I know as a Judge I shouldn't help but what the hell. Here ya go big guy.
U big teaseOriginally Posted by BUTTERYGOODNESS
U squally wag. LolOriginally Posted by 00ragincajun00
I no doubt u. But somehow I speculating that I have more to give of what my assistant might rather enjoy.....purely speculation on my part!Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Honestly I dont care for the new plan. I think it should be like wrestling weigh ins. If your going to compete in a class then you need to stay within those parameters. If your under 200 and bulking and fear you will go above 200...then lose more fat and stay under 200! Vice versa if you enter over 200 and are cutting and fear your going to fall onder 200...then add more fukin muscle....wrestlers and boxers have been making weight for years.
I can find the big blinking eye lash icon.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Blink. Blink. Blink. Wink
and when does it start!!!!
I kinda agree with Mis as in we choose which class after final wiegh in BUT lunk has a valid point if the competitor chooses his/her class then they should stay within those parametersOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
But that leaves it wide open for squabbles between competitors so keep it easy and simple
Condition yourself then get judged on final wieght and all the competitor chooses is natty or not
Just my 10pence bossth
March 15
Realizing you can't make everyone happy. .... Everyone who signed up knew it was open or natty. With over 200 and under 200. Everyone signed up knowing that. Start weight has no significance. If you want to compete over 200 you must weight 201 + If you want to compete under 200. You must weigh 199- I don't give a damn if your bulking or cutting. You have a weight to make above or below 200 lbs. it's easy. You don't meet it you have points deducted. Everybody wants to make it fit their specific need. Everyone is in the same boat. That's my official opinion.
This is where the challenge part of the competition comes in. Dial your shit in and come in at your weight.
Where things may seem confusing to people is where the ending weight was not a set rule prior to sign up.Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Choose open or natural.
A month out declare if you will be over or under 200.
Honestly though. If you don't have your whole 12 weeks mapped out your going to probably lose to a more dedicate competitor anyways.
1. You should have your cycle planned out by the start date right?
2. You'll know what compounds you're taking and the effects it will have on your body.
3. You should know what your end result will look like. Do you want to drop from 20% to 10%? Assume you'll be ****ing lighter then the start.
Do you want to go from 180-195 but stay at under 12% bf? Then assume you'll put on weight! Gaining to much fat and you're going over 200 you'll prob also be over your 12%. Dial back the calories and shed a couple % then.
Case in point. A well planned competitor should know what they are doing, why they are doing it and roughly where they will end up at the end!
To me it would be assumed if thats your class then an ending weight would still be in that class! Not "hey..I will eat 6000 cals of mcD's for 2 months, weigh in at 205 and then go back to my normal 180"! Where is the challenge in that?
The challenge is in starting at 180, add muscle while dropping BF and still coming in under 200 with a much more refined look!
So just to be clear with others, if u think you will end up in the opposite weight class, put yourself in that class
I'm not saying I don't understand. I was saying that for those who don't lol.Originally Posted by Lunk1
Ok. I've been in counsel with my dog and he says that we can go around and around over weight classes and still not get anywhere or make everyone happy. Everyone involved signed their name under where they wanted to compete. I told him that he had a good point. I will sleep on it and render a decision tomorrow. Thank you everyone for helping with their input.
Still looking for an assistant......
Ditto....there's no way in hell I'll end up under 200 lol so either way its on like donkey kongOriginally Posted by Lunk1
Job details?Originally Posted by Misery13
The deductions for weightOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
Yes but I have no clue where my weight will go from here, it may drop further or sky rocket upwardsOriginally Posted by Lunk1
I thought this was about conditioning not about meeting a weight
I could care less what I weighed if I was 10% BF
Maybe I'm confused?
Same here. I'm in at around 250lbs at the moment. If I end up under 200lbs, it's because I've had my legs amputated. I'm safe in my category! I'm the same as Lunk, there are more dedicated members than me, I'm just entering for the fun and a little healthy competition.Originally Posted by Tron3219
Pretty sure I said it right.
Plan your shit out. If your 199 and want to gain weight you compete in the 200+. If your 185 and plan to gain 16 pounds your in 200- shed 2 pounds of fat at end to be 199 and not 201
Like I said, I do not have 'weight' in mindOriginally Posted by Brick
Nope, weigh 165 now. Prob weigh closer to 160 come weigh in. Where would and how would points be deducted from?Originally Posted by Lunk1
If I start at 160 and shoot up to 170. What would be the deductions?
unless something freakishly happens to me.
There's only one way to find out
Last edited by RaginCajun; 01-28-2013 at 05:22 PM.
Can someone "sum up" exactly where we're at currently please?
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