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Thread: Jane Roe Fights to Overturn Abortion Ruling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Jane Roe Fights to Overturn Abortion Ruling

    The two women responsible for the two cases brought to the Supreme Court 40yrs ago, Norma McCorvey "Jane Roe" (Roe.v. Wade) and Sandra Cano "Mary Doe" (Doe v. Bolton) are now both fighting to see the abortion ruling they fought to have put in place overturned. Both have since become strong pro-life advocates and see the original ruling brought forth due to their specific cases to be morally wrong. The question, should their opinions on the matter be taken into account? Their two cases are what brought abortion to the U.S. in its mass role, should their changing opinions affect the current law?

    Keep in mind, asking if their opinions and views matter now as they once did does not argue the basis of abortion being right or wrong. That is a separate argument. I understand many won't be able to separate the two. Most people cannot separate arguments into multiple facets when it's an emotional topic, but that is the cause here. For the record, on a moral basis I do believe abortion shouldn't be legal. I have no problem admitting that nor am I embarrassed for my view.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    No...their opinion should NOT be taken into account. Their cases may have resulted in the deision but if not them it most likely would ahve been somebody. The decision was based on the Supreme courts opionion of ppl's rights....not the situation of a cpl individuals!

  3. #3
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    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?

    After a certain point.. I dont know the science enough but lets throw out 3 months maybe 4 months.. yes.. abortion should be illegal. Its wrong at that point when the fetus is very developed and has sensory usage of his body. But up for a few months, its just a collection of developing cells in the woman's body taking form, and yes, SHE should have the final say in what happens.

    Its not a black and white issue. Its not a all or nothing issue in my opinion. Sucking little baby brains out with a vacuum in month 8 - guess what, thats wrong, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. But some girl who got raped and just figured it out in month 2 or 3, that should be her choice. There are other considerations - children born with serious medical conditions that are going to lead to a bad quality of life. There are deseases so painful and rare that many of us have never ever heard of them, and if you go to "the wierd part of youtube" you can see these. Things like people born missing organs or with a deformed leg that hurts constantly, babies born with no brains, all kinds of sick shit no one should have to go through.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post

    After a certain point.. I dont know the science enough but lets throw out 3 months maybe 4 months.. yes.. abortion should be illegal. Its wrong at that point when the fetus is very developed and has sensory usage of his body. But up for a few months, its just a collection of developing cells in the woman's body taking form, and yes, SHE should have the final say in what happens.

    Its not a black and white issue. Its not a all or nothing issue in my opinion. Sucking little baby brains out with a vacuum in month 8 - guess what, thats wrong, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. But some girl who got raped and just figured it out in month 2 or 3, that should be her choice. There are other considerations - children born with serious medical conditions that are going to lead to a bad quality of life. There are deseases so painful and rare that many of us have never ever heard of them, and if you go to "the wierd part of youtube" you can see these. Things like people born missing organs or with a deformed leg that hurts constantly, babies born with no brains, all kinds of sick shit no one should have to go through.
    CDP...this was the exact argument the OP asked not be made lol...leave it to ya lol

  5. #5
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    CDP...this was the exact argument the OP asked not be made lol...leave it to ya lol
    Lunk I didn't receive the nudes of your girl I thought we had a deal I f- a grapefruit and send the video I get the pics what happen

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Lunk I didn't receive the nudes of your girl I thought we had a deal I f- a grapefruit and send the video I get the pics what happen
    I thought it was MY nudes you wanted...I was just about to hit send!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I think I can sell them to DSM and Sholva but only if I can get your address and a bottle of chloroform

  8. #8
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I think I can sell them to DSM and Sholva but only if I can get your address and a bottle of chloroform
    They have em...I was told it was a requirement when I signed up. Little did I know....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    No their opinion should not matter.

  10. #10
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    No their opinion should not matter.
    If I knew I was responsible for over 35 million abortions.. you know what.. I would come out and say something too.
    "The last AGI numbers are for 1996. Totaling all of AGI's figures 1973-1996, the number of abortions through 1996 is 35,316,203."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Not another political topic thread... I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my opinion these kinds of threads have a place and this aint it. It will only stir controversy.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2009
    Lets not talk about politics religion or her!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post

    After a certain point.. I dont know the science enough but lets throw out 3 months maybe 4 months.. yes.. abortion should be illegal. Its wrong at that point when the fetus is very developed and has sensory usage of his body. But up for a few months, its just a collection of developing cells in the woman's body taking form, and yes, SHE should have the final say in what happens.

    Its not a black and white issue. Its not a all or nothing issue in my opinion. Sucking little baby brains out with a vacuum in month 8 - guess what, thats wrong, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. But some girl who got raped and just figured it out in month 2 or 3, that should be her choice. There are other considerations - children born with serious medical conditions that are going to lead to a bad quality of life. There are deseases so painful and rare that many of us have never ever heard of them, and if you go to "the wierd part of youtube" you can see these. Things like people born missing organs or with a deformed leg that hurts constantly, babies born with no brains, all kinds of sick shit no one should have to go through.
    Lunk is right, I was trying to take this argument in another direction, not the direction of abortion being right or wrong....although I do consider that an important topic too. Anyway, on your unborn child's heart starts to beat around at 5-6wks, brain activity also begins at that time...hard not to call that life. I've always found it interesting that the law states if you kill a woman carrying an unborn child, regardless of the stage of development, you're charged with two counts of murder, not just one.

    As with many things in America we want it both ways and you can't have it both ways.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dep30 View Post
    Not another political topic thread... I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my opinion these kinds of threads have a place and this aint it. It will only stir controversy.
    Why not? As much as I enjoy talking about steroids I also recognize they really don't matter in terms of important topics. The issue of steroids and liberty, that is an important topic but one rarely discussed. Talking about how much Dbol we want to take is fine and fun to talk about, but it's really not that important. If we can't talk about things that actually matter then there's really no point in life.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post

    Why not? As much as I enjoy talking about steroids I also recognize they really don't matter in terms of important topics. The issue of steroids and liberty, that is an important topic but one rarely discussed. Talking about how much Dbol we want to take is fine and fun to talk about, but it's really not that important. If we can't talk about things that actually matter then there's really no point in life.
    I totally agree with you... But does hashing out these subjects on here make any diffrence on the issue?... No it just gets alot of ppl panties in a wad over debating whats right and wrong. And at the end of the day no one has changed anyones mind on the issue... Kinda a waste of time to me

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    So you guys are saying you wanna talk gun control again lol

    Metalject in response to your original question should their opinions be taken into consideration the answer is no. These women have been carrying 35 mil + abortions on their conscience. That would crack even the most hardline person. I would not want that on my head either. Its like the old adage when someone is calling for a group of people to be nuked or a person to be executed thats all well and great but whos going to push the button or pull the trigger? These women have to live every day feeling like they pulled the trigger on 35+ mil abortions. Not quite the same situation as the single mother who finds out during testing that her child has down syndrome or one of the genetic deseases that will result in them not living above the age of 5.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    So you guys are saying you wanna talk gun control again lol

    Metalject in response to your original question should their opinions be taken into consideration the answer is no. These women have been carrying 35 mil + abortions on their conscience. That would crack even the most hardline person. I would not want that on my head either. Its like the old adage when someone is calling for a group of people to be nuked or a person to be executed thats all well and great but whos going to push the button or pull the trigger? These women have to live every day feeling like they pulled the trigger on 35+ mil abortions. Not quite the same situation as the single mother who finds out during testing that her child has down syndrome or one of the genetic deseases that will result in them not living above the age of 5.

    That's the underlying problem with their thought. They allowed ALL the women the freedom to choose. 35 million exercised their right to choose to terminate the pregnancy. They're not responsible for anothers choices, they just are the legal ruling that allows women the right to choose.

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