I think from looking at the available research on the topic of meal frequency, the rational conclusion would be that meal frequency, or how often you eat or how you choose to spread your calorie intake throughout the day is ultimately a matter of practicality and personal preference.
Some people may find it convenient, others impractical, but there's no good reason to engage in the pointless ritual of eating by the clock (eating every 2, 3, 4 or however many hours.) BUT, there ARE good reasons to intake all your food in a smaller "eating window" and remain fasted for the remaining time. These benefits include:
- Reductions in brain insulin signaling which lead to prolonged lifespan and anti-aging mechanisms
- Improved cardiovascular risk markers, including lowered triglycerides and LDL-C numbers
- Inducing Growth Hormone secretion
- Maintaining muscle mass and preventing atrophy of adult skeletal muscle
- Improved muscle protein synthesis
... and the list goes on, but I think these are the most relevant benefits for bodybuilders in general.
My Results/ Expereince:
I've been experimenting with IF (intermittent fasting) for a long time now, but it's not until a few months that I starting eating one meal a day, and I have to say I instantly fell in love with the idea. I used to be that guy carrying my lunch bag with me everywhere and neurotically timing my meals every 3 hours or so... not anymore.
Now I just plan my meal 5 mins before I go to sleep knowing exactly how many calories I'm gonna be eating the next day. I wake up, prepare the food, enjoy my feast, and I don't have to worry about macros and what not for the rest of my day. I never eat out, I don't feel hungry and my diet (and therefore my body composition) is 100% under control. Nothing is left to chance.
And I've been making great gains eating once a day. My body is fully adapted by now. Here's a before/ after pic and from start to finsih I've been eating 1 meal a day. I'm still 15 days into my 1st cycle, but so far I'm happy with the results:
(The pic on the left is 6 months old, the one on the right today)
Meal example:
This is another meal example. It's what I had this morning. And for the record, it tasted awesome
Optimum Nutrition - Fish Oil, 6 softgel
Universal Nutrition - Animal Pak , 2 pack
Universal Nutrition - Animal Flex, 1 pack
Almond Milk - 4 cup
4 Berry Blend, Frozen - 3 cup
San Marino Mix Salad - 5 cup
Gaspari Intrapro Protein Isolate - 4 Scoop
Allmax Creatine Monohydrate - 5g
Macaroni & Omelette:
Egg - 5 eggs
Ground chicken - 18.5 oz
Honey Garlic Bbq Sauce - 4tbsp
Roasted Oats - 0.65 cup
Chopped Onion
Shredded, pealed almonds
Macaroni - 4 cup
Ketchup - 5 tbsp
3,515 calories
321 protein
364 carbs
90 fat