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Thread: Honey Boo Boo

  1. #1
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Honey Boo Boo

    Just curious as to what people think about this show. Note - if you've never watched it, please keep your opinion to yourself - because it has no validity IMO. You can't judge something you haven't seen for yourself. My thoughts...

    I just started watching recently, mainly out of boredom (none of my shows are on right now), and for the obvious reason... to see another white trash train wreck. What can I say, simple things entertain me.

    After having watched quite a few episodes, I've somewhat changed my mind about these people. While many of the elements I expected to see are present (illiterate, uncouth, relatively bad hygiene, many of the other 'hillbilly redneck' traits, etc), there were some unexpected pleasant surprises. They are without a doubt a loving family. It just becomes obvious very quickly that there is a lot of love there, they care about each other, and in many ways they have their priorities straight. There's nothing wrong with that. The child pageant thing is kind of strange IMO, but the show is HARDLY about that - it's a very small part of the big picture. One thing that I've noticed missing from their lives (at least what's portrayed on the show) is drama - They're simple people living a simple life. They don't seem to fight (beyond normal bickering over arbitrary stuff) or have a bunch of 'crap' like so many other families I see.

    My final word - it's ironic how people will look at other shows like 'The Real Housewives of <Insert name here> or the Kardashian's and consider them upscale, sophisticated 'normal' people - yet their lives seem to be full of drama, hatred, jealously, and pain. Then you look at these 'poor slobs' and what you'd expect to be dysfunctional - turns out to be a really normal family (granted, with all their warts and flaws, like anyone) with a lot of love for eachother.

    Haters, bring it on!

  2. #2
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    i never seen the show, but what you said about the kardashians and lower income families are spot on brother

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Iv'e seen bits and pieces...can't get through a whole episode! My daughters friend was making fun of her by saying Honey ABoo Boo's mom has a boyfriend and you don't lol!

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    evander87's Avatar
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    Honey Boo Boo lost me when she asked for spaghetti with ketchup and extra butter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Iv'e seen bits and pieces...can't get through a whole episode! My daughters friend was making fun of her by saying Honey ABoo Boo's mom has a boyfriend and you don't lol!
    Granted the show isn't going to be for everybody... I am personally just fascinated by them. What bugs me, and the main reason I started this thread - is how many people have an opinion about how 'AWFUL and DISGUSTING those people are'... and have never seen one fcking episode. They just hear shit from other people and repeat it like parrots (much like what goes on around this and other boards).

  6. #6
    warlord_wang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Granted the show isn't going to be for everybody... I am personally just fascinated by them. What bugs me, and the main reason I started this thread - is how many people have an opinion about how 'AWFUL and DISGUSTING those people are'... and have never seen one fcking episode. They just hear shit from other people and repeat it like parrots (much like what goes on around this and other boards).
    thats life people do that every day to stupid or ignorant to do any research, from bodybuilding to building/racing cars to sports etc. Every aspect of life is like that & i hate it with a passion

  7. #7
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I think the food those kids eat is damn near child abuse, and I think that TLC is is anything but a learning channel, and take advantage of people for ratings. Also, I may use go-go juice instead of clen on my next cut. I dunno, there's always gonna be people like the Boo Boo family, and they're not bad people; I don't think the know any better. I more feel bad for them being used while TLC cleans house. They really don't get much for being on the show.

  8. #8
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Being from the south, and having seen one episode, I have to say that they are probably "good/nice" people but as usual southerners are typically portrayed on tv via the lowest common denominator, i.e., Honey Boo Boo and family. And yes, if you are not from the south you'd probably be amazed at just how many people actually do live similarly to this here. And just to post my disclaimer, I was born and raised in the south, I have the longest southern drawl you'll ever hear and will eat corn bread every time its set on the table. Its one thing to be southern, its another to be a hick. IMO, the whole honey boo boo thing is a glimpse into a real hick's life. Bottom line, I can't stand to watch it.

  9. #9
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    also, the baby with 11 toes, thats good TV!!!

  10. #10
    JP-MAN is offline Banned
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    i cant stand honey boo boo or her fat disgusting waste of life mother.

    i would personally like to lock them fatties in the house and either burn the fvking thing down or blow the fvking thing up. i really dislike that kid and her mother.
    i mean jumping jesus on a pogo stick that kid is just a mess. her mother should be beat every hour on the hour for just being the worst role model ever....

  11. #11
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    i cant stand honey boo boo or her fat disgusting waste of life mother.

    i would personally like to lock them fatties in the house and either burn the fvking thing down or blow the fvking thing up. i really dislike that kid and her mother.
    i mean jumping jesus on a pogo stick that kid is just a mess. her mother should be beat every hour on the hour for just being the worst role model ever....
    I think that the way TLC profits off of these people is absolutely terrible, but isn't even in the same league as burning them alive in their house. They have a democratic right to be uneducated hillbillies, TLC has a democratic right to take advantage of them, and we all have the democratic right to encourage by watching or not. Remember, in show business any publicity is good publicity. Good or bad, as long as we're talking about it they'll be kept on air and encouraged to keep on at it. Thats why shows like this will never go away. Everyone would suddenly have to decide to take the high road and just ignore it, and that will never happen.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    JP-MAN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I think that the way TLC profits off of these people is absolutely terrible, but isn't even in the same league as burning them alive in their house. They have a democratic right to be uneducated hillbillies, TLC has a democratic right to take advantage of them, and we all have the democratic right to encourage by watching or not. Remember, in show business any publicity is good publicity. Good or bad, as long as we're talking about it they'll be kept on air and encouraged to keep on at it. Thats why shows like this will never go away. Everyone would suddenly have to decide to take the high road and just ignore it, and that will never happen.
    and i have my democratic right to hate them....

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    GB you're giving them too much credit. Just because they're poor and simple doesn't make them any more innocent than the Kardashians or the Housewives for deliberately acting obnoxious in the best way they know how in order to make as much $$ as possible.

    IMO they appear simple just because they're ignorant and poor (not for long I'm sure), but they doing everything in their power to create drama and shock us....just in a different way than the other reality shows.

    For fvck sake they buy the majority of their groceries from the gas station that's right behind their house lmfao. They go there barefooted everyday to buy food and drinks and all the gas station clerks know them by name!!!!

    On another note I'd like to know what 405 thinks about the show....pretty sure he lives next door to them or down the street or something......hell they probably buy their pork rinds from the same gas station.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    never heard of it, but i don't think i'd watch it based on title alone....................

  16. #16
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    Honey Boo Boo's Uncle Poodle just came out to tell everyone he is HIV positive.......

  17. #17
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    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  18. #18
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    On another note I'd like to know what 405 thinks about the show....pretty sure he lives next door to them or down the street or something......hell they probably buy their pork rinds from the same gas station.
    LOL! i think the people on the show are awful and disgusting! ive never seen an episode myself, but ive heard about it from friends! (LOL)

  19. #19
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    Just messing with ya man....they live in McIntyre down there below Milledgeville.

  20. #20
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---

    LOL! i think the people on the show are awful and disgusting! ive never seen an episode myself, but ive heard about it from friends! (LOL)
    405. You know they live in Statesboro. you could have them over for dinner one night.

  21. #21
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Just messing with ya man....they live in McIntyre down there below Milledgeville.
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    405. You know they live in Statesboro. you could have them over for dinner one night.
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Granted the show isn't going to be for everybody... I am personally just fascinated by them. What bugs me, and the main reason I started this thread - is how many people have an opinion about how 'AWFUL and DISGUSTING those people are'... and have never seen one fcking episode. They just hear shit from other people and repeat it like parrots (much like what goes on around this and other boards).
    LOL.. yeh actually i didnt know they were from ga, ive seen like 5 mins of it on youtube and that was all i could take. just lookd like typical red necks u see at wal mart. fat mom with a fat kid obsessing about junk food and doesnt seem to know shes really fat! or maybe just so ignorant they dont care. either way i cant relate.

    the reason i typed what i did in the other post was to dig at GB for his statement above

    but i do say more power to em if theyre happy! far be it for me to throw stones..

  22. #22
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    405 u live in the boro? Im just down the road from u. Have had alot of good times there. And for the honey booboo i think it really gives anyone in the south a bad wrap.... Its as stupid as teen mom but thats another thread

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dep30 View Post
    405 u live in the boro? Im just down the road from u. Have had alot of good times there. And for the honey booboo i think it really gives anyone in the south a bad wrap.... Its as stupid as teen mom but thats another thread
    actually savannah!! born and raised my man!

  24. #24
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    Im in jesup kinda a small town so i have to go to sav anytime i need something from the outside world. Lol

  25. #25
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    ^^ cool dude! know all about jesup and been there a few times..

  26. #26
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    I'm forced to watch this, The Kardashians & Ice loves Cocoa sometimes with my Fiance. After only 10 minutes of viewing, I can actually feel myself getting stupid...

  27. #27
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Kim Kardashian is smoking fukin hot...the content of the show matters very little. Hell sometimes I watch mexican Soap Operas with the mute on..I can't speak Spanish but the chicks are hot.

    Turning the volume off on Honey Boo Boo does not increase the entertainment value!

  28. #28
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Kim Kardashian is smoking fukin hot...the content of the show matters very little. Hell sometimes I watch mexican Soap Operas with the mute on..I can't speak Spanish but the chicks are hot.

    Turning the volume off on Honey Boo Boo does not increase the entertainment value!
    Really? Kim is one of those girls that is so perfect that there's nothing that makes her unique. I honestly cannot remember what she looks like 5 seconds after seeing her face. Not that I wouldn't show her my monster, but she's sure not my first choice in the celebrity world.

  29. #29
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    The Kardashian's are not hot; in fact most of them are pigs. There's more to being hot than just what you look like. The minute that they opened their mouths they went from a 10 to a 2. That whole family is dysfunctional and would sell their soul's for 30 minutes of fame. I'm waiting for all their porn tapes to hit the internet.....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    The Kardashian's are not hot; in fact most of them are pigs. There's more to being hot than just what you look like. The minute that they opened their mouths they went from a 10 to a 2. That whole family is dysfunctional and would sell their soul's for 30 minutes of fame. I'm waiting for all their porn tapes to hit the internet.....
    Nicely put.

  31. #31
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    You guys are all nuts. Those eyes, those lips, those curves. I didn't say I wanted to have a god damn conversation with her or go to a family function.

    Honey Boo Boo-kim.jpg

    If she's a pig then I'm glad I'm not Jewish!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 01-17-2013 at 12:52 PM.

  32. #32
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I think the food those kids eat is damn near child abuse, and I think that TLC is is anything but a learning channel, and take advantage of people for ratings. Also, I may use go-go juice instead of clen on my next cut. I dunno, there's always gonna be people like the Boo Boo family, and they're not bad people; I don't think the know any better. I more feel bad for them being used while TLC cleans house. They really don't get much for being on the show.
    Yes, the food that they eat is definitely 'lacking' to put it nicely. Re: what they do or don't get for the show - it may not be much (I have no idea what the numbers are), but the mother has stated she's been putting the money away for the future of her children. It's more than they had before, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    Being from the south, and having seen one episode, I have to say that they are probably "good/nice" people but as usual southerners are typically portrayed on tv via the lowest common denominator, i.e., Honey Boo Boo and family. And yes, if you are not from the south you'd probably be amazed at just how many people actually do live similarly to this here. And just to post my disclaimer, I was born and raised in the south, I have the longest southern drawl you'll ever hear and will eat corn bread every time its set on the table. Its one thing to be southern, its another to be a hick. IMO, the whole honey boo boo thing is a glimpse into a real hick's life. Bottom line, I can't stand to watch it.
    Like I said, it won't be for everybody. Yes, they are definitely hicks. Does that make them 'disgusting people'? Not in my eyes... people only focus on what they want to focus on... and usually that's the negative/obvious stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by JP-MAN View Post
    i cant stand honey boo boo or her fat disgusting waste of life mother.

    i would personally like to lock them fatties in the house and either burn the fvking thing down or blow the fvking thing up. i really dislike that kid and her mother.
    i mean jumping jesus on a pogo stick that kid is just a mess. her mother should be beat every hour on the hour for just being the worst role model ever....
    I hear a lot of venom and see no substance to justify your opinion and/or feelings. You've added zero to this thread, thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    GB you're giving them too much credit. Just because they're poor and simple doesn't make them any more innocent than the Kardashians or the Housewives for deliberately acting obnoxious in the best way they know how in order to make as much $$ as possible.

    IMO they appear simple just because they're ignorant and poor (not for long I'm sure), but they doing everything in their power to create drama and shock us....just in a different way than the other reality shows.

    For fvck sake they buy the majority of their groceries from the gas station that's right behind their house lmfao. They go there barefooted everyday to buy food and drinks and all the gas station clerks know them by name!!!!
    Maybe they're doing it on purpose, maybe not. You're making assumptions. Now look, i'm not naive and i'm certain they play it up for the cameras... who wouldn't!?

    I also don't feel i'm giving them too much credit. All i'm saying is that people always like to pick out the obvious shit... they're fat, barefoot, obnoxious, etc. Nobody comments on the fact that they are a loving family (the Kardashian's may be too... but I see it a lot less)... the mother does care about her children, at least the best way she knows how. Again, if you've watched it and have an opinion, I have no problem with that. My rant was more for those who demonize them but have never seen the show... just spewing a bunch of BS based on what they've heard, or maybe from a commercial they've seen. THAT'S ignorant, IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    LOL! i think the people on the show are awful and disgusting! ive never seen an episode myself, but ive heard about it from friends! (LOL)
    Bahahha you whore!

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    but i do say more power to em if theyre happy! far be it for me to throw stones..
    ^^ this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Kim Kardashian is smoking fukin hot...the content of the show matters very little. Hell sometimes I watch mexican Soap Operas with the mute on..I can't speak Spanish but the chicks are hot.

    Turning the volume off on Honey Boo Boo does not increase the entertainment value!
    lol, true.

    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    The Kardashian's are not hot; in fact most of them are pigs. There's more to being hot than just what you look like. The minute that they opened their mouths they went from a 10 to a 2. That whole family is dysfunctional and would sell their soul's for 30 minutes of fame. I'm waiting for all their porn tapes to hit the internet.....
    ^^ this is what I mean. On the surface, most people would consider Honey Boo Boo's family 'dysfunctional'. Hick/redneck and 'dysfunctional' are not synonymous. My family is about as city as it gets... I've lived within 20 mins of NYC my entire life so we're far from hicks... yet I can't stand my family. They're generally nasty, dislike eachother, constant drama... I literally can't stand getting together with them... it makes me mental. I just watched a Thanksgiving episode of Honey Boo Boo and they had the kind of Thanksgiving I always wanted as a kid... lots of laughs, fun, etc. I'd spend a day with those people before my own family any day of the week. I guess that makes me a dysfunctional redneck.

  33. #33
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    GB...I'm just afraid your buying into whatever the network wants you to see. it doesn't matter if it's the Kardashians, West Coast Choppers, Teen Moms or Honey Boo Boo (by the way the fkn title kills the show lol). It's ALL scripted for entertainment. They are nothing more than untrained actors. There are writers and directors.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    GB...I'm just afraid your buying into whatever the network wants you to see. it doesn't matter if it's the Kardashians, West Coast Choppers, Teen Moms or Honey Boo Boo (by the way the fkn title kills the show lol). It's ALL scripted for entertainment. They are nothing more than untrained actors. There are writers and directors.
    See, I think it's the exact opposite. I believe that MOST people are buying into what the network wants us to see... i.e. fat redneck hillbillies that are pathetic losers and disgraceful people who should die. I believe that i'm one of the few seeing beyond the obvious.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You guys are all nuts. Those eyes, those lips, those curves. I didn't say I wanted to have a god damn conversation with her or go to a family function.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kim.jpg 
Views:	216 
Size:	3.3 KB 
ID:	132085

    If she's a pig then I'm glad I'm not Jewish!
    Okay- well good luck with all that because that bitch talks too much so keeping her quiet to play with those lips and curves ain't gonna happen. Not to mention that you aren't a rapper nor have that kind of $ to support those lips/curves.
    Last edited by dan991; 01-17-2013 at 01:16 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    See, I think it's the exact opposite. I believe that MOST people are buying into what the network wants us to see... i.e. fat redneck hillbillies that are pathetic losers and disgraceful people who should die. I believe that i'm one of the few seeing beyond the obvious.
    It could be that the network has put a dress and lipstick on a pig just as easily. One would never know without knowing them personaly! By the fellow redneck to a want-a-be redneck (you). Welcome

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Okay- well good luck with all that because that bitch talks too much so keeping her quiet to play with those lips and curves ain't gonna happen. Not to mention that you aren't a rapper nor have that kind of $ to support those lips/curves.
    You kmow her that well Dan? Sat down and had supper with her? Engaged in one of your normally witty conversations? Your seeing what your supposed to see because it's entertaining! By the way...alll I did was say she was fukn hot nad I mute the TV lol!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    It could be that the network has put a dress and lipstick on a pig just as easily. One would never know without knowing them personaly! By the fellow redneck to a want-a-be redneck (you). Welcome
    Bahahahaha HELL no!!! I'm perfectly happy and content with my city upbringing.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Bahahahaha HELL no!!! I'm perfectly happy and content with my city upbringing.
    quote GB:I guess that makes me a dysfunctional redneck

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You kmow her that well Dan? Sat down and had supper with her? Engaged in one of your normally witty conversations? Your seeing what your supposed to see because it's entertaining! By the way...alll I did was say she was fukn hot nad I mute the TV lol!
    No- and I don't want to know her. Its not entertaining.... because regardless of what she looks like; takes more to be hot than just curves. Television these days has gone to shit; just like pretty much everything else. They keep these reality TV shows going, as well as all these Dancing with the Star's and Xfactor type shows because the younger crowds wanna see it and it pollutes the airwaves. Hell- I sound like my grandpa right now but its true.... society is going to hell in a handbasket because of people like the Kardashian's and the garbage they spew on television. People are dumb enough to copy what they see and act like assholes because their "learning" is based on E! Entertainment and everyone wonders why people are no longer courteous to each other and why nobody holds the door for you anymore walking into a building.

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