you're happy w/it. I could sit here and tell you that i grab a BB w/225lbs and do it all day like i'm eating candy. Who cares?

    I would suggest you start w/some DB presses. Seated preferably. I also recommend DB's when it comes to chest and back issues. They will make you stronger. There's several guys at my gym that BP 365 and get a big head about it. But when i mention coming over and doing some FB DB presses, like 140-160 in each hand they kinda back off the invitation.

  12. #12
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    agree with pete here. versatility man. u dont wanna get stuck doing the same thing all the time. i regularly switch to dbs for bench and shoulders especially. sometimes ill do both in the same day, other times ill go a few weeks doing only one or the other..

    dbs on the bench helped my bb bench as well as shoulders..

  13. #13
    miguel700707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    Yes, delts need their own day. And it doesn't matter what i or anyone else lifts. What matters is what you lift and if you're happy w/it. I could sit here and tell you that i grab a BB w/225lbs and do it all day like i'm eating candy. Who cares?

    I would suggest you start w/some DB presses. Seated preferably. I also recommend DB's when it comes to chest and back issues. They will make you stronger. There's several guys at my gym that BP 365 and get a big head about it. But when i mention coming over and doing some FB DB presses, like 140-160 in each hand they kinda back off the invitation.
    So how can I seperate shoulders on their own day on a 3 day split
    It's 3 days on 1 day off, repeat

  14. #14
    miguel700707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete
    Yes, delts need their own day. And it doesn't matter what i or anyone else lifts. What matters is what you lift and if you're happy w/it. I could sit here and tell you that i grab a BB w/225lbs and do it all day like i'm eating candy. Who cares?

    I would suggest you start w/some DB presses. Seated preferably. I also recommend DB's when it comes to chest and back issues. They will make you stronger. There's several guys at my gym that BP 365 and get a big head about it. But when i mention coming over and doing some FB DB presses, like 140-160 in each hand they kinda back off the invitation.
    Umm So how can I seperate shoulders on their own day on a 3 day split
    It's 3 days on 1 day off, repeat

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by miguel700707 View Post
    Umm So how can I seperate shoulders on their own day on a 3 day split
    It's 3 days on 1 day off, repeat
    Miguel, you now have two threads going on the same question. What is it that you're looking for??!#.UOOkyazX_ft

  16. #16
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Thats pretty damn good! And that's a hell of a lot more difficult than military. What are your stats?

    225lb military for 6.

    Then a plate and a half on Smith Machine deep behind the neck.

    BF 17-18%
    I was under the impression that was the standard/original military press.. What do you mean when referring to military press? Seated?

    My current stats are 176 (80kgs) measured in the am empty/dry 8%bf 5.8ft
    Last edited by auswest; 01-01-2013 at 10:22 PM.

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