Yes, we paid for peeps who abused the system without paying, but now EVERYONE will go. I'd like to think there were still some people in this country that didn't feel like pushing their healthcare repsonsibities off on taxpayers and stayed away from emergency rooms and scrapped some money together and paid for their own way at a doc in the box.
NOW EVERYONE CAN GO AND ITS ALL LEGAL. Number will go up dramatically according to everything I've read.
Gixx, I know you are a smart man. I've read you posts. I'm pretty sure we have a different belief system on how things should work. Nothing wrong with either approach, but I dont think your beliefs, while noble, are sustainable without taxing this country to stagnation.
So I'm going to bow out of this thread. Hopefully I didn't start something and then leave on it. I'll read you reply if you have one, but this President of ours make my blood boil and I don't like high blood pressure.
Regardless, I'm pulling for the country to come out of this....whatever we're in.