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    spiketannin's Avatar
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    dating advice what happened??

    me and my buddy first noticed this girl at the gym about 2 months ago and saw her about 5 times after.. she is extremely beautiful a 10 imo. i decided to play it cool with her and not hit on her at gym since not only is she a 10 but she goes to a top notch expensive private church school. luckily about 2 weeks ago we saw her at a bar and had a great convo me and my buddy chatted with her and one of her friends basically the whole night, i could tell she was into me. i didnt ask for her number at the time still wanted to play it cool and act like i wasnt too impressed lol. after the bar about a month passed i hadnt seen her around and then 3 days ago a miracle happened,i ran into her at the store, we talked and get this she was the one who ended up asking to exchange numbers although there was no way i was not going to ask i was thinking about her a lot over the month. i was sooo excited lol felt like christmas when i was 12 again haha anyways she told me to tx her the night i got the number to make plans to go to the bar that same night. so i did later that night, we never met up she said her and her friends were tired. well 2 days after that she texted me that i should come up to the bar tonight. so me and my buddy went but ended up only talking to her for a lil bit when they were leaving.she had to take her drunk friends home. after she left i texted her to come back and play pool but i got no text back that night. the next morning she texted back and said "sorry i passed out as soon as i got home another night tho mmk?" which was the last tx i got from her. i replied its ok no worries and ya for sure another night i need more comp kyle is no challenge lol... so no tx back from her, later that night which was yesterday i said hey beautiful what you up too? i got nothing no tx back since. i am wondering if the hey beautiful was too soon or wtf happened here.. im baffled..thinking maybe give her a call tomorrow ?? what do you guys and girls think.?

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
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    Aint no tellin when your dealing with a woman.You may have played it cool to long and she want to see if she could call your hand.

  3. #3
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Not sure just off what you said. To me it sounds like you are teetering on the Friend Zone Cliff. If you get another shot I would make strong moves. Lets look at it this way. If its only a 10% chance you f this girl, do you want to take that shot, or go for 100% her friend? A lot of guys can't take rejection so they don't make strong moves, but women want to be TAKEN. They want to be conquered. Also, don't do jack shit over text. Its just my experience, but I have never had a budding relationship turn romantic off texts and shit. Women want everything done the hard way which means strong moves in real life. You may want to download some self help tapes if you aren't sure what to do. One move I do I forget I think its called creating the attraction but basically you find reasons to touch them on their arm or whatever while you are talking to them. Body language is very important. You want to project confidence, masculinity, strength etc. To answer your question calling her is a good move IMO but I would not leave voice mail. Again its just my opinion but I think you are really close to the Friend Zone Cliff so dont f this up.

  4. #4
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    My opinion, you don't know enough about her to make a judgement...Are you guys friends on Facebook or one of those things? She could have a boyfriend you dont know about or something....The vibe I got from reading what your texts were like and stuff was that she was being pretty evasive....Also, theres a slim chance something could have happened like an emergency or something and she wasnt able to text you, although thats highly unlikely. At this point, I am with Cherrydrpepper on this one, you have nothing to lose really, although I disagee about you being put in the friend zone, I think you're close to being put into the getting blown the fu** off zone....SO, with that being said, I think you should go "all in" and just put it on heavy, hit her up, flirt hard, and get her in person, and then move in for the kill, be a man, be aggressive, dominate the bitch...

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    well IMO a young hot chick that likes to go to the bars and party probably has a fair amount of stuff going on and u may not be real high on her priority list yet because u just met and she probably has demands for her attention coming from all over the place. id be patient and give her a call at some point but if u miss her too many more times ur gonna look like a lost puppy if u keep calling or texting after not getting responded to after a certain amount of time.

    if u really like her u may want to try to run into her somewhere like the gym or the bar uve seen her at twice? but keep in mind theres nutn more pathetic than a guy pestering a chick when shes only half ass interested so dont let it turn into that..

    i agree with women liking guys who are confident but id be careful with the women like to be taken idea.. while that may be applicable on occasions it can also blow up in ur face and make u look like an a-hole. of course CDP is correct nothing ventured, nothing gained.. personally i prefer to play it cooler than that. after all, my guess is if u go to that same bar on a weekend there are probably plenty of other girls in there worth pursuing!

    also IMO the "whats up beautiful" comments or whatever u said are kinda cheesy and id leave them alone..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 01-10-2013 at 10:56 PM.

  6. #6
    spiketannin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Not sure just off what you said. To me it sounds like you are teetering on the Friend Zone Cliff. If you get another shot I would make strong moves. Lets look at it this way. If its only a 10% chance you f this girl, do you want to take that shot, or go for 100% her friend? A lot of guys can't take rejection so they don't make strong moves, but women want to be TAKEN. They want to be conquered. Also, don't do jack shit over text. Its just my experience, but I have never had a budding relationship turn romantic off texts and shit. Women want everything done the hard way which means strong moves in real life. You may want to download some self help tapes if you aren't sure what to do. One move I do I forget I think its called creating the attraction but basically you find reasons to touch them on their arm or whatever while you are talking to them. Body language is very important. You want to project confidence, masculinity, strength etc. To answer your question calling her is a good move IMO but I would not leave voice mail. Again its just my opinion but I think you are really close to the Friend Zone Cliff so dont f this up.
    thanks bro im just real confused.. i have never met a girl and got her number that i didnt go to school with that Just wanted to be friends. it seemed obvious she was into me at the bar, but then again you never no... so i could call her tomorrow or wait till tuesday she said she normally goes to the bar cuz its college night but she may not go...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    At this point, I am with Cherrydrpepper on this one, you have nothing to lose really, although I disagee about you being put in the friend zone, I think you're close to being put into the getting blown the fu** off zone....SO, with that being said, I think you should go "all in" and just put it on heavy, hit her up, flirt hard, and get her in person, and then move in for the kill, be a man, be aggressive, dominate the bitch...
    Knights of Steroid dot com bring this man his sceptre and crown. We must make him king for his truthful no bs advice. HUZZAHHHH

  8. #8
    spiketannin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    My opinion, you don't know enough about her to make a judgement...Are you guys friends on Facebook or one of those things? She could have a boyfriend you dont know about or something....The vibe I got from reading what your texts were like and stuff was that she was being pretty evasive....Also, theres a slim chance something could have happened like an emergency or something and she wasnt able to text you, although thats highly unlikely. At this point, I am with Cherrydrpepper on this one, you have nothing to lose really, although I disagee about you being put in the friend zone, I think you're close to being put into the getting blown the fu** off zone....SO, with that being said, I think you should go "all in" and just put it on heavy, hit her up, flirt hard, and get her in person, and then move in for the kill, be a man, be aggressive, dominate the bitch...
    she is single i know that 100% ...she introduced me to all her friends at the bar. i know a lil about her. ya i think tomorrow give her a call and send the house nothing to loose.

  9. #9
    spiketannin's Avatar
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    This girl showed so much interest its just crazy for me right now on why she is blowing me off.. she was the one who gave me her number, she was the one who invited me out, we hit it off all night at the bar.. im a lil hesitant to call her because she seems like the type who thinks shes too good for everyone which is why i have been playin cool with her not acting overwhelmingly interested like every other guy who has hit on her. im thinking ill just act like it dont phase me and hope she will eventually tx

  10. #10
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    This series really helped me you can find it online if you look hard enough. I probably shouldn't post this because the shit in the series works and I dont want every tom dick and harry running the same plays as me but whatever.

    5:50 - "Most guys go approach a woman and she rejects them and they're crushed and their emotions are all over the place. Is that being a man? You approached some girl and you got rejected and you're crushed is that a man? Most people will spend their entire lives running away from that emotion. They have bad associations towards it. They don't want it. And thats what they're about."

    I think you put the P- on a pedestal already and thats ok bro I mean we all want to do that and have it end up good and we bang the girl. But really in my experience unless you are in the top 1% of the population that can model for Calvin Klein chasing girls is more like a Rambo movie. Because what does Rambo say - "to survive a war you gotta become war". Obviously dating has nothing to do with war but basically you have to go in like you are going to pursue as many targets as possible like a rediculous rambo movie where he smokes every mother in a 1 mile radius. The reality is I hope you get the girl and everything works out but you can't be crushed if it doesn't in fact you should already be planning your next move. In my prime I would go in with this mentality and women could smell it emanating off me - they could smell that if they didn't give me what I wanted I was going to move on to the next girl and she probably would. If you don't believe that and own it these "10's" are going to crush you under their boot because they have so many guys on their puss its not even funny.

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    This girl showed so much interest its just crazy for me right now on why she is blowing me off.. she was the one who gave me her number, she was the one who invited me out, we hit it off all night at the bar.. im a lil hesitant to call her because she seems like the type who thinks shes too good for everyone which is why i have been playin cool with her not acting overwhelmingly interested like every other guy who has hit on her. im thinking ill just act like it dont phase me and hope she will eventually tx
    I'd say you know your situation best, its hard for us to extrapolate whats going on, but then again, you did post on the board asking for advice....So playing it cool for a day or two is ok as an option if shes one a those broads thats got her nose up in the air....maybe if u can make plans with her and then stand her up, the really snotty broads used to love when I did that to em, it seemed like they wanted to fu** me 10x more after i blew them off...your call bud

  12. #12
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Dude theres too many women out there for a single guy to get hung up on just one! What CDP is telling u is ok but in reality IMO u just need to recognize how many girls there actually are and play it cool. Dont get caught up too much in one chick. U should be able to tell within a few mins if u have a decent shot. If so play the game and if not find another one and start over. It really is that simple!

  13. #13
    dan991's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    me and my buddy first noticed this girl at the gym about 2 months ago and saw her about 5 times after.. she is extremely beautiful a 10 imo. i decided to play it cool with her and not hit on her at gym since not only is she a 10 but she goes to a top notch expensive private church school. luckily about 2 weeks ago we saw her at a bar and had a great convo me and my buddy chatted with her and one of her friends basically the whole night, i could tell she was into me. i didnt ask for her number at the time still wanted to play it cool and act like i wasnt too impressed lol. after the bar about a month passed i hadnt seen her around and then 3 days ago a miracle happened,i ran into her at the store, we talked and get this she was the one who ended up asking to exchange numbers although there was no way i was not going to ask i was thinking about her a lot over the month. i was sooo excited lol felt like christmas when i was 12 again haha anyways she told me to tx her the night i got the number to make plans to go to the bar that same night. so i did later that night, we never met up she said her and her friends were tired. well 2 days after that she texted me that i should come up to the bar tonight. so me and my buddy went but ended up only talking to her for a lil bit when they were leaving.she had to take her drunk friends home. after she left i texted her to come back and play pool but i got no text back that night. the next morning she texted back and said "sorry i passed out as soon as i got home another night tho mmk?" which was the last tx i got from her. i replied its ok no worries and ya for sure another night i need more comp kyle is no challenge lol... so no tx back from her, later that night which was yesterday i said hey beautiful what you up too? i got nothing no tx back since. i am wondering if the hey beautiful was too soon or wtf happened here.. im baffled..thinking maybe give her a call tomorrow ?? what do you guys and girls think.?
    How old are you and how old is she?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    This series really helped me you can find it online if you look hard enough. I probably shouldn't post this because the shit in the series works and I dont want every tom dick and harry running the same plays as me but whatever.

    5:50 - "Most guys go approach a woman and she rejects them and they're crushed and their emotions are all over the place. Is that being a man? You approached some girl and you got rejected and you're crushed is that a man? Most people will spend their entire lives running away from that emotion. They have bad associations towards it. They don't want it. And thats what they're about."

    I think you put the P- on a pedestal already and thats ok bro I mean we all want to do that and have it end up good and we bang the girl. But really in my experience unless you are in the top 1% of the population that can model for Calvin Klein chasing girls is more like a Rambo movie. Because what does Rambo say - "to survive a war you gotta become war". Obviously dating has nothing to do with war but basically you have to go in like you are going to pursue as many targets as possible like a rediculous rambo movie where he smokes every mother in a 1 mile radius. The reality is I hope you get the girl and everything works out but you can't be crushed if it doesn't in fact you should already be planning your next move. In my prime I would go in with this mentality and women could smell it emanating off me - they could smell that if they didn't give me what I wanted I was going to move on to the next girl and she probably would. If you don't believe that and own it these "10's" are going to crush you under their boot because they have so many guys on their puss its not even funny.

    thx ima check out the video. I agree though but my problem isnt really talking or approaching a girl well sometimes it is but in this case its just a matter of what happened and what should i do outa nowhere she just decided not too tx back.

  15. #15
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    im kinda ready to settle down with a girl atleast for a lil bit .. its that time. and i thought she was perfect, looks, career, personality she had it all. She was into me she gave me her number. im just wondering if i should call her 2moro, or wait a few days and call her or wait till tuesday and hope to see her at the bar i dont no.

  16. #16
    MiNNiE_MOUSE's Avatar
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    I would wait a couple day than hit her up askN to meet up... She seems like she has a lot goiN on maybe... Those top notch expensive church schools can keep u busy, I have friends that go to some... But IMO sounds like she might have a boyfriend or a guy she is talkN to... If she was into u she would MAKE time for u! Maybe u took too long to say something n she just isn't interested anymore... There are so many different factors.. LoL but dnt call or text tomorrow u will look desperate! Wait a couple days, but if u run into her dnt pass the opportunity up to talk to her! Hope it wrks out for u!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiNNiE_MOUSE View Post
    I would wait a couple day than hit her up askN to meet up... She seems like she has a lot goiN on maybe... Those top notch expensive church schools can keep u busy, I have friends that go to some... But IMO sounds like she might have a boyfriend or a guy she is talkN to... If she was into u she would MAKE time for u! Maybe u took too long to say something n she just isn't interested anymore... There are so many different factors.. LoL but dnt call or text tomorrow u will look desperate! Wait a couple days, but if u run into her dnt pass the opportunity up to talk to her! Hope it wrks out for u!
    ya so many factors but i no shes single.. i think your right i def dont want to look desperate she is of high class. if she dont tx me anything in the next couple days ima call her. i dont want too much time to pass though, dont want her to be like why is he callin me outa the blue.

  18. #18
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    Plenty more fish in the sea, dont let the 1 fish be attached to your line unless she wants to be reeled in. In otherwords if there is games being played on her part, throw her back in the ocean.

    This is exactly why i prefer older women, there is no games, no attachments straight away, and we both know where we stand with each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    This series really helped me you can find it online if you look hard enough. I probably shouldn't post this because the shit in the series works and I dont want every tom dick and harry running the same plays as me but whatever.

    5:50 - "Most guys go approach a woman and she rejects them and they're crushed and their emotions are all over the place. Is that being a man? You approached some girl and you got rejected and you're crushed is that a man? Most people will spend their entire lives running away from that emotion. They have bad associations towards it. They don't want it. And thats what they're about."

    I think you put the P- on a pedestal already and thats ok bro I mean we all want to do that and have it end up good and we bang the girl. But really in my experience unless you are in the top 1% of the population that can model for Calvin Klein chasing girls is more like a Rambo movie. Because what does Rambo say - "to survive a war you gotta become war". Obviously dating has nothing to do with war but basically you have to go in like you are going to pursue as many targets as possible like a rediculous rambo movie where he smokes every mother in a 1 mile radius. The reality is I hope you get the girl and everything works out but you can't be crushed if it doesn't in fact you should already be planning your next move. In my prime I would go in with this mentality and women could smell it emanating off me - they could smell that if they didn't give me what I wanted I was going to move on to the next girl and she probably would. If you don't believe that and own it these "10's" are going to crush you under their boot because they have so many guys on their puss its not even funny.

    YOU LEGEND cherry! ive been trying to track down a good sociology series or documentaries. Definitely something i need to brush up on at times.
    Last edited by boz; 01-11-2013 at 12:18 AM.

  19. #19
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    Uhmm... okay... so based on what I've read... you guys are like in your early 20's, real early 20's. That being said- every time you think about calling or texting her; go and put the phone away. Next- she sounds like the type that wants to play games. You counter this by blowing her off and treating her like shit. Let her think "omg why doesn't he want me". If she's hot- all she does day in and day out is get hit on. She's used to it and your just gonna become another dude hitting on her whom she'll be "friends" with. So... blow her off and when she texts you, don't blow your load- blow her off. Tell her you're busy hanging with friends, choking your chicken, whatever. Then, when she finally flips her shit and gets mad that you don't "entertain" her bullshit like all the other dudes do; move in for the kill. Women her age are stupid, like to play games, and honestly like to be treated like shit.

  20. #20
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    P.S. She's still talking to you because you played it cool in the beginning. She's wondering why you aren't in line to lick her butthole like every other dude she knows. Let her keep wondering; you'll win in the long run.

  21. #21
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    Dont call her again. Let her call you. You will be better off, trust me on this. If she is interested then she will call. If you text her again and she isnt interested then she is gonna think you are going to be an issue. Go enjoy ur week, she will call. Then the ball is back to you.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    YOU LEGEND cherry! ive been trying to track down a good sociology series or documentaries. Definitely something i need to brush up on at times.
    Anytime Boz Thanks

  23. #23
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    One thing I have learned here...NEVER take love life advice from a bunch of juice heads!

    You have 1 choice as Godfather explained. Tou go all in, one shyt, go big or go home. Know already that if it doesn't work then your done! DONE!

    Do not TEXT! Find her, tell her in person that you had a great time with her and want to see her. She either says yes or she says no.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    One thing I have learned here...NEVER take love life advice from a bunch of juice heads!
    u learn that the hard way Job!?

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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    u learn that the hard way Job!?
    Hell no...I would take diet advice, gear advice but NEVER love life advice from you goofy bastards!

    I don't think my wife would take to well being refered to as a HEWA or a sloot!

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    GO BIG or go home!

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    I'm gonna offer another option. If you're about to fall into the friend zone, backing off can crush it. Wait for her to approach you, and give a mild cold shoulder. This CAN kill the friend zone (I bolded that because there is no guarantee. Of course, this is a huge gamble, and is only a good option if you know your life isn't over if it fails. Of course, there is a better option that doesn't involve playing games, and if thats what this is you don't want to bother anyways; pull up your big boy pants, tell her you're into her. If this fails, f*** her best friend and move on.

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    i never played the not interested card. Or hard to get. If i liked her i asked her to go out. I've done it at bars and they said they can't or no, but they kept talking and flirting and said yes by the end of the night. Screw playing games that your not interested so she comes after you.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    I don't think my wife would take to well being refered to as a HEWA or a sloot!

  30. #30
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    My take:
    She's young, she's a 10, guys fall all over her, she gets hit on nonstop and when she shows a guy interest they cling, don't be that guy.

    She's used to always having the power and making people do what she wants. You need to flip this and gain control. She thrives on attention and when it comes easy she gets bored.

    Make her work for it, act uninterested, make it seem like what you have going is more important than her. Play to your strengths and show you're that alpha.

    Be confident and act like a dick at times, but also make her feel special.
    You've already text her with no reply. Don't try to contact her again for a few days or even next "college night"

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    me and my buddy first noticed this girl at the gym about 2 months ago and saw her about 5 times after.. she is extremely beautiful a 10 imo. i decided to play it cool with her and not hit on her at gym since not only is she a 10 but she goes to a top notch expensive private church school. luckily about 2 weeks ago we saw her at a bar and had a great convo me and my buddy chatted with her and one of her friends basically the whole night, i could tell she was into me. i didnt ask for her number at the time still wanted to play it cool and act like i wasnt too impressed lol. after the bar about a month passed i hadnt seen her around and then 3 days ago a miracle happened,i ran into her at the store, we talked and get this she was the one who ended up asking to exchange numbers although there was no way i was not going to ask i was thinking about her a lot over the month. i was sooo excited lol felt like christmas when i was 12 again haha anyways she told me to tx her the night i got the number to make plans to go to the bar that same night. so i did later that night, we never met up she said her and her friends were tired. well 2 days after that she texted me that i should come up to the bar tonight. so me and my buddy went but ended up only talking to her for a lil bit when they were leaving.she had to take her drunk friends home. after she left i texted her to come back and play pool but i got no text back that night. the next morning she texted back and said "sorry i passed out as soon as i got home another night tho mmk?" which was the last tx i got from her. i replied its ok no worries and ya for sure another night i need more comp kyle is no challenge lol... so no tx back from her, later that night which was yesterday i said hey beautiful what you up too? i got nothing no tx back since. i am wondering if the hey beautiful was too soon or wtf happened here.. im baffled..thinking maybe give her a call tomorrow ?? what do you guys and girls think.?
    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    thanks bro im just real confused.. i have never met a girl and got her number that i didnt go to school with that Just wanted to be friends. it seemed obvious she was into me at the bar, but then again you never no... so i could call her tomorrow or wait till tuesday she said she normally goes to the bar cuz its college night but she may not go...
    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    she is single i know that 100% ...she introduced me to all her friends at the bar. i know a lil about her. ya i think tomorrow give her a call and send the house nothing to loose.
    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    This girl showed so much interest its just crazy for me right now on why she is blowing me off.. she was the one who gave me her number, she was the one who invited me out, we hit it off all night at the bar.. im a lil hesitant to call her because she seems like the type who thinks shes too good for everyone which is why i have been playin cool with her not acting overwhelmingly interested like every other guy who has hit on her. im thinking ill just act like it dont phase me and hope she will eventually tx
    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    im kinda ready to settle down with a girl atleast for a lil bit .. its that time. and i thought she was perfect, looks, career, personality she had it all. She was into me she gave me her number. im just wondering if i should call her 2moro, or wait a few days and call her or wait till tuesday and hope to see her at the bar i dont no.
    Quote Originally Posted by spiketannin View Post
    ya so many factors but i no shes single.. i think your right i def dont want to look desperate she is of high class. if she dont tx me anything in the next couple days ima call her. i dont want too much time to pass though, dont want her to be like why is he callin me outa the blue.
    you are desperate. and you think she is better than you. We know it: She knows it. You are out.

    Find another.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender- View Post
    you are desperate. and you think she is better than you. We know it: She knows it. You are out.

    Find another.
    Well, That about sums it up.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Well, That about sums it up.
    Also, I think OP may be a little confused with the difference between "high class" and "high maintenance". Thats just my .02

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    Also, I think OP may be a little confused with the difference between "high class" and "high maintenance". Thats just my .02
    +1 I think he should fvck her friend just out of spite. I would....

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    +1 I think he should fvck her friend just out of spite. I would....
    That would be a classy move.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    That would be a classy move.
    If we're playing at the same level as this girl.... it is. Un-classy would be fvcking her mom.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    One thing I have learned here...NEVER take love life advice from a bunch of juice heads!

    You have 1 choice as Godfather explained. Tou go all in, one shyt, go big or go home. Know already that if it doesn't work then your done! DONE!

    Do not TEXT! Find her, tell her in person that you had a great time with her and want to see her. She either says yes or she says no.
    Faaack that!! Lol. You are watching too many movies with Adam Sandler in them. If she wants to hang out, she will call. Ur setting this guy up to be someone she feels bad for avoiding. Lol.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by capetown View Post
    Faaack that!! Lol. You are watching too many movies with Adam Sandler in them. If she wants to hang out, she will call. Ur setting this guy up to be someone she feels bad for avoiding. Lol.
    You can't listen to Lunk on this one- he's been out of the game for a while...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    You can't listen to Lunk on this one- he's been out of the game for a while...
    This is where most of you fail...a long term SUCCESSFUL marriage is not being OUT of the game! It's PERFECTING the game. married or never changes the rules!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    This is where most of you fail...a long term SUCCESSFUL marriage is not being OUT of the game! It's PERFECTING the game. married or never changes the rules!
    spoken like a true pimp lol....take notes

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