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After a certain point.. I dont know the science enough but lets throw out 3 months maybe 4 months.. yes.. abortion should be illegal. Its wrong at that point when the fetus is very developed and has sensory usage of his body. But up for a few months, its just a collection of developing cells in the woman's body taking form, and yes, SHE should have the final say in what happens.
Its not a black and white issue. Its not a all or nothing issue in my opinion. Sucking little baby brains out with a vacuum in month 8 - guess what, thats wrong, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. But some girl who got raped and just figured it out in month 2 or 3, that should be her choice. There are other considerations - children born with serious medical conditions that are going to lead to a bad quality of life. There are deseases so painful and rare that many of us have never ever heard of them, and if you go to "the wierd part of youtube" you can see these. Things like people born missing organs or with a deformed leg that hurts constantly, babies born with no brains, all kinds of sick shit no one should have to go through.